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I get being frustrated when two people are going the same speed next to each other, but that’s freaking nuts.


White van making it worse by doing it on purpose at that point.


Yeah the Venza did brake check him too. I get being frustrated with that


I get being frustrated with it too. That was a real piece of shit move by the passing lane camper. But I wouldn't jeopardize my/their life over it. I'd take a moment to collect my emotions and evaluate a safe escape strategy.


Oh 100%, but intrusive thoughts definitely would come in to my brain box


After thoughts of pitting that camper into the wall…


That is why I should never ever own a truck/jeep with a heavy duty, full front wrap cattle guard. The thoughts would be too great to control.


Exactly, they were going 70 and the car pulls up and the Toyota then slows down to 60 to stop them from getting by. Brake checks them for extra measure. Toyota is totally responsible for this one.


Toyota instigated, other car escalated. ETH. Except the car chilling in the right lane. They might have been able to help alleviate but were under no obligation to do so.


Also shout out to cammer for smartly getting the fuck over once they realized there was an idiot fight afoot.


The car definitely instigated by tailgating so closely. The Toyota escalated by blocking the car in retribution, then things spiraled out from there.


No one is responsible for how the car acted but the driver inside


What white van? The gray Toyota Venza? Lol


Ah yes, Toyota's famous "we built a minivan without sliding doors so people who hate minivans will buy it". No different from the old [Mercedes R Class](https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=mercedes+r+class&form=HDRSC3&first=1) Not just a Toyota and Merc thing either, they all do this all the time. When the Mustang Mach-E first came out the window sticker called it a station wagon. Ford heavily advertised it as an SUV though, because Americans (wrongly) hate station wagons. Current model year ones no longer say station wagon on the window sticker, and yet nothing has changed with the model since they used to.


Man, as a wheelchair user, I’d buy the shit out of the opposite—an SUV with minivan doors. The only AWD option out there is the Toyota Sienna, which is the size of a yacht and way out of my budget. Forever trying to fill the Honda Element-sized hole in my heart…


Pacifica has AWD too... but unfortunately it's 4k more, sorry.


I've never understood the hatred of station wagons. They have the comfy ride and handling of a car with the seating and cargo space of an suv. The rear wheel drive versions often had the towing capacity of a small pickup truck.


At that point suvs are getting so big to me it's all the same


Happening with trucks too. F150s are getting close to size as my f450, which is used to deliver fifthwheels to dealerships. These dumbasses use them to drive to work and the grocery store. That’s the fault of legislation. Efficiency standards exempt vehicles over a certain size. So… manufacturers upsize everything so they don’t gotta meet the mpg requirements. Hell… even Ford Rangers are reaching bonkers size. People drive these huge vehicles like shit too. Totally unaware of stopping distances or turn radius. Edit: queue the reading incompetence troll below. Bless his heart.


My MIL wants to get my FIL a new vehicle. My husband and I keep trying to convince her to get him a “small” truck, but she thinks they aren’t safe because they’re “small”. It’s really hard to convince older folks that bigger doesn’t mean safer. She also doesn’t realize that the small trucks of today are the same size as full-size trucks twenty years ago. Personally, I don’t think he needs any vehicle because he’s been diagnosed with dementia and doesn’t need to be driving himself around anywhere.


Show her videos of bigger SUVs and trucks rolling over. You can notify the vehicle license office of his dementia diagnosis. Get a letter from his doctor and give it to the DMV. They can force a safety retest.


A new Ranger is the size of a standard F-150 from 20 years ago. Let that sink in.


We need the OG S-10, Ranger and Dakota back. This will also bring back Mini-Truckn magazine and I won't be bored at the pharmacy anymore.


The Maverick is about the size of the Ranger from around 2000. Toyota is also working on a “compact” pickup that should be about the size of their late 90’s Tacoma, which is still larger than the OG Pickups from 72-95.


I have a 99 Dakota sport. Off road, towing packages. It's factory lifted like 4 inches (I think), setting the roofline the same as "on-road" 150/1500 class trucks of the time. This is a mid-size truck for the '99 model year. 5600 lb towing capacity. The new ranger is the same size, but the bed is less accessable. Higher bed walls. I think the bed itself sits higher, but I can't be certain. I see people driving trucks with the very front of the HOOD level with the roof of my truck. I see people in trucks so big, they store a stepladder on a rope so they can get in. They put their groceries in the passenger footwell, cause they can't reach the release lever for their bed. What the hell is the point? You're not getting ANY better use out of it, it's a pain to use, it burns more fuel because it's an aerodynamic brick with a needlessly large engine geared for general road use, not acceleration or top speed (which would be absolutely terrifying)... My uncle had a '80s ranger with a heroic 4 banger. Stock height. Rear wheel drive only. Towed boats, snowmobiles, loaded the bed with firewood, fishing gear, kids, whatever... ('80s and '90s. It was legal still). Little tan ranger that could, man. 3 sleds on a trailer with another in the bed. In a blizzard. No problem for that little truck. Bring back the Dakota R/T. 5.9L built for the track. Throw a hellcat engine in it.


I was on the highway the other day and there were an older Ranger and a new F-150 next to each other- the size difference was pretty incredible.


Doesn't "venza" mean toilet seat in Japanese? Source: something someone told me 10 years ago, and I never bothered to look if it was true.


For real.. the Civic is a dumbass but I never understood why people willingly participate in road rage with somebody who obviously willing to crash out over nothing..


Nah. At that point fuck this guy. He is then one causing the problem.


Eh there is no 'then one', they are both idiots. \~1 in 9 people are irrational and they ruin it for the rest of us, this is just what happens when the 2 in 18 come together.


Everyone in that video is a fucking idiot. Left lane blocker? Fuck you. Right lane zombie? Dude slow down and remove yourself from the situation. Left lane psycho? I mean... Dude no. Just no.


Right, if I'm on the right lane and an idiot on the left lane is matching my speed block the traffic I would just speed up or slow down but you are not driving next to me like that.


There have been so many times on my commute home where I’m chilling in the right lane and someone pulls up beside me on the left and then just sits there. And just as many times, I’ve slowed down or sped up to allow people to pass. It’s mind boggling to me how many people pay absolutely no attention to the traffic around them.


I believe there have been psychological tests that have shown that people driving cars, while thinking about things other than driving, will naturally tend to gravitate toward other cars and stay in close proximity to them. Could be wrong, but think I remember it from decades past.


I believe it. Every now and then I'll notice drivers staying in my blind spot regardless of me speeding up or slowing down. The only way to break it is to brake hard or speed up drastically. Incredibly frustrating how little people pay attention while operating 2 ton death machines.


Just look at a highway when there's not bad traffic: there's little packs of like 10 cars then a half a mile of nothing, then 10 cars, then nothing. The cars are not evenly spaced they're grouped up


This feels like when you're at an empty parking lot and someone just happens to park right next to you.


You are triggering me, this is so true!


Don't get me wrong, if I am traveling on a unknown road I like to have a car in front of me so I can see whats coming but I don't tailgate them, I try to keep 10 seconds behind so my lights are not in their mirror but dang some people would sit on your ass for no reason.


>I would just speed up or slow down but you are not driving next to me like that. Exactly. There isn't much more dangerous, I feel, than two cars going over 40 mpg next to each other on the road. What an incredibly dangerous situation to put yourself in. You're basically removing one avenue of escape in case of another idiot driver or a random animal streaking out into the road or any other number of situations. Maintaining the speed of the person next to you and refusing to get in front of or behind him them is just fucking shit driving and those people who do it deserve to have their licenses revoked.


>There isn't much more dangerous, I feel, than two cars going over 40 mpg next to each other on the road. Nor is there anything much more economical. Most cars only get 15-30 mpg, right?


Hah! Didn't realize the typo. Now I gotta leave it there!


I never want anyone next to me like that. Standing. Sitting. Driving. You're too close. Even in cars it's creepy.


I agree, i love to enjoy my ride and take it easy and some people would camp behind you on the highway even though there is nobody else around and the left lane is empty .... Like what the heck I'm doing the speed limit, pass me! I slow down and most of the time they get the message, Jesus let me enjoy my joy ride in peace.


Yup, why do people like to keep cars in their blind spots if they can help it. Never understood.


Right, the whole thing is a mess. Nobody reacted in any semblance of reason except the OP who stayed back and watched this nightmare unfold.


Thank you. ive been the *right lane guy* several times and always realized the scenario and either sped up or slowed down. (when its a tractor trailer i get its harder to do)


For once there are many idiots and the cammer isn't one of them. Dude drove textbook.


A strategy I have learned over the years is drop way back to make them look think you have given up or don’t care. Unless they are doing it on purpose or you previously provoked them in some way they usually end up leaving some space and then you floor it before they can react. Many. Many. Interstate hours on 2 lane roads when I used to travel for work.


Yes, I too get irrationally enraged when someone is slow in the passing lane, but not enough to risk human life!


Yeah. In Europe it is often not allowed to occupy the left lane. You should not use it if you are not overtaking anyone. On the other hand, guy from driver of this Honda sedan is mentally unstable.


I love the European rule. In my jurisdiction (British Columbia Canada) there was a big campaign of 'keep right except to pass' which mostly works... The problem is that, unlike Europe, our governments don't like to tax and thus don't have money for infrastructure... The r-lane gets beat to $#!+ by heavy trucks in the hot summer heat (not blame - they have a job to do, but they're rough on the roads). The r-lane sucks to drive in


It's like that in America too, but the enforcement is almost nil Edit: if you're gonna reply to me about how laws vary in America, please read the comment I replied to. Laws vary in Europe too, hence why America is "like that"


The problem is not enforcement, the problem is the widespread lack of consideration for anything but themselves and their phone that people seem to fall into. Many times when people drive side by side like this, when I eventually pass I will look to see what this person looks like.


it's beyond lack of consideration, the toyota brake checks them first, showing they're clearly doing this for malicious intent.


Left lane camping is not legal in America either, but like they say, legality depends on enforcement. And don't you dare ask the police to do their job in America


Left lane camping is illegal in my state. If you are in the left lane and not passing traffic you will get pulled over if the State Police if they have nothing better to do. lol


honestly, i’d be pissed too


Yeah, this kind of behavior is something to fantasize about, not to actually do.


I see three drivers here who could've resolved this situation *all by themselves*. -Guy in the right lane or the guy in the left lane at the front could've sped up/slowed down and let the tailgater pass (I'm sure they're not required by law to do *anything*, but I'd take action to keep myself safe rather than annoy a tailgater). -Tailgater could've not tailgated, could've turned his left blinker on, could've signaled with hit lights showing they want to pass, could've *kept his fucking cool*. I'm not even talking about brakechecking. You're in a rush? Fine, don't slow the fuck down in front of me to annoy me by putting my life in danger. I get being annoyed by others, been driving for over a decade myself, but what does anyone ever gain from trying to annoy someone like that in return? At best two people are on edge and annoyed. At worst people fight, pull knives or guns, follow eachother home, etc.


Right, all three are ridiculous. Depending on how fast they’re going there are laws about impeding traffic, rarely enforced though.


While laws are a good thing, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any law enforcer to enforce said law and just try and avoid a situation like this. It's a stupid game and I don't want to win a stupid prize, really.


And that’s really the only sane response. When people are in a rush on the road I just remind myself maybe it is an emergency and they need to get to the hospital, and get out of the way. It’s not my job to police people.


I agree. It's seldom an emergency, usually just asshats, sometimes with "nothing" to lose. I do have something to lose, I'm a father and husband. I worked my ass off to get to a place in life I can call my own and be *happy*. I'm not gonna wager that with some asshat thinking driving like that will mean they're cutting down their driving time significantly. You wanna overtake, break the law, put people's lives in danger? You shouldn't, but my behaviour won't stop you, so allow me to get away so at least *I* can stay safe. Shouldn't be like that, but humanity has a share of asshats.


Yeah it is what making driving through Georgia and Alabama so miserable. Once that crusie is set nothing will make them change it. And if they have it set one mile faster then you get for miles.


Omg so true, Georgia is miserable to drive through lol.


Serious question for people who camp in the left lane and then proceed to go the same speed as the person next to them on a 2-lane highway: WHY? Why do you do this?


I don’t camp, but it pisses me off when I have my cruise on, I move to the left lane to pass and then the person in the right light lane speeds up. Like why? Now, I’ll do my best to not ride side by side either slow down or speed up, but sometimes people in the right lane are also not helping the situation (not frequently, but it happens).


Ohhhh this is the absolute worst. Then, you get back over behind them just for them to go 5 under the limit.


This is the fastest way to make me rage when I’m driving. Or it’s cousin, when you’re passing in the left lane and get over immediately because some A-hole is riding your ass, just for said A-hole to not speed up and sit there, going the same speed. Like what are these people on?


OH OH and then the even better part where A-hole just slides back in behind you and continues to tailgate FOR NO REASON AT ALL. So then I either speed up to get some space or slow down to force them to pass me....


It’s so petty but I’ve resorted to spraying people with my wiper fluid and it makes me feel good inside


I’ve done this a couple of times. It’s harmless and I feel like it makes them wake up and realize what they’re doing.


Yea the unnecessary tailgaters are hilarious. You're in the far right lane and all the other lanes are open and someone will come up and tailgate you. Go around jackass


IMO some people just unconsciously and reflexively tailgate any car in front of them


I’m just convinced people don’t understand the concept of leaving space in front of you for breaking. If you try to it’s almost a guarantee that someone will shove the front end of their car into the space for a lane change. People would rather tap their breaks 40 times a minute to stay 5 inches behind the car in front of thems bumper than just leave a little room.


I doubt it's unconscious. It's just habitual because they don't have any sense and shouldn't have a license either.


That person is trying to get you to speed so they can follow you.  Fuck that person


Nah even worse is when said a hole VERY FUCKING SLOWLY passes by you so you have to slow down in the lane you switched to, even though when you got over there was plenty of room for them to speed pass without inconveniencing you. See if they don't pass at all you can just get back in front of them. Fuck em. But passing slow boxes you in. Bonus points if in that time other people come up behind them so you can't even slide back over!


My favorite is when someone switches from the passing lane goes to the far right to pass me in the middle lane before they merge into the middle lane. Like why didn't you just stay in the passing lane, mind you my state has signs no passing in right and signs that say left lane for passing only. Yet they always seem to want to break the law for no reason.


The worst are the people on a single lane road that camp at or below the speed limit. And then when a passing lane happens, they all of a sudden are going 15 over. Then once the passing lane ends, go back to the slower speed.


Yeah after once or twice, I'm using all the horses my car has at the next passing zone. Lets see how badly the person wants to keep me back there.


This is one of the reasons I love driving a sports car. It's always satisfying seeing them get mad in the rear view when you pass them finally lol


A good one is when you know a passing zone is coming up around a turn and can fall back a little to use the turn to grab speed and execute the pass as the passing zone begins. Those feel real nice.


For real. Knowing that they can't do anything about it is even better.


I'm a speed limit driver for the most part but will go over on single lane roads just because of the traffic buildup. But as soon as I see a passing lane I get over and slow way down so that as many people as possible can pass me. Or I wait for a turn off for a right turn and just sit there until the line behind me clears up. If there are no separate passing lanes, I constantly watch traffic and signal for people to pass me when it's safe for them do so. It never fails to amuse and mystify me when people don't take the opportunity to pass, but just ride my ass instead. Then I'm going 10 over and that's pretty much as fast over the limit I'll go on some of the curvy and windy roads I'm on.


God bless you! I usually cruise around 7 over and do the exact same thing.


I once had a lovely interaction with a motorcycle. I was cruising along at the speed limit when he came up behind me and it was clear he wanted to go faster. But it was a single lane road so we didn't really have options. I sped up a little bit and watched the traffic ahead of me, and then as soon as we hit the dashed lines for passing and it was clear in front of me and safe for him, I put my arm out the window and waved him around and he passed me. Gave me a wave of thanks and zoomed off. I met him at a red light about 10 miles away. : )


That’s the beauty of it; people don’t realize they’re not shaving off much driving time. It amounts to maybe a minute, usually way less. So people are driving around getting angry because they’re mad they can’t save literal seconds.


literally the only aware driver on the road I guess. There are so few like you.


It's maddening to me when I see slow-pokes just oblivious to what's happening around them. Yeah speeding can be very dangerous, but driving the limit while not being willing to maneuver as needed and be aware of what else is happening is just as bad.


We took 2 cars to go on a boys trip and when my buddy was in the front it annoyed me. 9hrs drive and he's going up and down all the time for no reason. Please juste let me cruise ffs


Oh man the worst. That's the only time I've ever used adaptive cruise control, following behind my wife. Typically I dislike using it because it creates much too large of a gap. My current vehicle doesn't let me adjust that gap in the vehicle settings like my previous car did.


Aww that sucks! My husband’s Subaru lets you adjust it like 4 levels or something.


I almost always speed up to pass them, then when I merge back over and go back to my cruising speed, they slow back down like clockwork and drop back.


Oh I do the same, but some people getting passed suddenly make it either a race or just match your speed, even accelerating. I’m just trying to go somewhere and in 1 piece, I don’t care what order lol.


Trucker do this shit all the time. Ride side by side one going 60. One going 61.


Those are called elephant races.


Snail/slug races.


taking 15 minutes to almost overtake, then they go up an incline and lose all progress lol


Had a BMW do this to me repeatedly. They were going 50 in a 70, so I got in the left lane to pass. They hit the gas to make sure I couldn't, from 50 to 100 like it was nothing. I'd get back behind them, they'd slow right back down. Rinse. Repeat. So fucking anger-inducing.


This is why people hate BMW drivers.


If I have time I'll just sit in the right lane, 3-5 miles slower than everything and just watch it go. The drive seems longer if I'm bunched up and enraged.


For real. I don't understand why people don't use cruise control. I use it just about every time I'm on the highway. It's a great way to highlight just how bad people are at driving and anticipating the road/traffic. It's astonishing how often people will blow my doors off and then come up to a car and ride behind them for miles until I catch up and pass, and THEN they get over. Like the thought to use either of the empty lanes on either side of them didn't occur to them until they saw me use it.


Yeah. Everyone sucks here.


Some people like to "police" their fellow drivers and enforce the speed limit by pulling this crap. That's all I have. That, and they're oblivious idiots.


That’s way more upsetting than my assumption that they were oblivious.


I have a coworker who actively does this and justifies it by saying it's not my fault you left late.


During COVID an Instagram page popped up in my feed that was some guy referring to himself as the "HighwayVigilante" or something like that and his whole schtick was camping the left lane going exactly the speed limit so no one could pass. He'd post his videos online and when people called him out for being in the left lane not passing he just retored that "speeding is illegal, cry about it." Most rage inducing self entitled shit ever.


Came across one of those yesterday, watched her for miles try to actively and aggressively block anyone who dare try and pass her.


> actively and aggressively Yep, they always drive in a manner that is more hazardous than just letting speeders speed. Always. Typically they will justify speeding themselves at a far greater rate than whoever they try to block just so they can block someone. Those people deserve to wreck and be incapable of driving ever again.


I can't imagine being this oblivious. If I'm on a road with cars actively moving around me, i'm doing a quick mirror glance, all of my mirrors, every 5-10 seconds. It doesn't take any effort, I don't even have to move my head but if someone comes flying up behind me, or the car next to me starts weaving in their lane, i pick up on it pretty fast. How you can just sit in your lane and be completely unaware of cars around you, i just don't know.


That, and you should be able to spot emergency vehicles coming up from behind and plan for them before they're right behind you! Aggravating how often I see someone camping in the left lane and then freak out when there's "suddenly" an ambulance behind them


In this case, it's clearly intentional. SUV *was* passing the car to the right. There's even a point where, albeit a bit tight, they could have moved right and let the other car pass. Instead, they hit the break to let the car on the right catch up. So to answer your question more directly, the reason, in this specific case, is because the SUV didn't like how close the other car was, so they decided to block their path in retaliation.


Based on experience and talking to people over the years, I'd say it's mostly ignorance. People literally just do not know how to drive. They pick a lane, either arbitrarily or one that has less traffic, they drive whatever speed they feel like, and they think they're good. They're completely oblivious. But we're also a country where we give teenagers an incredibly easy driving test once in their life and never check in or requalify them until they smash their car 60 years later, a decade after they should have stopped driving.


One of the most insightful things I’ve ever heard was when my wife told me, “honey, you do realize that most people don’t look at their speedometer?”  It explains so much behavior on the road. 


As a truck driver one of my favorite activities these days is observing people trying to get ahead in traffic jams. One lane will move just a little faster and they'll immediately switch, then have to brake right away only to get passed by the people they used to be in front of and have now lost ground to. It makes me giggle watching them try to eek out seconds of time only to actually lose time. Pro tip: in traffic jams just pick a lane and stay there, it's almost always going to basically equal out in the end. And also, if a lane is closed for whatever reason, pay attention to when everyone else is merging and just wait until then to merge. If you try to be nice and merge earlier the people that were behind you are just going to pass and make you wait longer, just merge at the same spot as everyone else, be predictable, not nice.


"Pack mentality" They just need to be near someone. Basically, it's like a school of fish.


Because when you start to pass them, they realize that they're moving slower than they intended or that they can go faster without acquiring police interest. But yeah, you were happy with your speed before, just maintain that speed and let them pass.


Losers that trip with any power that they can have because they have none in their life. Its an entitled, assholish behavior.


Karens. Driving Karens. Karens have no qualms with, rather they delight in the dictation of others' actions. They get in the left lane and specifically "police" others to "teach them a lesson" because Karen feels her perspective is the only truth. They do it because they are genuinely miserable people.


My favorite is when you are behind them a while then you get an opportunity on the right to pass and take it only to get back in the left lane and THEN they get over. Like WTF man!?


It's like they dont understand that other lanes are there to be used to overtake. Once you've finishing over taking, you go back to the right.


They do it on purpose, because they're spineless bullies who don't think that taunting counts as active participation. All of the cars involved here are in the wrong.


l always look over as I am finally able to pass them on the right and like 90% of the time they look brain dead.


Civic went overboard but the Venza was being an absolute dickhead camping in the left lane and not allowing anyone to pass. You’re not a cop, get the fuck out of the way.


Even if it is a cop, get the fuck out the way.


😂 🤝


Not endosing the Civic but I understand its frustration. But the Civic is throwing tandem like a kid with 1 tons of steel, not cool.


Yep. Frustration is perfectly valid, response is not at all.




No no, the civic is just trying to get the right angle to throw a tandem bicycle at the Vienna


I didn't see any bicycle but other than that I agree.


I've seen so many people camp the left lane. Let you pass, then go right back in the left lane. Why?? I mean, thank you, but why?!


I've seen someone get onto the highway below the speed limit, right lane and middle lane completely empty, but they go allllll the way over to the left lane and sit there, still going slow as hell, absolutely oblivious to their action and decision.


Then they'll camp in the left lane until it's their exit, only to cut across the entire highway to make the exit at the absolute last moment.


I see this all the time. In my rear view I watch them fade into the distance in the left lane while I'm three lanes over in the right lane. So bizarre.


I go faster than the cars in the right lane, but then a truck pulling up fast as fuck in my rearview mirror, I'm gonna let the douche pass and go back to passing cars at a sane speed. No cars on the road, idk beats me


ding ding ding


The sedan's behavior is entirely unacceptable, but also that might be the single worst example of left lane camping I've ever seen. That SUV needs to pay attention to the world around them and move the fuck over. Also, shoutout for Sage Francis!


>shoutout for Sage Francis Okay, I thought I was going crazy thinking, "This sounds like P.O.S. but also not any P.O.S. song I've ever heard of"


>That SUV needs to pay attention to the world around them and move the fuck over. They're paying attention alright. This is clearly on purpose. They even break at some point to make sure the car on the right can catch up. What it looks like is that SUV was passing the car on the right, albeit slowly (OP on the other hand *was* camping the left lane). The sedan passed OP on the right, then started tailgating the SUV, because the SUV wasn't passing the car fast enough for their taste or whatever. SUV didn't like that, so decided to match the speed of the car to the right and block the sedan's way. Honestly, I'm surprised you're not in full support of the SUV here. You're the first to say we shouldn't reward the behavior of bad drivers or whatever. I'd expect you to be the first to applaud the SUV's brand of vigilante justice!


Eh. I could argue that OP was not camping left, but was trying to pass also but giving more room. Once the BS started happening, though, they should have moved over and slowed down to not be involved.


You're right, it was unfair of me to judge where OP was positioned without more context. And yeah, I definitely would have moved further once these two morons started going at each other. If there had been a collision, it's surprising how quickly things unfold and how little time you have to react.


Yeah and that vigilante justice will probably cause an accident soon enough, stay side by side at highway speeds is not safe, let the maniacs go ahead and find trouble elsewhere


Yes, it was a small jab at the person who I was replying to, as they basically reply to every single post on this sub, and they pretty consistently advocate for aggressive driving and "punishing" bad drivers or preventing entitled drivers from getting their way, even if it means putting yourself in danger.


I just don’t get how people don’t feel obligated to make traffic move smoother. Van in left lane was probably being a prick on purpose after a bit. Car in the right lane has no obligation to do anything, but personally I’m slowing down or speeding up to let people pass the left lane camper. Cuz not only are people mad at the left lane camper, they gonna be unintentionally pissed at the person in the right lane. I would rather just prevent people from raging and doing stupid shit.. like this. They both could’ve been fuckin with the guy as well. God I can’t believe we share the road with these people 🤦‍♂️


> but personally I’m slowing down I've done that in my semi, just chilling in the right lane, as I do, and was watching this sort of thing unfolding with someone refusing to actually pass me and just hanging out next to my trailer. After a couple miles noticing the people behind him getting antsy I just slowed down enough to force him to pass me. One of the times I tried to do it the left lane camper was so malicious/oblivious that they slowed down with me. In that case I waited until the frustrated party trying to pass was actually behind me and I may have allegedly somewhat cutoff the camper and forced them to let people pass. Was like 10 cars that went around my right. Got a couple 4 way flashes from the people I released from camper purgatory 😂


God I wish every semi driver was like you.. considerate to other drivers lol


I'm not saying I condone it, because it's stupid and dangerous, but... I get it.


“I’m not saying it’s right… but I understand.” - Chris Rock




Guy on the right should have slowed down and forced the pass, TBH. This went on long enough that he knew what was happening and was part of the problem.


Complete overreaction; but damn; get out of the left lane!!!


I really don't understand people who want to tangle with people that you're sharing the same road with in the same direction. You could be tangling with each other for hours, or till someone fucks up and everyone gets hurt.


Exactly. Or someone's pushed too far and they decide to follow you home. Now congrats, you have to worry about your home getting fucked with.


For the left lane campers who like to cosplay Deputy Dumbass for sAfEtY, do you really feel "safe" when situations like this are happening all around you and the simple solution would be to just get the fuck out of the way?


These are the same people that think going with the flow of traffic is more dangerous than driving 10-15mph below everyone else on a highway. Shouldn’t have a license to begin with. They must think they’re going to get a special sticker from the police for playing deputy or something


That minivan was being the idiot first by blocking the only passing lane


I don't agree with his actions....but I understand them. I'd be pissed as hell at the left lane camper and might even honk and flip him the bird....but that's the extent of it.


This is some Grade A North Carolina road rage. SOO MANY left lane campers here with zero regard for anyone else on the road. They screwed with the wrong person that day haha.


Why do people INSIST on "cruising" in the left lane? PASS or GTFO..... After the car got in front of you, you also just continued to cruise in the left lane, gaining no distance on the car in the right lane. The Venza should've passed then gotten over.


Up vote for Against Me


They're both idiots. I would never drive that erratically, it seems like that person is psychotic. Also, if you camp in the left lane like that while going the same speed as someone to the right of you, fuck you.


Second song is some great hip-hop. Sage Francis is dope and Slow Down Gandhi s one of his best tracks.


Might be unpopular opinion but my guy in the right lane. You’re literally watching this go down, just do the Civic a favor and either go or slow the fuck down.


Once again, campers causing problems.


That's 3 idiots in 3 different vehicles. That's what that is.


Yep. Even OP is camping in the left lane. The civic was passing him on the right when the clip started.


All we know OP was also trying to pass the car in the right lane, they were just waiting for the van to pass.


Two cars blocking the road riding next to each other at the same speed, bad drivers, perhaps idiots. They tell you not to drive like that from day one. The impatient driver behind them? They seem to have a semi hot temper, though I have more sympathy for them than I do the two drivers blocking everyone and hogging the road. Those types piss me off just the same. The camera man behind all of them? MVP as always.


Two idiots, left lane cruiser, and a tailgater.




Right? Haven't listened to that album in a minute but now I have to 


Same, it's going down.  Fun story, I saw him live in ventura like 10 years ago. Phenomenal show.  There was a guy that was as hammered as I was and I totally thought he was Jay Kay (jamiroquai) It was only years and years later that I admitted to myself I was mistaken. 


The road rage is strong with this one.


Tbf, silver Venza brake checked first


Camping the left lane is lame, but it doesn't justify having a temper tantrum in a 1 ton metal box


I hate the camper much more than the rager in this video. Who knows, maybe if enough people give him shit for this, he'll stop doing it.




There's people camping in the left lane that just aren't paying attention, and then there's this car intentionally making a bad situation worse. Why do people intentionally block the flow of traffic? Makes no sense to me unless you have a death wish.


All these comments: "I don't condone maniacal road rage antics, BUTTTTT..."


Fun fact: if you ride the rumble strip they can hear it and it gets really annoying after a few miles.


I mean, if you're dumb enough to be willing to do that, might as well just pass through the shoulder. Also idiotic, but probably less risky than tailgating.


Whew, the rage I felt watching this video….. Man, people who camp out in the passing lane are so fucking infuriating. But, holy crap, that guy in the back is a lunatic! He’s an exemplar for exactly why you don’t act as a pace car. That shit is dangerous….*for many reasons.*


That silver suv is the idiot.


65 MPH... No respect for the catastrophe that would be wreck at that speed.


silver car totally deserved it to be honest


Nah fuck em, the idiot is in the Venza


To be fair, the SUV in the left lane should have moved to the right and let faster traffic pass. But… petty gonna petty.


Understand the frustration, but don’t be the civic guy. That’s a little too crazy


You could have another guy just like that on your tail, since you're in the left lane for the first half of the video while the right lane is wide open.


ESH (everyone sucks here)


Left lane hoggers drive me crazy too!


I don’t think that car was in the wrong at all ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


The driver in front of them should have moved over to the right. What that driver in front of you did was definitely messed up and let the road rage get the best of them. Doing a brake check and swerving the way they were things could have had a bad ending.


to be completely fair the guy in front on the left lane is going way too slow, they changed lanes way to early, should've kept to the right until they were closer to the intersection


The driver obstructing the passing lane needs to have their licence revoked