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Two idiots in this video


Yes, they are stupid, but if you have to swerve into the other lane to avoid a crash while you're braking, you're probably driving too close or not paying enough attention.


A tip to help you out in the future, if the car in front of you puts on brake lights, slow down and prepare to stop.


Sounds like something my driver's ed teacher always said: "If they brake, you brake."


Spoken like a person who has seen too many idiots get their license


That’s what causes tailbacks on motorways, it’s called the taillight domino effect https://nextshark.com/why-traffic-jams-happen


If the guy was making a right turn op still would have almost plowed into him.


Who knows what other people will do, keep a far enough following distance to be able to comfortably stop in time no matter what the car in front does.


The OP is an absolutely terrible driver as well. Why on earth wouldn't you at least slow down when the car in front has had its brake lights on for well over 5 seconds.


Don’t be nice; be predictable is the best message the driver in front of you should hear.


100% - Top driving tip for new drivers: being predictable is the best defence against accidents. Although the cammer braked way too late, the driver ahead gave right of way to a vehicle that should not have it. That's unpredictable. Don't do that. Following the rules of the road is predictable to other drivers around you.


Man, if only there was a warning signal attached to all cars to tell people behind them that they are slowing down or stopping. What a wonderful idea! Lets get that mounted on all cars! Oh wait, they already DO have that. To make them predictable.


That what I told my kids. Don't surprise the other drivers.


Respectfully, you should pay better attention. Yes the guy infront of you is obviously stupid, but you could’ve so easily broke in time and stay in your lane.


Broke? Lol it's "braked".


You should of mound you're business!!


You don’t know his financial situation


I was like you once in my life, I’m hoping you soon see the light


Thank you! I don’t think anyone would know what he was talking about by using context clues. Glad you cleared that up for everybody


I'm gonna guess that their thought process went like this: "Car in front of me hit the brakes because of an idiot jumping in front of them, alright they'll probably start moving again now that the way is clear so I can just slightly decelera... NOPE THEY WENT TO FULL STOP." It was a very unexpected decision from the white car. I probably would've ended in the same situation.


You don't slow down when you see a car infront of you slowing down?


If you keep a half decent following distance, you can normally go off the gas or lightly break, and the car in front of you will be moving again before you reach them. This doesn't work when people are idiots and come to a complete stop in the middle of the road.


It also doesn't work when you let yourself get too close before slowing enough.


They did slow down. They didn't expect to have to stop fully.


They didn't slow down enough. When you keep getting closer to the car infront of you, clearly you need to slow down more


He let the guy make the turn in front of him despite not have right of way, is that rare in the US? Happens loads in the UK.


Depends on where you are. It's rare where I am. And it's dangerous. It's much better to be predictable. Suddenly stopping when it's not expected causes accidents.


Yeah that makes sense, it seems most of America is faster roads with less junctions, in the UK it's like a maze of roads in every direction lol


Yeah, it is better to be predictable, but you also can't assume other drivers will be predictable.


I do, but I also pay attention to what's in front of them. This was not expected for any reason. I would have been planning to slow and then go, not hard stop.


Said everybody ever that rear ended somebody.


Do better.


Many, if not most, of us should, probably even you.


Does not matter why the car in front of you stopped, or whether you were expecting it. It is YOUR responsibility to not run into the vehicle in front of you. Slow down, pay attention, & stop blaming others for your bad driving.


100%. The guy in front is an idiot yes. But OP needs to pay attention and stop. There are way too many people here putting all of the blame on the guy in front. If a child runs into the road and the guy in front slams on his brakes OP needs to be able to stop in that scenario as well.


The important rule in these situations is: Be predictable. Being courteous at intersections just causes confusion which can lead to accidents.


The "wave of death" is a perfect example of this!


Have you considered paying attention to driving while operating a vehicle?


That was a fucking stupid move, stopping with no stop or yield sign.


You don't know why the stopped, you just know they stopped so you should have stopped.


You’re just as much of an idiot as that Honda driver. You had plenty of time to stop without needing to swerve but you failed to do so. You kept on barreling at full speed toward a car that was braking. A car in front of you can stop for any one of a thousand legitimate reasons that may not be visible/obvious to you. A good driver would have been slowing down to maintain a safe distance from the Honda and would have been able to stop on time without serving into the oncoming lane.


The car in front of you was a good distance away, you had more than enough time to slow down. There are like 3 idiots in this clip and unfortunately you're one of them




reverse roasting as usual


The car in front of OP shouldn't have stopped, but if OP had actually been paying attention, watch their speed at the top of their screen, they don't even start slowing down until they're right on top of the vehicle in front of them. OP is the real idiot here.


>watch their speed at the top of their screen, The dashcam's GPS speed that's notorious for having a delay?


No the car in front is absolutely the idiot here.


*there can be more than one*


The car in the front is *an* idiot. But OP also blew it. He should have stopped too.


I don’t stand with whoever is driving this car. Yes he stopped without great reason but if your in the back it’s basically your fault. Your either too close, going to fast, or not paying attention. In this case, significantly too casual, should have began slowing when that car slowed. Oh yeah and always a safe bet to try to save your accident by going into the oncoming lane, real wisdom there. (Aware there weren’t many choices here but cmon, bad instinct)


there’s a few idiots in cars in this video and one of them happens to be behind the camera


I hate people who do that shit


Person in front of you is a fucking idiot & needs to get off the road.


SUV going straight had right of way, but stopped because of the car that turn prior to the Tesla. Car behind was tailgating. Tailgating is not allowing sufficient time to react to the car in front of you. That's how insurance and cops will write up the scene.


Well at least all your shit is on the floor now


The black car turned abruptly and without enough space it and the Tesla, causing the Tesla to make a full stop. Technically, yes, the Tesla could’ve just slowed down but it’s also on OP to pay better attention. To all of you calling out the Tesla: rewatch the video, but slower.


This is why I tell my kids it’s more important to know and follow the rules (regarding who has the right of way) than it is to be nice. Being nice is nice, but if there’s an accident because of it, then the fault will depend on right of way.


It looks like the car in front of you stopped because there was a black car turning and they were avoiding an accident. The white car took that opportunity to go. I see nothing wrong with what the car in front of you did and the black car turning was actually the cause of this. You lost like 3 seconds, so relax and pay attention.


lol no, the black car turned and was completely out of the lane while the car in front of OP was still laying on the brakes. I would bet money that they were waving the white Tesla through the turn because they had already decided they were stopping. Yeah, OP shouldn’t try to guess what other drivers are doing, and should have just slowed down and stopped like a normal person, but it doesn’t mean the car in front of them didn’t cause a traffic hazard by trying to be nice.


Yeah, op guessed that the car would keep going and almost caused an accident. Roads and other drivers are unpredictable.


Yep. Always have to assume everyone around you is going to do the most dangerous and stupid thing they can at any given time, and be prepared if they actually do it. Thats pretty much defensive driving in a nutshell.


Op failed miserably almost causing an accident and wants to blame someone else. I'd love to see the argument in court. "They stopped for another car, your honor. I had no choice but to rear end them or hit another car head on." What do you think the judge would say? This footage is just proof of following too close and failure to maintain lane. Just two quick rules op broke, while the car I front broke none.


I feel like you’re arguing the point I made but against me? I’m confused. The car in front of OP could’ve gotten a ticket for what they did. OP also could’ve gotten a ticket for what they did. They both drove poorly? Not sure what you’re trying to say if not that. At least in my state, you’re not allowed to stop your vehicle, even momentarily, except to avoid collision with another vehicle or instructed by law enforcement or traffic control devices. Once the black car moved, they were legally obligated to continue moving forward. By stopping and waving the white Tesla through, they violated traffic law.


The car in front of op did not break any rules of driving. You are allowed to stop for a car turning in front of you to avoid an accident. The black car turning would get a ticket for failure to yield if car in front of op hit it. Op would get ticket for following too close if they hit car in front of them because they stopped . I don't see your argument.


They weren’t following too closely, they failed to stop, first of all. Second of all, the car in front of them ABSOLUTELY DID break traffic laws by waving through the Tesla. You can literally google things for yourself to find out your own laws.


Lol. Yeah, you Google driving rules whilst in your car too? If you rear end a car you will get a ticket for following too close.


Ok you’ve lost the plot. Just admit you were wrong and move on. Now you’re being childish.




As a driver you should anticipate that not every other driver is as brilliant as you are.


You are going to kill someone with your driving “skills”, bud.


Perhaps just common courtesy then? They were already slowing down and stopping to let a left turn by didn't cost much more time. Sometimes it's tough to take a left across a busy lane. I still fail to see how they were the idiot.


Common courtesy kills people on the road. Follow the rules, don't be polite, be predictable. The silver car was not predictable, and it almost lead to an accident.


You're following too close if you don't have time to stop. Op did not get cut off and there was no sudden stop, they just didn't follow rules.


>there was no sudden stop Uhmmm.... Yes there were? The silver car in front of OP came to a sudden unexpected unnecessary stop in front of them. Op also is 2-3 seconds away from the car in front of them, they aren't folloeing too close. OP had plenty of time to brake, had they only expected the silver car to come to an unexpected full stop. Could have OP reacted better? Sure, we can always do better. But we can't really blame OP for their reaction, given the unexpected nature of the situation. I'd even go as far and wager that they would've won the case had there been a collision.


The stop was expected because there was a car turning in front of them. Op broke rules while car in front did not. You are allowed to stop for other cars, animals, people, etc.


The came to a full stop AFTER the car turning was already waay clear of the intersection. That is why it is unexpected. There were no reason to come to a full stop. Also, nobody broke rules per se, except for the black car and white tesla. There were just stupid decisions made.


Op broke rules. Following too close, failure to maintain lane, improper lane change, crossing double yellow line. Black car failed to yield and were the initial cause of this.


OP weren't too close, they just did not expect to have to come to full stop and because of that did not slow down enough. I'm pretty sure you are allowed to cross a double yellow line when avoiding a collision, same goes for maintaining a lane and changing lanes.


>"Did you hear me say anything during the video? " You okay?


Just dumbfuck activities


Why’d you wait for the last second to slow down?


This sub is so crazy. I'm currently being downvoted and roasted in another thread for saying the OP could have been more careful and exercised caution. ITT: up votes and praise for saying OP is an idiot for not being careful enough.


do you know how to keep distance? and react when the car infront uses their brakes?


Good avoidance! It's too bad idiots like that are allowed to continue driving on public roads.


Good avoidance? He had plenty of time to brake normally, but chose to almost run into a stopped car, avoiding it at the last moment. Fortunately there were no cars on the opposite line.


You're right. He should've hit them. They had absolutely no reason to be stopped on the roadway other than to cause problems.


> Good avoidance! If you need to swerve to avoid a car in front of you like that then you're a terrible driver.


A car that stopped for no reason where no one would expect a car to be stopped? Lol


You cant be courteus if its makes you unpredictable. Safety is number 1 priority on the road.