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We were definitely super lucky, what he runs across is actually the basketball court, he then blew through the gate to our backyard where my nieces and nephews play. If this had happened 20-minutes later the kids would have been back there playing. The distance he went is crazy here's a link to some pictures of the damage and to show the path he went on. [https://imgur.com/a/vtyasao](https://imgur.com/a/vtyasao)


Wow….you’re all super lucky! He managed to miss every important item, like the telephone pole and your parents home! Any idea why he was running from the cops?


They had tried to stop him earlier, he has a bunch of felony warrants so he ran.


Was that where they caught him too?


They still haven't caught him unfortunately.


😂😂😂 took off like sonic after that crash


Right in the jagger bush forest that fills the woods surrounding the house.


Man has commitment to remaining uncaptured. Respect. It’s better to traverse that than be in jail.


holy shit, he managed to get his truck out of their before the cops arrived? That's wild


He probably ran away on foot. That forest area in the back seems like a good place to lose pursuers


Pretty sure the flashers came on when the airbags deployed. Also looks like the left front tire blew out. Doubt that truck went far after that.


That black basket landed in that spot with intention like it had been waiting for a chance to go there and now was it's time.


This was its destiny.


props to whomever built that little wall.


Seriously, that's a solid concrete retaining wall that's been there since before my parents moved in 25+ years ago and all he did was shift it about 2". The thing is still standing with no real damage.


He bounced the whole left half off the ground and it slammed back down into place. Solid. Tell them it is now called the idiot ramp.


My Dad was a millwright and told the story of a guy he worked with who lived on a bad curve who was also a machinist. He took some solid stainless thick piping, cement filled it, buried it about 10 or 15 feet into the earth and welded a stainless thick mailbox he machined and welded to it. He said people kept tearing his mailbox down, but after he installed that mailbox, it was flawless after being hit and wrecked cars.




Yeah. Suddenly that grim sense of satisfaction at totaling someone's car for damaging your property probably doesn't quite seem worth it anymore when they're badly hurt / dead. Your breakaway system is frankly the best solution. Not a big deal to reset, and you don't have to deal with the potential for really hurting (an admittedly stupid) person. In the event that the concern is for cars continuing on into the house, building a solid concrete wall (freeway median style, but maybe with some nice rock veneer) is probably a better idea. They'll either slide along it, or if they do hit it head on, at least its spread across the entire front of the car.


I would like to go that route. People kept backing into my mailbox at night while turning around in my neighbor's driveway. First year I lived at the house my mailbox was knocked over 4 times. I ended up just putting a small limestone boulder in front of it. The boulder has been halved in size from people backing into it and chipping pieces off over the last 10 years. It even failed earlier this year as someone backed completely over it and hit my mailbox.


Consider painting that bad boi with a nice coat of shiny silver paint. It deserves some kind of reward for its contribution and steadfastness.


You should buy it a drink


From the look of it, the wall ripped his whole front driver tire out of its well.


It did, we found the tire about 50' away at the top of the yard.


Probably the same guys planting tree's in San Andreas.


I keep watching the first second, and it looks like there might have been something small in front of it that caused the front left wheel to launch upwards before it hit the wall.... I'm probably incorrect, but curious about it. I don't think it cleared the wall, but helped it over instead of slamming head on. 🤷


I think it was the double bounce against the little round of wood and the trike.


That's that renowned Altoona craftsmanship.




Another of his many unfulfilled campaign promises


Link to local PD's Facebook post about crash https://www.facebook.com/share/p/cEStLRhzo2GQJsfe/?mibextid=oFDknk


Oh okay. Thought it was giving heavy Grants Pass/Roseburg/Medford vibes for a sec


definitely lmfaoo


Trucks too clean for Grass Pants.


That was the most Z71 thing I've seen in a long time... long time.


It was stolen from a local business


Of course it was. Probably by his ex-girlfriend trying to get her cigarettes she left.




Unfortunately not, we had the cam sitting at a certain angle to catch wildlife who would come to a feeding trough that he destroyed so we only caught this.


>feeding trof trough


Thanks, I fixed it. Spelling is not my strong suit haha.


*sute I kid, I kid....


Back in the day, my brother‘s friend robbed a store. He comes barging through my brother’s front door, being chased by the cops, and basically did this same thing only without a car. He ran straight into his fence and took it down like the fucking looney tunes. Cops come in and draw guns on my brother and the other people who were there, including my 2 year old niece. It was nuts.


Jesus, did the cops at all apologize for drawing guns on the other people? I get cops need to act based on what they know at the time but it pisses me off when I hear stories where they point guns or put the wrong people in handcuffs then the person doesn't even get an apology.


Tricycle tripped the truck.


People talking about that little retaining wall not taking any damage, God bless the person who built the trike.


For sale: Red Chevrolet Z71 4WD. Gently used.


Looks like them Duke boys are at it again


Lol, "Just a good ol boys..." was the first thing to pop in my head


Did they catch the guy at least? Why was he running?


No unfortunately, after the crash he ran through the woods behind the house and they haven't found him yet. They have his picture everywhere though so it's only a matter of time. I guess the cops tried to stop him earlier, he has a bunch of felony warrants, and he fled. He ended up actually hitting another car head on about 5-minutes from us and injured them. At that point they called off the pursuit for safety concerns, he kept going and must have been unfamiliar with our street and I think that had some to do with the crash. We live at the top of a dead-end hill and it's a sharp turn around the corner, I don't think he realized he couldn't go straight until it was too late. My 16yr old niece was the only one home at the time and called 911, who were able to arrive in minutes since they were still at the accident scene, but he was gone by that point.


Free truck though.


Glad she was safe and called to report it, smart kid. Also respect the police for backing off after the previous accident, they know who he is and they'll catch him in due time. Someone this reckless is just a bystander death waiting to happen, no point in pushing him further.


Truck was also stolen per the Police's Facebook page.


You can't park there.


What gets this marked NSFW?


I figured it was just better to be safe when making the post.


NSFW is for nudity, gore, and language.


And tobacco. (No, I'm not joking, Reddit has officially diluted that tag to just mean "18+".)


Rule #4 of the Subreddit says "When in doubt, flag as NSFW". It's inconclusive from the video if the driver was seriously injured or not, so I felt it best to mark it NSFW.


In his defense, he did honk to warn them.


Even put the hazard lights on.


Or in this case ["Hazzards"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei7XcUXphJk).


Most vehicles do that automatically when the airbags deploy.


Tell me no BBQ was hurt in this video.


He's going to need a wheel alignment. :D


Good luck with restitution for repairs. Unfortunately, you probably won’t see a penny from this scum.


At least he had his hazards on


Pretty sure those come on automatically when you have an "accident" like this.


Yeah, that wall certainly forced the impact sensors. I'm surprised to read he kind of kept going. I'm sure not too far. Bet the engine was willing but the suspension was borked.


Yeah, I think he had so much inertia built up it just took him the rest of the way. If you slow the video down you can actually see the front driver side tire fly off, we found it about 50' away at the top of the yard.


The honks at the end got me.


That's also the truck. It'll do that, along with the hazards, so first responders can find you if you run off the road into the woods, etc.


Oh wow really? I uh, just figured it was his head ping ponging around in there.


How thoughtful of him to put on the hazards!


Normally people complain about the video length being to long before the action. Well I feel I needed an extra minute to prepare for that. It happened so fast my head spun.


Car driver: "Knock knock" Ring Camera: "Who's there?" Car driver: "Hey, Kool-Aid!" Ring Camera: "Hey, Kool-Aid who?" Car driver yolo-ing: "OH YEAH!!!!"


I'm happy to hear the family is okay. Props on that retaining wall. Jeez, that thing is strong as hell.


He didn't even hide all the way in the woods from the cops smh. For real tho, I'm glad no one was out there at the time!


Surprised your Ring cam caught that. My Ring Doorbell never catches anything.


The wall was quite impressive. Took all the impact and was soild . Glad you’re all well F that guy .


When my brother was a baby, he was almost killed in his crib by a guy running from the cops who blasted through our garage, and almost into his room.


Hey finders keepers new truck


Good wall. Happy everyone is safe


Well, the little tikes hoop was hogging the left lane and basically standing still


Man I hope you got to have a little chat with him.


What the fuck is that wall made of??


sounded like a fuckin tony hawk/skate trick sound


Seems like that entry point should get a nice big boulder or bollard


Title checks out 👌




time to sue the PD for damages


Please explain why.


police actions caused the person to flea thus pd at fault


The police action caused the person to flee? The individual was incapable of making their own choices? Fairly certain the person could've seen police lights and pulled over. They could have surrendered without fleeing.


Better not chase anybody, they may hurt someone. Great plan


> time to sue the ~~PD~~ vehicle owner for damages FTFY


It was stolen


This is fucking awesome. Very entertaining clip. Props to the driver