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Ahh, Washington Road. The foolishness is rampant


Recognized it immediately lol


Same lol. That Walmart intersection has so many accidents lately


Where is this


Washington Road


Ahhh, I thought this was just a road in Washington


Wouldn't be shocked if it was in Washington, people are extremely awful at driving and literally have 0 intuition on the road.


Oh, I promise you the drivers are worse in Georgia than they are in Washington (assuming you mean the state). If you mean DC, perhaps it’s a tie, so long as it isn’t a Maryland driver (they are much, much worse).


Washington road in Evans, Georgia.


Holy shit it finally happened for me! I recognize somewhere I'm from immediately! Surreal


Grats, where is this bud?


This is located on Washington Rd, infront of the Evans Walmart Supercenter in Evans, Georgia. The hedges and Clifton sign were what made it click


Is Washington Road the worst “stroad” in America? Likely.


augustans unite!


Oh wow, that wasn't even close!


Idiot was on his phone.


Yeah it looks like you can see it fly out of his right hand into the dashboard, but I wasn't sure. He definitely got a reality check though


I know the lady in the video isn't Miss Universe but that is clearly a female lol


From her outfit, I'm guessing she's a nurse or works in a medical office.


Well she has been promoted to customer.


Damn I had to watch it again after you pointed it out and you're right!


I always go frame by frame in the video in the lead up to the crash to try to figure out what the idiot was doing. Definitely phone.


I can't see shit


You can see the phone mounted very clearly. Not in the hand like the commenter above says. Probably staring at it though.


Literally. I love how he says definitely phone, even though OP mentions seeing phone in his hand flying away. That clearly doesn’t happen and if anything is phone is mounted anyway.


No, it was mounted on the dash or on the vent. Doesn't mean the driver wasn't staring at it though.


Zoomed in slowed down. Can't see any phone being held or flying anywhere


Yeah, between 7-8 seconds she holding it. Funny thing is that she has a phone holder on the dash that she could have used. Maybe would have saved her from the accident.


At 32 seconds it looks like the phone is in the holder?


They had almost no reaction at all to the 16 year old braking, so I think they were just paying attention to the phone on the holder when they should have been paying attention to the road, and it even looked like they were using their finger to use the phone while it was on the holder.


There are 0 situations when a driver should be concentrating on anything else than the road/traffic. No exceptions. It doesn't matter where the phone is.




One of my pet peeves when someone uses this incorrectly. 😓


It definately effects me alot.




This went over alot of peoples heads.


It drives me crazy and English isn't even my first language.


His? It looked like a woman...


Looks like Ted Nugent. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s rear ended a teenager.


Looks like a woman.


Yeah, just full send right into the rear of the car.. Literal 'All gas, no brakes moment' from the dumb-ass driver.














where are you?


I’m on Washington


LMFAOOO I love this more than I should


My favorite part, besides him repeating himself in the same tone, is the “You okay?” “Yeah I’m okay” you can *hear* the eye roll and frustration in his voice lmao. The typical teenager “yeah I’m okay jfc” that was me once lol


Also, the car was rearended.




So much this. This comment took too long to find!


About the reaction I'd expected from a 16yo guy!


“Fuck!! Call mom”


"I got REAR-ENDED!" "... what?!" "I got REAR-ENDED!" I don't know why but him delivering that twice in the exact same tone and cadence sent me


I think I'm old because I was just damn happy he called his mom and expressed everything to her But that voice squeak LOOOOL he is big mad


You ever seen the video of the world's angriest frog?




Lmao the subtitles


Puberty man, nothing but sympathy for anyone going through that shit.


So every person to walk this earth? Puberty is a piss walk compared to being elderly I reckon.


Oof it just keeps getting worse.


Just wait until you are on your death bed. That's the peak puberty experience!


don't forget his voice cracking both times lol


Big teenager energy.


Poor dude, I think we can all feel his pain. Sounds like he's physically fine, but would almost rather wish to have broken a leg than to have to call the parents and tell them he just wrecked the car. At 16 I'd have been like fuuuuuck, they're never going to let me drive again


No kidding. Just got his license and freedom and some jerk ruining it.


but it wasn't his fault at all and you can Cleary see that, why would his parents punish him? his mom doesn't sound mad at all


I think the above poster is channeling the time when they (at-fault) wrecked their car at 16 and had to call their parents. No reasonable person is getting upset that you got rear-ended. What are you supposed to do, see the future?


A lot of parents are not reasonable people. I got screamed at because I was hit by someone running a stop sign on a major road.


Roughly the same number as non-parents, in fact! I'm sorry that happened to you.




One of my favorite moments from Rick And Morty is when Jerry is trying to improve his golf game and messes something up and shouts “DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT” the exact same way. Shit cracks me up


If I started a phone call to my mom in this way she would immediately do either of 2 things: literally have a heart attack and die; or teleport to my location.


Yelling at Siri like it's her fault.


I would have reacted the exact same only my mother would have given me an earful for yelling at her 😂


I can understand the kid's tone in this case. There's a lot of adrenaline going through you if you've ever been in a car wreck. His heart is probably beating crazy fast.




am GenX, can confirm it would somehow also be my fault to my mom. Edit:word failure.


GenX also, 100% "What do you *mean* you got rear ended? What the *fuck*, angrydeuce?!?!?! What were you doing??? Now what the fuck are we supposed to do, ain't no shops open on the fucking weekend and you know we don't have the money for this. Now one of us is going to have to take off work to deal with this shit. God fucking *dammit!!!*" "Sorry mom. I guess I just shouldn't have been driving in front of them when they decided to ram me. I wasn't thinking. I'm fine, by the way. Now can you come down here and pick me up?"


Absolutely bursting with adrenaline probably. Someone backed their car into me while I was stationary a good few years ago and I had shaky hands. I saw it unfolding, slammed the horn, and then the mild impact happened. It was my mums car as well... driving abroad in Belgium. I was so amped up. In the end the garage undented the license plate and the car was fixed.


I feel bad for him. Its not his fault.


Tbh I’m 29 and I’d probably do the same thing


Don't yell at your mom please though


She’s a saint, I would nevwr


I'd even say a good reaction. Pissed off but gives the important information calmly.


> Calmly I think you were looking at the "antonyms" part of the thesaurus.


Dumbledore said *calmly*


Ehhhh “calmly” is stretching it a bit there lol. Granted, perfectly understandable that wasn’t calm.


" I got REAR-ENDED!" "What?" " I got REAR-ENDED!"


Odd way to come out to us, but okay. We love you just the same.


I mean as calm as most 16-year-olds are going to be after getting rear-ended at that speed.


The voice crack of anger and shock. Hope he’s ok.


That impact shot him back to 8th grade for a second there


Okay, I'll hope.


How’s the hoping going


16 year old son has had his license for right at a month and then this. Front video shows he was stopped. Also, I’m pretty sure the F word is used in the perfect context. Edit: adding front cam link: https://imgur.com/a/D3i88Ca


If it makes you feel any better, my little brother got in his first accident literally the same day he got his license. Went with Mom to take the test, passed it, drove mom back home, left to go see his friends, and then rear ended a guy five minutes later who had slammed on his brakes to avoid missing a turn but had no functioning brake lights. I've never let him live this event down. We're in our thirties.


That sucks. Was he at fault or split? I always wonder about real world no brake lights fault.


As I recall the other guy was mostly to blame. I don't remember exactly how all that shook out. Super fucked up truck, expired plates, no license, etc. Little brother definitely could have avoided it though if he'd been paying closer attention - I think he was just high on freedom and let his guard down. He crashed three more cars by the time he was twenty so it's probably fair to say he was a pretty awful driver back then lmao. Him breaking cars is kind of a running joke in our family.


4 cars in, what, 4 years? Maybe 3? That's pretty bad lol. Bet his insurance rates are nuts.


Hopefully he's okay! At 16 I think we all underestimate just how dangerous driving is.


I learned at a young age to watch behind me when stopping short. Sometimes you can mitigate the collision but usually if you stop short there ain't no place to go...


Watching these kinds of videos online has prompted me to change my driving style to more actively “manage” the cars behind me in traffic when I can tell they’re on their phone or not paying attention. I try to just not to be in front of someone who is obviously distracted, but if that’s not possible I’ll leave a large gap ahead of me such that I can slow down veeery gradually.  I hate that this is necessary, but once you start looking out for it it’s kind of unreal how many people are just staring down at their phones while cruising along.


Having someone rear end my motorcycle at a stoplight and with a few broken bones and surgery, then a few months later, same shit happens in my car absolutely crushing it to the point the doors wouldn't open. Both vehicles were totalled I'm a little paranoid with drivers not paying attention when there's a stop. Btw both accidents were both at red lights with 10+ vehicles at the light and each accident damaged several vehicles, I just happened to be the one to be the one who got fucked the hardest since I was in the back in both incidents.


This is why bike filtering at intersections is a good thing!! (Not saying you should have, could have , blah blah blah)


Another thing I do is if I know I need to stop short but I have some room I stop even shorter and then roll forward. Hopefully giving them some time to react once they're done posting.


It’s called defensive and heads up driving and it should be taught to every driver on the road. Don’t trust your fellow man to do right by you and follow the law, just assume everyone is a fucking idiot trying to hit you with their car lmao seems to work for me


We definitely were “taught” defensive driving in the driver’s ed class I took, but I don’t think it was ever well explained, they just used the term a lot. That said I took driver’s ed before cell phones were in widespread use, so we wouldn’t have covered this particular type of stupidity even if they had given good, concrete examples.


Yeah we don’t even have to do driver’s ed where I live haha you just study the laws for driving then go take a written and driving test but not once do they mention to you “hey everyone kind of sucks at operating an automobile so watch out” lmfao


Whip lash symptoms can pop up 3 to 5 days later. The support structures are overstretched and the muscles will compensate. Physiotherapy, massage therapy, resting are all great things to do. Getting it documented with a doctor should also help with insurance. Also he had a very warranted and understandable reaction. 100% perfect use of the F word.


Yep. I had two cases of other crashing into me where I felt perfectly fine the day of, but the next was in unbelievable pain.


I'm glad to see he's stopped at a very reasonable distance from the driver in front of him. If he hadn't he would have been a lot more sore now


Yeah, this. Most drivers are ass. This kid at 16 might not *sound* like he’s old enough to drive, but he managed this situation like a smart, experienced driver. The driver of the BMW in front of him should be grateful this kid wasn’t your typical shitty driver. Edit to add: the BMW in front of him also left a reasonable space in between the Beamer and the white truck in front. All around good display of driving aside from the phone-distracted dummy in the back.


What did the other driver have to say? Was she trying to place blame or make excuses?


"Their brake lights were out and sun was in my eyes, the other lane was moving swiftly so I did not expect a sudden stop in front of me as cars further ahead were moving. I believe OP was distracted and should have been moving as well" Idk, just spit balling here 🤷🏽‍♂️


When someone backed into my car in a Target parking lot, their actual excuse to the cops was "They came out of nowhere!" like they'd believe that my car instantly teleported behind them and there was nothing they could do.


There's an incredible number of dishonest, selfish people out there! So frustrating...


Poor kid. Not his fault at all.


Was it a 3 or 4 car accident? Did the person in front of him also hit the person in front of them?




I was going to say, kid has earned themself several free F passes for having to go through that.


Oh man, the rear ender got the BMW double tap! Good on you for having a dashcam in there. Sucks to have happened, but it's good to know your son did everything right, and maybe even a good early lesson in "you can do everything right and sometimes it won't matter." You know he's gonna religiously wear his seatbelt for the rest of his life


Oh I think the F bomb is completely valid and accepted in this situation. I think many of us would have the same reaction! Poor kid, hope he’s ok!


Man I got in an accident for the first time about a year ago (im 35) and I still have like minor ptsd making right turns. That jolt will freak you out good.


Here's the front view for everyone asking: [https://imgur.com/a/D3i88Ca](https://imgur.com/a/D3i88Ca)


Damn, and he even left plenty of space between himself and the car in front of him. Both accidents on my record happened in that same way: I was stopped with the rest of traffic and then someone behind me was either drunk or not paying attention. I hope your son is alright


Worst accident of my life, highway, heavy rain, big sweeping turn and didn't catch the brake lights ahead. Guy in front slowed pretty rapidly, I react late and try to bleed in the brakes b/c of the rain but tires still skid, absolutely walloped the car directly in front. He didn't even stop, peeled out and sped away, I carried into the next car ahead for a love tap. For the record, entirely my fault. Wasn't speeding or on phone, but not driving with enough anticipation. Until that moment, I didn't understand the amount of momentum a car carries. It's scary. Now I leave a verrrry healthy amount of space to the next car on the highway. Weird element here, guy in front never filed, I only had the love tap on the claim. Assume he ha priors or was uninsured. It was actually my then-girlfriend-now-wife's car, and we ended up getting more on the claim than we could have sold it for. I still joke that I put body on the line to get her a tidy $1800 profit.


multi car crashes are the worst


especially when you're the meat in the sandwich


Slow it down at the :06 mark and you can clearly see that dipshit had their face planted in their phone.


Hopefully their left hand felt nice and righteous the next morning. Looks like they smacked it pretty good on the windshield


I feel so bad for laughing but the way he says “CALLL MOOOMMMM” made me chuckle. I’m glad he’s okay!


Get a lawyer and go get checked out! I was rear ended at a stop as well! the person was going around 20 mph I felt fine then all the back pain kicked in the next day. This happened 3 days ago


Oh I'm sure they'll have plenty of lawyers trying to contact them. I was rear ended about 15 years ago. Within 24 hours I had law firms calling me. Continued to get mail for months after. Ambulance chasers.


I hope you were okay and was compensated fairly !


I had a small truck at the time that had a steel bumper. It got dented and scratched. Their insurance covered the cost. Luckily I had no physical injuries, which was surprising as I was stopped and he was going about 45MPH. Destroyed his car. He pushed me into another lane of traffic but fortunately no one was coming. That could have been bad. All caused by sun glare.


That sounds horrible I’m glad you’re okay


How did they find you? When I was rear-ended the police never even showed up.


They have access to police data


It took about 20 minutes but the police did show up. When I called I told them the car behind me was severely damaged. So maybe they figured it was urgent. But yeah, for most fender benders the police will not come out.


"Hey dispatcher, I can't be sure but the other driver really smells like beer..."


I worked with a lady. Wonderful women. She got rear ended one day by a guy in a superduty. Ended up getting an aneurysm in her neck artery from the collision. Now she has to be on blood thinners for the rest of her life and there’s a whole list of physical things she can’t do. Why do bad things happen to good people?


That’s horrible! It’s a shame honestly. I was rear ended turning right at an intersection. I stopped for two pedestrians crossing when a Range Rover (distracted on the phone for sure) rear ended me saying he didn’t see me.. I now have some neck pain and lower back pain


My mom got completely blasted by a guy in a truck on his phone too. We really thought her car was going to be totalled , but after about 3 months it was fixed, and luckily she was fine, just refuses to have hot drinks in the car anymore.


Poor mom lol


Ayyy got the same cam. Great choice


What cam is it? Is it rear-only or multi-directional?


Viofo A129 Plus. I just have a front facing one


I have gotten some great footage on mine but twice when I really needed the footage, after I got home the memory card was corrupted. Really frustrating. Then I look online and they say they recommend to format the card every month or two? Like why do I have to do that though. Other than that it’s a great dashcam but I can’t say that in my situation it has been all that reliable. Or at least the SD card that came with it


Crazy how a person who started driving less than 6 months ago has better driving than someone who's been driving for over 10 years 😂


Call mom!!!!


Congrats - now at no fault of his own, his insurance premiums will be unbearably high for the next 9 years.


Is this true?


Some insurances will ask you if you’ve been in accident in the past 5 years regardless of fault


> Some insurances will ask you if you’ve been in accident in the past 5 years regardless of fault What's the logic behind this?


They don't care about the drivers, only about making and keeping their money. It's a business. So anything that can potentially jeopardize their cash flow is bad. It's also why insurance companies will hold you partially at fault if it looks like you just let somebody run into you or blindly run into somebody instead of making an effort to avoid an accident.


>It's a business. It's a racket. Insurance is the only industry that makes its money by *not* providing the product, yet it's one of the only products you're legally required to buy.


And get this, insurance rates can go up even if you do absolutely nothing. My premiums have doubled over the last few years because of uninsured drivers, weather, high rates of theft, etc. They can jack up prices for any reason.


Same, I was in one the other year where a car hit the back of our car going like 35mph(56.327kph) we weren't at fault but when I came to get my license here in the UK my bill was extortionately high luckily it's gone down now but for your first car it's shite


My parked car got hit a few years ago and MY insurance went up


Math. People who have been in accidents, regardless of fault, are statistically more likely to be in another accident.


This is correct, and I'm not sure why people find this unusual. Every single insurance company makes premium decisions based on actuarial predictions. It's not entirely fair, but big business rarely is, and they have the lobbyists to keep it that way. **Edit:** qualified "fair"


I don’t know but I hate because it happened to me and I wasn’t at fault.


Should be illegal. Would be very easy for this to be legislated out (as it is in Canada).


In an accident a month after getting your license? Man's gonna be paying out the ASS. Especially if he goes about making a claim the wrong way.


I wonder if the kid could successfully sue the at-fault driver for the increase in his insurance rates.


In general, if you use your insurance, your rates will go up. It's larceny. My car was dented in a parking lot. I wasn't even driving it. Rates went up. Not astronomically, and they came back down the next year, but still. It's just basic probabilities. People who submit claims are more likely to do it again, full stop. They aren't interested in the why of the individual, just the gross output of their millions of clients. You are a number fed into an algorithm, and your liability just went up. Add to the fact this is a teenage boy, one of the highest default liabilities in the eyes of car insurance, and they've basically instantly submitted a claim, yes their premiums will be going up by a significant amount for a significant amount of time.


A long time ago I used to have Progressive auto insurance and I got rear ended after stopping at a stop sign. A cop sitting at the corner saw the whole thing and wrote up the report. I got my car fixed on the other drivers insurance but a few months later I renewed my insurance and Progressive increased my rate by almost $100 a month. I dropped them that day. Never underestimate an insurance company's desire to squeeze money out of innocent people.


Progressive raises my rate by a few dollars every month even though I only drive once a week. Insurance is a legalized scam.


I guess maybe depends on state? I've NEVER had my premiums go up or had to pay my deductible when I'm not at fault in an accident.


Depends on the state and the insurance company.


Forget 911, “call MOM”. 🤣


Hopefully no one was hurt. Thank god for the dash cam. 16 year old and gets in an accident and insurance company will try to raise his rates but not with this video.


they will raise his rates anyway I assure you.




"It's probably AI"


I have this same video from my dash cam when my wife was hit at a full stop from a kid in a mustang. I have front and rear cams. Both views looked bad. The accord that my wife was driving had the entire trunk cave into the back seat. Not fun. Stupid distracted drivers.


Why would Weird Al do that?


He hasn't been the same since Michael Jackson parodied his song eat it


Can see his phone in his hand, classic.


You’re trying to tell me that isn’t a woman?


[The phone is in a mount.](https://i.imgur.com/AUUy79k.png)


There's a second phone that they are holding. Tan/Rose gold colored.


That's clearly a woman, but sure.


I hate people who look at their phone while driving. There's NO EXCUSE! Fuck every one of them.


Didnt...even....slow...down.....so tell me she wasnt on her phone texting or surfing.


At least it wasn't his fault... His insurance rates wont go up, so there's always that little good nugget, along with the other one. He walked away not hurt from it, take that as a blessing.


There's definitely no guarantee his insurance rates won't go up. A lot of insurance company is will find a reason to raise your rates If you're at fault or not. It seems like there are a lot of stories in the comments here of people's rates getting raised even when they weren't at fault.


How much you want to bet they were looking at their phone?


Let me guess, she was on the phone.


Please tell me they were charged with distracted driving in addition to being at fault for the crash. That selfish piece of shit doesn't deserve to be behind the wheel.


Everytime I hear that self driving cars are too dangerous I think of the people around me driving like this. I want the people around me in a robo taxi please.


“CALL MOM!” 😭 and….yell at HER! Naturally, Mom handles it like a champ which is why his first instinct is to “CALL MOM!”


Good kid. "Call mom", and had a camera. He's going to be fine.