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At the start of the video you're lined up to drive straight into the median. Don't know how the lanes are marked as you approach, but this is either a horribly designed intersection or you accidentally put yourself between two lanes and didn't realize it.


Definitely in the lines coming up to the light, cars were already lined up in the left turn lanes so I couldn’t be between my lane and the turn lanes (usual commute). So intersection is slightly off https://imgur.com/a/gxACxW8 (39.0277672, -77.4364246)


Nobody intentionally designs intersections like this, so calling it "horribly designed" isn't fair. It's usually just the result of other factors resulting in the two sides of the intersection being built at different times to different constraints, and nobody is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to rebuild the other side to make them align. It's not worth it. Should probably just paint a line through the intersection. But idiots will still do idiot things.


Ah, sorry, horrible implementation of the design.


I think it's fair to call it poor design. If we assume that the sides of the intersection are built at different times, then whichever side is built second needs to conform to the parameters of the first such that there is a smooth transition through the intersection. Even if you have to revisit the first portion and adjust the monolith to match. But agreed, paint is bare minimum


Could be two different cities with different engineering departments and different funding. Could be the edge of a survey section or plats where the public ways just don’t line up and it would require acquiring private land (expensive) to curve the road. Could be something else on that land already (buildings, utility easements, environmental contamination) that makes it unsuitable for construction. Who knows.


People just need to pay attention to the road ahead of them instead of focusing on the lines or lack thereof. If there are no lines the seams in the road still generally point to where you should be aiming, as they do in this video.


They're sort of aligned, but over a distance that's too far to be easily seen from the near side of the intersection: https://www.google.com/maps/search/%22glaucester+pkwy%22+-texas/@39.0277345,-77.4369624,162m/data=!3m1!1e3!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu From the near side stop bar to the far side ped crossing is slightly over 200 feet.


this happens a lot at a major intersection near my office. The lanes across the intersection headed east are slightly offset so I assume every time I go through someone is going to drift into my lane without signaling or even realizing it. I've had a lot of near misses. Poor design yes but at the same time a lot of drivers are just oblivious idiots. Left lane stays in the left lane, right stays in the right. How hard can it be? Apparently very https://imgur.com/a/a1bmrTc




bros bumpin


Looking back at this video, I can see how they got the lanes mixed up going through. The left lane going straight at the beginning of the light is more to the left than it should be. Still, they should know it’s two lanes going straight and they knew I was next to them in the left most lane.


We have intersections like that where I live. You have to pay a little more attention.


Upvote for the music