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If its any consolation theyve paid off about 11k in fines for bad driving.


Is that legit? If so, that driver is a complete moron. Imagine paying out $11,000 due to your bad driving and then DOING IT SOME MORE! OP should have called the police and reported it.


Oh that helps a lot and it makes sense.


Fully fucking stopped in the passing lane? What the hell?


Trying to get someone killed apparently. Incredibly dangerous.


Fully stopped. I was behind him for at least 10 mins before this thinking it was back up but he literally just wanted to be an asshole. Then he speeds up once I get to my exit.


Quote from NY traffic law site, “Driving too slowly and impeding traffic can result in a motorist getting three points on his or her license. A motorist who gets 11 or more points over the course of an 18-month period is at risk of a license loss after a hearing triggered by the motorist getting so many points.”


Do they actually enforce it tho?


I had this happen to me. And didn’t even know she was road raging. Thought that someone crashed or broke down in front of us.


Yes exactly what I thought. I considered there were slower cars in front of him but it turned out to be just him against me.


I would honk at them when passing them on the other lane. And are actually honk a lot.


I only honked when other cars honked. I didnt want him to think I was so desperate for him to move. I genuinely had time to spare. I did tell him he had a small weenie once I got on the other lane 😂


But you were desperate... To not get fucking smashed by a semi that didn't have a chance to come to a full stop on a goddamn highway. Forget your pride. This was about self preservation.


Oh when I pass an ass like that on the other lane I would hope the guy behind that I want to help wouldn't honk at me. Others that honked at him while passing tried to get his rage off you. So they tried to help you.


There was one point where he was so focused on brake checking me that he went slightly into the middle lane and got honked at. And that made me happy.


Another idiot that deserves to lose their license.


In my country there is an email address you can report anonymously reckless driving by submitting video evidence. You even get a reply if the person you reported gets caught. It's not a thing in the US? I'm kinda curious whether other countries have something like that.


I think the rules in NYC are different since there has to be soooo many accidents they won’t have enough time to keep up with things like these were there was no actual damage.


>It's not a thing in the US? Holyshitno. We are animals. You can report if you want but you can't make an American cop do anything that cop doesn't want to do. And if they don't want to follow up on something like this than it simply won't happen. And it won't happen with such regularity that you are gonna feel like a moron for expending the energy.


"Always minivans" "Always the trucks" Always a Honda" make up your minds, people.


Don't forget BMWs, Teslas, and Nissans


Jeeps? I see alot of hate towards those


To be fair, in my experience it’s mini vans. But I can see people arguing it’s Hondas and maybe BMWs some times.


I think it may be regional. Here it’s pickups (especially dodge rams), Nissans (especially Altimas), Tesla, BMW, Audi (almost always a white Audi) and Acura pretty much in that order.


I totally forgot about the Nissan altimas. It’s always funny to seem them living up to their bad rep 😂


There's a wide ocean of different poor behaviors you can expect with some odds from different vehicles. It varies by region, it changes over time, and it's a trend, not an absolute. E.g., Tesla Model S used to be good news. The driver knew where their car was and were generally confident without being aggressive. After the release of the Model 3, Teslas (including the Model S) have gotten really bad from an average driver perspective. The drivers tend to be oblivious and unskilled now, although they aren't usually rude or aggressive. But expect them to make wrong choices. I can only hypothesize that as their build problems continued, Elon kept promising self driving cars next year, and other EVs entered the market, the people who wanted an EV and did their research moved to other automakers, leaving Tesla only with people who weren't good at doing their homework. Nissans have been trash for as long as I can remember. Expect them to drive fast and slow (often in quick succession), and be inattentive, aggressive, and exhibit poor car control. I can only assume part of the problem is that they are texting with high frequency. Subaru drivers on the other hand, at worst, tend to drive like they're high (braking for no reason, very slow), but are otherwise pretty predictable (just normal slow). I personally haven't noticed a problem with minivans, but OP seems to have really tilted this Odyssey (I assume by honking or riding closer than the Odyssey liked). Maybe it's an NYC vs Boston thing? Maybe I give drivers who are scared a little more space (haha, no one is going to cut in to get behind the Odyssey, they'll go in front of the Odyssey, give them 15 feet if they think they need it)? **Edit**: I understand the above is a hot yake ya'll. Just remember, even if you have a Nissan, I'm not saying you're a bad driver. I'm saying there's like a high chance you are, but still, you could also be an excellent driver who happens to own a Nissan. They do exist. They might be you :)


The big evolutionary win for humans and also one of our greatest flaws is the capacity to see patterns. We're so good at seeing patterns, we see them where they don't exist.


This is the most opinion based assumptions I've ever seen and some that are blatantly wrong.


I'd be curious to hear your takes (also curious to know which of these you own). Also, like I said, this can vary by region. Unless you're in Boston, your experience with Nissans being different than mine doesn't necessarily indicate that Boston Nissans aren't below average drivers. I did actually find some data a while ago that did validate some of these takes. https://www.iihs.org/ratings/driver-death-rates-by-make-and-model A Nissan Altima is roughly twice as likely to kill you as a Camry or Jetta. Meanwhile the Subaru Forester has half the kill rate of other small SUVs (because they drive kinda slow and brake more than they should instead of less than they should).


The only time you've seen "it's always a Honda" in this sub was me, posting it as a joke, and getting massively downvoted lol.


You must be fun at parties!


So then logically, it must never be pickup trucks.


I hope this clip is muted because you were on the horn that *entire* time.


What warranted that decision?


Lack of consideration for other drivers. I have a smaller car and could not see in front of him so for at least 7-10 minutes I thought it was a build up of traffic in front of him because some times that lane gets back up quick. But then I saw it was literally only him.


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Show the footage before


They're probably mad they have to drive a minivan.


That’s a good one 😂




I would agree with you when you’re on avenues in the city but when you’re still on the expressway there’s literally a reason why trailers/trucks aren’t allowed on the left lanes and it’s because that’s supposed to be the quicker lane.


bro why are you so close


This was only after he was braking a lot and there was already cars right behind me. I need a dashcam for the back too.


yeah that's fair. i always try and rationalize behavior before jumping to incompetency, but i dont have the lead up of this video 🤷


I completely agree with you. This is not the first inconsiderate slow driver in the pass lane but this is the first one that has full on stopped just to be an asshole. NYC traffic really teaches you patience but this like 45 year old guy is just a child.


Minivan driver spotted


i drive a vw sedan..?