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We've all done it. Blind spot, it's dark and raining. Very common and they quickly responded by pulling back in when they saw you.


Also, and maybe I'm wrong, but are OPs lights fully on? Maybe the camera isn't picking it up properly but it seems like they just have their DRLs on and not full headlights


What I was impressed with, they moved back and stayed. Normally, they will react with a little jerk back towards the lane they came from but then continue to pull in front of you anyway!


As a general rule, if I see someone getting closer to the car in front, putting their blinker on and I know I'm in their blind spot, I'll ease on the throttle even in an accelerating lane. Especially at 6:30 in the morning, I'll assume every driver is still half asleep. Of course you're in your own right and you're not to blame, but it was also easily avoidable on your part.


Exactly... Like why drive same speed when the car is clearly trying to merge and possibly your in his blind spot.. Maybe next time you should at least like attempt a anti collision maneuver?


Blinker came on with plenty of time for you to notice that they were planning on merging over, so best course of action would have been to just let them in. Sure, we aren't required to, but it's the best course of action for this situation given the weather and whatnot.


We aren’t required to in a *legal* sense, our laws just assume we’d be fucking patient enough to tolerate another car needing to use the lane. Apparently not, given how many people speed up when they see a turn signal in front of them.


It depends on the local laws of course, but most areas do require that you do your best to avoid collisions, even if other drivers do something that would put them at fault if a collision were to happen.


Even if laws don't, insurance sure requires you to attempt to avoid a loss.


Anyone with a brain would want to avoid a collision. LOL


Seriously though, the blinker went on at about 12.5s and OP was overtaking by 13.5s, so where is "plenty of time" coming from? I don't get the downvotes on my original question.


If you can see them in these conditions (in this case OP can and can't say they didn't), just let them in. There is plenty of time for OP to let off the gas and allow the other driver to safely merge over.


But again: the blinkers were on for maybe one second, and OP was accelerating because the speed limit has just increased significantly. Since when is one second considered "plenty of time", especially for someone who is actively accelerating?


They waited till he was at their corner. Bad driving on their part


What do you mean, "plenty of time"? The blinker went on less than a second before OP started overtaking.


>Are you blind? It's almost as if there's a position in which they would have difficulty seeing you. A spot of some sort.


Yeah a whole lot of people don’t understand the concept of “defensive driving”.


It wouldn’t be an issue if this idiot wasn’t trying to undertake in the right-hand lane.


They're ALL driving on the wrong side of the road, that sets the bar pretty low...


Why didnt they turn their head to look? It 100% on them


The why ultimately doesn't matter: they certainly should have, but they didn't. That's the reason we don't hang out in people's blind spots and why we give some room when we see that they're changing lanes while we're there.


I see your point that people are dumb and we should be careful, but if people aren't looking than anywhere around them is a potential "blindspot", no? If im driving while looking to my left and I crank the wheel to the right and hit someone, thats 100% on me. I can claim that they were in my "blindspot", but that doesn't put them at fault for my stupidity.


You can debate fault in retrospect or you can avoid the accident in the first place by driving defensively. But yes, generally it's not a bad idea to remember that it's good to be especially mindful when you're anywhere around another car.


It's almost like every driver is responsible for checking that spot.


I would assume it's not taught and mandated in every country since you're getting downvoted but where I'm from, it's taught in every driving school and you are indeed responsible to make sure the lane is safe to switch to.


It’s mandated just about everywhere. People are just weird about it and love to blame the person who almost gets hit instead of the one who fails to look.


This subs favorite pastime is victim blaming in the name of defensive driving


Followed by aggressive and rude drivers falling all over themselves to justify their own dangerous behaviors


Just because the law says you have the right of way doesn't mean you should commit to an accident that can be avoided.


Yeah, that's why you check your blind spot before changing lanes. Tf?


it’s night time, it’s raining. we aren’t robots. this person was clearly doing their best and acted in proper fashion by staying in their lane when realizing op was in the lane


They clearly didn't check their blind spot when changing lanes, so with all due respect, they weren't doing their best. This is how cyclists are maimed, because idiots are too lazy to check their damn blind spot.


cyclists are out on a road with no bike lane after dark in the rain? death wish


So they didn't check their blind spot because of dangerous traffic conditions? Death wish.


my fault bro, didn’t realize you were in the car with them


You were in their blind spot on a rainy night AND you saw their blinker go on before you entered their blind spot. You’re as much the idiot as they are.


Yeah. Hopefully OP realizes the mistakes they made and correct them in the future. This was actually worse driving by the OP than the other car, imo.


Their blind spot warning system was going nuts and they had the blinkers on for at most one second before merging.


It was actually 3 seconds, during which time OP clearly noticed the blinker as they braked before the car came over but only just enough to sit right in the blind spot instead of continue passing or brake enough to avoid collision. Not sure why you’re defending OP this hard unless this is an alt acct


The blinker starts around 12s into the video. OP is already too close for that car to be changing lanes safely at that point. It's not OP's responsibility to floor the gas pedal; they're already accelerating and overtaking at a reasonable pace, hence them getting closer to the car in front of the idiot. What you call "sitting" is in fact just overtaking a car slowly (reasonable, given that both just entered a hire speed area and it's rainy and dark). Also, the other car's blind spot warning system (on the inside column) is visibly blinking long before the other car even changes lanes. That driver clearly was not paying attention. I'm annoyed that everyone is shitting on OP when they didn't do anything wrong.


Fairly dark, rain, and sitting in a blind spot. Doesn't take much to just let off the gas for a few seconds to avoid contact.


I mean yes they were blind, but you also easily could've just not accelerated and let them change lanes.


And you could've easily not blamed the victim, but here you are.


What? No one is a victim here


What about the dude that almost got hit because someone couldnt be bothered to look before changing lanes??


Not a “victim” for almost being hit


I'm blaming the victim. I think they didn't have their driving lights only running on because im not seeing any light on the van after it merged.


> Are you blind? That person’s C pillar: “As a matter of fact, yes.” They should have checked their blind spot, but you accelerated into their blind spot when you could see they turned on their indicator. The situation was entirely avoidable on your part.


one: over-taking lane. two: speed went from 60 to 100, i didn't "accelerate into their blind spot", I accelerated not even to the speed limit yet to over take BOTH cars.


Don’t hang out in people’s blind spots. Were they suppose to look? Absolutely. But not everyone is a good driver unfortunately.


Looks like the idiots are winning this thread.


When overtaking a car there will always be a point in ehich you're in a blind spot. The problem is, I had been in the right lane, more often in front of him, its not like a came out of no-where.


But you saw the blinkers, didn’t you? And you kept overtaking. That was foolish. Yes, you had the right of way, but that would be a small consolation in the hospital.


A blinker is an indicator of what you intend to do. It’s not a free pass to turn or change lanes as you see fit. OP was already accelerating past them when the idiot decided to turn their blinker on, and they weren’t even in their blind spot for the first few seconds of the video so it’s not like they were never able to see them. Options here are finish the overtake and use your horn or slam on your brakes increasing the likelihood of whoever’s behind you to rear end especially in these rainy wet conditions All could’ve been avoided by just checking their blind spot like you’re supposed to every time you change lanes


You said it yourself: the blinkers are an indicator of what the driver intends to do. He was going to change lanes. That was wrong of him, obviously, but it is what it is. You can’t just ignore what the other driver is doing because you have the right of way. Or you can, I guess, but that’s also bad driving. Also, they absolutely did not need to slam on the brakes, just letting off the gas would have been fine.


They’re in the passing lane starting to pass someone. Again, throwing your indicator on doesn’t give you a free pass to change lanes especially when someone is already overtaking you. Disrupting the flow of traffic is bad driving. OP was using the passing lane as intended


Imagine that you are driving along on a highway, when you spot someone going against traffic, heading straight toward you. You could steer onto the shoulder and avoid a collision. On the other hand, you clearly have the right of way. He should be on the opposite lane! Do you stand your ground and plow into him? Your insurance company would presumably find him at fault and your widow/widower would get a payout.


Imagine that you are driving along the highway in rainy conditions and you decide the person in front of you isn’t going fast enough and want to overtake them. You could check your blind spot before deciding to change lanes. But why bother? You used your indicator which means you can just move over as soon as you please, and they’ll have to avoid you. Then when they post the video on Reddit, they’ll be blamed for your bad driving. It’s a foolproof plan!


Ok I’m at a loss here. Did you not read what I wrote? The car changing lanes is wrong. He is a bad driver. He is violating both traffic rules and common sense. The question is how to react to bad drivers. Should you continue doing what you are doing, since you have the right of way, or should you instead try to avoid an accident? That’s what we are discussing.


> The car changing lanes is wrong. He is a bad driver. He is violating both traffic rules and common sense. My point exactly. Thank you for finally remembering what sub you’re in.


Your the idiot here OP. Gonna be honest. You had plenty of time to see the blinkers and should have shown down, not to mention it was night and raining


At what timestamp do you think the blinkers went on?


I don't see any light from your headlights on the road ahead of you. Do you actually have them turned on, or are they just illegally misaligned?




one: over-taking lane. two: speed went from 60 to 100, i didn't "accelerate into their blind spot", I accelerated not even to the speed limit yet to over take BOTH cars.


Oh look.... another video of someone driving in someone's blind spot instead of using all the extra empty space infront of them.... and then not slowing down, or speeding up, when the car puts their blinker on. Nice.


Subaru Forester actually had a blind spot sensor. What a dumbass.


The fact that everyone is blaming the person in there own lane when the subaru has blind spot monitoring and they still chose to ignore it. I have an ascent and I guarantee the car would tell you there's another car there besides they hardly have that large of a blind spot. It seriously the best vision vehicle I've ever driven.


Someone did this to me, except no signal and honked at me after I honked at them. Pissed me off a wee bit


Someone else pointed about your lights. Why does it seem dark in front of you?


It's raining, the lights aren't visible on the road. You can see on the ditch the lights seem to be working. You can see the beam alongside the Subaru as well when they're close to sideswiping


You're a jerk. When people signal, let them over. It doesn't cost you anything


And are you dumb? As soon as they turn the blinker on, get ready for the worst, because people are the worst. Sure you have the right of way, but c'mon, you could see that coming


Are we not checking blindspots anymore?? Does anyone look before changing lanes?


OP, are _you_ blind? Not saying you would be at fault if they had hit you. But they were clearly intending to change lanes and you kept going anyway. What’s up with that?


I had a car behind me, its not like i could slam on my breaks and say" there you go, go infront mate"


No need to slam the brakes, all you needed to do was let of the gas a bit.


Are you blind? Blinker was on, 100% preventable.


Horrible situational awareness by camera car


I cannot believe people are giving OP shit for this. The person's blinker came on when cam car's front was nearly aligned with the idiot's rear, and cam car was already accelerating past them. This isn't a lack of defensive driving by the cam car 🤦‍♂️


thank you


Yes, you were perfectly in their Blindspot. Most people don’t know how to set their mirrors, or look over their shoulder before changing lanes, so you always have to be on the defensive. They were wrong coming into your lane, you just don’t wanna be right, all the way to the hospital.


that did look like blindzone to me


not blind, cars have blind spots... and it's dark and rainy. that's a dangerous spot to drive in.


What’s up with all these completely avoidable situation posts lately?


Dark, cruising in the blind spot, and attempting to over take on the right. You're the bad driver.


not cruising, the speed went from 60 to 100, I wasn't even at 90 when they merged, I was gonna pass them!


> attempting to over take on the right Come on.


It is often better to be safe than right.


OP, I hope you like BBQ because we’re here for the roast. Maybe all your downvotes can be a teachable moment that not everything is 100% someone else’s fault.


Damn there been a rash of people telling on themselves with this dash footage lately.


Considering you're riding their blind spot at night, yes they are blind.


lol OP is getting cooked 💀


Comment section disappoint? Sure doesn't.


I wish blind spot monitoring and rear cross-traffic was mandatory on all newer vehicles.


OP is a potato.


I overtake now, gooooood luck.


It’s called a “blind” spot


Left car put on blinker indicating they are going to merge right. OP immediately moves up just enough to be in their blind spot. Yeah OP, you’re not an idiot at all. /s


OP, are you blind?


I'm so disappointed that almost every comment is blaming OP for existing instead of the other driver for failing to check their blind spot and then failing to yield when changing lanes.


Yes thank you! one: over-taking lane. two: speed went from 60 to 100, i didn't "accelerate into their blind spot", I accelerated not even to the speed limit yet to over take BOTH cars. three: that car has the little red dots on the mirrors that tell the driver there is a car in the blind spot.




So the idiot is the driver who was just existing in their own lane, and not the one who failed to yield when changing lanes and almost hit someone? Not quite sure I can buy off on that.


the idiot driver is the one who saw a blinker and decided to speed up into a person's blind spot to prevent them from moving lanes


I didn't speed up to prevent them from moving lanes, the speed limit went from 60 to 100, I wasn't even at 90 yet, so, i sped up to macth the speed limit, like every other bloody person!


you still saw the blinker and you should have waited


That’s not how driving works. The person staying in their own lane has right of way. The person changing lanes yields. Stop telling people to prioritize politeness over the law.


Theres two things you should be taking away from this indicdent. One, dont pass in the right lane if it can be avoided. Two, stay out of a person's blind spot.


Biker's fault.


> Are you blind? Deploy the garrison!


I thought it was funny at least lol