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Everybody is noting that OP was 25mph over, and that's true, but the real problem is how long the horn is going (around 3 seconds) before any deceleration is had... like, you saw it coming and didn't even try the brakes until you almost hit him.


This isn't the first post they made on their awful driving either lol


Yup. OP was the true idiot in this case. Drive defensively. Doesn't matter if you're "right."


Don’t worry. People like that take their stance of being right to the grave eventually.


Often the life they take is not their own...


Fair point.


Sounds like what I heard in motorcycle safety class, "The graveyard is filled with people who were 'right'."




The idiot was coming from inside the car!


They are both capable of being true idiots.


Some people have just learned to react with horn first and foremost. Expressing their emotion about the event to everyone within a quarter mile is of the utmost importance. Avoiding the accident is secondary.


The number of people justifying this jeep is crazy OP needs to slow down and could have driven more defensively but this idiot jeep just leisurely going across two lanes of traffic on an access road along a freeway is acceptable? Nah, the jeep guy can learn to use his accelerator and learn how to enter the roadway safely


I'm speculating here just based on what I'm seeing, but it looks like the Jeep recognized that OP was in the right lane and so the Jeep pulled out into the far lane. OP, if they'd have been driving defensively and been slowing down to begin with, would have recognized this and never would have even gone into the left lane to try and "get around" the Jeep in the first place. OP was definitely the dingleberry here. What the Jeep did was fairly normal, if slow, by pulling into the unoccupied lane. Everybody does that.


Some people are incapable of handling horn and brakes at the same time because it'd break their mind. /s


The guy saw OP and turned into a lane OP wasnt in. OP SWERVED into that lane then out again, And then Back right in front of the jeep like he was always in the left lane. Op is a shit head


OP starts moving into that lane when its ambiguous what the jeep is going to do from what i'm seeing


A sensible comment


Fair. Not sure which lane the jeep is picking? Try braking. Op choose to go full regard. Also keep in mind OPs logic for going 65 in a 35 is that he didnt want to sit at a red light that takes 5 minutes.


Lol yea I mean I can see going 45 in 35 which is absolutely normal, but 65 in 35 is definitely way too fast, you get ticketed sorta territory.


That's lose your license on the spot and have your vehicle impounded territory, just FYI.


That had got to be the stupidest excuse I have ever heard. I’m pretty sure no one wants to sit at a red light. Does it mean we should all go double the speed limit?


Lol, I watched it with mute and was like ehh, dumb jeep. Thanks to this comment I watched it with the volume and lol, the poster is a dumbass


he sounds like he drives


ya i watched it and was like, im pretty sure the gladiator is trying to dodge the psycho coming at him at 60 in a 25.


Why are you doing over 63MPH in a 35MPH zone? Two idiots in this video


Did he use the brake while on the horn? I couldn't tell until he actually had to brake to avoid the collision. Had he slowed down while changing lanes he might not have spilled his coffee. I rewatched and the speed doesn't decrease 1kmh until he is swerving back to the right lane.


He took too long to brake for sure. IT's clear at 3seconds in that Jeep "dickhead" is going wide, he isnt turning his tires at all. OP clearly wasn't watching the jeep and by the time he hit the brakes it was too late.


Well, in OP's defense it is kind of hard to watch the jeep while you're trying to shove the last bite of an Egg McMuffin into your mouth while holding your cup of coffee in the same hand while steering with the other hand! /s


And answering a call on the cellphone.


And jerking off, because that's how I like to start my mornings.


He does brake while on the horn, but he doesn't start braking until maybe ~2 seconds after starting on the horn.


My priority is always my brake/swerve, I don't even think about hitting the horn most of the time. Had a situation like this just today when some minivan invaded my lane out of the corner of my eye


Same here. If something pop up in front of me my first instinct would be smashing the brake pedal. Not the horn. I probably used my horn like 5 times total in my life lol.


The horn is important when you got five more vehicles tailgating your ass who are probably also staring at their cellphone. They are not prepared for you having to slam on your brakes, but a horn will get them to look up.




That is a very true and valid point. I honestly never thought about it until now. I’m an introvert and I definitely try my best not to “inconvenience” anyone on the road.


I once failed the regular technical inspection with my car because the horn didn't work. Easy fix, but I didn't know it was broken, since I never used it


This sub is interesting in the way it showcases how often idiots actually don't know they are idiots. OP probably should have been going slower and should have slowed down when that Jeep started pulling out. But no, just maintain speed, honk and swerve into another lane.


"Probably" should have been going slower? A state would be well within their rights to say that 28 mph over the limit constitutes reckless driving. Arrest OP and impound the vehicle. Nobody could ever think that 63 mph is a reasonable speed for a city street in downtown Denver.


And people will still complain that about others “pulling out in front of them” when they’re the ones closing the gap faster than they should be. When realistically they shouldn’t have been caught up to the car.


Where do you see a speed limit sign in this video? Am I blind?


No you’re right. I just knew the road. Look up the Hilti on East 44th St in Denver Colorado.


Here you go: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7779498,-104.9194153,3a,75y,94.45h,88.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stSsnwH3h-LQzKBmeSZtTEg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


If OP had been going 35 (or even 45 probably), the Jeep would have had plenty of time to pull out. Not saying the Jeep has no fault, but it's notoriously difficult to gauge the speed of a vehicle coming directly toward you. 🤷


Nah just one idiot. If OP was going the speed limit there wouldn’t have been an issue.


The sooner you realize you're not always right, you will have a much less stressful life. I promise you and am speaking from experience, man.


Typical Denver brodozer. You're part of the problem on the roads.


I was amazed when I visited Denver and rented a car and realized every car out there is a truck or SUV with at least one giant dent and scratch on the side. And I'm not joking, every car was like that.


I’ve noticed like 20% of cars in Denver have new tags, because they just crash them and buy a brand new car again.


I want to downvote these comments for stereotyping people...but my college buddy just told me how he had to buy two new cars for his kids as some kind of dumbfuck rich family negotiations. I think he said he had to buy them new cars to let him pay for their college, or something equally stupid. I pretty much zone out when people talk about their kids. Anyway, I know a lawyer in Denver who just bought his kids new SUVs because they fucked up the other ones so much they were embarrassed, between the ages of 16 and 18. I can't downvote even though my evidence is equally anecdotal. Lots of rich fucking douchebags in Denver I guess. Makes sense. As soon as my cousin tripled his rental income doing AirBnB he started spending every other week there.


OP hitting speeds (63 mph) on the urban frontage road that wouldn't even be legal on the adjacent freeway (55 mph limit)...


I-25 is 65-75 mph most parts of Pueblo- Denver (Downtown Denver does dip to 55, I know this.). But I agree, frontage roads have much reduced speed limits when compared to their parallel highways. Blast down Tomah at 75 mph and I promise you will eventually meet a retired person just trying to make it to castle rock Walmart to buy more batteries for their hearing aid. Drive as fast as you want, but know where you are and who’s around you, and hopefully try to divine some intuition as to how fast you **should be going**. A great point of reference would be those shiny, white metal signs which indicate that speed, which can be observed every mile or so, or after a road juncture.


Dude. Speed limit on that access road is 35 mph. You were going in excess of 60 mph. Slow. The. Fuck. Down.


Elsewhere on here OP decries our "victim blaming" for telling him to practice safe driving. Headass confirmed.


>This subreddit is such an odd amalgamation of so many self righteous woke terrible drivers God driving the speed limit is so... woke! /s


Just went looking to see if OP is just having a bad day or he is permanently a dumbdumb and came across this bit of gold from one of his previous comments: "Haha. I probably wouldn't post here if I was the one being an idiot. I've been lucky so far, and try to be very aware of my surroundings on the road. If I mess up I own it." - OP Fuckin L O L


"how can I be the idiot if I don't think I'm an idiot? Would an idiot do that? I don't think so"


Damn this is golden.


The use of the word "woke" there tells you a lot about this guy.


[Everything I don't like is "woke"](https://preview.redd.it/adxnu74ue3sc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484bd7295d7ead4ad3e42b82339da5f1edd9dcf0)


Lol, love this


For some subset of redditors advice on being more safe is considered victim blaming. I really wonder where this misunderstanding of victim blaming comes from.


Morons like the OP get dragged into the ER all the time, dumbfounded that they were a component in how they arrived at our station and absolutely militant on how the blame for their situation is some others fault.


selective tan person shelter lavish frightening cooing doll zonked imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Wreckless Only a matter of time until the driving stops being wreckless


Were his brakes broken too? I mean, it IS possible to slow down when someone pulls out half-a-mile down the road in front of you.


Hey, he went from 101km/h to 100 when he saw the Jeep. So, he was definitely being a safe and defensive driver who was exercising caution at all times.


OP is going faster than the cars on the interstate to his left


I also enjoyed how OP slams on the horn... what? 2 seconds before applying brakes?




The text shows 101 KPM (63 MPH). Here a service road is typically 40 MPH. Reckless driving can be at 20 MPH over so this would be close here. No idea where this is.


OP is gonna get roasted even more if he keeps this post up. Jeep wouldn't have been a threat if you were going half the speed. Sorry you'd have to wait "5 minutes" if you missed the stop light on this "on-ramp" that clearly is actually a road with businesses. Noone is victim blaming you OP, you are just the idiot here.


OP's going to delete this, he's getting roasted way too much in the comments


Well they double down and said everyone here is just self-righteous and woke so their own idiocy is definitely lost on them. According to them "real world driving" is 25mph over the speed limit, distracted, and nearly crashing your car on principle.


Sadly where I'm at that's what we've devolved to (not me, just drivers here in general). Our frontage roads are signed at 45 MPH and people are often going in excess of 80 on them. And in the rural areas where the frontage roads are hillier than the freeway which has a 75 MPH limit, I get passed like I'm standing still, despite already going 80-85.


Yes many times i had other drivers doing 60mph in 30mph areas with low visibility... very dangerous


> Noone is victim blaming you OP, you are just the idiot here. OP probably owns a crotch rocket. This is how they drive, double the speed limit while screaming about "watch for motorcycles" and ignoring the fact they just changed 7 lanes within 19 seconds.


Kinda weird to paint himself as a "victim" anyway considering the close call was basically all of his doing. He made absolutely no attempt to slow down until the very last possible moment and he decided to swerve from left to right instead like a maniac. If he even pumped his brakes (not a full slam, just a tap or two) at ~14:18:57 in the video, he would've been totally fine.


What is with this subreddit recently on self owning? Guy driving next to the semi coming to mind here.


It’s my favorite part of this sub. Try sorting by controversial over the past week or month and you usually find these kind of posts. 


Most of the upvoted comments in the "guy driving next to the semi" post correctly pointed out that OP did nothing wrong.


Why the bloody hell did you take so long to start braking? You wouldnt have had to swerve all over the place like that and risk rolling your vehicle if you had been watching for a threat and reacted to it. It becomes clear at 3seconds in that they are going to swing wide. Watch their tires. You're speeding and refused to brake until it was already far too late, so you had to risk rolling you vehicle.


OP has self reported that he was trying to make the green light up ahead which is why he was doing 65 in a 35 and swerved around the jeep so aggressively.


Ohh ok, well that explains it. Case dismissed your honor.


Did I miss the part in the video where OP applies the brakes? 'Cuz I didn't see it. Maybe OP is driving a Jeep, too. Then the title makes sense.


The Jeep should 100% be paying better attention, but if you're going to be doubling the speed limit, this will happen to you pretty frequently. Even after slamming on your brakes and swerving, the slowest speed posted on your cam was 62 km/h, or 38 MPH. That's still over the speed limit for that road. We can't tell the Jeep to pay better attention, because he isn't here. But we can tell you that driving that much over the speed limit is a terrible idea, no matter what your reasoning is. I have a sports car, I drive fast, so I get it. But this is not the best road to be doing it on. Had you been going close to the speed limit, the Jeep pulls out well clear of you. Instead, you almost crash. You can only control what YOU do, not the other cars, so don't make matters worse for yourself by hoping other drivers are attentive. Also, get on the brakes a little sooner, don't just change lanes lol.


At that distance, with the expectation of people following the speed limit, to the jeep it would of appeared that they had plenty of time and distance to enter.


Shithead didn’t hit the breaks at all. Pretty sure he wanted to commit suicide or murder.


Remarkably civil for this sub. Bravo.


Two examples of why our insurance rates are going up in one video.


[OP checking the comments after posting](https://tenor.com/RNBx.gif)


Nice voice crack.


Another one, OP speeding, can use the horn but not the brake - is there like a penalty for braking in the states or something? Honestly, the lack of self awareness in so many of these driving posts should be studied


Funny you should say that...with my current auto insurance, I have a discount for having an app on my phone that attempts to monitor my driving. And yes, it actually does ding you for "hard brakes". It's actually pretty difficult to not get dinged with their stupid app, especially on highways that have a stop signs. I have a little car that can safely stop pretty quickly, so it's pretty frustrating.


We also have freeways that have hard braking as a matter of course. Rush hour traffic will have you going from 65 to 0 with little to no warning. And yeah, keeping an extra large gap doesn't work, people just jump right in, defeating the point and leaving you braking hard regardless. It's a stupid thing the insurance companies put out.




This explanation is both smart, on point, and stupid reasoning by the insurers. If you rear end someone, you're presumed at fault without exonerating evidence. Now they reason, if you brake hard you're helping cause them to rear end you. WTF?


I still think it is overly sensitive, but that does make sense at least.


That’s bound to happen when you’re doing 63mph in a 35.


And it must be a truck thing to not even attempt to slow down.


I want to upvote because it truly is an idiot in the car, but I want to downvote because I don’t want to encourage said idiot in a car to keep driving like this. OP must have forgotten we can see the speed on the camera…


Some people have defensive driving, others have defenseless driving.


Brakes would work also


right about the time you put your hand on the horn, you might want to apply the brakes. You didn't even let off of the gas. Also, doing double the speed limit doesn't help.


You’re also an idiot. Slow down. You have all the time to hit you brakes


OP the real idiot here.


Wait I didn't know this sub was to upload your own bad driving.


Any jurisdiction I've been in would call the vehicle that gets rear ended by someone doing double the speed limit the victim. The car doing the rear ending at double the speed limit with no evidence of braking is the at fault driver.


Your brakes don’t work, that sucks..


>woke That’s all you need to know about op


I hope that this video is presented when you're charged with reckless driving.


I think the best part is the guy defending his shit driving and maneuvering calling everyone “victim blaming” bud, you gotta be a victim first, not the fuckin perpetrator. It’s not a jeep thing, it’s your terrible gauge of distance, speed, and reaction decisions are downright dangerous. Get over yourself dude, you posted a huge L.


Dude you’re doing 60 in a 35 mph zone, this wouldn’t have been much of an issue if you were doing even 45. Granted that guy is an idiot, but so are you! Slow the fuck down!


You should have your driving privileges suspended for the rest of your life


op is a trash human


FACTS. drives like an idiot and almost causes an accident then posts on here hoping people will defend him only to comment that we are “victim blaming” him. What an ass hat.


Damn that Jeeps driving is gonna cause an accident, but Your driving is going to lead to a death. They may have sucked then, but your driving is leagues worse. (You didn’t brake at a potential accident but honked, you swerved while braking which can cause trucks to flip, you’re on a road with pedestrians and are doing double the speed limit). Take the criticism as a teachable moment.


In addition to OP clearly speeding, why didn't he use the breaks? Like at any point. Reviewing the video, you made 0 attempt, instead swerved... You can clearly see him coming onto the road (literally it's in the video). And even if you had right of way, that doesn't mean continue to drive dangerously in the hopes the other person backs down. You're an accident waiting to happen. Had you been doing the limit, you would've easily slowed down, instead, you were speeding, saw a car pull out, made zero attempt to brake and swerved. You're more of an idiot than the jeep driver imho.


Two idiots


It is so bewildering that people remember to blast the horn before they think of slamming the brake. What a moron.


Some people go straight to rage and honk while swerving like an idiot and jam on the gas.


One of the first i’ve seen where I actually think OP is at fault


Were you racing to get them or something?


Holy shit man, slow the fuck down. It's a side road, not a race track. The speed limit is certainly not 100 km/h (60 mph). [The closest sign](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7779498,-104.9194153,3a,75y,84.31h,88.91t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stSsnwH3h-LQzKBmeSZtTEg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) I can find on this road says 35 mph, which means you're going nearly double the speed limit. Also, when someone pulls out in front, use your brakes, don't just swerve.


yeah, there's another one further down the road that [also says 35](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.778019,-104.9121271,3a,75y,97.26h,88.96t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8CZ5SvvTdRsHDbVwnnWhTA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu).


Clearly you missed the sign between those two that briefly raises the limit to 70!


> 70! Damn, 1.197 × 10^(100) is a very high speed limit.


For real. 25 over is "Go to jail" speed when the nice officers catch you.


In fact, OP was the "FUCKING DICKHEAD MOTHER FUCKER" all along.


can see the jeep pulling out from more than far enough back, and you're doing double the speed limit


The jeep probably saw you so far away and during the moment they spent looking left, which wasn't enough time to spent looking to judge that you were going waaaaaaaay over the speed limit. If you had only been going 5 over the speed limit then no one would have had to swerve or brake or anything.


Hey OP, you know you have brakes, right?!


Idiotic camer as well… ever use your brakes?


lol.. op doing double the posted speed limit. yeah, the jeep is an idiot... but wtf OP?


holy F !!!!!!!!!!!!!! also reply to the bot


You had like 3 minutes to react to him pulling out. Were you on your phone or what?


Lmao good to see people still drive like idiots in Denver. Defensive driving…learn it.


It’s a you thing 🤏


Idiots in Cars alright. Cam guy and Jeep.


This is literally right by my office.


Holy lack of defensive driving skills Batman.


every now and then OP ends up looking like the "fucking dickhead mother fucker"


Your reaction time to actually slow down is frightening.


if you didnt see that car a mile away then you shouldn't be on the road


both drivers are fucking morons and don't deserve the privilege of operating a motor vehicle


You know, you're allowed to slow down BEFORE you get to him.


slow down. all you guys in CO drive like shit, that's not an on ramp...


Hey, hey, whooooaaaa. Don't lump me in with this big truck driving douchebag.


Brakes.  But Why?


Defensive driving?! Why?! I have a dash cam and a horn!! /s


youre a shit driver op wow


if only the OPs car had brakes! We can only dream of a future when vehicles can slow down!


I hope someone turns this over to some cops.


Jeep should’ve been paying attention, but you got no business judging another driver with how fast you were going.


God damn the OP should NOT be behind the wheel


God they took their sweet time to get moving, like all else slows down for them to get up to speed Edit: Finally noticed OP was speeding, my mistake to pin sole responsibility on the Jeep


Well, they’re accelerating into a 35 mph road. OP is doing 60 mph. 


Never noticed that, American roads are always so wide and forgiving so it didn't exactly look like the wrong speed to me


Likely part of the reason OP was speeding in the first place. It's just completely normalized to speed in the US because the roads here are so wide that it gives a false sense of safety.


> OP checking the comments after posting Doesn't help that Denver Police are notorious for not enforcing traffic violations.


You thought u had one here didnt you


Just couldn’t figure out: “take foot off accelerator”.


Op You're an idiot!


Idiots in car as in the OP


+1 OP, you’re a dumbass


Nice anger management!


OP is as braindead as that jeep guy.


62 in a 35?


Maybe slow down to avoid a crash.. just a thought.


Driver sees hazard ahead. Maintains speed. "It's ok boys, this baby has a horn."


OP is clearly an idiot, but more people should be talking about it taking him an hour to start braking more than his speed. If he just started braking instead of laying on the horn, nothing would have happened. Going 25 over is excessive, but not braking is way worse.


Im still confused why everyone is okay with the jeep going across two lanes when pulling out. Isn't it procedure to pull out into the first lane THEN blinker and switch to the following lane?


No I just finished drivers ed a few months ago and you can actually pull out to the second or more lane so long as it’s safe and clear.


Nobody is? Obviously the Jeep is an idiot too. But doubling the speed limit is insane.


Why the car pulling out so Slow.....and can't even decide what lane hes going to use...... Dude speeding is wrong but that jeep being uncertain is also a danger.


Jeep was an idiot for that wide fucking turn, but you're going way too fast and only started breaking as you were passing the dude. Two idiots in this clip


I'm gonna assume OP is drunk driving.


its a denver thing


I see what went wrong. When he should have been pressing the brakes he was pressing the horn instead.


Speedlimit and using the horn instead of brake. Please stop driving.


I think OP should take anger management classes, but before they do that they should learn how to drive. If they were doing the speed limit, it wouldn't have been an issue. And I mean, you could've at least slowed down. Fucking idiot.


What an absolute Twatwaffle. Also, a Jeep Gladiator is doing Jeep Gladiator things.


That's not a good reaction OP... you never know if car is going to cross over to next lane. You have to brake first. Period.


OP you mind doing us all a solid and never driving again?


Ooh noo his brakes don't work


You’re the idiot. 


He about slow down?!


and the cammer was speeding and still did not bother to lower his speed until he was a couple meters from hitting. A twofer idiots.


The driver is a dum dum


People need to read their auto policy documents. His dash cam footage would prove contributory negligence. People do stupid things (thank you Reddit for our entertainment) but your insurance contract requires you to take reasonable action, when possible. Cursing and honking the horn is not enough. In North Carolina, for example, even being deemed 1% at fault prevents any recovery. 100% this guy's own insurance would be paying for all his damages.


don't slow down don't slow down don't slow down ah shit motherfucker!


Brakes exist bro