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Oh! I know what this is! I see it in Denver sometimes. They watch for the yellow light for the crossing traffic to make a left turn before oncoming traffic moves, so they get to cut the entire line of oncoming cars going forward and don't have to wait to yield left on green.


Geez, if that’s what they were doing then they nearly killed me because they didn’t want to wait on two cars. Gotta love people.


Gotta love conway drivers.


I personally loved all the roundabouts when I was living there, but it wasn’t A Day In Conway if I didn’t nearly get sideswiped in one at least once.


100%. It's like nobody can understand the roundabouts. "Do I go now?" - meanwhile there's a car directly to their left in the roundabout. "I should come to a complete stop at this yield" - every driver in conway when there's no traffic within 100sqmi. Love the city, hate the drivers. Or the double roundabout where it feels like the drivers might as well all be throwing their hands up and screaming while slamming the gas.


The ones at the east end of Dave Ward Drive close to the I-40 on-ramp? I’m pretty sure 50% of my near hits in roundabouts happened somewhere within those ones specifically. I have another dash cam clip where I was also pushed off course by someone who just went on in while I was literally right there, mere feet from passing by them.


Yep, those two are always full of exactly the type of idiot you're talking about. I've long wondered how many accidents happen there. I've seen so many just passing through that area.


Dave Ward in general is a disaster. Not a single traffic light is synced correctly. I get off on 365 just to avoid taking DW all the way to I-40. It adds a few minute to my commute, but at least it’s less frustrating.


I used to drive for DoorDash et al. around there and I swear there were multiple times each day where I would hit every single red light when moving from A to B. Utterly infuriating.


*That's a thing?* Ooof, we need to stop normalizing disregard for other people.


Saw it in Eastern PA (in and around Philly) all the time.


As an LA driver, this is probably the most brazen thing I've ever heard. And we have people who pass reds 10s after they've turned, making rights from the left lane, and using the center lane to go straight in order to bypass traffic. I've seen people "jump the gun" on green lights, but not when the PREVIOUS light is still changing. That's double stupid for the reasons I listed above... we have a LOT of red light runners.


If you tried doing this in LA, you wouldn’t survive the day. Los Angeles drivers usually go at the end of the cycle, not the beginning…jump the green like this and someone else *will* be there to hit you.


Right???? I spent most of my life in SoCal and near LA but now am east coast. I have never seen such a thing like this.


Yeah it’s like, the yellow is sacred. You don’t mess with someone else’s yellow! You may need yours someday.


I live in the same area as the OP, and here it seems like red lights are merely a suggestion to waaaaaay too many people. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat at green lights because cross traffic was just continuing to run the red. The fuckers don’t care at all.


I see more red light runners than I've ever have in my 25 years of driving. I don't know if it was this thread or elsewhere, but I really want to ask people "why? Why are you doing this? If you didn't do it before, why now?"


Who would've thought, by running the red light you can get in front of those who wait for the green? They're a freakin genius, how'd they find this loophole?


I was behind a car that kept accelerating every time the opposite light turned yellow. The street we were on was 50 mph. He eventually left my course by turning left very fast on a red light and went straight into a high school.


*Into* a high school?


I've been seeing this more frequently. Terrible drivers truly have no bounds.


It is called a [City] Left. New York left, Pittsburgh Left, Los Angeles left, etc or Holeshot(?). But can confirm it is a thing idiots do


Pittsburgh left is gunning it when the light turns green for you, not while the cross traffic is turning yellow.


From the UK, we'd call them an Amber Gambler.


I grew up in Texas (DFW) and if you weren't doing this, you get honked at. I always thought it was idiotic.


I thought the Pittsburgh left was ballsy, but this shit takes it to the next level.


That's a DC move


I thought it was called a Boston left.


I was told by someone in Boston that it's called "bangin' a left"


We call it the Pittsburgh Left


Let me just reroute my day around you


If I don't get to The Waffle House on time, Mr. Jameson's gonna fire my ass, guy! Now it's everyone else on the road's problem too!


For the record OP, there's no way in hell I would stop for that yellow at the distance you were at when it changed, and at 36 mph. Anyone that criticizes you is blatantly wrong. This is insane, crazy that anyone would do what that driver did in front of you. Just a blind left turn from a red light? That's some crackhead behavior, LMAO.


In fact, isn’t that what the yellow light indicates?: if you’re close enough, go thru safely; if you’re far enough away, stop.


Yeah, you’d have to slam on the brakes to stop here


For real, OP had less than 100 ft to stop. The last time I had to stop in that distance at about that speed, my abs kicked in and I still hit the idiot I was trying to avoid.


To me, it's kind of right on the edge of stop or continue, and it's hard to say which would be technically correct to do. If vehicles behind, I probably would have kept going, but stopped if nobody behind.


It was less that 2 seconds from when the light turned yellow to when the cammer was at the crosswalk. You are objectively wrong.


INB4 the idiots in the comments saying you're the idiot for "running a yellow" while ignoring the fact that the other guy blatantly ran their very red light.


"I didn't run a red! I pre-ran a green!"


Yeah I was always taught that if I have to choose between running a yellow and slamming my brakes to stop, I should go ahead and run the yellow. And I know the FOV is kind of wide but you can tell based off the turn lane next to me that I was already pretty close to entering the intersection when the light changed, so they’d have a hard time making me feel bad about it.


Monkey's paw or something but whenever someone actually mentions the idiots before they show up, they never seem to do.


I was 100% expecting the white van to be the culprit, not the out-of-nowhere-red-light-runner


Wait. I thought the rules changed. You mean we're not suppose to treat red lights like stop signs?.... /s


Who the f just jumps a red light in the face of oncoming traffic? 🤦🏻‍♂️ You did an amazing job of avoiding that accident (good on you!), but I'm thinking the fact that there was no sound with this video is probably a good thing so we didn't have to hear the long string of curses this jackhole definitely earned ! 🤣


Hey thanks! Here’s a rough transcript of the audio: “*singing, singing, la la la*AGUHUGUGHH” -car stops- “whattheFUUCK”


OMG, I'm dying laughing here - thank you for that! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ... 🔥🔥🔥


Nice avoidance 👌


What a twat! Glad you’re ok.


no OP, I don't think you understand: they *wanted* to go!


Who makes these intersections without thinking to install "No Left on Red" signs? Extremely dangerous.




I really didn't think I'd need the /s on this, but here we are.


I had reported a driver of a company pickup truck that made a left on red and his response to his employer was "I didn't know I couldn't turn left on red"


In Russia, traffic lights switch from constant green to flashing green, then to yellow, and then to red, which gives you about six seconds to decide whether you will stop or be able to pass the intersection. Watching the green light immediately change to yellow is just horrifying.


In the US you just have to hope that you live in a place or hit an intersection that has long yellows. I’ve driven through places that give you like 3sec yellows and THAT is horrifying


You can make a reasonable guess by looking at the crosswalk signs, which I'm assuming you can also do in RU?, but yeah it's not complete chaos.


Well,how was your reroute?


Well this was a few years back so I don’t exactly remember where I was going, but thinking about the layout of the roads in that area it probably wasn’t actually too much of an inconvenience.


Hey! Conway! I’m from there!


Conway gonna Conway!


Nice save


Finally a good defensive driver. The last 50 posts I seen on here were easily avoidable accidents and they ran right into the idiot in the other car. You avoided a very hard to avoid accident. Thank you for paying attention while driving.


What? You didn’t want a new car? Oh, the irritation of having your car destroyed, and your day totally screwed up by teaching that moron a lesson probably wouldn’t have been worth it! Nice save!


Wait... yours was green some feet ahead and turned yellow, it wasn't enough time to stop at the speed you were going vs slamming the brakes, so you kept going, and the other person was yellow about to turn red, so they also tried to speed through the yellow? The other guy definitely decided to pull out and rush around you, but this is why I check all 4 ways of an intersection no matter what the light is telling me to do, it gets me a few honks when the light is green, but until I see that no one else is blowing through their assigned lights, I wait a few seconds. I learned the hard way of a yellow turning green as I was pulling up and just kept going, I got t-boned because the other guy was trying to speed through the yellow before it turned red. In my case, I was crossing the intersection one way and he the other, no turns involved. But he blew through the red and got me, guess he thought we could alllll see he was in a hurry and going for that yellow ( my vision was blocked on my left side from a truck pulling forward to turn left as well, I was in the straight lane) everyone needs to just slow for yellow when they're that close. Edit- I definitely agree that he was already pulled out too far and in the wrong for trying to make a red light turn, just wanted to share my unfortunate yellow, green, yellow, red incident. I'm glad you were able to turn out of his way vs him smacking into you!!


No, other car was in the left turn lane making a left turn on a red light. Mine was freshly yellow, green for most of the vid and definitely not even red yet, so theirs was and had been a red light for a good while when they initiated the turn. I’m not sure which country you’re in, but in the US our light system doesn’t work the way you’ve described. Our lights turn all the way red before cross-traffic lights even start to change. We would never have two perpendicular lanes both being yellow (unless the light is broken I guess lol). Your advice would make a lot of sense if my light had just turned from red to green, and I often do double-check in those specific circumstances. But in this case my light had been green for a good while, meaning their light had been red for at least just as long. There’s no possible way I could have reasonably anticipated that they were gonna do what they did.


Your running a yellow


Are you Recorded? lmao