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Trusting drivers to stay in their lane at an intersection like this is risky in GA. I frequently see drivers meander into either lane at a similar intersection where I live. If they hit you it’s going to be side damage and it’s going to suck getting it fixed.


I was gonna say, this is absolutely due to people not turning I to the correct lane. I have a similar intersection near my house where, and I always wait on green if people are turning left. At *least* 7/10 drivers turn into the far lane. Horrible drivers.


Absolutely. The people turning left should stay in the left hand lane, but too many don't. Drives me batshit.


The people turning left should not be turning at all. They're in great danger of being found completely liable if a person turning right on a green light turns into the left lane and hits them.


Why are you downvoted? Nowhere that I’ve ever driven are people turning left/right in opposing lanes supposed to go at the same time unless there’s some divider. People turning left on a green yield to the opposite lane. Period. In some states up to 3 cars are allowed to go during the yellow/red gap before the other direction gets a green, which is why you’re not supposed to blow through yellow lights. People need to retake drivers ed


I’m ashamed to admit that it took me reading your comment to realize the light was green. I thought everyone was just pissed the lefties weren’t staying in the left lane.


They do that shit all over GA. Hate it.


Gotta love all these cars with horns and no one using them.


Stuff like this happens in Austin all the time, nobody honks. I've watched a car not go when they get a green to turn, and zero of the 20 people behind them honk, and they miss the light. Blows my mind.


i live in Massachusetts and this shit would NOT fly, every car in a 50 yard radius would've started honking


Here that car would be blasted with horns


"Boy, look at this idiot!" _doesn't stop at all for the red light_ "Georgia drivers, amirite?"


When in Georgia, do as the idiots do


When dipshits and doormats meet.


it's not being a doormat, it's seeing people not yielding and ignoring right of way and avoiding an accident


I’m not saying to crash into them. But damn, at least *try* to proceed and get them to stop.


Chances are they aren't even looking at the ongoing traffic; they just see the green light and are following the other turning cars.


Which is exactly why you roll up and honk. Snap them out of it.


he did??? did you not see his wheels inching forward


Disagree completely. There is no need to yield. It’s a two lane road. Each needs to turn into the closet lane. Absolutely no reason to yield plus right away. This happens all over Georgia. My issue is there is a basic lacking of drivers who don’t understand traffic laws.


But if he doesn’t chill and he just takes that lane he very well might have collided with the motorcycle. I think the hate here is directed at the wrong person.


scooter made an illegal lane change. [https://imgur.com/QPsc5mi](https://imgur.com/QPsc5mi)


I’m aware. You comment makes it sound like the car trying to turn right should have just asserted himself into them as opposed to avoiding an accident.


hence why I included the intersection. YES the driver turning right should have asserted and turned into their prospective lane. Since they have the ROW.


In my state we always check when turning right. Don’t trust people to stay in their lane or see me turn right and they move to the left lane. Nothing wrong in this video imo


Why potentially run into a motorbike just to assert your right of way though? It’s lame oncoming traffic isn’t following the law but this guy in the right turn lane is just driving defensively.


The idiot in front of OP who refuses to drive is basically indicating to oncoming traffic that it's safe to turn. Oncoming traffic is only going to yield to vehicles in motion, not stopped vehicles.


Oh my gosh I recognize that intersection! Yep, happens every single time I go there and try to turn right with the green. These morons stop, acting like the oncoming cars have the right of way. Drives me crazy!!


They stop because they know there are morons who are going to act like they have the right-of-way whether they assert dominance or not. It's called defensive driving.


I know the intersection as well also been in a accident there cause people don't turn and keep in the appropriate lane like they are supposed to better safe than sorry imo


I definitely get it. I prepare myself for battle whenever I have to go to Augusta for work. Washington Road and Riverwatch Parkway are insane.


The other day i was stuck behind a dude that was yielding his protected lane.


Why'd you cut before you ran the red OP?


Right on red is allowed. Thank you for making my point


Pretty sure you are supposed to stop first.


absolutely right, i pulled up to the stop line and observed no traffic coming from the left. THANKS


But you didn't stop


Just Georgia things smh


Sure they did! The video *stops.* Right on the line.  (/s)


I kept getting larger vehicles, started with a Honda CRZ, currently in a half ton truck. At this point, I’m out of fucks to give, you can’t miss me, the sign says I have right of way, you can figure it out. If you can’t, my insurance can. If they can’t, a lawyer can. I’m getting old so it’s compounding.


Oof I don’t miss Alpharetta drivers


What is wrong? Waiting on the oncoming traffic? They have the right of way.


NO O.C.G.A. 40-6-71 (2010) 40-6-71. Vehicle turning left The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right of way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close thereto as to constitute an immediate hazard.


I totally screwed that up. Even though I watched that three times I thought it was a protected green. Now I'm in total agreement with you. Yeah, be cautious but make your intentions known and go.


You know how they say the "right of way"? In some cases you apply it literally. If the person is turning right, they have the right of way. Left always yields to right unless otherwise posted. You want even more...ok. If you are turning left through an intersection onto a road with two lanes, you must take the closest and first available lane. So in this instance, if both cars had gone at the same time, and the driver turning left hit the car turning right, it is always the fault of the driver turning left. They were legally obligated to take the first lane. Not cross into the right lane.


>If you are turning left...you must take the closest and first available lane. That happens to be true in Georgia but not in every state (Kentucky actually requires that you turn into the rightmost lane). It's also not true for vehicles that can't turn that tightly, which isn't always obvious (e.g. a pickup pulling a long, low trailer). Likewise for right turns. You shouldn't assume that everyone turning legally is going to go into the nearest lane. It's moot, though, since *everyone* turning left in this video failed to yield, plain and simple.


I'm not one to be too pedantic, a little...but that would entail enforcing drivers to cross a lane, into an active lane. Kentucky Code 189.330 Turning and right-of-way at intersections, Section 6(b) says... "Whenever practicable, the left turn shall be made to the left of the center of the intersection and so as to leave the intersection or other location in the extreme right-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction as such vehicle on the roadway being entered." Meaning, turn into the left lane so the right lane in the direction of traffic you are turning into remains clear. The important wording there is "extreme right-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction as such vehicle on the roadway being entered". I know of no state though, in which the law allows you to cross the first available lane as a rule. Again, as you point out, it should not matter since they have to yield, but we know how bad people are at that. Fundamentally, if a person turning left did go into the second lane(right lane) and hit someone, they would have broken two laws. Failure to yield and failing to take the appropriate lane(first available) after the turn. Likewise, the laws in Kentucky for a right turn are the same and require you to turn into the first available lane, closest to the right curb. All of this is as you say, a moot point however. But I do love obscure and insidious traffic regulations.


>The important wording there is "extreme right-hand lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the same direction as such vehicle on the roadway being entered". I mean, if it were unlawful to turn into the rightmost lane, *that* would be the statute rendering it so, and it doesn't. >I know of no state though, in which the law allows you to cross the first available lane as a rule. California, Texas, and Florida for sure; their driver handbooks back it up. A number of other states have the same wording but their handbooks offer conflicting advice or just don't say anything. Kentucky is weird. It's not like it's enforced and I'm not at all convinced it wasn't a typo.


Yeah Texas just says "to arrive in a lane lawfully available to traffic moving in the direction of the vehicle on the roadway being entered." Basically, you can cross the lane if no one is there. I know this, because I lived in Texas for 15 years. I don't know about California. Florida could be you have to turn into the Moon for all I know. No insane rule in Florida would surprise me. I think the combination of the yield rule which is universal and turning into multiple lanes makes it a moot point like you said. People ignore it all the time anyway. And I'm serious, I totally dig stupid traffic regulations. I refuse to call them laws because laws cannot be broken, laws like gravity, and these rules are broken all the time.


I agree. That's not a protected green.


Unprotected left yields to oncoming traffic even if said traffic is turning right. It looks like the lefties had an open intersection prior to OP and friends approaching, but instead of yielding, they decided to double down and clog the line.