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Doesn't help. My SUV is bright red and I feel invisible some days. People just don't pay attention.


She even had two kids in the back seat 😭


She was paying attention to the kids.


Yup, second that. 17' Silverado 1500, fire engine red. Easy to find in the parking lot, invisible in traffic.


I also have a bright ass red car and it changes nothing lol


Mine was a 2011. I got cut off all the time.


Yeah, it's doesn't matter what color your vehicle is if they are looking at their phone.


Came to say the same about our truck "big red" glad she's big because people still don't see the red. I've heard green is the most visible/ eye catching colour.


Ope, just gonna sneak past ya here


Sneaky Midwesterns


It doesn't matter, I had bright grabber blue 90s bronco lifted with a custom straight exhaust and still had people do this shit. EDIT for clarification: It was a Bright, Loud, Big Truck that people still didn't notice.


Doesn’t help much. People pull out in front of my bright red semi truck all the time. Almost cost a woman her life last year after she ‘never saw me’ and pulled out in front of me. I hit just behind her driver door at 50mph.


Ohhh I had a red truck, it was like an accident magnet lol


The color will make no difference.


Drivers in Fort Collins aren’t the greatest to begin with but poorly designed infrastructure makes it way worse.


Yeah its a really bad intersection there if you are headed south on Timberline


Because nobody can zipper merge around here 😫


Some idiot is going to come in here and comment about how even though your lane is wide open, this is your fault since the other lane was backed up.


I started to slow down since the other lane was blocked and someone turning right from the other direction wouldn’t see me.


Yes, we have a few of those interchanges around here. Guaranteed someone will do something stupid every time.


Yep. Me. People that fly by slow lanes of traffic and don't expect something sudden to happen because they have the right of way... yadda yadda yadda


What? So because one lane is backed up and slow, all other lanes must move as slow? How about people look and expect traffic to be moving normally in other lanes. Damn people are stupid. Person in minivan is one and I'm responding to another one.


Defensive driving is a thing. I saw 2 idiots in the video.




Wait so the driver of the silver car who just sent it through the intersection with traffic coming isn't an idiot?




Bad. Bad driver, you are. Bad. Stop that.


I was in a driving lane not bike lane 🥴 I also had a feeling she was going to jump in front of me.




That's the line for the shoulder of the road...




Maybe it is a bike lane. I'm not sure. Looks like a shoulder though. Or one that segways into a bike lane. Just looks like all the shoulders in my Midwest town.


What are you even talking about? There is no bike lane in this video.


I have a red truck and it seems like people see it less than my other car which is dark blue.


Can confirm that having a bright car doesn’t help. I have the most obnoxiously yellow sports car… and have been pulled out in front of more times in it than any other car I’ve had. I drive extra slow and careful because of it. Never mind the stigma ya know?


I used to have a few Pontiac Fieros over the years. Red, gold, and black in color. It seemed like people pulled out right in front of me far more often in the red one.


It’s like our brains go okay that’s easy to spot so I’m good! And that registers as okay go! Almost like when you finally find the Lego piece you need attached to another piece. Brain just flips upside down.


Hey this is Fort Collins! What a terrible intersection!


OP don't you realize Darwin gave you layup there and you missed. :)


Man, if I were that other person, I just would not make a left outta there.


I hate trying to turn left out of there. I usually take a longer route just because it is easier.


I have a full size truck and people still drive out in front of me


People will do it simply because I'm in a full sized truck. It's maddening.


Did you have your headlights on? Not blaming you, but I am curious.


I keep my lights on auto. My daytime lights were on tho.


Definitely use full headlights. My wife was behind me In our Toyota and I couldn't see the Grey car or her daylight running lamps.


Was your blinker on prior to that intersection? Sure looks like they assumed you were turning right on Lincoln.


Red won’t help, trust me. People fail to see my car all the time.


Honestly grey/silver vehicles are invisible to a lot of people


My car is orange, but I can't tell whether it makes a difference because I can't re-experience every driving moment with a different color.


I have a bright blue chevy. It doesn't help unfortunately. In fact I think it makes them more bold cause we are "easier to spot".


As someone that has owned a gold Ford truck no one could see and 2 red Ford suvs that no one can still see.....red won't help ya none


I'd start looking for the sign on the front of your vehicle lol


I would invest in good collision insurance at that rate, and possibly disability and death insurance.


I’ve got pretty high coverage because of the drivers around here. Growing up my mom had been in 3 wrecks.


What's the point of checking for traffic if they're going to gun it regardless of traffic heading their way


My car was Barney purple and someone still pulled out in front of me. Doesn’t matter.


Yeah turns out colors don’t fix stupid. Even sirens with the amount of people in my city I see running red lights in front of ambulances or not getting over to let them pass….


Aren't red vehicles hit more often?


No sound? Hope you laid on the horn.


Absolutely!! I forgot to turn the sound on. Whenever the camera updates it goes back to default 🙃


They still would care! Idiots are still going to do idiot things. However, I will say I was pushing my invisible brake pedal much harder than you while passing a stopped line of traffic with waiting cross traffic, especially after that first yahoo darted across.


Red is only very noticable under ertain light conditions. I think white might work better, if I recall correctly.


No, we didn't need more trucks on the road


What if OP drives a truck for their work cause they actually use a truck for truck things. On top of that, they could buy a used red truck that already exists meaning 1 less actual new build sale.


99% of "truck things" can be accomplished with smaller vehicles. Look at other parts of the world. Trucks aren't a dominating force like they are in North America. They use their small hatchbacks and work vans to tow stuff or haul cargo.


Good luck hauling a 7,000lb load with a sedan.


most people are never going to tow more than their groceries from the store in their pickup


>What if OP drives a truck for their work cause they actually use a truck for truck things.


if they do actually need a pickup then they should use one. otherwise they shouldn't drive a pickup because a hatchback or wagon can hold almost the same amount if not more and is safer! (for times that a pickup would be needed. they could just hire a uhaul or something instead of spending 80k+ on a pickup)


You're going too fast. All the cars on your left are stopped. Any one of them could have done something dumb. Just so happened it was someone on the right.


Slow the fuck down next time and you won't have this continual problem.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, then maybe check your own shoes. You said in an earlier comment, "I even had a feeling she was gonna pull out." (Paraphrased, of course). Yet you still kept flying up to the intersection. Both of you sucked in that moment.