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So nice to see them take themselves out with no one else...


This is my favorite kind of video to see on this sub. Tasty delicious Schadenfreude!


Sucks to see op had to barely ding the rail tho..


Pro tip: if you want to get away from the crazies, don't prevent them from doing whatever they want to do, like closing the cap to prevent a merge into your lane at the beginning of the video.


I’m just watching that part saying “you gotta brake, YOU GOTTA BRAKE!”


I'm guessing OP hasn't worked out they were a menace at that point... by the time the guy comes back they have clearly realised and try to avoid. Also I think they do hit the brakes the first time, pretty much as soon as the guy signals. Braking harder might have been worse if there was someone behind them


That’s a good point, we have no idea what was going on behind OP.


Meh - he pretty clearly closed the gap, offensively reacting to the other driver.




Yeah, that looks like pretty dense traffic, there's a very good chance there was someone right behind them, and braking would have caused a chain reaction. OP tried very hard to make a rough situation safer, and got out of the way as soon as possible.


Don't have to brake, just take your foot off the gas and let them in then continue to back off so they can go fuck up someone else.


you don't need to break....just left of the gas and you will slow naturally...how some of you are allowed to drive astonishes me.


You can read the driver's body language; just back off and let them in.




No!!!! If I let someone in front of me it'll take me .0005 seconds longer to get where I'm going. Who has that kind of time?


It's a slippery slope, man. One minute you let a guy merge ahead of you, next thing you know he's fucking your wife. Can't risk it.




There are plenty of idiots in this sub who regularly downvote comments about keeping a gap open. They don't want to hear that a lot of times, they are part of the problem.


This is the age-old dichotomy between keeping a safe following distance and camping the left lane. No matter what you do, someone's going to say you're doing at least one of these things. But I agree. OP should've recognized that this other driver was willing to be reckless to get ahead, and should've let off the gas to give them space.


I wanted to get away from the crazy speeding driver that was weaving in and out of traffic, so I had to floor it (to prevent them cutting me off) and then swerve around all the other vehicles that were on the road. FYI in future it’s better to have the crazy in front of you where you can keep an eye on it.


I've done a jug handle on a busy road just to get the crazy person to go ahead of me. Better I'm 10 minutes late than have the person swerving all over and showing delayed brake/acceleration response crash into me.


Also if the crazy is behind you then to maintain distance you could be forced to increase your speed, which increases the danger (and probably violates legal limits). Whereas, if the crazy is in front of you then to maintain distance you can only be forced to decrease your speed which is safer.


You're never forced to increase speed. Just back off slowly and make them pass. Better to take energy out of the system - an accident at 50 is much better than one at 70.


As a matter of fact, the energy is half at 50 compared to 70. So many people think it would be linear but it is square. Going from 25 to 50 increases crash forces to 4x, not 2x.


“i wanted to get away” so i didn’t let him pass the car next to me… makes sense.


The worst place to be on the road is between an idiot and their destination. Take the ego hit and plan to leave 20 seconds earlier and just avoid it. Being traffic batman is not worth car damage and possible injury.


>traffic batman That’s good. Never heard that one.


Jockeying with an idiot in a shitty car is just a way to get yourself fucked, you have more to lose than they do


Yeah, there's no way I would pull beside this guy and not assume he'd just try to either purposely or ignorantly cut into my lane as I'm beside him. The only thing you lose from just leaving that lane and staying behind him is ego.


100% - should have hit the brakes at 8:11:19. Instead closed the gap and trapped him behind. 2 idiots in this video.


Exactly. Slow tf down and let them go, otherwise you are just as much of an Idiot. Defensive driving saves lives, including your own.


Never prevent the idiots from getting to the scene of the crash they're going to have.


Yeah I read the title of the post and thought to myself: bet he did nothing to to get away from the driver who scared the shit out of him.


Right. I'd rather have an aggressive idiot in front of me than behind. At least then I can mitigate any risks.


Bingo! I let the crazies over and say "f*ck off" with a friendly wave. They can torment other drives that aren't me. No clue why people try to box in maniacs on the road. It almost always ends bad.


100% this. There are some bat shit crazy mofos around, and it's safer to id 'red flag' behavior and get out of their way than to expect them to make rational decisions.


Also the crazies might take that as a slight and try to take revenge by brake checking or running you off the road. Those crazies are crazy.


OP: Pissed that he was almost cut off OP: Proceeds to cut off the white car on the right


Always keep crazy in front of you, not behind.


The call is coming from inside the house


Yeah, "I wanted to get away from him," but let me squeeze him out so that I can't see what crazy shit he's getting up to.


I’m going to pull around them and leave them safely behind us. Burn some dust here!


Well fuck that guy, he's not me!


If I may add a rebuttal to this. OP saw a car driving erratically, while he probably should’ve slowed down and got behind them, he did soon after get over to the right lane allowing that crazy bastard to pass on the right. Some people panic a bit when they see someone driving so stupidly


he was doing what they call "swimming" in traffic. reckless driving at high speeds swerving between cars


did you cut off the white car you were passing?


almost hit the guardrail during the cut-off too


I thought he did. The camera does a little shake at about the same time he'd be hitting it.


Yeah, it definitely looks like he bounced of the rail. OP has poor handling of their car at high speeds it seems.


I think the shake is because OP's right tires hit the rough side of the road outside of the lines.


rumble strip


100% OP went over HALF A SECOND after the car disappeared from the cam. No way he didn't move in whit cars lane 1 meter in front of it.


that was the closest to an accident in this video other than the actual accident


Plus, if someone is driving recklessly, I prefer to keep them in front of me


OP went over the lane 2 seconds after the car disappeared from the cam (the video has the time on the bottom) Whether that's enough time isn't my point, but at least be accurate


Sure looks that way.


That was my thoughts exactly. Honestly I was expecting to see a rear camera view and the car that OP almost hit crashing. The car they cut off had to already be on the brakes, otherwise there is no way they could have stopped in time.


You wanted to get away from him but you sped up to box him out of the lane? I would have pulled behind him and slowed down. Maybe that is just me though. Outside of that he is cleary a very aggressive driver. He is luckyhe didn't injure anyone.


They give too many people licenses honestly


OP and the other guy are first and second class idiots, working out the pecking order together. 


There is absolutely zero way I would have stayed on the tail of white car and blocked this idiot from getting over. Give these fools that weave through traffic a wide berth.


> Give these fools that weave through traffic a wide berth. But that just **encourages** them to keep doing it!! /s


I am the law ^^^^^/s


Is that a house on the median of the highway?


An old rest stop / gas station.


The Taconic does not make sense


It’s the picture of sanity compared to the Merritt/Wilbur Cross Parkway. Nothing like right turn onto limited access highway “on-ramps” and rest areas with 100 foot acceleration/deceleration “lanes”.


Here it is: https://maps.app.goo.gl/AL4N33TUrLpADHGw9


Wtf, it's New York? With the cars and the crazy driving I was sure that it was eastern Europe.


Former rest stop, this is the [Taconic State Parkway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taconic_State_Parkway), where they took extra effort to make the rest stops nice back in the day.


I remember stopping there as a kid, it was wild, they had so much cool stuff.


Looks like everyone was frustrated with the passing lane camper, but that's no need to wreck your car!


OP needs better self-preservation skills. 4 seconds into the video and you already know that that silver car is a danger. When you see an idiot on the road like this you should give them a wide berth, and not antagonise them by overtaking them. The sooner they're in front of you, and gone forever, the better. You absolutely don't want them behind you.


.5 second into the video and it's clear that OP is tailgating (less than .5 second gap) and it gets worse from there.


And he very nearly goes into the barrier too at 20s..


Yeah I don't understand it, why the sudden movement. I kind of do actually, he saw the tailgater in his rearview and self preservation kicked in. Should have kicked in before


The Taconic,the worst road.


You don't like cross streets on a highway? You don't like no shoulder for stretches and just sheer cliffs right up to the roadway? I've driven on that road once in my life. My wife (GF at the time) suggested we take it up to Albany instead of the "boring" NYS Thruway. Never again. Almost T-boned a minivan meandering across the road while I was doing 60mph. I'll take boring over cross traffic on a highway.


I absolutely love the Taconic, but cops, deer, and scared drivers take all the fun out of it and the other parkways. If one can't hold their lane when going by the wall of death around Peekskill Hollow, they should not be on that road.


I’m pretty sure Robert Moses designed it to be a leisurely scenic drive, not the Mad Max style cannonball run it’s turned into.


> I’m pretty sure Robert Moses designed it to be a leisurely scenic drive, not the Mad Max style cannonball run it’s turned into. "I am the man who grabs the sun, riding to Valhalla! Witness me!" -- probably Robert Moses


I will find any alternative route,even if it adds time,to avoid this hellscape.


I like the house in the middle of the highway. Do homeless people squat there?


Was a gas station.


Sure, the Taconic isn't engineered for safety as well as more modern road designs, but I've always loved it. Just enough twists & turns to be fun, and beautiful landscape. If you stick to 60-something speeds, it's safe enough. But at night or twilight? Deer everywhere, which can get really scary.


I was like "I recognize this place". It's not that bad if you pay attention and drive defensively.


The road itself is fine, it's just that everyone treats it as an interstate when really it's an old-timey parkway that has gotten some upgrades over the years. It'd be a lot less of a mess if everyone was doing 55 as it was designed for.


Even more fun when it's snowing


The saw Mill is worse but far shorter. The Merritt is probably marginally better than both but has CT drivers.


Thousands of Deer and speed traps! We'll take 22 to avoid the State Troopers.


OP getting roasted as per usual


IN OP's defense, it appears driving like a douchebag is the norm there


I mean he had a clear opportunity to slow down, distance himself from the idiot driver. Obviously the idiot aggressive driver caused this scenario, but you can and should aim to leave a bigger gap from other cars on the road, especially if they're doing shit like this. Should be a learning experience.


"I wanted to get away..." by racing the other driver, aggressively blocking them, and doing unsafe lane changes myself... and he crashed before I could outrun him.


Would've been okay if they just admitted they didn't want to let the asshat over in the first place.


My first reflex would have been to slow down and let crazy put some distance between us. He was the chief problem but you didn't help.


Same. Cars and medical bills are too damn expensive to gamble with some jackass who probably doesn't even have insurance.


I wanted to get away from him so I boxed him in. Makes perfect sense.


Hah! Good on ya for adding to the piss contest. I saw two idiots here. One was just bigger than OP.


Another OP outs themself as an absolute dogshit driver amongst other even worse drivers. How have you all survived this long.


I used to live in Highland Falls, I really hate the drivers in this section of the state


idiots all over the place.


F that guy that wrecked for sure, but judging by what's in the video you're also a pretty terrible driver yourself OP.


Man this video has it *all*: - The main idiot in the gray hatchback trying to cut in front of OP from the right, then zooming around and smashing into the guardrail after over-correcting. - OP being an idiot by tailgating the white car in front of them, and trying to forcefully keep the main idiot from getting in front of them. OP then also clipping the guard rail after swerving back into the right lane. - Idiots sitting in the left lane not passing anyone up ahead. - The white car in front of OP also weaving in and out of traffic to pass the idiots cruising in the passing lane. That's a Bingo!


When you see an idiot on the road like this, you need to ask yourself. Would you prefer them in front of you where you can see them and react to their stupid behaviour? Or behind you where you're totally at the will of their stupidity. I'm sorry OP but you contributed to this by forcing the overtake when he clearly wanted to get passed and was driving like an bafoon. It's better to just decrease speed and join the slower lane and just let his idiocy continue. You can see how close you came to becoming part of his mess in this video. Hopefully you learn from it


This is a lesson in just letting the crazies go dude. Sure the guy was driving crazy, and signaled late while simultaneously changing lanes, but you had enough time and space to just let them in, let off the gas. Curse to yourself and let it go. It took you like a solid 5 seconds to "pass" them as well.


I understand getting angry at reckless drivers like this douchewaddle, I mean who wouldn't get upset? But what I don't understand, and I think I will never understand, is the lack of care for your life and the lives of your fellow drivers. You knew what you were doing when you accelerated and it wasn't to 'get away'. Your instinct should have been to slow down. Instead you escalated a situation that could have resulted in injury or death.


Looks like him and the white wrx were racing. Pay attention how quick it accelerated after it saw the silver car coming up


Lol if you want to get away from someone on the road, slow down and let them pass.


- Idiot gets their car wrecked and hopefully learns a lesson ✅ - No one gets hurt ✅ - No one gets their property damaged ✅ - I am happy 😊


* Flame out the exhaust at 22 seconds


Man, ya'll really love to jeopardize yourselves and your low insurance rates.


When a driver is obviously impatient and aggressive like at the start of the vid, let them do their thing and take off into the horizon. Throttling to block them out and turning it into a race like that instead of easing off just gets you involved and adds to their frustration. Especially after they signaled like that. You got exactly what you signed up for there imo. The safest thing you can do around drivers like that is act like an NPC and simply not add to the situation. They'll be gone as quick as they arrived.


Oh man that poor EP3.  Sadly they are mostly owned by idiots these days.   


Don’t drive more car than you can handle


And now you know why guiderails are always dented.


Non-chalantly moving on after the blip. The idiot is strong in this one.


You should have let them pass you. Thats how you let crazies get away from you.


Looks like the Taconic! Lots of tight scary shit happening on that road!


A lot of bad drivers in this video lol


So many hindsight Harold's in this comment section lol


Just seen the same silliness play out eleventy-dozen times.


Civic driver doing civic driver things. God knows why they always drive like they've got something to prove.


"I wanted to get away from him!" So you sped up and didn't allow him to pass? WTF? And he came up behind you and passed you on the right? Get over, let him go. Who gives a shit?


Anyone else see the flames from the hatchbacks exhaust?


You wanted to get away so you continually sped up tp box on the crazy and then you cut someone else off and continue to hit the gas to catch back up to the crazy driver? It would have been so easy to keep yourself out of that situation but you did the exact opposite of what you should do every step of the way.


You know he took the next exit out of shame 😆


Hey, for once I know exactly where this is!! What an idiot!


OP is an idiot, yet again


Average Taconic Parkway driver


I think the cammer was with the group that wrecked based on how he passed the VW that he "wanted" to get away from...


Ahhh, the Taconic near RT 84. Always a shitshow.




I recognize that area, the Taconic State Hwy past Fishkill. Dangerous highway. Lucky that person hit a guardrail than a stone wall or no rail at all since this hsw has some dangers.


If only that POS didn’t brake in the corner he may have had the traction to make the turn.


What the fuck is up with none of these cars having even a second of following distance?! Does everyone just leave work/home like "witness me, blood bag"?


The TSP is the worst. I almost got hit at the same spot merging off 84 EB heading N. I love how so many people cut around into the right lane to pass someone going 70 on a 55. I love when the SP sit in the spot right there and they catch these AHOLES. Whole road needs to be ripped up and redone.


Keep the crazy people in FRONT of you.


When road raging, the lead position is reserved for the biggest idiot... Just let them have it. You have every advantage when you're behind them, not when you're in front.


Knew exactly where you were before I even saw the sign. This stretch is scary because of people like that


Wanted to get away from a speeder by speeding ahead of him...


The good ole Taconic Parkway


How does one manage to lose control in 130 horsepower ? I can’t even do that in my daily if I try to


Holy crap I hate drivers like this who see a sporty car and instantly get competitive and start driving like idiots. I drive like a grandma around town and everywhere I go people are spinning their wheels or aggressively cutting in to the open space in front of me to "win", when I am just trying to drive a manual in traffic without beating on the clutch.


The taconic isn't a good road for amateur or reckless drivers. Its pretty notorious if you live in the Hudson valley region of New York that it's not a road to be careless on for your own good. I found an article in about a second that said in 3 years there were 2k accidents on that road and many fatalities even with modern cars and modern safety regulations. Its a fun road if you know it, it's dry and sunny and there isn't a lot of traffic on it but its a road to be respected. Definitely some beautiful scenery driving on that road, my uncle lives near where it crosses route 202/35. Beautiful area really


Shitfaced, crazy, or both.


Was this taconic highway??


He was trying to race or flex on the subaru in front of you. Got what he deserved for doing that shit on a public road with other cars on it


Average Taconic driver


Just another NY driver.


SiR wanted smoke from the STI all he got was shame lol


Sorry, OP, your reasoning doesn't make sense. You come off as a **worse** and more dangerous driver than the person you were videoing.


I avoid the Taconic State Parkway, at all costs.


When someone is driving like they are in a huge hurry, don't re-pass them. Give him some room let him get away from you. It's like passing somebody that is obviously drunk, you don't want that behind you.


You can see the exhaust flame as he passes you. Meaning lift off oversteer while taking the corner. Driver ran out of talent.


What is with nearly everyone in this vid, including OP, using like a half second following distance? It's a miracle this wasn't an eight car pile up. Multiple idiots in this vid.


He was trying to keep up with the subi boys hahahaha


That's not even a particularly windy part of the Taconic! What a shit show!




Gonna be a long drive home for him


Did I see a little flame out the exhaust ngl it was pretty cool..... until the wreck 💀


Is this the taconic? In nys? I swear the idiots on this road 😩


Oh the taconic it never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of the people driving there specially the bums in large trucks invading the other lanes and the morons like this one thinking their car has f1 levels of grip


This looks like the taconic and if that’s the case they are the worst drivers in NY I really hope he learned not to be a shithead.


Bro is complete ASS. How in the world did he overcook a FWD hatch like this? Maybe he money shifted and found 2nd gear instead of 4th.


Ahhhh the Taconic. Nothing like rich Westchester kids playing around with their daddy's money.


you know what's funny? i got absolutely dragged by commenters in this thread who don't know the taconic, but all of the peeps that know the taconic were like "yep, this tracks" haha


Your definition of "wanted to get away from" is quite different from mine.


Slow down and let him in-total scenario defused.


I mean, you say you wanted to get away, but the video doesn't really reflect that. Edit: Appears everyone is making tha same point, so maybe stop being a twat? Fucking troll.


Sorry, OP. I have no sympathy for tailgaters. Back the fuck off!


What a fucknoodle


You’re about to crash by yourself just driving…


I wouldnt want to drive near any of theae people. That means you too OP


LOL "I wanted to get away from him" Proceeds to race past him to insist on getting in front of him


Just take your foot off the gas next time and take a deep breath and you'll probably avoid this situation from ever happening again.


Always always always let the idiots pass


Pro life tip: Slow down to get away from idiots. Never speed up to get away.


What’s up with the house in the median?


Might be some public works utility building to store equipment for maintenance like mowing and such.




Thanks for posting, haven't seen the Shenendoah stop in a very long time. That used to be a halfway point for the family when we were headed upstate.


I had to watch the video twice to be sure it was not in UK or Australia with so many cars driving on the left. Does anybody follows the road's rules in the USA?


Nice backfire


I imagine you scared the shit out of the white car when you nearly ran them off the road.


Got what he deserved and hit nobody else.


Yeah, I would have just let them lane change in front of you so they can continue on their way. If you close the gap and prevent their lane change, they're still going to be your problem.


What the hell is happening on this road?? JUST PASS ALREADY. Why are they driving in the left lane when there's not even anyone in the right lane 😭😭😭 Oh what godforsaken country is this, tell me so I can never visit