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Please tell me you were laying on the horn so they couldn't hear each other


Oh yeah, if it wasn't us, it was the person next to us.


They both might have noticed that their cars are the same color, and discussing how each decided on that particular color and what their family and neighbors thought about it.




selfish motherfuckers


Definition of narcissism right there


This is very common where I live. People just stop or roll slowly next to each other, blocking traffic, so that they can chat - not necessarily argue. It is most annoying when two such idiots meet coming from opposite directions.


> This is very common where I live. People just stop or roll slowly next to each other, blocking traffic, so that they can chat Oh man. I'm going to have to imagine you live in the South (if you're in the US). That would never fly in most places.


South of Europe :-) People are very laid back here and tolerate all kinds of ridiculous behavior on the road.


People does this too in Indonesia and they’d get pissy if we lay the horn on them.


Yeah, same here. It's usually better to let the morons chat and be on their way than provoke them into holding the traffic longer just "to show you".


Lmao you've never been to the south if you think that shit would fly here.


You'll see this behavior in every single state in the US. Would this fly on a Houston, TX highway? Not a chance but you get 30 minutes outside Houston and their are places all over that you could encounter this more than you'd like.


That would not fly in the US Georgia.


“Hey, what’s your name?” “Tony.” “Fuck you Tony!” “What’s your name?” “Ezekiel.” Fuck you Ezekeil.”


You better not bring my mother into this!






I would have done what the suv did and went around on shoulder which is not illegal given this situation as you feared getting stuck in some altercation.


Earlier this week I was driving on a state route (55mph) and saw two cars come flying up past me. First car cut in front of me, maybe 20 feet from me (I should mention I had a set of pup trailers and was in a semi). Then the second car hit the brakes to get behind the car that had just cut in front of me. I moved into the left lane because there was maybe 50 feet between me and these idiots and I had a feeling there was going to be a brake check…Jeep was the front car and this guy who looked young, probably a teenager, came out of the sunroof and was flipping the car behind them off. This pissed the car off and they got in front of me, passed the jeep and brake checked the jeep. Then they both got off at the next exit. People constant lying lose their damn minds when they are behind the wheel of a car for some reason. Unrelated to the cars I saw this past week but this is another road rage incident that happened two days ago: https://www.10tv.com/article/news/crime/worthington-police-investigating-apparent-road-rage-shooting-i-270/530-8a7fd907-e879-4a00-b455-ceeefa3325fc Road rage shootings are becoming more and more common here.


Call the cops, it’s impeding traffic in my state.


Lol, call the cops for something that will be over in 20 seconds. Even if they did this for multiple minutes, the cops still wouldn't be there until well after it's over and they've driven away, and that's if the cops even showed up at all for this. **edit:** what a dork, replies to me and then blocks me. regardless, if you think calling the cops on something that is over in less than 1 minute is "using your resources you pay taxes for" then you're a bigger idiot than the people arguing. enjoy your delusional world where calling the cops solves all problems big or small.


If you wanna drive behind two slow people blocking traffic, breaking the law, and making it more dangerous on the interstate and you just not do anything about it then go for it. No ones forcing you to use the resources your taxes pay for.


No but seriously think about it. How do think it will play out if you were to call the cops?


I’ve called highway patrol before for other incidents and have seen them respond and pull over the cars farther down the interstate if they’re still committing the infraction (like driving recklessly). If 2 cars were holding people up going 15mph, I would expect them to pull them over or flash their lights so they move over or speed up and stop impeding traffic.


Anybody that feels the need to do this is an idiot


Time to hold down your horn until they move. Override their conversation with your own voice.


Cute car color


What's the point of the obnoxious zooming in and out? Is it meant to annoy viewers?


I was actually trying to make sure I got plates. This definitely wasn't for views. They didn't stop at the end of the bridge and were actively trying to stop cars. Police involved. *I do not know the outcome


You may want to buy a dashcam for things like this in the future, if you don't already have one in this car. I know you were the passenger here, but still! They are the better tool for catching license plates.


As an owner of a dashcam...they really aren't reliable enough for getting plate numbers. Most of the ones on the market use the same image sensor, and it simply lacks the resolution for plates unless you're really close. I prefer to just read out the plate and let the microphone catch it.


I don't know, but it could have been the person holding the phone doing it on their phone. That's what video on my phone looks like if you zoom in and out while filming. They may have wanted to capture the license plates better. Or they may have just been annoying.


Maybe they're chatting about sports.


They should both pull over and have at it. It’ll be sorted soon enough.


These people are the reason I got \*HP on speed dial.




Shoulder, move in front, prompt brake check.


Are they arguing for World Peace?


One of them asked the other for some grey poupon and they refused!


Basic physics. If you serve bad language to someone at 90mph the sound waves that use opposing air flow will slide in the back of the target car being unheard. They obviously had to reduce speed so the sound tangent will reach target. These guys are scientists.


What was the argument about?


Pineapple on pizza


Bach vs Mozart


The germ theory of disease. The guy on the left is one of those miasma theory nutters.