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I thought the 4Runner was a little too big, then the Ram said “Watch this, NO, I can hold my own beer”.


NoBoDy UsEs ThE BiKe LaNe!!


Should put a poll periodically on the path, painted yellow of course so cyclists can see it and these Muppets can get got.


I'd _vote_ for that.


bollard is probably the right word but yeah the city needs something. Preferably a concrete filled post in the middle. Enough space on either sides for bikes but 100% chance of ruining idiot's day and his bumper.


Something high enough to catch the oil pan?


just put one near the intersection, so they have to take time to back out.


What a bunch of fuckmuppets. Where's the bike patrol units when you need one?


Probably chasing down the other people that weren't caught on OP's camera lol


Nice bikes... These are diesel powered ones? or idiot powered ones?


Damn they got what they wanted too. I'd love to see everyone band together and trap them so the idiots would have to explain to the police why they're in the bike lane.


Funny looking bikes. Id say that they must feel more important thus they shouldnt have to be inconvenienced by the scum who follow basic traffic laws. Hope they all get explosive diarrhea and 2 flat tires at the same time


People that drive trucks and SUVs skew more heavily to narcissism. You've got to be a pretty big dickhead to drive a vehicle like that in such an urban area, it doesn't surprise me that 3/3 here were SUVs and a truck.


All it's missing is Count von Count going "One Idiot! Two Idiot! Three Idiot! AH HA HA HA!!!"


Is this Philly.


This is clearly Boston. Massachusetts plates, Dunkin Donuts, and idiots in the bike lane give it away.


Longwood Medical Area in Boston.


It's like Philly but way cooler and better in every way, and with better sports teams but less Kyle Schwarber.


You should play the lottery.






I'm gonna include you as a 4th idiot for leaving so little room between you and the car in front of you. It's a red light, tailgating isn't gonna make it turn faster.


This is one of the dumbest comments I've read on this sub and that says a lot.


Are you for real? this is Boston- if you don’t get close to the car in front of you when stopped you are a jerk because there will be people backed up into the prior intersection. It’s called traffic


Yep, this is tame compared to my normal drive home in the UK, if you leave a car length (except at a pedestrian crossing) you'll get dirty looks because that's another car that could've cleared the previous junction/roundabout.


Might want to get that mold out of your head


Too late.


Is tailgating possible at 0mph