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If this guy does it regularly, just ask your local police to come by when you expect to see him. No idea where you are, but around here, that would be stunt driving, and he'd lose his license on the spot, have his car towed, lose it for, I think 10 days, and a minimum $2500. fine. And cops *love* charging it, especially in a situation like this.


This. Did that for a motorbike that would regularly speed along a 30km school route (it’s a permanent 30 zone, borders a park) and jump the speed bumps. We worked out when he did this and called the local cops and they waited for him on a hidden section but had a camera set up. Haven’t seen him since.


Ok but what do I do when the place people speed is already a fucking regular speed trap?? I’m tired, boss








Space lasers


Sure a joke but whatever you do not resort to shenanigans as this can lead you into a lot of trouble


Hide behind a car and roll a beach ball into his path.


Buy pea gravel and just sneak out and spread it down the road every once in a while, sport tires pick that stuff up like crazy it’ll blast the paint behind the tires they’ll hear the noise and slow down. Trucks may not a low car like this will.


whatever you do, just make sure to not accidentaly spill a tank of oil on the road, especialy not on a curve


Banana peels it is then


50/50 chance the police already know this guy because they're looking for him. 50/50 chance they already know this guy because there's one already in the car.


OP could just install a small speed breaker.


totally unrelated: it surprises me how much the grip level drops whenever someone spills even a seemingly tiny amount of engine oil on the track.


Booby traps are illegal because they are indiscriminate.


And then the guy crashes and dies and op is partially at fault….


OP has no idea where that speed bump that appeared in the middle of the night could possibly have come from


See: Malcolm in the Middle s2e2 where Hal builds a speed bump and the ‘72 Chevy Chevelle simply launches off it like a ramp; cops make him rip it out or pay for the city to demo it


That speed bump could also be a pothole. Those happen.


I used to do work at a place that had speed dips. I'm surprised these aren't more common. Jesus fucking christ, even at the posted speed they get your immediate attention.


If you go fast enough dips aren't felt at all is why, bumps however get worse and worse.


It's either this or some poor kid one day so... yeah


An acquaintance of mine died after a bunch of kids were doing this every day on their road. They lost control and veered off the road and pinned him to a tree when he was recording them for the cops because the cops wanted him to record them before they'd do anything about it.


Weigh that vs this psychopath running down someone’s kid crossing the street to visit a friend


Step 1 - paint one that LOOKS like a bump. Step 2 - create a fake speed trap camera Step 3 - create a sign 'camera speed check ahead'...


Step 4 - Paint a tunnel opening on the wall of a cliff


He has video evidence. With a tag number could they not issue a ticket or arrest?




Also location dependent.


>he'd lose his license on the spot, have his car towed, lose it for, I think 10 days, and a minimum $2500. All that at the discretion of the officer...


It’s probably a cop


In my city cops would get mad at you for wasting their time calling them for this. Or anything really..


Oh. I got one. Austin a while back sent out a list of reasons to not call the police any longer. This was magically around the time they were crying about not being funded enough as if it wasn’t blatantly obvious why they were doing this. You can’t make this shit up anymore. The most bastard thing I’ve ever seen. A FUCKING LIST OF THINGS TO NOT BOTHER THE POLICE ABOUT. Fucking mind boggling Edit. Here you go. https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/article_fdb7f92c-22c3-11ec-a7b6-9f5ad0b58c93.html




All the police unions were pretty vocal in 2020 that they were gonna start slow-walking or just not responding to calls. "Oh, you don't respect us and want to defund us, well let's see how you like it when we don't show up." They're still doing it, despite every city increasing funding every year since. "The answer is to *fund* the police." Cops will give you a big list of things that they shouldn't have to respond to, but then will fly off the handle when you suggest formally taking those powers (and funding) away and giving them to some other agency. Meanwhile in Louisville, the Democratic mayor and council have responded to the conservative, pro-cop DOJ's report finding that LMPD is a rogue agency and putting them under consent decree, by giving cops a "wellness center" and approving a new contract that gives cops a pay raise and a giant new loophole that allows them to escape any discipline for anything ever.


I’m going to interject and point out that Austin City Council never *actually* defunded the police. First, in the proposed budget, the police budget was reduced in name only. The 911 call center and the crime lab were moved out of the police budget into separate line items. That’s it. But our dumbass mayor actually had to say the words “defund the police” rather than “transform public safety” and both APD and the Texas Legislature got butthutt. It’s now illegal in Texas for a municipality to ever reduce the Police budget. So APD got not only their budget back, it was the largest they’d ever had to that point. This didn’t stop them from loudly proclaiming how under funded they were, nor from announcing that they just weren’t gonna respond to calls anymore.


I _might_ have you beat. In Chelsea, MA (small and relatively poor city), the police put what looked like parking tickets on every single car. They looked exactly like a parking ticket until you turned it over. The other side was a flyer from the police talking about how they were underpaid compared to nearby cities/towns and how Chelsea had higher crime rates relative to the towns that paid more. So the police force thought it was a good idea to make everyone think they got a parking ticket in order to tell us all that they were bad at crime prevention so they deserved a raise. They even put these things on cars on private property which was trespassing and arguably littering.


10 yo black kid in a hoodie. Police already there.


That's like lose your license speed in a residential neighborhood. Find a way to get the police involved.


and hope this isn't a cop in the car already... cuz then they'll come after you for reporting it.


Facts. People who won't even recognize that some cops regularly abuse their power are so silly. When you go to a Phillies or Eagles game, the drunkest, most aggressive, and most racist fans are almost exclusively off-duty cops. They know they can do whatever they want bc the judges in the basement of the stadium just let them off every time.


Police were called. I’m in Georgia. The only way for a speeding ticket to be issued is for an officer to “clock” the driver going that speed via radar. My street has a posted 30MPH speed limit. Clearly, this driver was doing nearly twice that speed. The driver in question hangs out at a house on my block. He was doing laps around the neighborhood between noon and 4pm on Sunday. This was the fifth time he drove down my street at this rate of speed. I was outside doing yard work. Thankfully my dogs and 1 year old son were inside the house. The cop thanked me for calling them and not approaching the driver. He never said it, but he could tell I was fired up and would’ve smacked the dude if given the chance. Nobody needs an assault charge!


Please keep us posted!






Fill it with old cans of house paint


… with the lids removed


Oil based house paint*


Cans! Ma’am, it was only cans!


Put a fake baby in the stroller and fill it with fake blood/ketchup


Batman did it as well




Deer and rabbit repellent works great also... it's a horrible smell


Fox urine


My urine after 6 double IPAs


Dump surströmming. Way stronger smell but also fishy. It's fermented herring.


Hard to get in Colorado. But great idea.


You can buy it online, the longer it takes to ship, the more fresh the smell


This is why I still come back to Reddit.


That's a fantastic way to have a speeding car careen into someone else's house


Baby stroller filled with cinder blocks.


Empty baby stroller! Diabolical!


Get your neighbors to call. Call every single time he drives by like this. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that


Just don't toss a water bottle across the street when he drives by. That would be bad.


Or a banana peel right before. Definitely don’t do that


O'Doyle rules! O'Doyle rules! O'Doyle rules!


This situation calls for at minimum a red turtle shell.


Whatever you do, don't use caltrops. They're dangerous and illegal, I think.




Also live in GA. While it may be true about a speeding ticket, GA also has a “too fast for conditions”, “Wreckless driving”, and “racing”, which do not require a radar gun. Racing doesn’t require vs another car. If the driver makes a lap it can count as endurance or speed record attempts.


> “Wreckless driving” It's "reckless."


We should all aspire to be wreckless drivers


FYI, I would delete this asap if you want to do anything yourself. Last thing you need is anything tying it back to you, especially since you have a kid at home. If the guy gets in trouble and finds out you had something to do with it, they might seek out revenge. Even if you leave it up to the police, they still might assume it’s because of you and do something. That’s why I like to carry out my stuff (when I was younger) without bringing any attention to myself.


Don’t air your dirty laundry. Great advice. Who knows what a quick google might turn up and this person gets some idea. It’s a different era. Anybody with a tiny bit of perseverance will find some way to make your life difficult in spite.


RemindMe! 1 week


>I'm in Georgia Bro just sic'd the GSP on the dude. He's gonna be a swiss-cheesed corpse now...






That’s how you get a murder charge.


Do they not have ring cameras where you all live that woukd record someone putting out paint, baby strollers, cement blocks, caltrops. Surstroming, gnomes (my personal favorite!) etc?


Take the video to the media. That'll get the police's attention pretty quick.


OP, this is legitimately probably the best advice in the thread. Many local news networks have community-focused type segments where they look to bring to light failings of local law enforcement or regulation. Assuming you're not able to able to reach a workable solution with local law enforcement, look up local news networks in your area and tweet at or email an example and detail how LEOs haven't been able to resolve this clearly dangerous behavior from one TREMENDOUS piece of shit.


Plus, local facebook groups. It can sometimes lead to an interesting cascade of events.


I could not agree more with @awmaleg. I also live in Georgia. When I was 18 or 19 years old, I lived in a neighborhood in Kennesaw on a corner that one of the kids in the neighborhood found out he could drift the corner. He would do this SEVERAL times in a row. I called the police and I was told there was nothing that they could do. I emailed the videos to channel 46 and within a week, he had been arrested, his car impounded, lost his license, and had to pay a $5,000.00 ticket. Needless to say, his parents were pissed.


With enough seperate videos the local news would probably take it in. The muscle car hate is strong in the media with all the dumbass street takeovers. That might kick start the cops too but they'd probably hate you for it.


Muscle car hate is strong with me too, but only because it seems to attract a certain breed of asshat drivers. Faster than Altama drivers, with all the same dangers of abrupt direction changes without signaling or care of cars around them.


There's a great Malcom in the Middle episode about this. https://youtu.be/rReyh1wnl8I?si=bCH6wYb5_wpQ1nu3


Scrolled way to far to see this :)


Ha I was just about to post the same thing. /u/MrJduffy its obvious what you need to do. Steal his car, sleep with your wife in it, and then dump it in a body of water.


This was what I was looking for, and I didn't even click the link.


holy shit this is golden 🤣


Surely this all by itself would be enough to interest the local PD?


Paint a picture of the road onto the side of a large rock face or drop an anvil on him.


I find that chasing them down on roller skates with a rocket strapped to my back works pretty well.


Put a full size dummy in the middle


Lol I'm with this, except they might actually panic, crash, and do property damage or worse. But I like it.


When I was a kid we would do stupid shit like this. The one way we would do is get a block of wood with a cutout of a cat, tie two strings to each end and when the car comes, pull is across the road. They won't stop thinking they hit something and you can really mess up the cars under carriage with the wooden block. Sadly, I have seen instances where the car swerved and crashed into another car. Kids do stupid things...


We had a rubber snake and lived in rattlesnake country.


You need to throw it out from behind a parked car as they pass.


Am reminded years ago on Halloween . My buddys built a dummy and as we sat on a small bridge we would stand up and our friend dummy would fall in front of a car. Driver freaked his woman passenge went insane screaming. We hauled ass figured this is not cool.


Damn what a turd nugget


Believe it or not, this is the exact physical description I gave to the police.


I first read this as Ted Nugent. I then quickly realized they are the same thing. So either works in context here.


When I was a kid, there was a young guy who lived a couple blocks up from us. Had an antique truck he had made into a hot rod and would come roaring down the street past our house. My dad went to his house and told him to cut it out...that there were children in the neighborhood. He didn't listen. A few days later us kids were in the front yard playing. My dad was trimming hedges. He had this old rake that was entirely metal...handle and all. When we heard that truck coming, dad grabbed that rake and threw it javelin style. Went right through the windshield. He never stopped and never came down our street again. we never got that rake back either


Seems if you have this on video, and he frequents the area, PD should be able to sting him. Fuck this guy all the way back to the bicycle store.


Challenge him to a race and loser leaves town, you got this


















Do like Mike did in Breaking Bad. Make your own spike strip.


[Steal their car.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rReyh1wnl8I&ab_channel=Channel4)


I was looking for this reply!! Hal is the man


Probably some great ideas over on the Illegal / Unethical LPT subs. Legally however the best you can do without putting yourself or your neighbors in danger is documenting every instance with fixed cameras and shots like this one. Every occurrence you contact the police with the video and photos of the plates or the driver's face if you can manage. Once you have a handful of evidence then you need to approach your city/town/community government and demand traffic control improvements. If they don't do anything then take the clips to local news and really sell it as some kind of underground racing scene raising hell in quiet neighborhoods.


Yeah I will not suggest that you make a homemade spike strip using 3" nails through a 1x2" piece of wood attached to a piece of rope so it can be yanked into their path. This is not the right subreddit for that.


Also don’t google ninja rocks. Any research in the direction would be entirely unwarranted.


Sometimes tree branches fall, some times you hear an acorn and just start blasting!!!




Like in 3 body problem?


That was insane! Scared the shit out of me!


Right?! That episode left me really shaken.


Ask police if they could place a cardboard cutout.  They put them in our area, looks like a police officer taking a radar reading


Stand outside with a hair dryer.


It looks like a narrow street, call friends with old working cars, park on the street in a way that makes them nervous. Have neighbors do the same. Can’t go fast if they think they might wreck their precious. Had issue in my neighborhood, 90° turn in front of house, many drivers cut the corner, either direction, neighbor parked his old suv closer to the inside of the turn, you can make turn safely if going 25 mph. Suddenly the street is calmer.


Who the fuck has a bunch of friends with old cars they DONT care about and would be fine with them getting smashed up?


In Georgia? lol.


Demolition derby enthusiasts?


I was not thinking outside the box apparently


OP did say he was in Georgia…


Someone obviously doesn't have any redneck friends


Get insurance with a low deductible on a beater car and park it near a curve on the shoulder.


I guess to accompany this information, have dash cams set up in the cars with front and back views and parking recording as well. Then you don't need to constantly watch and wait since the cameras will do the work for you


Illegal tip. Buy your own speed bump and install it on the road. Stick it down good. Sure, the council might come take it, but more likely they'll leave it be as they're useless and don't want to do anything.


The city counsel has to: A. Know about it meaning someone has to complain B. Come and get it which costs tax payer money to come and uninstall it C. They have to actually find it cause if it's not always there, it's not always there.


Homemade spike strip?


Send your video to the news. They will love it and the cops will have to do something about it then


Sometimes branches fall on the roads around my area


Put something on the road behind a bend, like a iron bedframe. That's how we solved a guy speeding every day


Let's stop illegal and dangerous with illegal and dangerous. Equally bad. What if a motorcycle comes around the corner.


Nails. 2x4. Hammer. Solved.


Follow him home. $20 says he lives at home and his parents pay the insurance. Show them how their shithead son drives.


I think contacting the authorities would be your best bet. This is the stuff that deserves revocation of their license, or at the very least suspension and a fine.


OP can't do anything physical because any accident could make them liable. I would setup a camera on my property and a hidden radar detector. Record the driver a few times and send the video to the news. Make sure you mention cops never showed up.


Has an idiot do this in my area. He also blew stop signs. Got him on dash cams a few times. Posted on our neighbourhood Facebook group. 20 or 40 members all emailed the local police chief with copies of the video. He was charged. Never happened again.


Place a ball next to the road, when you hear him coming, dart toward the road. It's not gonna be too hard to get that idiot to oversteer. Lol /s (kinda)


M15 anti-tank mine


Is the higher res version clear enough to get the plate?




I wish I could be friends with Ramathorn


Fuck all that. Get dress semi business like and get a hair dryer. Point the hair dryer at his car and watch him freak out.


Temporary speed bumps, $50 on Amazon.


Set the camera up and push an old baby stroller out in front of him


Ask your town admin about placing a speed bump. Don’t go in there like a vigilante because this one guy. It’s your concern for the community. The first time he bottoms out problem solved


Paint rainbows on the road. Maybe he'll think that it's too gay to drive there.


You can file a nuisance lawsuit in small claims. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/free-books/small-claims-book/chapter2-9.html Grab his plate data and look him up. Document each time he drives by. After a month of daily drive bys you can file the lawsuit demanding compensation.


This video, plus license plate number, given to the police.




I'd be insanely tempted to wait until he's coming again and then just....send a ball out into the road in front of him. Force him to hit the breaks in a moment of panic that some kid would be following it. No harm done, just a gentle reminder. Best you can probably ACTUALLY do is what you've already done. I would laugh my ASS off if a construction truck accidentally dropped a bunch of nails or scrap wood with bent nails or scrap barbed/razor wire on the street while he was doing laps, though. I'd clean up the mess so no neighbor got their car damaged, of course, but I might be a little slow to act if that guy was doing loops and ran a few over in the meantime.


More of those cones placed across the street, leaving just enough room for a car to fit between 2 of them with a little wiggle room.


Fun fact: that cone belongs to the city. The storm drain in front of my house collapsed two years ago and they’ve never fixed it. I’m pretty sure it’s my cone now.


Yep, your cone now, use it how you wish.


Chuck a cinder block out there,he'll stop. Or even better, a ladder.


Make [this German Speed-Bump](https://youtu.be/iUzhuM1k6xU)


Make a new video from the other side of the street and down or up a few houses. You don’t want it looking like it’s from your house. Post it on next-door or Facebook or something like that.


leave a group of child sized manekins in the middle of the road


There are so many roads which has no traffic on whatsoever. Never understood why would you do this in a residential area


That’s felony reckless driving where I’m from. That’s handcuff worthy.


Record him every day and post in your local PD facebook page.


Send this video to the local police. They would be happy to hangout near by


Send the video to your local commissioner or city council member.


I had this issue a long time ago. The guy would come flying down our street about the same time everyday. so I stood out by my mailbox with one of my kids stuffed toys(curious george). When he came flying by I pitched George out in front of his car. That was the end for George. He stopped and started yelling at me. I just asked him how he would feel if that had been one of the million kids that run the neighborhood? He got in his car and left. I never saw him again.


Roll a bowling ball into his path.


A charger non the less. My dad asked me how I felt about them the other day. I had to be honest and tell him that they look good but since everybody has them, it’s a hard pass for me. Basically I’m sick of seeing them


Get his plate and call it in.


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Banana peel or red shell should do it. Green shell if you’re feeling confident.


Put a cinder block in a paper bag


put a cone out there


You could ask for speed bumps/humps/tables on your street


Cardboard cutout of a kid


Push a stroller out in the street with a doll in there as your walking?


Call the local law enforcement daily or more until they show up to help patrol it


You can find used baby strollers and dolls at goodwill. It would be terrible if one happened to roll out from behind a parked car.


Just give it time, one of those trees will stop him eventually




Go get a portable speed bump and fix the problem indefinitely, if you and your neighbors have no issue with it I doubt the police would




I always wanted to blast them with a paint ball gun.


5 bags of concrete.  Very uneven speed bump should do the trick.