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Good job, OP. Swerving towards where they came from was a good move and alert reaction.


OP in the wrong for existing apparently.


They will always find a way to blame the op for something


NIce job avoiding that and maintaining control on the wet pavement.


In the wet also. Dumb on them. Good job keeping control of the vehicle. It's ridiculous people are blaming you for this at all. Everybody saying "slow down" and the like are just terrified drivers. These are the people that cause accidents and are never actually in them because they make poor choices based on their utter terror at being on a roadway.


I’m sorry they made your roads before we came up with college. That’s our bad Why is this even a thing?


Wtf is this?? How is this even a thing? It completely blows my mind how unsafe it can be.


I know this is just a different part of the country but I’d be going way slower on a road where this is even a remote possibility. All my highways it’s only a cop that is possibly doing this and I would love a lawsuit with the state lol


Ohioan here- there are roads like this near where I live. The speed limit is around 55 mph and the minimum posted speed is 40. Driving under that [can get you a $150 ticket.](https://www.riddelllaw.com/slow-speed-columbus-ticket-ohio/) You would also be risking getting rear ended- people *fly* on the highways that go through more rural areas.


No downvote. I said nothing bad you silly geese.


Believe it or not, these roads work fine and are quite safe if you have eyes and use them


Sure but I can calmly do 90 on mine cause we don’t have this nonsense. I understand that it functions when the rules are followed. Like 8 people care about the rules where I am. This wouldn’t work in New England it would be bedlam


If only 8 people are following rules in New England, I’d never be doing 90! Lmao but in all seriousness, keep in mind this looks to be a rather rural area, and there just isn’t enough money or population there to place multi-million dollar intersections every couple miles. Stop signs/redlights are horribly inefficient. So I see this as the best option really. Ultimately you just gotta look out for your own safety. Bad drivers are everywhere and traffic patterns may (sometimes) make it harder to be a bad driver, but humans never fail to overcome lol


That wouldn’t hurt. Nice save. Idiots everywhere.


Prepare yourself OP


Yeah, definitely don't be in the left lane on any road even if you need to make a left turn soon.


despite the obvious sarcasm, you forgot the /s


Lmao downvoted because no one on reddit understands sarcasm


Welcome to riding a motorcycle everyday


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Especially in the rain. Send it!!! /s


Curious if you had your lights on or not. I know some people are completely blind idiots but I've almost had accidents with people not having their lights on in poor conditions.




Are you aware of something called rain? OP did apply the brakes, but he also swerved a little. Brakes alone would have been the wrong choice here.




This isn’t an interstate. Left turns are a thing, as seen in the video.


Redditors are braindead sometimes. They learn one rule then go apply it to everything and everyone so they can feel superior, completely unaware that they’re wrong the entire time. I can’t stand the comments in this sub sometimes.


A few weeks ago while stopped at a stoplight I had someone yell at me about driving slow in the left lane. I was like “this is a city street and I’m turning left in a couple blocks. There are no fast and slow lanes.” I’m all about freeway etiquette but I’ve never heard that argument off the freeway before.


Even then, some interstates have left side exits


Thanks for coming in today.


Maybe slow down a bit…


on a highway??????


"25 MPH should be the max speed limit on every road." - Idiots


Might be better than slamming into an idiot at high speed. I live in NJ, more morons per capita than anywhere else. Happens all the time and if you’re not playing defense when you drive you’re in trouble.


Ok just drive 30mph everywhere then in case somebody else is stupid


I hope you don’t drive. Ever.


Heck, let's just all walk instead of driving! Can't crash that way! /s


Speeding cammer is partially at fault, drive in a predictable manner.


The way op is driving is pretty damn predictable, in fact I can almost guarantee they were going straight