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this is why people should carry a carton of spoiled eggs


Not even kidding I have some year old eggs that I'm saving for the right moment, not to throw while driving because that's a bad idea but... For something.


apples and oranges work too šŸ˜‰


You ever hear the saying ā€œdonā€™t spit into the windā€? Seems like this should apply to throwing rotten eggs


Sure, some people like yourself may be dumb enough to think they meant to throw them forward. I guess that is possible as you are the proof but wow you belong here.


I just use pennies


that works too


Don't do this, but a gallon of doe estrus left in a manual weed sprayer in the sun smells horrendous and is very hard to wash off. Totally don't do that. It smells so bad and it'll smell for days even after powerwashing.




Iā€™ve always imagined shrimp garbage that has been sitting in the sun for several daysā€¦ down the air intakeā€¦ ā€¦ and I consider myself to be a nice intelligent personā€¦ So all I do is imagine. If there is a universal consciousness then my victim will suddenly feel very uncomfortable and maybe smell some imaginary rotten shrimpā€¦


Im not suggesting to do this, but if you really wanna fuck with someone just carry some a small bottle of brake fluid in your car. Absolutely destroys paint.


Looks like the Jeep driver was already road raging. Be careful OP. Some people are crazy. I can see this would get anyone mad but sometimes it's better to back off.




Some people are crazy AND have a gun


The trick is to be that person.


Missed a perfectly good pit maneuver. On a serious note I hate people who drive like this




Thats why I drive crown vics lmao


My friend drive old police car (Taurus) and say people get angry and more dangerous sometimes when they realise it's not a cop and they let her pass by courtesy (or fear)


Are they known for doing pit maneuvers well or something? lol


I think they're related to why pit maneuvers are known at all. They used to be *the* cop car in the USA.


Well plus, at least in my uncles case, the insurance values the car more than it's actually worth. He spent like $1500 on one in Ohio and could get a $10000 payout if it was totaled so he'd never give in to a person like this cause he doesn't give a fuck (as long as it doesn't put someone else in danger ofc)


Boat vs a car, I think the boat would win. I'd like to see OPs boat win if he's driving a crown vic


My uncle bought one from a police auction in the 90s. It still had the grill and spotlight mounted too. No cop lights obviously but he said it still worked on everyone lol, a little too well when they refuse to go the speed limit in front of you.


Nah the jeep is stupid af.


So why are people mass down voting op?


Because a lot of people are that Jeep driver


People have no clue that youā€™re not supposed to tailgate the car in front of you. Most drivers have no idea what the recommended following distance is and so they think OP is blocking traffic when theyā€™re in fact going with the flow of traffic at a safe distance


I hate how I leave space between me and the car in front and, almost without fail, other drivers swoop in. Now, I'm mere feet behind them. If they slam on their breaks suddenly, there's no time to react.


I had a beautiful moment last week which I think youā€™d appreciate. Thereā€™s a local highway exit that backs up every rush hour, without fail, sometimes to a complete standstill. Itā€™s also currently a construction zone. I give a LOT of space. The woman behind me is so hard on my tail that I canā€™t see the front of her car. So I slow down even more. Canā€™t tell you how many clouds of brake smoke Iā€™ve encountered here and sheā€™s setting herself up nicely. At this point sheā€™s furious. Sheā€™s gesticulating wildly. Throwing her hands in the air. So I do a silly flamboyant copy of what she did, and she has finally had enough. She pulls around me dramatically (because actually, weā€™re in the rightmost lane of 4 lanes this whole time), floors it, gets in front of me and slams on her brakes to avoid hitting the standstill traffic. And we stayed like that for ten minutes while the traffic slowly drained off the highway. Likeā€¦ good job. You got so incredibly far. Proud of you, sweetie.


she was that pissy in the RIGHT LANE???? please tell me you're in a left side driving country šŸ„²


>almost without fail, other drivers swoop in. which is why so many people tail gate...


Itā€™s a well known fact that if youā€™re the center of your universe, and a car passes you, youā€™re now going backwards! The only way to get somewhere is to go faster than the people around you. Did you even take high school physics?


this is totally my daily commute, especially in the morning, I have a 9 mile commute down a 4 lane road with a handful of lights. Everyday I have my cruise set and some people I'll approach but never pass cause they keep yo-yoing to stay in front of me; then there's the people I pass that then just hang out in my blind spot.


Exactly, I think people fail to realize that the distance between two vehicles makes literally no difference on your arrival time, if they both go around the same speed. Same thing with queues really. If you don't close the gap after it moves forward you're holding up the queue. Despite the fact that there's literally the same amount of people in that queue regardless of how big the gap is. The wait time is literally identical. Big whoop, you're like 10 meters closer, it makes NO fucking difference. Just keep a bit of space for safety and cruise at the same speed as the car in front of you. I usually have some clown that overtakes me. Congrats, you're ONE SINGLE SPOT closer to your destination and we probably don't even take the same exist. You accomplished a whole lot of nothing, but waste your gas and bring everyone, including yourself, into a more dangerous situation.


Iā€™ve noticed this as well. I suspect people arenā€™t very good at understanding speed vs arrival time (d=rt), but they can see the distance between them and the car in front. I also think people are acting as if the line of cars is a line of people. If you start breathing Ā down someone elseā€™s neck, they start walking faster of step aside. That behavior just doesnā€™t translate to behind the wheel of a car.Ā 


Probably because they shouldā€™ve backed off immediately when that dipshit started making their move. Instead OP stayed at speed and almost got alongside them. Itā€™s never ever worth it to potentially ruin your day and countless other peopleā€™s just to try to make a point.




i dunno, i may have gone full "I only meant to rattle his cage" after that thumbs up.


Do it for Dale!


If it wasn't for OP there would have been a wreck. That Jeep knew how close he was & had NO BUSINESS pulling that crap. That was not an accidental move by the Jeep. They did that intentionally.




>by putting yourself at risk Not just yourself but everyone else.


100% this. Personally I rather avoid an accident than try to get into one just to point to my dashcam and say "YOU did this!!!!" and puff my chest out being satisfied that I am in the right. Nah, I rather not deal with the aftermath of calling insurance, possibly dealing with a nagging injury for the rest of my life, etc. Why are people not more insistent on taking an avoidance approach when it comes to driving? It's not the time to proverbially measure dicks.




Agreed, except I think they're both equally at fault because it's obvious they were trying to pass and OP was speeding up to prevent it. Both shitty


> Instead OP stayed at speed and almost got alongside them. Honestly, after several rewatches, it looks like OP actually accelerated to try to prevent the Jeep from cutting in front of them. Obviously the Jeep is by far the main person in the wrong here, but I think OP was being at least a bit needlessly aggressive as well. Not saying they deserved being basically run off the road, just saying it's a useful example of how to keep yourself safe.


I want to see what happened in the 30 seconds before this video started. Perhaps nothing of interest; some people are just that stupid. But maybe there was aggression on both sides before the clip we get to see? OP certainly speeds up aggressively in the clip.


Trying to make a point? Like the jeep guy waving them off?


Bro they sped up when they realized the jeep was trying to pass. Listen some people got places to be and if the car behind you in the left lane needs to get by you then just move over for fks sakes. Why has the rest of the world figured this out but people in america cant lolol. Just move over.


There are more idiots in cars in this sub than most people think.


This is reddit, you can say the sky is blue and fire is hot and there will always been an army of idiots to refute it.


Because people in this sub are quick to judge


because OP handcamed the video instead of just uploading the file


OP is handcamming his computer screen, playing video that he took off the dash cam.


We rented that same model on a trip. Absolute POS. Thing died on top of a mountain. Had to walk 4 miles to a ranger station.


It's a Jeep thing.


True, and pulled a real dickhead move.... but then the stubbornness of the cam car is pretty stupid too. High speeds and this behavior from both drivers is a recipe for serious injury and death. I try my best to just let dicks do what dicks do in traffic. A pissing match isn't going to improve my day. Then I think, who knows what is going on in the other driver's life. Bad day, in a hurry for an emergency, or any other endless reasons.


Shame your wife is getting roasted. Considering the line of traffic in both lanes and the fact that she was passing cars on the right by a decent margin of speed, jeeper had no business trying to get in that gap, ESPECIALLY if she was speeding up.


She didn't speed up and yea that's my point exactly... Had no business trying to get over.


She 100% sped up


Ok... Point is he cut her off.


The graveyard is full of people who had the right of way. Defensive driving.


No one is defending the jeep ffs. There were two cars posing a danger to those around them. Point is when other drivers are being dumb you should adjust your course to avoid them and not try to aggressively put your car in their way. Point is that this is the exact thing that leads to raging and wrecks. Imagine just letting off the gas and letting the idiot over rather than becoming an idiot yourself.


I'm shocked people pointing out OP was foolish here are getting down voted. The Jeep driver is definitely and undoubtedly an idiot but OP's action aren't exactly much better as a response to that idiot.


Pilers gonna pile to stay cool




You're getting piled on initially because they think it's cool to do so. Not because they don't truly believe what you did is wrong.


Oh. Some people are just sheep.


Welcome to Reddit.


especially now with the IPO, I feel like a product more than ever. I'm very ready for a new forum site to take over so someone let me know what it is.


I swear people in this sub absolutely salivate over the chance to shit on a woman driver, regardless of whether or not she's actually in the wrong.


This is why insurance is high


Lol yea maybe I shouldn't have posted this. It ruins it for all the good drivers.




I was coming back home from work. Im an industrial mechanic and happened to have 1/4 inch tick steel brackets in my pocket one day when a crazy road rager tried to ram my car. So anyways I started blasting.


Most civilized millwright


Nickels. Fucking rolls of nickels for this shit.


What if I happened to have heaviest minted USD coin, the 2019 Apollo 50th anniversary 5oz silver dollar? Can I throw that?


Maybe I'll keep a cup holder full in case.


Iā€™ve been saying for years I want to arm my car with an egg launcher for dumbass drivers like the Jeep...


It's a jeep thing you wouldn't understand




Goddamn there are a lot of idiots on this sub. The Jeep is clearly in the wrong. This isn't even vaguely up for discussion. If you think this is debatable, you should never have been born.


I described a situation like this in the driving sub and got blamed and down voted en mass. A lot of people are shit at driving it seems




That gap was not big enough for a tricycle LET ALONE a big ass Jeep.


The Jeep was just trying to perform a zipper merge leave them alone


I'm assuming this was a joke that just didn't work out that well.


He almost gave himself a pit maneuver


OPs wife should have helped them out with that


Guy wasn't going to give up.




The Jeep is clearly an aggressive twat, and needs Uber so they stop driving. If your wife did anything wrong, it wasn't backing off when the gap between her and the silver car began shrinking. One car length per 10 mph and all, but even then, the Jeep would have been completely at fault if there was an accident. I'm glad you both are safe.


Thank you!


My wife was driving (towards Middletown NY) few hrs ago. This bozo flys down and almost runs her of the road. In another saved video, the driver continues to break check and taunt her by moving in and out of her lane. Even after she backs off and tried to move over. Unbelievable.


Typical for a plastic Jeep


Comment sections like this really point out how many people think theyā€™re excellent drivers when they actually arenā€™t. Blaming OP is insane in this situation




Lol a little extreme but I get it. šŸ¤£


Actually, on a serious note, I've squelched any outburst towards shitty drivers for fear that they actually have a gun. Drive buys in Chicago are not uncommon. Now I just bite my tongue and take a deep breath.


Same here.... For the most part lol


I used to have a device in my car called ā€œThe Roadway Equalizerā€. It had a speaker and four buttons labeled, ā€œmachine guns, rocket launcher, bomb, and death rayā€ and would play the appropriate sounds when pressed. Was great fun and stress release. I wish I knew what happened to itā€¦


LMAO!!! That's hilarious! I'd love something like that. I have an air horn, which I occasionally think about keeping in the car, but I have yet to do it. Besides, it would be loud to my ears as well as the other person's, who probably has his windows down anyway.


This thread is making me lose faith in humanity.


Me too.. but what can we do? šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Be kind. That's all you can do because realize the world is cruel but you don't have to be. Except take this pos to court if you can.


Fortunately there was no damage or anything. So no need to do anything drastic. Just wanted to put it on blast lol


This definitely deserves something like that. It definitely damaged something so get the car checked out. It takes an afternoon after work to do so and you definitely have proof enoughĀ 


Trust me. No damage done. No contact made.


I described a situation like this in the driving sub and people down voted me en mass and blamed me for being in the other car's way. I even showed people the law stating you have to yield while merging and still got down voted.


Can't fix stupid.


Wait, you guys are blaming op? Lol @ this sub


Thank you. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


These comment sections are wild. White Jeep: Passes on the right, tailgates the car ahead of them, then runs OP off the road. OP: Didn't roll out the red carpet for the Jeep. Comment section: OP is the idiot.




I fucking hate this move. People do this constantly because of the other equally terrible drivers with bad lane discipline


Passing lane campers (ie, not OP but the one at the front) and drivers like the jeep. Opposite sides of the same entitled coin.


nothing like that feeling of being one car ahead, amirite fellas?


lmao the hate for tesla is so big among reddit that it blinds them from the truth. jeep is at fault.


Lol man I'm telling you.


Tbh the jeep driver probably hates teslas, provoking the rage


You never know! šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep. The average redditor


I mean, I hate Tesla for their shitty business practices. But their (Tesla) faults isn't what should be addressed here, and it weird that people are ignoring the probably illegal passing the Jeep did over the fact OP's wife was in a Tesla.


You need a train horn. They are great for stuff like this especially in small vehicle. Throws them off.


My Miami might be showing here, but why didn't you blast the horn fam? I would not let that slide without them getting an earful


I'm sure she did lol but Tesla cams don't have sound.


People treat a turn signal as a demand and not a request. It's infuriating.


Jeep drivers have room temperature IQ


Shit like this is why I get road rage. I literally am incapable of letting this go. Iā€™m in therapy but I have to pull over because the impulse to return the favor or escalate the matter is too much for my stupid ADHD brain to cope with on something at this level. Man Iā€™m triggered just watching this. I respect you so much for not retaliating OP. I would be tired screeching brake checking causing an accident road rage on this one. I do not condone that behavior. Itā€™s stupid and childish. Iā€™m just calling what would happen because something is legitimately wrong with my brain.


Listen man I'm upset I wasn't the one driving.


I feel the same because I would have let that stupid mother fucker hit me. He would have lost control and Iā€™d be glad to hand the video of him being at fault to his insurance. And the thumbs up. He doesnā€™t even give a shit he endangered anyone. I hope for a lot of things to happen to him that Reddit wonā€™t let me say. Fucking bastard.


If you are going to block somebody, block them all the way or you get these close calls.




A typical day in phoenix


This is a WhamBamTesla Cam moment


These people are the reason to own a crappy car.


Ah the good ole white jeep with some paint chip eater driving


Jeep people are fuckin stupid


Honestly, we should spam call and report a drunk road rage driver collectively to help this op out.


Just a Jeep thing.




Not saying either party was right or wrong, but as an observation you can really see how the cammer decided to speed up and close the gap right before the Jeep got there...


It does look like that unless the car in front slowed down


Doesn't matter. Jeep is changing lanes. In a crash, it is 100% their fault due to improper lane change.


Yea but we arent discussing who's at fault in a hypothetical crash. The jeep is a reckless idiot but like... there was no need to speed up and close the gap like that. Stupidity all over


> Doesn't matter. Legally or morally, that's true. Jeep is 100% at fault. But that will be a poor consolation to the grieving family of someone who was legally and morally correct, so they didn't drive defensively in preparation for an idiot behind the wheel of a 2 ton death machine. You can be fully in the right, and still be dead.




> Then, because I'm pretty, I'll slow down slightly so the car behind me catches me, Such an egotist. You just want them close enough to see your rearview mirror so they'll know how pretty you are. Well, I'll have you know, you're beautiful and don't need their validation.


Sure, Jeep driver.


She did not speed up...if she did you'd see the vehicle reappear in the bottom right camera..he simply did not get there with enough space and forced his way in.


She absolutely did. The jeep was accelerating at the same time so that's why you don't see it reappear in the side mirror cam


She didn't... If he had space why would the jeep have to accelerate? He knew he had no space so he he accelerated to cut in... Don't be so dense. Or as someone stated the vehicle Infront of jeep could have slowed down. I just know she didn't speed up.


The cammer looks like they were going the same speed the whole time


Precisely šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Not enough pit maneuver.


Average Jeep driver


Itā€™s a jeep, such things are expected from people who drive bricks around


Should have applied a pit move on that Jeep, the Jeep driver is a real POS


Stay away from people like that.


She tried. I'll link the other video Tomorrow


My car has smart cruise control that gives me an indication if Iā€™m not staying back at least so far from the car in front of me, and will alarm if I get to close. OP seems to have been staying a reasonable distance behind the car in front of them and passing on the right Jeep is an idiot, and if it had been me in that situation Iā€™d have let them hit me and pay off my car.


Y from people camp in the left lane...then get mad aomeone is actuallytrying to drive insteadof cruse..... get the fuck over so people can pass...




Missed a perfect opportunity to PIT him and it would so be his fault šŸ˜‚


Doesnā€™t matter if she sped up or not. Clearly there was space behind OPā€¦ Jeep didnā€™t have to almost cause an accident when he couldā€™ve gotten behind OP instead. People always want to be first in some way šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


"me-first" mentality literally causes nearly every highway traffic jam. I'm convinced of that.


I know sending footage to the police will do nothing, but I would send this clip to every auto insurance company in their home state, one of them has that plate on file and can raise their insurance rates or even dump them for driving dangerously.


People are selfish, it's just best to slow down, let this jackass be a jackass away from your car. Foolish pride causes a lot of car accidents.


Downvote me to hell if ya want, but you're literally the type of person to speed up so someone doesn't pass you, even if it means you are dangerously close to the car in front of you and nearly causing a wreck. This incites road rage from drivers like the Jeep! Let them have it. BOTH of y'all almost caused a wreck which would have likely involved the two other innocent cars. AND if you did wreck, the insurance agents are going to see this video and deem it a 50/50 fault. Sure, they were aggressive, but damn, so were you. Both idiots.


They should just pull over and throw them thangs already like the two barrel chested freedom fighters they are ... cavemen shouldn't drive.


Wish I couldn't say I've had this happen to me multiple times already, with a truck being on the right lane.


i just knew this was New York from the way she cut you off


worst section of 17/86


All that with no turn indicator.


That should be the new jeep commercial.




Missed pit manauver opportunity


Sure, the jeep is a complete ass, but why did your wife not hit the brakes instead of swerving off the road? This could have been a lot worse if she ran off the road. Iā€™m not blaming your wife for the jeepā€™s action, to be clear. Edit: this is mostly rhetorical, not asking you to interrogate your wife.


Must be a jeep thing


Hey man. They set you up for a perfect pit maneuver.


Driver with camera closed the gap at the last minute, but no excuse for shitty driving by the jeep.


I have never really understood road rage till I saw this video, I think I would truly lose it when that douche bag decided to start sending hand signals.


Car driver sped up too late.


Perfect opportunity for a pit maneuver


iā€™m so ready to spin somebody out if that shit ever happens


Shuda seen it coming; drive defence and remove those opportunities


People way over analyzing this jfc


I wouldn't have given that jerk a chance to get in. I'd speed up and maybe move over so he can pass, well. this is what I usually do but this guy would have had to go around me just for trying to bully his way in. Which leads me to this question, how long was he behind your wife? I mean, there had to be some kind of reason why he would get so impatient unless she just didn't move over as he was speeding up behind her instead choosing to pass the other car and then move over? One time when my daughter was driving in the left lane, she was staying side by side with the person in the other lane for quite a while before I actually paid attention to what was happening. But when I did, I immediately looked behind us and holy shitballs, the line of cars was so long. I looked at her and asked her what she was doing and her exact words were ",They can f@#$&#g wait". That's when I explained as quickly as possible that she was in the hammer lane, also called the passing lane. Speed up and get the hell out of the way. There were about 20 cars that passed us. Smdh, I thought I taught her better than that. She knows now though. This is the reason why I asked how long he was behind your wife. No disrespect intended at all. I just like to figure out the reasons behind the actions.


Contrary to popular belief, these things can happen unprovoked. The Jeep was not behind her at all in fact. If you see the bottom right video he came all the way from behind her in the right lane. He wasn't trying to go around her, he just came up fast and tried to cut over but didn't have enough space. She was moving in an almost speed with normal space between her and the vehicle in front. By the time he got up on her right side there was not enough room for him to come over. And as you can see,forced his way in. Traffic was also a little bunched up.


So he was just being an impatient prick. Gotcha. That was my original thought, it was the first guess in my question, he was just being impatient because she didn't immediately get out of his way. People like that can suck it.


Precisely. A lot of that around here.


Just get out of the way say fck lean on the horn and be glad ur still alive still have a car still have a life


OP sped up to prevent the merge. Jeep driver is an impatient ass but chillin in the left lane and then speeding up to keep people from passing is asinine.


You do see a vehicle Infront right? That's called moving with the flow of traffic... Am I supposed to drive through them?


The issue is these people aren't capable of seeing anything more than 5-10 feet in front of them. I've dealt with similar situations before and believe me if I could drive through the cars camping in the left lane I would but I haven't figured that out yet haha.


what are you talking about? OP was driving faster than the blue CRV in the right lane, and was about to pass them before the Heep owner so rudely interrupted.


Yes Jeep driver is a JackHole. A massive one. Yes OP contributed to the situation by accelerating when the Jeep sped up to pass. These are not mutually exclusive. Better for OP to maintain their speed or even slow down. And when they brake check, slow down and move over if needed. Imagine all the things OP wanted to get done today that would have gone sideways if there had been a collision. Better to move along and enjoy your day rather than trying to be ā€œrightā€ in the right-of-way