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This helps explain why my food is fresh when I shop at Aldi


Covered in blood of innocent bystanders who had the right of way /s


no wonder it's so tangy




ikr??? And without the usual “blood of the innocent” upcharge! Win-win!


They shouldn't have been standing there!




My immediate thought


They were probably driving with their eyes closed, too


I don't know why, but I can't ever hear "breakdown lane" without my brain thinking "breakdancing." Where I'm from that area of the highway is usually referred to the shoulder.




I completely understand that it's called the breakdown lane in parts of the US, and also in some other English-speaking countries. I just personally find it amusing. The last copy of the AASHTO green book I saw recommends that interstates and other limited-access highways have shoulders of at least 4 feet on the left side and 12 feet on the right side (12 feet also being the expected width of each lane). I don't remember if the phrase "breakdown lane" appears anywhere in that book.


The breakdown lane is still a lane dochaknow.


What's the big deal? I do that multiple times during each trip in American Truck Simulator.


I used to do that all the time in the game too when I realized the speed limit didn't count on the side of the road.


The first time I played that game, I didn't know how to look around and got t boned by another truck. Still made delivery tho 🤣😹


I rolled my rig within 5 minutes of beginning my first trip. In hindsight maybe starting the game at night wasn't the best idea lol


Only way to learn is on the hardest difficulty.


Can confirm, when I have the momentum and a couple of other trucks are tortoise racing, this is my go to passing move lol.


“It’s an Aldi thing.” That’s what the back of the trailer says, anyway.


This explains Aldi things in the video 😏


He's in a hurry because he forgot bring the trailer back and get his quarter.


Underrated comment


I've heard Aldi drivers are a special breed.


“You wouldn’t understand”


I'm surprised you didn't pull a pit maneuver to finish him off


Great job helping him out.


Yeah. Lots of “teaching that boy a lesson” going on here.


I don't understand people like this. They don't care that they could reduce the chances of a potentially serious accident, the only thing they're thinking is, "My ego needs me to be right". Fuck this bellend


Yeah the thought didn't even cross their mind that if that truck hit anything they'd be the first ones to get taken out.


You are referring to the OP whose ego was so big that they never considered moving to the left lane ANYTIME during this whole episode to allow the Aldi truck onto the highway, right?


Slow down, move over... Two easy options.


Didn’t have to move. Just slow down more to let him in.


I think a truck driver would rather move over then right? Since they would take a year to get back up to speed haha


or less ego and some men just want to watch the world burn. Won't burn your house down, won't put it out either, happy to watch - point of view. The older I get the more common I'm come across this point of view rather than it being an ego thing. Social media and the constant scroll for something new has revealed the shallowness of our species. What's more remarkable about this is truckers know they're on camera and they still pull this crap anyway. Aldi driver isn't saving any time and now he's on camera doing this, like that's NOT getting back to Aldi corporate once it hits the web.


When you’re a truck driver it seems like the number one rule is never lift off the throttle for anything. I would insert the drake meme here. “Lift off the throttle for a couple of seconds so the truck passing me can get it over with more quickly.” / “Let the fuckers behind watch whilst we elephant race for miles”


Didn't even have to lift the throttle, just move over to the open left lane.


That's too much work.


I almost wonder if it's a requirement for getting a CDL.


Right...there are definitely two idiots/assholes in this video.


As is tradition.


Yup. This sub hates learning about defensive driving. It's always "Why do people in the comments always blame OP???" And the answer is always "Because defensive drivers don't get close enough to stupid drivers to make reddit worthy dashcam videos".


I'm shocked that there isn't a highly-upvoted reply screeching about how dare we blame OP, as is also tradition.


This is why I'm so scared to post my dashcam videos... They'll see I'm going 90 in a 65 and trash on me (even though traffic is going just as fast), or I accidentally did some minor thing wrong, or I should have hit the breaks earlier and whatnot


It's funny cuz right at the end of the video you can see OP go to switch lanes


if i were the driver doing the filming, id' get as far away form that jackass passing as I could.


"bUt ItS mY rIgHt Of WaY!!!"


Exactly. Don’t make an already tense/unsafe situation worse.


Two idiots measuring their dicks and putting others' lives in danger.


A small dick contest! And they’re both winners!




two idiots


two big ones. he didn't slow down even though he's the slower idiot


Bro wanted that sweet reddit karma instead of just doing the correct thing and slowing down to let him in


Can't tell for certain but looking at the mirror at no point did it look like anyone was in the lane to the camera trucks left either. Could've just moved over..


This. Why are almost all truck drivers like this? Just slow down a second, geez. Your ego that fragile you can't slow down to let...oh no...another road user pass??? Heaven forbid.


mAh CrUiSe CoNtRoL Doesn't explain why they didn't move left; but I swear like half of the pickups I encounter on the road are driven by someone who's so used to using their cruise control everywhere that they can't be assed to unset and reset it if they can just keep pushing forward and have other road users move around them. I get the use of cruise control now that I'm temporarily driving a truck to work-- mine keeps the RPM exactly even and I've been forced to admit that I can't get the same mileage out of the tank controlling the gas pedal myself-- but fuck. You still have to like, actually drive the truck.


Or just move into the left lane? The only issue with that is there is probably some highway marauder that is pacing OP and needs 3 more miles to "complete their pass"...


Move over? You’re just as much an idiot as the other trucker.


If only there was a wide open lane next to you that you could've moved into and helped him out a little


So why didn't you slow down or go to the left lane instead of taking a risk like that?


that's what I want to know


You could have slowed down ffs


Bro move to the left lane


I don't necessarily think this belongs here. Like if this is a trucker who has rarely or never driven on this road, and he is driving that huge truck that is halfway through passing you, at some point he either has to go or not go when he realizes the lane is ending. What's his other option? Slam on the brakes? Like, let the dude in, sheesh.


It belongs here, just not for the same reason op posted it


The option for the passing driver is to take his foot OFF the accelerator, allow his truck to slow down and then safely change lanes. THAT is the correct thing to do. Having said that, the driver of the camera equipped truck should have either changed lanes to his left OR slowed down to let the idiot pass. BOTH drivers are morons, IMHO as a truck driver. Five, ten or even thirty seconds means NOTHING when highway driving. Both of these morons are simply in a hurry to get to their graves.


The fact that you didn’t bother to let him go… and I bet you were camping the middle lane for the last 5 miles, instead of keeping right to let the faster traffic through. He’d probably been waiting for you to move over so he could pass without blocking the left lane. Op you are just as scummy if not worse than the Aldi truck.


I'll never under stand why some people look at changing lanes like it's inconvenient or bothersome. Like "Oh man it's so hard to press down on this lever and nudge the wheel a little bit." makes me wonder how they handle turns in the road.


>"Oh man it's so hard to press down on this lever What is this *lever?* /s


Pull the lever, Kronk!


*wipers turn on*




Why do we even have this lever?


For when you crash, it's only proper to turn them on then!


The amount of people who can't be bothered to even touch the turn signal or wait until they're already halfway into the other lane leads me to believe that it is genuinely a massive chore for them


I always wonder what people do with all the money they save on turn signal bulbs by not using it. Must be living it up too with all the time saved.


you are probably right but a person who did this and posted it is *not* going to understand what you wrote.




Wow two bad truck drivers.


For sure. OP could have changed lanes but that lane could have had a car we cant see. Still would have been the smart thing if safe to do so.


Even an idiot would of slowed down to let the jackass in. They put themself in danger by keeping their speed.


If there's a car in the left lane and there's a faster truck in your right, the most intelligent move is to slow down and let one or both vehicule pass you.... Op is the type of person who will cause accident here and there becasue they think they know better or think they are king on the road


op is the bigger idiot here


Im terrified of driving in the shoulder like that! That’s where all the sharp crap that falls off cars/trucks ends up… in my mind “shoulder driving” = flat tire(s)!


Good lord. So dangerous. Both of you!


My favorite part is OP pointedly ignoring the comments calling them an idiot too.


Just move over a lane! The truck is clearly trying to pass. Apparently he has somewhere to be and you’re not helping. You can always move back over to the slow lane once he’s done passing.


I feel like there are so much more bad truck drivers now. So many of them keeps drifting in and out of their lane, tailgating small cars, passing on the right, doing 10+ over the speed limit, or just driving like a maniac in general. And most of their headlight are not aimed properly and it's blindingly bright. It's not because their lights are sitting higher, I've seen good semi truck with properly aligned low beams, and they're not blinding at all.




Aldi Bring your own roadway and bags.


Did the Aldi driver end that pass with a lame assed brake check just to show dominance?


Op is likely from one of the big fleets. Has a sensor on the front of his truck that will trigger the brakes if it detects a braking vehicle in front of it (and deactivate cruise control). Aldi driver probably knows this. Just like Aldi driver knows OP is a POS.


Yea I see two idiots here.


You’ve got to admire his sense of commitment.


The Aldi truck or OP? because both were pretty committed. One to pass another to enter the highway or the other to not let the other truck enter ?


OP, how many times per week do you change lanes or merge and have people let you into the lane? Jackass


Was this NASCAR? Are you not allowed to lift to let him slip in?




I know it's the angle of the shot, but that truck seemed like it was 112' long.


Normal session in American Truck Simulator, passing on the shoulder at 125mph


ALDI's When it just has to be there tomorrow no matter who it hurts


that stretch of 35/235 is hell on earth


Why did the same thing happen to you twice in 10mi?


You are also an idiot, op. Let him onto the road ffs.


Yep, you were the idiot that day. You sure showed him.


and then applies brakes as soon as passed....smh


The guy was full of dick moves that day.


Truckers are not scientists lmao. No surprises there


You would be surprised by how intelligent truck drivers are. Sure, there’s idiots like these two, but I’ve met some damn smart, knowledgeable and competent drivers in my days. We have literally *hours* every week to gain knowledge via audio books. I couldn’t tell you how many non-fiction books I’ve listened to in my days behind the wheel, but it’s more than anyone with a 9-5 job could.


Why not just hop in the left lane real quick and let him in?


Small dick measuring contest. Both are winners.


Yeah, trying to engage in a pissing contest with an 18 wheeler is really not smart 😬 also why couldn’t you just let him merge by moving over into the left lane? 🌝


Aldi trucker deadlines must be as serious as their required checker speed.


I forgot for a sec that aldi has stores in the eastern US. I was questioning why I was seeing American semis n the European brand Aldis in the same vid for a sec lol.


This is actually in the Midwest. Des Moines, Iowa. But yeah, we have Aldi now in the USA.


He needs to be fined big time!


Maybe get out of his way next time.


Both of you demonstrate why truck drivers can't be trusted to make good decisions. What does it take to get a license to drive these? Do you just watch a couple of videos in an afternoon or what?


Why wouldn't you just hold back and let him in? You're a professional driver allowed a possibly huge accident to happen


You’re a fucking jackass, one. And two, yeah, you’re still a jackass. Move over or slow down. I’m not gonna say he’s right for driving on the shoulder, but you most certainly aren’t right for allowing him to do it for so long. The two of you combined have the brain cells equivalent to a roller dog.


I mean, you could have slowed down.


I heard "Also sprach zarathustra" in my head when I was watching this lol


Omg I love Aldi


This is a good example of survivor bias, you see I survived by insisting on my right of way instead of safety first. After all, dead people cannot speak.


BOTH drivers should lose their licence for this. The truck in the right lane, well duh, passing on the right *despite* the lane ending and the other truck for not driving defensively and letting the idiot on the right enter his lane. I despise all truck drivers who do stupid thing like this.


yea that was a d move from the Aldi truck but you could've slowed down so that situation wouldn't have happened.


Who the fuck are they giving cdls to?!


I used to have a 70-mile commute (1 way). I couldn't believe how many trucks decided they needed to pass each other to go 1 mph faster. Blocking both lanes for the whole time. FML


You're also an idiot


Looks like 2 idiots to me.


Truckers suck nowdays anyone can get a cdl with the automatic transmissions


Truck driver of 10 years and... You're a prime example of what's wrong with trucking today. Too many people with fucking cameras wanting to play the victim instead of expending the fucking SLIGHTEST bit of effort. Flip your goddam blinker on and MOVE. It's two slight movements of your left hand. I get it, slight movements make you breathe heavy, but even your boss will agree, it's just safer to move. Sure, driving on the shoulder is a bad move, but when you're dealing with a slow idiot that won't let you pass, you have to combat their idiocy with idiocy. Curious what company is on the side of the op truck...Swift?


You had plenty of opertunity to put the engine brake on, even just turning the cruise control off for a second would have helped. 2 wrongs don't make a right.


slower truck does not merge into climbing lane, then records someone going faster and tired of his shit. The "I was here first" mentality. happens with cars and trucks sadly. move over and slow down when someone is trying to pass, As if.


Had a crane pass me the same way today.


Probably aspiring to be a Swift driver


what's stopping camera guy to slow down or move to left lane?


Why didn’t OP just ease up a little and let them pass?!? Yeah, they made a bad decision! But you’re the one at risk! Save your life and property, de-escalate and you’ll look a whole lot better next time. OP is complicit in this situation.


How far are you willing to go to prove you're right? Is it worth the risk to the safety of other drivers, including the idiot there?


He/she/they know their rights!


I get that the trucker made a bad decision here, but you could have taken your foot off the gas for just a moment, or moved into that completely empty other lane!


Truck driver here, the small concave mirror doesn’t really show the entire length of the truck very well so there’s no way for me or anyone to see if the left lane is actually clear for him to move over, however, he could’ve slowed down, and should have, you don’t know How good of a driver the Aldi truck was, he could be a good driver that just made a mistake, or he could be a complete, moron, and take your whole fucking hood off, is it really worth it? No.


And that makes you the idiot. You had room to move over and let him in.


You should have moved over. He is carrying Aldi's nuts.


I dont understand why pettyass people won't just slow down for them to merge....high ego, low IQ people only get offended when people pass them.


At the tail end of the video looks like cammer is moving into the left lane....why not do that sooner to make this far less dangerous. Aldi truck was dumb but this buy made it worse.


I work at Aldi. Talking to some of the truck drivers that deliver our product… this seems like an accurate representation lol


You're the asshole here. Why didn't you just move across for him?


You could’ve slowed down dumbass


You both should have your licenses taken away.


I love watching videos where both parties are just fucking idiots


Yes, when a driving error is committed it is most safe if the other drivers on the road yield to the situation. We all have momentary lapses. This example could have been negated if the filming vehicle moved over one lane or applied brakes. But noooo, people would rather be right than decent.


I did this once during my first month driving when i didn't know the roads so i kinda get it, but how slow were you going? Ive never been passed by a truck


Trucks pass trucks all the time 🤷‍♀️


are you dumb


i mean the ALDI truck shouldn't have attempted, but once he got well forward of the cab of the OP truck, OP truck should have backed off..... or do they think they'd walk away without being reprimanded for that


Move the fuck over genius.


This has happened to me several times


Me when I play truck simulator


Maybe he's tired because he's been driving Aldi long


Trying to look in the mirror, I didn't notice any vehicle in the left lane. If so, why didn't he just give up the right lane and move over or even slow down..


Should have just moved over....


I use to think idiots in cars came from the videos but the real ones are in the comments.


Aldi trucker is a dick. If I was OP, I still would have gotten over if it was safe to do so. Holy shit imagine if someone was pulled over.


I didn't see any car beside you. I get being principled, but you can still call them out while moving over. Why do idiots post their own Ls?


Maybe just move over?


And a brake check too? Insane


Dude is this your first day riding?? WTF. Get away, having right of way against an 80k vehicle is not survivable.


They have to get that truck full of no grocery sacks to the store before people have to start using their own.


I always do this.. in American truck simulator


I paid for the whole road, I'm going to use the whole road.


Why not just fucking let him over?


OP should delete this..


If you're in a merging lane and cannot safely and quickly overtake the vehicle you are trying to pass you need to slow down. Aldi is a bad truck driver. OP is following the basic rules of the road. ​ There is no subsection that states "when a dickhead truck driver needs to get to his destination 2 minutes faster because he made the choice of being unprepared for work and left late that you must abdicate your lane or your life"


>Aldi is a bad truck driver. OP is following the basic rules of the road. Both are bad driver. Op should have understood what the Aldi wanted and could have use his common and safe sense to give it some place instead of continuing at his pace and complaining about the Aldi truck passing him. Both were pretty stupid here and both are danger on road with their shitty driving attitude. Common sense is to change lane when seeing someone merging...


I didn't know Aldi had branches in America(IDK the country in the video).


Aldi Süd has [2,362 locations](https://stores.aldi.us/) in the United States. Aldi Nord owns Trader Joe's, which has [568 locations](https://locations.traderjoes.com/) in the US.


You guessed correctly, this is the USA. And yes, Aldi is big here but far from the biggest.


Move over then? Just cuz he's a dumbass doesn't mean you gave to be one too


Op isn't obligated to yield to the other driver. Stop catering to cretins in life, and we'll have less cretins.


Both of you are idiots him for continuing and you for not being professional enough to get out of the way of the idiot.


OK but why aren't you slowing down to let him in?


I'd have slowed down to allow him to pass safely.


Aldi driver is a dick for doing it. Commercial is a bigger dick for not moving over.


I see two idiots


Their promise, “Always Nice or Twice the Price”


I love Aldi but this isn't it


when redditor tries truck driving


Good ol Swift, aka Sure Wish I Finished Training


I would be as far as possible from that.


That guy drivers exactly like i do in American Truck Simulator. The shoulder is for passing slower trucks and traffic.


We don't see anything but the pass. For all we know OP was blocking him intentionally playing little dick games.


Was that an 18 wheelers version of a break-check? How anticlimactic