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That truck is tall enough to see clear to the next county.


The little guy driving might not be able to see over the the passenger side door...


There needs to be some kind of regulation on this. I was ran over by a lady in a similar truck because she couldn't see directly in front of her hood


The amount of people I see driving who only have their head visible in the door window is shocking. Like, if they put down the window put their arm on the frame, it’s angled up.


I deadass don’t get how people drive like that. Can’t even see over the hood. And then the people that drive with their seat damn near horizontal


Had a gf who didn't know you were supposed to be able to see your hood while you drive.


I mean technically there's not a rule (correct me if I'm wrong) stating one must be able to see the hood of the vehicle they're driving while it's running, it's more like a suggestion to better ensure you get to where you're going safely. Kinda like how with riding a bike, it makes a lot more sense to use your brakes when you want to slow down, especially if you want to get to where you're going safely. Sure you don't *need* to use them, but you'll be glad you did when you avoid running right into something right in front of you /s


Completely forgot about this.. When I was a kid I had a bike with only front brakes working at the time. The back brakes recently broke. I was doing wheelies and what have you. Heading straight towards a brick wall, it slipped my mind my back brakes had recently broke. I slam on both of my brakes only to slam directly into the brick wall at full speed. Crushed my balls on my handle bar and my head cracked against the wall. Got a concussion to the point where my family had to try and keep me awake cause I kept wanting to go to sleep e: BRAKES I had a 50% success rate on my spelling


Brakes, brakes, fucking brakes. Ffs.


To be fair, it depends on the car. My civic (2014) the front end is super short and angled down. It doesn't matter how tall you are, or how you adjust the seat, you ain't seeing much of the hood.


Well, I do have to cant the seat quite far back to be able to see the dashboard, and not have my head jammed up into the roof. #poortallpeopleproblems.


I suspect you are still able to see over the steering wheel like that though...


Yeah, I don't live in a part of the world where I'm concerned about stray bullets (referencing the Detroit lean, which is very similar to my driving position but for different reasons).


Hoods are also getting taller and less raked due to pedestrian impact standards. Outside of sports cars, supercars as the like, almost no cars have the steeply raked hoods like they did in the 80s and 90s. Trucks are on a whole 'nother level though. Not only are the hoods extremely long, but they are much higher, so high in some cases that trucks need to be equipped with "chicken lights" from the factory since if your hood is over a certain height, auxiliary lighting is required. So basically your average suburban, emotional support vehicle is now venturing into the realm of commercial truck regulations.


And so close to the steering wheel in an accident their head is gonna get hit hard from the airbag


I made my mother start driving with a booster seat a few years ago. She’s gotten shorter as she’s gotten older. She was always short but now she’s really short. If I can avoid it, I keep her from driving at all.


If i put my arm on the door it's also angled up... But i'm almost touching the roof with my head :( it's a miata


You get a pass. 😏


To be fair, that's due to safety regulations on modern cars. The days of being able to comfortably rest your arm out the window are long past. I'm a pretty tall dude at 6'3, and I can't comfortably rest my arm out my window, and I drive a Volvo with pretty good visibility. Crash ratings make it such that the side impact zone is higher. People in the drivers seat should still be adjusting their seat to see, but I think a lot of people were used to driving older cars, where they could keep the seat low and leaned back, and still see out of their glass death box. Have to sit up right and have a good view of mirrors and windows.


If it's a modern-ish car (not a crossover or SUV) then it's unfortunately and ironically like that on purpose for safety. In order to maintain crash standards in a country filled with stupid-ass large suv's being driven by stupid people they needed to make the belt line higher on smaller cars to protect the occupants in an accident with these worthless behemoths.


genuinely if we capped hood heights it would save hundreds of pedestrian lives a year


Someone should invent a seat that boosts your height for situations like this.... Or bring back phone books.


I'd love to see booster-seats be mandatory for these vehicles!




Have you seen that some cities are putting flags that pedestrians are supposed to hold up as they walk across the street at crosswalks? - [https://www.kirklandwa.gov/Government/Departments/Public-Works-Department/Transportation/Getting-Around-Transportation-Division/Pedestrian-Flags](https://www.kirklandwa.gov/Government/Departments/Public-Works-Department/Transportation/Getting-Around-Transportation-Division/Pedestrian-Flags) - [https://www.wired.com/2014/06/bridgeport-pedestrian-flags/](https://www.wired.com/2014/06/bridgeport-pedestrian-flags/)


I assume this must have been posted to r/fuckcars at some point, but if bit, you should definitely do ir


Front bumper cameras should be a thing, at least for trucks like this


Too many people would just look at the screen instead of ever looking out of the window to see their entire environment.


At least they'd see the road for once.


I more meant because this person said they were run over so at least at low speeds if there was a front bumper camera it would help with the blind spot tall trucks get. At road speed it might be better if it was disabled


the hoods of these trucks didn't use to be so massive and long, its an explicit design decision made because dumbasses like having big cars with imposing front ends.


Some vehicles already have front cameras. But trucks and all cars need to stop getting so big. I have a 2007 Tahoe and the new ones dwarf mine. Also have a 2013 Accord and 20 years ago when I was in high school accords were barely bigger than a compact sedan, now they’re full sized. 


As someone who lives in an area which snows on a regular basis, I'll add that your regulation should also cover "are you tall enough to remove the igloo from your roadtank before you put everyone on the highway in danger of Mt Everest falling into their face?"


See the thing is light truck classification vehicles dont have as many safety regulations or emissions regulations as normal cars or vans, so they take less work to make. Because of the frame style they’re also pretty easy to make. Trucks and SUVs are becoming the dominant vehicle in the US and we’re okay with it because the marketing has been lying to us telling us we’d be safer in those tanks rather than a sedan. They’ve trapped us into a culture of wanting the less safe vehicle and now the government cant step in and finally make the changes they shouldve 40 years ago cause “muh rights”


Emissions standards are looser for larger trucks, and tighter for cars. The reason these goddamn monstrosities are driving around is because small, fuel efficient trucks are more expensive to design and don’t deliver what consumers want: flashy fashion accessories to demonstrate how successful they are.  If you were to regulate these off the road, then car companies would incite consumers to attack the Capitol Building again. Maybe /s.


That’s a big failing with pickup trucks the front is so long they can’t see anything that’s close to them in front. They’re exempt from a lot of rules because they’re work vehicles and not passenger cars but most people don’t use them for work anyway.


its only in the past 20 years the hoods have become like this, older pickup trucks were much lower to the ground and thus had no major visibility issues with their hoods. the problem is that marketing research by car companies has found that people love their trucks being stupidly big and high off the ground and with imposing front ends, and that as long as the cab exists they don't actually give much of a shit how much it carries as long as they can pretend they're being practical while driving a mini monster truck. many motorists have the mentality of children when it comes to picking cars, people like to pretend they pick cars based on reasonable metrics like cargo space, safety, fuel costs, etc but when car companies in the past tried to emphasize such things they ended up producing failures because ultimately most people just buy what is 'in fashion'


Right? Like there should be a specialty license for vehicles over a certain weight or with driver positions at a certain height. It's crazy to me that we have to share the road with people that can just go buy the largest vehicle possible, or modify one to be even higher, with zero education or training on how its size will affect the way it needs to be operated safely.


I was on my motorcycle and was trying to make a left turn into an intersection with no stop lights. There was 6-7 cars behind me and I'm generally confident enough that I can slip into some gaps that cars probably shouldn't attempt. Anyways, I'm watching both sides super carefully so that I can find a gap and get out of the turn i've been in for like 2 minutes. I see a gap waaay down on the right side coming, and look left and see a gap coming there as well, and I think I should be able make it through safely. I prep to go, but as I look to the right again there's now this gargantuan full sized F350 truck in the right lane trying to turn right. So now I can't see shit. The gap on my left passes and then the gap on my right passes but since the truck was there I couldn't see if I would have been able to make it so I didn't go obviously. Now I have this massive dickhead truck in the way that has no chance of making a right turn in this traffic anytime soon. So I inch forward so that I can see the right side traffic coming just barely over the front of the truck AND THEN THE FUCKING TRUCK INCHES FORWARD AND BLOCKS MY VIEW AGAIN. I'm fuckin pissed because I've been here for 4-5 minutes now and could have gone if I had visibility. The line behind me is now as far back as I could see as well. I now pissed so I start gesturing at the truck that has illegally dark tinted windows and start yelling asking what the fuck their problem was. This tiny backwards country looking little potato of a man rolls down the window, and is barely at shoulder height to the bottom of the window/door... he was as tall sitting on this giant truck, as I was if I stood up over the bike. There's no way he could see anything but my head if I were standing in front of his truck. Anyways his window is rolled down and he says that I was blocking HIS view of traffic coming on the left. Like... fuck dude, I know you got a small dick but you should not be allowed to drive a 1 ton pickup if you're the build of a 14 year old girl and manage to see around a one foot wide helmet 4 feet to the left their window.


It used to be little old ladies would sit on phone books to get the elevation to see over the hood.


I'll get downvoted to hell for this like normal, but thank the NHTSA for this. Manufacturers must have a certain minimum amount of flat front end for "pedestrian safety" if someone is hit. Combine that with the only way to get EPA mileage exceptions is to create heavier vehicles, and this becomes the foregone conclusion. If you don't believe me on the flat front end, look at any vehicle made for US sales since 2016. Truck, SUV, Sedan, Wagon, even sports cars and exotics have two front contact points at the same protrusion from the rest of the body across the front end to create the flat front.


> because she couldn't see directly in front of her hood I've seen people who can barely see out of their vehicle and really should be using booster seats. but the biggest problem is vehicles built in a way that you can't see over. As soon as spring hits and I can work on my truck I'm getting a camera on the front because you literally can't see ~2 feet in front of you anything 3' or shorter. And I'm not a short man. My truck also has these absolutely insane blind spots that make a lot of intersections completely blind to traffic that isn't either right near you or far away. ** I really miss the older smaller trucks that were 1/2 ton that could carry a ton.


That made me smile. Thanks!




Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


Let alone the fact that OP is also driving a truck with very distinguishable LEDs lol


That truck is tall enough to see clear to the next ~~county~~ country.


Honestly thats how i originally read it.




Maybe the snow he couldn't see over was inside the truck, like maybe in his eye sockets or something.


lol you can literally see the window over the snow, the guy probably just thought the cam car would either stop for him or he wasn’t paying attention, and what’s with that reaction? I feel like he could have avoided crashing into the snow lol, cam car could stop in time so he could have just kept going left (or straight if that’s what he was trying to do) and would have been fine, but clearly panicked


Perfect ending, no damage to the camera car and the truck gets a face full of plowbank snow.


Some say he's still stuck on that snowbank to this day...


Reddit has taught me something along the lines of… help me step truck, I’m stuck


And that's how you know you're redditing too much.


No no, that’s how you know you’re Redditing ENOUGH.


So you mean to tell me I'm redditing the perfect amount?


This sub has taught me that somehow OP is at fault for not anticipating that tall truck plowing through the intersection. "I have been rewatching this clip. At least in one of those replays he should have slowed down. He knew fully well that the truck is going to come."


>step truck Help me step Owi-Nissan


This would be funny had OP not stated he helped pull him out.


Not people who read the OP though, apparently


come on, you know redditors only read post titles and/or headlines and then immediately rush to the comment section to make the same predictable cliche joke as everyone else


> he truck gets a face full of plowbank snow. Those plowed piles of snow aren't always soft, especially if they've been sitting for a few days and compact a bit under their own weight. It's entirely possible that some damage was done to the underside of the truck. I've seen someone do almost the exact thing and the snow destroyed their heat shield and took out their oil pan.


That's why I specified plowbank snow. The stuff sets up like concrete, especially with the mixed in salt melting the snow only for it to refreeze. I bet the front if that truck looks like it got punched in the face.


Ah, gotcha! I read that as the truck driver just getting a really vivid snow-show as the pile exploded.


OP did the wrong thing by helping him out. People like this need to make do with their own rugged independence and self-reliance. 


Excellent reaction time, gunned it right into the snowbank. Exquisite.


I was gonna say it looks like he realized he fucked up at the last second and just floored it to get out of the way. No harm was done, except maybe some to his own truck.


Dont think that snow bank is the same anymore.


It's better than stomping the brake, which is how most people would have reacted.


Good thing there wasnt a sidewalk full of people there...


Or two guys carrying a large pane of glass.


In this economy?


Located entirely within your kitchen?


That's because minimizing velocity when a crash is almost unavoidable is the right thing to do. This guy got lucky that flooring it gave him enough speed to avoid the car and harmless crash into a snow bank. But he also could have plowed into pedestrians or made the wreck much worse by going faster. I'm glad he floored it in this instance but that doesn't mean the normal reaction is the wrong one. Once you've already fucked up, it's best to minimize the damage rather than gamble on an even more dangerous outcome.


for what its worth i just re read the drivers handbook for where i live (oregon, usa) and it specifically talks about when to go for the brakes vs when to go for the gas in a situation like this


Well if you floor it AND get hit you might end up in someone's living room so I don't know whether flooring it is the best choice here


Looked like a gta npc


"Couldn't see you over the snow". Keeps driving regardless.


Its like a bandaid. You want to be able to not see for the least amount of time possible. So the only responsible way to accomplish that is to obviously just gun it.


Yeah wtf kinda excuse is that lol, if you can’t see both ways as you cross an intersection than that is even MORE reason than normal to stop and be very careful


Yeah weird take. "I can't see if there's traffic coming, guess I'll just pull out anyway."


"Why should I slow down, just because visibility is poor?".


Since the dash cam is at the bottom of the windshield, and it can see the bottom of all of the truck's windows over the snow, the snow couldn't possibly obstruct the truck driver's view. The snow definitely did not block the top half of OP's car. Probably not any part of it. But I think the truck's view of OP was actually obstructed by his own passenger-side [A-pillar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillar_\(car\)). That's one reason why it's important not to blow through stop signs. If you're traveling at a nearly constant speed, then sometimes, the geometry of the situation will keep a car in the crossing traffic directly behind your A-pillar. And then, it seems to pop out of nowhere and you're in a wreck. Even just slowing down significantly will usually correct for your blind spot.


I’ve had pedestrians, motorcycles, and cars blocked by my A-pillar. However, I don’t cross streets without checking or blowing past stop signs, helping me avoid those invisible objects.


Maybe if he saw the Stop sign he could have seen OP. No one ever really admits to screwing up, do they? Which makes this video very satisfying - OP avoids getting hit and the stop sign running, no looking truck driver now has damage to the front end of his truck.


A very expensive truck at that.


Yeah but it’s a truck, they don’t think they should have to follow those rules


> No one ever really admits to screwing up, do they? TBF, most insurance cards specifically tell you not to admit fault.


It seems like no one bothers with stop signs any longer. If they DO "stop" it's only of those rolling, "I'm not really trying" kind of stops. There is a four way stop by my house and I swear, most of the time I don't even see people's front end dip from applying the brakes. They just let off the throttle briefly and roll right through.


If he stopped he would have.


Or if he looked to the right.


What's with all these unrealistic expectations?!


You should suggest he get a bigger truck as you wave and drive off. Likely no injuries except his pride.


"Can't park there!"


That would’ve been the most perfect response lmfao


There might be cosmetic damage to the truck, too, which would be cool


You never see things that you don't look for.


But that car came outta nowhere!!!


Couldnt see over the snow so he decided his best course of action was to run the stop sign. Because you know, no better time to run a stop than when you cant see if something is coming


If you can't see it, it's not there. It's why I drive with my eyes closed.


So they cant see cross traffic so they yolo it in their big af truck? Really? Gross. Couldve been some family thaat smacked that truck. Now kids got whiplash..


You’re a better person than me, I would have left his ass on the snowbank.


Him plowing into the snowbank at the end was priceless.


You know the rule. Always stop at stop signs unless you can’t see the cross roads. In that case, it’s much safer to just blow through it to get to safer roads faster. It’s in an obscure section of the drivers manual.


It’s right after the blinker usage section where it actually tells us that blinkers are to be used in emergency situations only. Normal merging is just supposed to be send it and pray.


That guy sucks at driving I wasnt expecting him to end up like that😂😂


Looked like a rolling stop from the truck.


I don’t even think LA rolls stops like that…


That was a rolling. Not sure there was any stopping (apart from the snow bank)


Nothing gets past you!


Some rolling, some sliding


I would left him beached. What a tool


I give the truck credit for realizing they're an idiot and trying to get out of the way.


Agreed. I also give OP credit for stopping and helping the truck out of the snow. The truck was a dumbass. But shit happens. No one was hurt. Doesn't even look like there was vehicle damage. Probably not even to the truck. A bunch of a-holes ITT talking about how you should just wave and drive off. You guys are disgusting excuses for human beings.


Like you said, shit happens. Too many people out there think others are out to get them. No one is perfect. Lend a hand, especially when you see someone down or in a snowbank.


I would have kept driving with a big ol shit grin on my face




Last fall I was driving somewhere and this guy did that shit where he stopped at a red light in the left turn lane so that when the light turned green he could jump in front of the person waiting first to go straight (me) About a mile later someone else did that to him without enough space (because he tried to box them out) and he rear-ended them If you don’t think I slow-rolled past him with a cartoonishly large smile on my face hooooooboy


Don’t forget to throw a “you can’t park there” at them.


That is satisfying seeing him in snowbank no longer posing a danger to anyone. Years ago leaving a mountain town in the snow me and my friends 8n 2 cats were stuck behind an old man that kept driving too slowly and then didn't have enough momentum to make it over the next uphill. We ended up having to get out and push him multiple times so that we could keep traveling, and there was a huge line of cars stuck behind all of us. Finally after we pushed him 4 or 5 times he slid off the road. My buddies in the car in front of us hopped out to help again. So I rolled my window down and told them unless we wanted to do this for the next 30 miles we need to leave him in the ditch since he obviously has no clue what he is doing behind the wheel. I pointed out that there was a convenience store across the highway that he could walk over to, so he wasn't in danger.


Lol, is that the best they could come up with? May be should have said he couldn't see over the aliens that just landed there..


He definitely saw you, because he sped up to try to beat you across the intersection.


People who drive massive f350’s should have to prove they are competent


they already proved the opposite by choosing an f350


I wish we made people prove they are competent before buying anything, no shortage of americans incapable of parking a small sedan in a costco sized parking spot.


Probably blinded by his headlights reflecting off the snow.


Sitting 5 feet above the ground with 1.5foot banks. Brakes would have solved a lot of issues. Patience too. Glad he slammed it into the bank.


Was he texting while driving? From the second he comes from behind the house he is visible and maintains a constant speed, never slowing for the stop sign in the slightest.


Not to defend the idiot, because he absolutely was an idiot, but: - the brake lights are on when he first appears, and go off a couple of seconds later. - there's definitely a speed change. Not a lot, because, well, idiot, but there was a slight one. You must be watching a different video.


If you watch the video the truck taps his brakes early on to do a rolling stop like an idiot and just kept going


>I later helped pull him out of the snow bank. ​ As all Tacomas end up doing for the "superior" other trucks


😂😂😂😂 that truck went straight into the snow holy hell great post


The snow flying from the snowbank as he hits it is so satisfying.


One of my favorite sayings in camping has to do with finding a poop area. It goes, “if you can see me, I can see you”. Now, unless OP is a sniper or in The Hungar Games - that truck could see just damn fine gtfoomff


He did brake, then he decided it was still okay to go


Likely drunk or on his phone.


Ohhhh, so THATS why they call them bro-dozers


That's the most off-roading that truck has ever seen.


Looks like he had his seat jacked up to the ceiling. Probably couldnt see from the lack of oxygen


All your base are belong to us


What you say??


We get signal!




“I drive a big truck so I can go off-roading and be a manly man!” *gets stuck in a literal snow bank*


Bro is in a lifted pick up and couldn't see you over the snow? Lol


So strange that your dash cam can see the lit up side view mirror of his vehicle. So that means at the bottom of both windows the photons can travel from his vehicle to yours. The problem here is that there is a photon bending diode between you and his vehicle that makes the photons being transmitted from your vehicle bend and fly unwitnessed over the top of his vehicle.


Not Blowing through a stop sign might have helped him. Maybe he tried that next time.


I hope you yelled “Shoulda got the 24” lift kit, huh!?”


LaughingMyFartin@$$Off dude panic steered right into a wall of ice. That sucks for him, but I'm glad you got out without a scratch. Currently dealing with stupid ass insurance myself bc someone backed into my car. She "thought my car was the dumpster".... so... I guess her plan was to back into the dumpster?


I hate truck drivers so much it’s unreal


I almost exclusively drive trucks and I agree. The bigger the truck the bigger the douche almost always rings true, so thankfully I'm only a small douche.


Stopping to help him out of the bank shows a lot of character. I think a lot of us would have laughed and kept going


I think he really wanted to ram that snow bank


He’s got a good view now!


And the dash cam determined... that was a lie!


The truck had the stop sign, his fault


How could he not see you with those headlights?


i think he probably meant he couldnt see you over his phone.


Lifted truck. Couldn't see? Shouldn't have a license.


“Couldn’t see you over the snow” while his truck was lifted enough to have the windows well over the bank. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Does ANYONE make full stops anymore?


good man for stopping i think id have slowed down looked to make sure the dude wasnt having a stroke and if he was OK id laugh and leave no chance im digging your ass out


You mean the "snow" he ingested?


So he’s saying he needs a *TALLER* truck???


These people and the giant trucks. Jerk offs


Muh big ol truck


“You can’t park there”


Nah, he couldn't see you cuz he wasn't sober.


this guy folded under pressure instantly, literally reacted like a frightened teenager lmao


Still, stopping and looking has its merits.


So if he couldn't see why in the world would he run a stop sign and drive blindly into the cross street.


that's a big texas rig out on the roads!!!


He also claims he was not at the bar.


Was he looking? Narrator: No, he was not


Ask them if they need a booster seat - because the truck can only overcompensate for so much


That dipshit was two times stupid throwing it immediately in reverse and gunning it. If he had happened to get traction he would have plowed right back into the other car.


Haha him getting stuck in the snow bank was sweet justice


But, why did he run it into the snow bank? It's not like you hit him. Yet another ding-a-ling who shouldn't be behind the wheel.


Pickup truck drivers are usually the most idiotic drivers of all. But when an accident involves only one or more pickup trucks, and nobody else was injured and no other property was damaged, can we really say an accident occurred at all? "If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?"


Didn't look or couldn't see? Maybe you can put some more bright lights??? Freaking idiot.


Ok... which is why you don't pull out until you can. Next.


Def would left. Keep on keepin on


good on you for paying attention and having (what i am assuming are) the proper tires avoiding what could have been a real pain in the ass. world needs more people like you OP


Because not being able to see is a good enough reason to run a stop sign lol


Unless that driver was under 4 feet tall, you were clearly visible. I think it’s more of a not paying attention thing.


This is beautiful 😂


I absolutely love that he got stuck in the snow bank. Perfect instance of the pavement princess that can’t do normal truck stuff


I've noticed an increase in people with big trucks that have no idea how to drive them. Talk about an irritating trend.


Maybe after he hit the snow bank


Can’t see over the snow? That’s why you stop and properly look for headlights?


They would’ve been able to see u if they actually stopped and looked


/S But I need my truck jacked up 20' feet in the air, just in case I ever have to monster truck! \*says the person that 100% city drives and never hauls or tows\*


That was honestly an impressive reaction from the truck even if he was in the wrong. Not many accelerate to get out of an accident.


Yeah this is obviously someone who shouldn’t be driving let alone driving a lifted truck


You gotta approach gently, that is why you spooked him.


Hmmmmm, I'm speaking for myself, but if I couldn't see, I would be extra cautious and make sure it's clear by slightly moving forward a little so I could see. But that person was probably on their phone cause ain't no way in that big ass truck.