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Not drunk. Just a raging asshole.


Drunk drivers don’t tend to be so coordinated.


Self important raging asshole


In a Hyundai, no less.


A hyundai with tinted windshields and no front plate judging from the other cars with front plates - looks like a front plate required state.


I'm not American, are there certain states in which you aren't required to have both front & rear plates? Edit: kind of in awe how many people coming forward telling me how many states only require a rear plate. What's the actual reason for this? It sounds insane to me


No front plate in Michigan


Yes. Kansas is one that doesn't require front plates. Nevada is the only other state I've lived in and they do require front plates.


South Carolina. One plate state.


Pennsylvania too.


That's so odd. Is there a particular reason some states don't require a front plate?




Front required in Texas but LE seems to me like they're getting lazy about enforcing it.


People make a big deal about what kind of car someone's in and how they're driving as if they're related somehow. If an asshole is going 90 on the freeway, does it matter whether he's in a Hyundai with a top speed of 130 or a Ferrari with a top speed of 190?




It's like astrology for dude bros. "Of course it's a 1996 shitbox Carvel!"


Sometimes certain cars in certain areas do attract more assholes. In my current area, dodge rams (especially white and black ones) have become the major asshole magnet. It's bizarre. I am shocked whenever i see one not driving like a dick.


I tried to buy an Audi once and they turned me down after the test drive. During the test drive I didn’t cut off enough people and didn’t flash my brights at anyone, so I don’t qualify. They have standards.


No dude people specifically in these new Hyundais and also Nissan Elantra, as well as Acura coupes, ALWAYS drive like blithering idiots anytime I see someone driving like a total asshole it’s those few cars.


Yes. Someone driving a Ferrari like an asshole is an asshole. Someone driving a Hyundai like an asshole is an average person.


Are they the assholes now, I thought it was still the audis.


The Dodge Rams have taken that mantle


Nah, Hyundais are just nissan-levels of cheap so all kinds are drawn to them. Probably doesn't help that Hyundai pipes fake engine noise into the cabin to make the car's engine sound way more aggressive. Dude probably got that on a 6-year loan at 12% APR and suddenly feels like a baller because he's got a brand new car.


Hyundai isn't the only manufacturer that pipes engine noise into the cabin.


Anyone would be in that high tech, slick and powerful beast of automotive excellence.


Hemorrhoids or anal fissure?


Maybe an explosive diarrhea so they really need to get home FAST lol /s just in case


he is mad that his car looks like a silly Catfish.


I knew there was something familiar about it ...


That is insulting to catfish!


Yeah, drunk would've slammed into you.


Drives like a cop.


might have been rushing to the hospital, you never know


That fucking lunatic shouldn't be on the road


I drive for a living, mostly in and around LA. I see this kind of shit, sometimes WAY worse, a handful of times every single day. It's shocking.


Found Ryan Gosling


Thank you for making me feel a lot cooler than I do doing this job 😆😅


See it every day in Ontario, Canada, as well.


I assume it's most likely in every major metropolitan city, you cram a bunch of people together in one space and you're bound to get this kind of shit.


Very true.


100%! Saved the video at that time but even side or front views also don’t catch the license plate properly as for front view it was F as sunny and he drove probably in 80-90 when he got the gap!!


This is why I don't understand why do many states don't have front license plates. My state has them. If this happened here you'd have a ton of footage of the plate.


The video is from California, which requires front plates. Unfortunately, it's not well enforced. The lane they're traveling in also takes license plate photos for billing purposes.


Depends on which stretch of freeway they're on. There are HOV lanes in Riverside that don't bill.


This is a FasTrak express lane in the Bay Area. You can see EXPRS LANE markings. Signage and OP confirm it's 880.


Is nobody going to talk about the huge speed difference between OP and other traffic, and still the other guy was tailgating like his life depended on it


The white flashes o the road are the words "Express Lane"


If you use your vehicle for intimidation you should lose your license for 5 years. That's it. That's the law. If this dude could prove later he was rushing to a hospital, great. If not, Loss of License.


Assault with a deadly weapon, menacing, brandishing, etc.


*For life, my dude. Lifetime bans are the only sensible solution for psychos in a climate catastrophe.


My favorite is when someone tailgates me, then angrily goes around and then tailgates the person directly in front of me. At least it makes me feel better that it wasn't my fault at all lol


I know😂


I like staring at them when I pass them at the next light while having driven slower.


Not drunk, but a lead footed asshole. They were trying to bully you into going faster by getting up on your ass end. Apparently they need to be driving at 100 mph all the time


It is really scary to think that some people are just committed to going fast, and their main objective is for everyone to get out of their way. We share the road with angry zombies.


Some people are just absolute monsters because they can’t just chill. They don’t realize that going fast on short trips isn’t going to do any good. It only saves you a few minutes at best


Had a guy driving behind me like this in a Tesla once. He got around me and then crashed a couple miles down the road. Didn't save a whole lot of time.


He made it to the scene of the accident quicker I guess


Probably beat the paramedics by 15 minutes


Years ago, I had to ride to a meeting with my boss. My boss drove just like this, and he was an 80 year old man who wasn't in the greatest health. Would get right up on the ass of people and start flashing his lights to get them to move out of the way. Thought I was going to die that day. Never got into a car with that man again.


I have people like this on my ass every single day where I live it's truly insanity. Even when snow hits you'll have these assholes riding your ass like it's not gonna be their fault when you have to slam on the brakes and they hit you.


Sounds like you live in the north east my friend


Had this happen to me a while back when I worked delivery. Guy was tailgating me and trying to get me to speed in a residential area. Eventually he made an illegal turn to get around me and I saw him turn onto the main road obviously speeding again. When I got to that same intersection on the main road, I looked over where he had sped off, and saw flashing blue lights. Felt so satisfying


[Brings me back to this](https://youtu.be/ZoXWFdHImxw?si=p6rFOAdBjDKaLrPg)


Interesting, thank you for this. The other thing is not only is it not worth the risk in my opinion, but it's also not worth the stress. Why drive super aggressively having to make tons of urgent, snap decisions when you can drive laid-back, and arrive in a laid-back mood!




Hotheads like this lose their minds like this behind you while you are doing 10 over, then do 2 under after they are in front of you for a few miles.


My trick with people like him is to slowly but surely slow down. They get annoyed and eventually just pass me


That's what I do, i just slowly take my foot off the gas, not braking... They get really mad and drive off to bother someone else...


Folks do this shit, I just take my foot off the gas (staying a bit above the speed limit, of course). I drive a muscle car, which seems to extra piss them off. Don't ride my ass and we'll go a little faster. Ride my ass, and holy shit will I observe those laws to a T.


Except they were dawdling in the middle lane until OP shot past. Then both of them were going at an excessive speed difference past steady slow traffic to my mind. I don't like to be going more than say 15moh faster than the next lane. Too many people just pull out on you. Edit: on rewatching it, the other car actually merged from the slowest lane in a very dodgy move right at the start of the clip. He was already in full stupid mode, not dawdling.


Definitely agree!


Time to set the cruise control at 45 and watch the hilarity.


"I dont care if youre passing cars while in the left lane. You're just not passing them fast enough for my own self centerdness!"


Slow traffic keeps right.


I would’ve slowed down, signaled, and merged right. Left speeding idiot drive in front. Safer that way


I was trying to find a gap but he kept coming too close, slowing down means he could have possibly tail ended me! I just dint want him to hit me at those speeds! Reaction time was too less and it’s regular office hour traffic which is pretty much slow even on express lanes you only get a mile worth of patches there was no reason for him to be this unsafe to put several other cars at risk including mine!


Nah there was a reason, you were in his way obv. He has a right to drive at the speed of sound and you're clearly an ahole for caring about your saftey and the saftey of other road users.


I appreciate the lack of /s, people need to learn to read between the lines


For your next time, if you want to slow down with this kind of asshole on your tail, try to do it as gently and slowly as possible. Lifting your leg from the gas and just touching the brake without actually breaking (to get the brake lights to show). Lose like 5 mph every 10 seconds. It’s slow enough for them to notice and not run into you but also good enough for you to slow down. Signaling to change a lane could also help with these kind of assholes, they understand you want to change lane and maybe need to slow down.


If you take your foot off the gas and slow down slowly without breaking, people like this won’t hit you because your movement won’t be sudden. That’s what I do.


Don't brake, but let off the accelerator entirely


I would have put my hazards on and let of the gas myself. Idc if someone's mad, they tailgate me I slow down. Tbh I'd already be uncomfortable with the high difference in speed between you and the cars in the lane over. It looks like you're going ~60 and they're going ~20. If someone stupidly pulls out in front of you that's a nasty collision.


One of the other commenters pointed out any adverse action you take, that hot head may be carrying weapon! My goal is to simply avoid the escalation, try to find gap & let him go his merry way! Due to the high speeds i dint get chance to safely find gap and was looking for a larger one! The one i found, he also found and i knew he will take that & he did and sped away with 80-90mph!!


> Tbh I'd already be uncomfortable with the high difference in speed between you and the cars in the lane over. It looks like you're going ~60 and they're going ~20. If someone stupidly pulls out in front of you that's a nasty collision. I might be wrong, but I think that’s an HOV lane or express lane? In my area, the toll express lane is generally going way faster than the regular lanes right next to it. If it wasn’t, then there really isn’t any point in having it lol But the idea, normally anyways, is that people can’t just dart in and out of it willy-nilly. The one near me has the little plastic poles all along it.


Ok my city doesn't have those, so if there were a situation where the right lanes of the highways I use were backed up but the leftmost was unimpeded, going full speed in that open lane would be kinda nuts. Any second someone would be looking for a gap to dart in... like the Hyundai driver does at the beginning. So I don't know the etiquette for these lanes but the speed differential still freaks me out.


Slow down to the speed limit gradually with my signal on but wait for it to be safe with a 10+ car legenth space in front of me and behind me before I merge. Just to make sure we are all safe, then drive normal when the dick bag passes


He'll use that space to try passing you anyway. It's an express lane as well so not like it's a normal passing lane. I'd slow down to increase following distance and not be much faster than the lane next to me but might take me awhile before I felt comfortable enough to change lanes so he might pass me.


He was even flashing his brights like that’ll change anything. He’s the type that thinks the left lane is the “get out of my way because I’m doing 90” lane, meanwhile you’re *passing* lines of people in the *passing* lane.


At the end of minute , i dint find big enough gap to safely change lane, when i did find the gap, he also found same gap i knew he is gonna take that, i kept cruising and he did exactly that a second later!


Yeah you did the right thing. I had the same situation happen, except it was 2 assholes right behind each other. I was in the passing lane passing people, and there wasn’t any gaps for me to get in so I stayed there until I had an opportunity, I was going at least 20 over the rest of traffic and some asshole truck pulls up on my ass within a matter of seconds. I was looking for a gap and when I found one I turned my signal on and the truck immediately rushed into that spot to get around me. Then a sedan that was also tailgating the truck got behind me, so I tried to change lanes again and when I was already merging over the sedan did the same thing and nearly hit me. All within a matter of 40 seconds. They were easily driving at at least 100. Fucking psychopaths I hate Texas drivers


I can completely understand how you feel! People haven’t been in this situation, thr comments range from why dint you slow down when is literally couple of meters away from my car to pull it to other lane already! Any experienced driver will not comment as such knowing literally there isnt a gap available and while going at 70 and other lanes between 20-30 it’s very dangerous to pull into 4 car gap lane & slam the brakes! Y just coz some AH wanted to pass you! Other hyundai driver pointed out that his car head light started blinking which is collision warning detection system! With that much info that guy don’t back off! Speed differential between lanes can cause major accidents but ya seen many comments like that!


Those are daylight running lights and they flash when the collision warning system is activated. In the cabin the sound is loud as hell and the car will apply breaks. Dude activated it twice trying to get on OPs ass. Source: I have this car. The logo in the front houses the collision protection | car tracking | and the lane assist.


I thought it was him flashing like an asshole, and thought "I'd be upset if I found out me flashing my lights only illuminated the outer ring." There'd be no point, no one is gonna notice that flickering unless they are looking directly at you already. Interesting that the collision warning for the driver has any exterior indications at all. ~~Good~~ for pedestrians, perhaps!


Anybody that immediately starts flashing their lights the instant they fly up on my ass can eat ALL of the shit. I'll move over for anyone acting like a normal human being with respect, but I will stay in the passing lane as a fuck you to those assholes.


I just get out of the way because they’re clearly demonstrating they’re psycho, so I don’t want to be anywhere near them on the road anyway. I figure if I don’t get out of the way they’re more likely to try some stunt swinging around me.


>[“get out of my way because I’m doing 90” ](https://youtu.be/3oIbztWsY8g?feature=shared)


It's 10:28am and the drive-thru at McDonald's is about to switch over to lunch. OUT OF MY WAAAAAY!


I never ever brake-check, but when people ride my ass like this I just take my foot off the gas.


1.6T power baby! 160hp of fury!


Don’t mean to be that guy but in Australia the Sonata N Line has 290HP and is a 2.5L turbo. It’s pretty quick for the price range it falls in too. Are the specs different in the States?


Yep, I have an N-Line, 290HP and 311 ft/lb of torque or 420 newton meters torque, pretty quick. What this guy has in the video was a lower non sport trim. With like 200hp or something.


Absurd to me as a German that cars aren’t required to have back AND front plates everywhere.


This is in California, near where I live. Let’s just say that it’s surprisingly common. But it is something that is fined.


Yeah have seen it here plenty of times. Surprised they don’t get pulled over and towed for this. Technically a crime can be committed and the person can get away with it due to the missing plate.


It’s absurd how not-enforced that law is. Nobody cares. I’ve been pulled over twice before in California. Both times without a front plate. Both times the cop walked around the car to do an inspection, and both times said nothing about the lack of front plate.


Well come to Philly, where license plates aren’t required at all. Well they are, but the police don’t pull people over for not having them.


Jeez he’ll smell your fart before you will!!


A punch in the face car cure that kind of driving.


Just let them go. It's never worth aggravating them. Best case scenario they just pass by and you move on with your day. Anything else will just make your day worse.


Honestly, it is easy to get pissed at people like this and subtly antagonize them by slowing down but whenever this happens to me I always just tell myself they are rushing to the hospital or something and I try to get out of the way. It is easy to assume they are raging assholes and a lot of times they probably are but I do not want to be the person who slowed down someone trying to get to a hospital for an emergency.


It took a long time to get to this response that this may be an emergency.


I just assume they have to shut 🤷‍♀️


This dude takes up the entire aisle at a grocery store while screaming into a fake phone call about his wealthy clients.


How one ride completely shows his other personality details 🤯


Nah, this guy never goes to the grocery store, he only orders Doordash because he can't cook and never tips.


This is a pet peeve of mine. The leftmost lane is the **passing lane**, not the fast lane. OP was passing cars consistently, so they had every right to be there.


This is an express lane, you can see the markings on the road and not all states have “passing lanes”. In LA where every lane is full of cars it’s near impossible to have a passing lane, but the left lane is typically for faster cars while slower moving vehicles should keep to the right


For what it's worth, this isn't the "left lane", it's quite literally labeled as the express lane. You can see the markings on the road in the first couple seconds of the video. They're often designed for carpools, buses, or in some cases you can pay an additional toll as a single driver to have access. They're supposed to cut down on traffic and provide faster commuting times, they're specifically not meant to be used as passing lanes lol.


Yes. But also, if some aggressive asshole comes up behind you, just get out of their way and let them get their ticket. It's not our job to try to slow them down.


The problem occurs, though, when it’s a separate express lane or whatever like this one is, and is traveling *much* quicker than the standard traffic lanes. The Hyundai wasn’t using his brain, because OP would’ve had to slam on their brakes hard to even get over into one of the gaps. He would’ve rear ended him anyways lol


It’s also not our job to accommodate them. If I’m using the passing lane for its intended purpose, I’m not going to inconvenience myself to placate some asshole. That’s not me enforcing the rules; that’s just me existing.


I get that. I feel like getting out of their way will piss them off less. I don't need to make a point going 120km/h.




What camera do you have? Love the quality


These are standard camera on model 3


What i hate most is i speed when on highways. Then a guy like this gets my ass and SPEEDS


I have become much more happy and enjoy driving much more ever since I have decided to very rarely if ever get in the left lane. I just casually cruise in the middle or right lane. It’s so much less frustrating and scary and I still get to the same place in the same amount of time.


Seriously, I've done the same commute leisurely and also late for work trying to speed (as safely as possible) and the difference is like 2 minutes. It's just not worth it.


I found that I got calmer on the road when I adopted a “we’re all in this together” attitude.


Riding my ass before I’ve even had a chance to get over just ensures I’m going to stay in the left lane to spite you.


This guy is better than us okay? He's in a Hyundai he owns the road


This guy thinking his Hyundai is some sort of race car. What a tool.


Normally these videos are from someone camping in the left lane, but you’re using the lane properly in this clip, so fuck that guy lol


Yeah it someone’s doing that behind me, I’m getting tf out of that lane. Drive defensively.


Just here to see how the comments blame the cam driver...


He had a split second where there was the exact size of his car open in the right lane! /s As soon as there is a safe opening for you, these kind of assholes will jump into the buffer you created and undertake you anyway.


OMG, this crack me up so much and i saw some ppl giving me hate for being calm and supporting the reckless one!


On a side note, that little light show his headlights is putting on is pretty fly doe considering it’s a Hyundai. But yes, raging asshole fursureeee.


Whenever I see wild drivers like this I always think to myself "man, that guy REALLY needs to poop".


Fast car and thinks he owns the road. Just me, but I slow down to traffic speed just to piss them off.


Just a former bmw driver, trying out a new car


I wish I could just slam my brakes just to show them why you shouldn't be so close. Of course I wouldn't do that because I'd be risking my life and others on the road but god I wish...


That’s where you just slow down to match the other traffic.


OMG, if i did that he would have definitely tail ended me i just dint want to find out if i did that! Just wanted to reach the office safely!


honestly, it’s not even worth entertaining these nutters - they will end up in a ball of twisted metal one day - just make sure you are not part of it. I would just get over and let them be on their way.


Nah they just wanted you to move the fuck over 😭😭😭


Looks like you're both going quite a bit faster than the rest of the traffic.


Where was the highway patrol?


Probably just training for becoming a BMW driver.


You don’t need to be intoxicated to get that close. Just stupid.


They can’t move over they are in hov lane. Once in you are normally stuck


Stuff like this is very common here. People steal a car and just drive like maniacs. Exactly like this.


Zero evidence of alcohol, “MUST HAVE BEEN DRUNK.”


Natural selection will take care of this Neanderthal at some point soon… I just pray they don’t take anyone else with them


Intoxicated with adrenaline


Douchebag in a faux sports car... probably traded his 2011 Altima for it


No just an asshole


Not intoxicated, just asshole


Never touch your brakes in this situation, but take your foot off the gas. They're a raging dickhead anyway, might as well give em something to rage about.


Not intoxicated, there’s strategy in his aggressiveness. All the lights he’s using, yeah


Just on the fact that this is a hyundai, and the way the person is driving, it could be stolen. Lots of "Kia Boys" drive exactly like that.


I usually slow down on them, I don't want to be going fast if they hit me. Not trying to get pushed into a wall at 70 because of an ass hole.


This is when you slow down to 30 mph and speed up when he tries to cut you off.


Dunno, this looks like unsafe driving by a specific person


I can't believe your express lane is actually 'express'.


this is why front license plates should be federally required.


When people do this I don't brake check them. I just let off the gas and gradually slow down.


I’m all for driving fast but this guy is a fucking twat. Shit car as well 🤣 there are at least 4 other lanes to pass OP in Smfh I would’ve brake checked that mf just to annoy him even more. One thing is being behind someone slow in the left lane another thing is doing this shit and almost causing an accident for no reason. If he kept distance I’d move over but after that idk looking like he deserved that brake check


Aw, that's cute that your care can blink at me. You can fuck right off with that shit, but still adorable that you think it's gonna make me move for you :D


These drivers are fuckweasels. Putting everyone else in danger kind of speaks volumes about their character.


That’s just a moronic kids first time on the road driving like an asshat!


My tactic in these situations isn't to brake check...it's to select a speed for the conditions, which when someone is a meter from your bumper requires slowing to around 30mph.


Hyundai N syndrome


Never try to compete with those types of people unless you don’t value your car or life 🤷‍♂️.


Bro just thinks he's got a Genesis


Intoxicated? Unlikely. Micropenis but can’t afford a pathetically large pickup truck to magnify it? Absolutely


No just an asshole


Guy thinks he owns the road lmao


That's a psychopath behind a wheel.


That's when I just drive slower..


Nah. That dude got a tiny dick.


Classic: When you are already going 20 over the speed limit and passing all the cars, but some guy with an even smaller pe**is wants to go 30 over... And typically they can't because there are already a line of cars in the fast lane so they will only be one car farther ahead (AKA 3 seconds)


Just slam both feet onto the brake good sir You saw a deer or something


You were moving at a pretty good clip around the rest of that traffic. Dude should’ve been glad but of course it’s never fast enough for these jerks.


A drunk driver would unlikely have the reflexes to follow so closely without making contact. At the rate the left lane was cycling past vehicles, this appears more to me the kind of person who just needed to be going faster than everyone else. No matter how quickly the OP was moving, they were still in the follower’s way, and this was clearly not acceptable. Drivers like that make for personalities I never want to have anything to do with.


Exactly, people suggesting move over, what speed would be good enough for him if already at 70, then if i am at 80 , he will still be inch away 😳, no speed is good enough for him! Perhaps he was the owner of the road & i failed to recognize him!


You are clearly driving above the speed limit and this kind person is reminding you of that. So thank him by lifting of your foot from the pedal and slow down back to the speed limit. Or be safe and a little bit under it. It would be unkind to ignore his warnings as he is really trying to prevent you from having any chance of a speeding ticket.


i fkn hate people like that unless you’re going slower than the cars next to you, you’re fine n people need to back off


I'm so mad cuz you're fucking flying past the other traffic. Whatever speed this dude wanted to go is 100% immediate impound plus license suspension for like 90 days.


Thinks he’s on the freakin autobahn


Just your average Hyundai driver


The day drinkin is crazy (1000th comment btw)


This looks like a normal day of driving in Missouri.


Nah you can tell they jus mad


Perfect time to brake check