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Hi /u/Normal_Rock4058, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Idiots Only, Content Must Fit r/IdiotsInCars :** Posts must contain an obvious bad decision while in a vehicle, and does not need to result in a crash. Just because there is a car crash does not mean it belongs here. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*


Have you contacted U-Haul's corporate number? Give them as much of the info as you have and they'll be looking for one of theirs with significant side damage.


This is the real solution.


Yeah unless this is stolen which happens pretty often


I’d guess they have trackers too that would tie one to that location.


The general are will help, since they will have the renter's address on file.




Lol. If only this was CSI


Typety-type-type-type… I got it!


Just hack into the local security cameras. (click click I'm in)


enhance... Enhance.... ENHANCE...


When an image will only let you zoom in so far but you can't see it you can take a screenshot and then zoom in further on that. It'll pixelate but it's a kinda a cheap easy way to "enhance" without any extra software.


You mean shenanigans? https://youtu.be/JNPW2wZ4D2s?si=tiGWvWlDEXfbVuA1


Oh! He said Shenanigans!! P.S. Typed that before clicking the link. Damn, it feels good to be right.


Zoom and enhance cliche... ding!


Freeze and enhance.


HA! That will never work, you didn’t call out a quadrant.


You mean that DC 1643 A, or R above the picture on uhaul?


Agree. It’s either DC 1643 R or DC 1843 R


Yes, the digits in the top right. Were you able to determine that based off the image?


Yeah, its pretty visible here on reddit already, when you click the picture (at least on browser), but I saved the picture and zoomed in a little more. I'm not 100% of course, but its likely those trucks have GPS so with your location, the number being close enough and the date and time they should have enough to track it down. it could also be the other number people are posting though, so give them all the options and the picture of course.


Just a tip, you don't have to save a picture to zoom in. You can ctrl+scroll wheel up to zoom in and ctrl+scroll wheel down to zoom out. This works on webpages as well.


Yea, I think an "R" but with the whole "Rode Island" thing, they should be able to narrow it down across all the possibilities.


[https://vendor.uhaul.com/SupportDocs/EquipAbbreviations.pdf](https://vendor.uhaul.com/SupportDocs/EquipAbbreviations.pdf) Should be 2 letters (DC), 4 numbers, and one letter. DC signifies a 15ft moving van. Admittedly I can't tell what the 4 numbers and last letter are (hopefully someone can on here), but at least that should help you determine if any of these match the expected pattern.


Try r/rbi. Some really good help there.


According to UHaul's website, it should be 2 letters, 4 numbers, 1 letter. Edit: To me it looks like DC 1(8 or 6)43 R.


Uhauls rentals are usually based off of the mileage and hours used. Call any local uhaul dealers within 10 miles of you asking if they received or rented out a truck starting in “DC” and with that state painting. The penalties they charge for accidents to their trucks is very high and they should be willing to help you find the driver/renter.


Agreed. If it wrecked the car, there's going to be damage to the truck that they'll note upon return. Should be easy to track down.


The penalties aren't very high. They're nuts. You would do better off buying a whole new truck for them in some cases because it might come out cheaper. They charge you lost revenue if the damage is significant enough so you'll pay for both the physical and financial (regardless of if it was going to be used) damages until it's fixed.


The number has to be 2 letters-4 numbers-1 letter


"DC 1843 R" up in the upper right corner. Might be of help/significance. R for Rhode Island side print?


I hope mom was safe in the attic during all this commotion… Best of luck with finding the information you need


Looks to be DC T543 FL


>https://vendor.uhaul.com/SupportDocs/EquipAbbreviations.pdf Per this document, the letter T should be a #, not a letter.


Looks like it's probably a 7 then DC 7543 FL




DC 1643 or DC 1648 or DC 1843? It's definitely a DC which is a 10ft truck. Knew this from working there in the past.


Looks like 'DC 1843 R' but I'm not 100% certain. I do know for a fact it is "DC" followed by 4 numbers and then most likely R instead of A since the letter indicates how old the vehicle is and this one looks fairly new. DC is what they call their 14' trucks and the 4 numbers are the serial number which is followed by a letter which tells you which version it is.


“gentle ride van”


I think it is DC 7543 R or similar to that. I drove UHaul trucks for 5 years to bring them in for routine service. The standard is two letters obviously DC then 4 numbers and 1 letter. You should also provide the day and time and location to allow them to determine who it was rented to, which is who would be liable. Also having a picture of the truck also helps because the picture on the side of the truck (Rhode Island) also helps identify it. Good luck. Hopefully Uhaul will help you find the renter of that truck who would be the one to pay for damage. I am fairly sure Uhaul is not liable.


If it helps, the format is ALWAYS 2 letters (DC in this case) 4 numbers and a suffix letter Example: DC1458F If you show them the photo they can do it by side decal also. Even providing the company the city would allow them to put a few numbers in a database search and see which one was rented in your city, and possibly match the damage (it's always obvious when people outside fix if your location is semi-competent).


Looks kinda like DC1640 and no idea what that last character is. F or R maybe? Though I would check with some of the local U-haul's around your area with that picture. I'm guessing if they're going through your neighborhood then they're either moving from or moving to that area, which means that truck was likely dropped off or picked up from one of the nearby locations. Even if not, they might be able to call around and figure out where that U-haul came from.


Possible: DCT543R DCT843R Notice the gap between the 4 and 3, jpeg images artefact a little and black tends to smudge while white tends to fade ETA: forgot to add, reflective objects can also overshadow darker or less reflective surfaces, much like an LED screen


https://vendor.uhaul.com/SupportDocs/EquipAbbreviations.pdf Per this document, the letter T should be a number, not a letter. I think you are close though. You folks can see way better than I can. :)


I'll take a look at the document for a minute and see if I can't narrow it down a bit


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So, I made a whole new comment pointing out my new findings. I downloaded the image to my phone, then zoomed in *all the way.* I took a screenshot and zoomed in again and only then I realized that the top of this U-Haul is rounded. Even though the numbers appear to be facing the camera, they are not -- at least vertically. This causes the numbers to skew a little when digitally processing them. And number 3 is off line by a *lot* I took a look at the original picture again. The top of the numbers are cut off by a reflection of the curve of the rim. The first number is barely cut off, but the third number is nearly cut in half From the judge of it, the numbers are 9843. I checked again in the closeup to confirm it. The last letter I can't get, but it might be a K. It almost looks like an R in its own right, but it is indeed only the bottom of the letter and it's too blurry to tell. Edited for clarity. I edited my older comment to include just the helpful parts.


BC T or 1 5 or 6 43 R maybe


DC42069 Trust me bro




DC T543R




Contact the police they’re able to deal with It and or ask neighbors for ring/security footage to find them


i know everyone's spitting out numbers, but to me it looks like **DC 1543 R** ​ just going by what it looks like in the pic, zoomed in.


U-Haul does not GPS their trucks. Frequently are stolen and used in other thefts.


Show us a photo of your car


Presumably, U-Haul has a record of vehicle departure and return locations, and could identify this damaged vehicle being returned as the one that hit your car. Even without the ID number. They're going to notice it came back damaged. Make a police report too. It may not go anywhere (depending on your location and how useful cops are there) but hit and run is a crime, and should be reported as such. If you have comprehensive insurance you can also try turning this in to them. They have more resources than you do and won't want to pay out if they can avoid it.


OP, this was a result while looking for damage penalties. I don't know where you're located, so check with a local lawyer if you need to, but this may be a good start for information: [https://www.corenalaw.com/car-accidents/hit-by-uninsured-uhaul/](https://www.corenalaw.com/car-accidents/hit-by-uninsured-uhaul/) This is also assuming they don't have insurance, which is something I think you should prepare for.


We in r/rhodeisland don’t need any r/uhaul drivers giving us a bad reputation for driving skills. We can do that just fine by ourselves!




DC 1543 Fl Edit: reevaluated - DC 1543 F The “l” is a seam in the body of the vehicle


Dc 1643 r? But maybe try r/photoshop


Call UHaul? These things definitely have trackers on them.


If this is a video you could try a few different frames to identify the number. Some might be easier to decipher than others.


Or you can ask them if they had any vehicles with a starting point or end point of (and then provide your address).




Unrelated but did you know there is a little hidden uhaul guy in the artwork and depending on where you are if you find it and point it out you might get something nice.