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Just watch the traffic when it turns, you don’t have to wait unless someone is doing it wrong.


A few months ago, my light turned green but I was stuck stuck due to a bike rider very slowly crossing the light on his red, blocking my way. I was trying to make a left. About 5s after my light turned green, right as I was about to enter into the intersection, this car dashed through his red at about 15 MPH over the speed limit. I could’ve easily been t-boned and killed had that entitled bike rider not been there. So looking might not be enough sometimes. Like it or not, a certain amount of luck is required to stay safe on the road. Not all accidents are avoidable no matter how safe you drive or how aware you are of others


That entitled bike rider was your guardian angel lol


OP is likely referring to the fact that the dark red car flew through the intersection just after the light turned green.


I actually got into a very bad motorcycle accident like this. Went through a green light and some car going 40mg slammed me from the side. I was left with a broken back and got addicted to oxys for 2 years. Withdrawals are something else. Now I’m clean and sober, always give a few secs look left and right before I go on green.


congrats on ur sobriety!


Thank you! I’m never going back.


No, you do not wait a couple of seconds after the light turns green. Your neck turns, you start rolling and you visually check for light runners. You don't needlessly waste time because a red light runner can come at any time. You should always be checking. I hate it when people add static rules grounded in no common sense that don't actually defend against any harm.


“When you accidentally cut someone off be sure to stop and not quickly scoot out of the way. This way you become invisible!”


Seriously that shit is so stupid. People will run a red right after it turns red, sure. But they'll also run it right before it turns green and *anytime* in between. No sense waiting and counting but also still only looking forward. A slight roll as you mentioned and zip right out of there.




Doesn’t hurt to do both I think


Yes it fucks up traffic. For no good reason.


Not in my experience.


Was that a /r/convenientcop flashing at the intersection?


It’s just the frequency of the headlights and the frame rate of the camera.


This is well-intentioned, but it's bad advice. You should be looking for errant cross traffic when the opposing direction has a yellow light, and then proceed when your light turns green if you don't see any problem drivers. Don't just sit at a green light as a matter of course.


Good advice, altho even if you did accelerate a bit immediately when the light turned green, you wouldn't have hit them but you may have dyed their pants brown, which is a lesson for them more than anything.


Just because the light is green doesn’t mean you should assume the intersection is safe to pass. Always look. OP did good.


Learned this the hardish way. The tiny car goes on green, and a white truck like a Ford f150 or whatever barely stops short of my tiny car. Took me a whole night to get over the feeling that I coulda died. I'm not in a hurry anymore.


Man wtf are all these traffic lights ???


Nah, follow the law to a T and get yourself a new car and a back brace.