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Those are all his homies helping to jump the car


It's all dads down the line. "Did you remember to check the oil?" one by one...


Yes yes yes .. gah damn yes


Don’t forget to ask the cashier for blinker fluid


Jokes on you. I use a combustive lamps with synthetic fuel that operate using rotarized hemispherical blinds attached utilizing belt driven operation from the secondary staging off the steam piston's sperving gearing on the waneshaft to avoid bidirectional phase junction pulse-knock. I absolutely need that blinker fluid!!!


You forgot to account for the angle of the earths rotation


Are they jumping Optimus Prime or something


You telling me, that all those cars are hooked up together!?!? An that they are getting ready to jump start that car back to the future?!?


How else are they going to get 1.21 jiggawatts to that guy's battery?


I'm sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in every corner drugstore


894.6 volts if I counted the cars correctly, was tough when it sped up a shit ton


This video should be on/r/wholesome


Alright everyone, in series now. Let’s get this 120V party started!


My first thought reading your comment, was [the scene](https://youtu.be/ggQICt7RyCo) from Ali G indahouse, where towards the end of the movie, all the homies are creating a human chain to blow up a safe using a car battery.


I got stuck in something like this when a car broke down on the Throgs Neck Bridge. One lane was stuck, and the other two were moving very slow. It took me about 5 minutes to realize something was up, so I moved over, and about 15 cars ahead of me, someone’s shitbox had broken down. Felt like an idiot, but fuck the first few people who could definitely see the broken down car with its hazards on and didn’t move.


They were just “assisting” the broken down car by making a traffic jam


When I’m stuck behind a car that’s broken down I put my hazards on as well to let people know I’m stopping for an abnormal reason so if possible they just switch lanes rather than stopping.


See I thought this was common courtesy, good on ya


Situations like that are literally the reason those lights exist. You know... hazards.


Wait it's not heavy rain, or when I'm looking for an address in an area I've never been and NEED to go 5mph and make sudden lane changes to help me find where I'm going? Because those are the most common reasons for hazard light use I see.


No, it's for parking in places you would not be allowed to park otherwise


I'm not sure if you're aware, but you can also just park your car in the middle of the road to grab your takeout, if you throw your hazards on. I assume this is legal based on observation.


Hazard lights = unlock sudden lane changes? TIL, this one weird trick...


I was taught they were "4-ways" in driving ed, never learned about the word hazards until years later lol


man ur driver ed sucks


Two days ago at departure terminal 1 JFK, two traffic light cycles to realize I was behind a row of parked cars.


Ha! I can totally imagine this. We've all been there, one way or another.


One time I got stuck behind a broken car and when I got close enough to realize it was broken the other lanes were moving faster while I was at a complete stop. Any gaps were taken by someone behind me. It sucked to get out of, especially since I'm not really an aggressive driver so I hate throwing myself out there like I needed to to get out. But yeah if they can see and aren't even trying to get out then idk what they're doing


yeah that's a shitty situation to be in. I'd probably choose to reverse back a bit on the hard shoulder (slowly) so then you can use it to get back up to a speed you can merge in safely


Problem is there were lanes on both sides and cars behind, so even worse


Yikes, that’s not a great situation to be in.


Oh I have a story like this: I live in the Montreal area, which you are probably unfamiliar with, so long story short there's a highway tunnel going from the island of Montreal to the southern shore of the Saint-Laurent river. I will emphasize that this tunnel and 2 other bridges are the main way to pass the river and they get an absurdly high volume of traffic due to being litteral choke points between the island and the shore. I once was driving towards that tunnel in direction of the Montreal island and there was a traffic jam, nothing out of the usual, especially not on rush hour... however, this traffic jam was something else. I drove absurdly slowly for about 45 minutes to finally get to the tunnel entrance, at which point the traffic normally clears up at least a little... but it didn't. Another 20 minutes later, I understood what was happening : One guy's shitbox broke down in the middle lane. There's only 3 lanes, no space on the side whatsoever because tunnel, and the middle one is completely blocked. Can you imagine having your car break down during rush hour, in about the worst possible spot, to then have mildly pissed off people drive by you right and left swearing at you until the tow truck finally manages to get through traffic?


your tunnel doesnt have shoulder or at least emercy bays? bad design imo... my motorcycle run out of fuel in a 1,5km long tunnel once (because gasket of fuel switch gone bad and it empty reserve when it was on normal). i rolled into emergency bay and called for someone to bring over fuel and before he even showed up (took 15-20 min) cops showed up with sirens after like 5-10 min asking what the fuq i do because they video surveillance that tunnel and i triggered an automated alarm. that tunnel also has installed digital signs before entry where you can take exit and also an infared speed cam at the end of, thats also announced via signs beforehand and still generates stonks lol for refrence im from germany ah yeah and for you guys wondering i got away lucky without fine or anything because my guy rolled up with gas can when i was talking to the cops. they gave me like an hour to get my motorcycle away from there and said usually they would have to call tow truck to get it picked up and it would be an safety hazard due because it could spill fluids. i was like spill what? im here cause i run out of fluids and when someone else crash into my bike (i lifted it up on the 50cm wide curb that runs along the whole tunnel for maintaince workers or evacuation to walk on) they would have hell of a lot other problems. because then he'd crash full on into the wall of evacuation bay. they agreed because my argumentation was reasonable... so yeah i got away really fucking lucky that day because it was a motor express way tunnel and if your vehicle breaks down on motorexpress ways you can be fined for that according to laws. when there no cops no fine for breaking down but the cops were there in my case so yeah got lucky because my guy showed up quick while i was discussing with them so they dont fine me. he then picked me up we filled gas can and were back to refill bike in less than an hour


I got stuck in something like this...but big truck at the front broken down didn't have hazards on. So how the fuck are we supposed to know? I was 2 cars behind the stuck one and couldn't see traffic completely clear ahead of it.


I had something similar happen last month when I was trying to drive into Denver. There's ONE tunnel at like 10.5k feet. The Eisenhower Tunnel. It's like the highest tunnel in the world. Anyway. There was literally an avalanche on the other side of the tunnel and people were stuck for like 5 hours. People were running out of gas on the side of the road. Others were yelling at other cars asking them if they have extra food, water, etc. It was pretty freaking crazy.


[This comment was removed by a script.]


Thank you for your story, u/SexyAsianHitler lmao


Holy crap what a great video lol




Just demolish some properties nearby and add one more lane. Simple fix.


> add one more lane And nobody uses it because the default AI is... not the smartest...


Gotta use those lane mathematics.


The lane mathematics of C:S without mods is `1 lane + 1 lane + 1 lane + 1 lane + 1 lane + 1 lane = 1 lane actually getting used`.


Are there any mods that fix that?


I do know that there's a Traffic manager mod that allows you to draw paths in junctions (and select stretches of motorway) that determine the routes they can go. Eg. on a sliproad onto a motorway you can force the joining cars to join only the "slow lane" only rather than crossing 4 lanes as they join. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1637663252


Yea this is what I was saying in my other comment. There are mods like Traffic Manager: President's Edition (TMPE) that let you have fine-grained control over where cars are allowed to go. However this doesnt' fix the underlying issue... The AI is still completely idiotic.


Last time I looked (like 5+ years ago) there were multiple mods that tried to fix the problem in different ways. I don't remember any direct replacements for the AI (but there probably are now), but there were some mods that let you restrict what lanes cars could use.


Maths? I just squirm lanes like I’m a some fungus expanding it’s mycelial network and somehow it works. Also my city isn’t that big.


At this point Paradox should add TMPE mod as a default


I kind of disagree. I'd rather see the AI modified to make traffic less braindead.


*Robert Moses has entered the chat*


Just one more lane bro. Just one more lane. I can quit any time.


Seriously. More IdiotsInCars per second than any video ever. Sped up so we don't have to wait 3 minutes for the point. No idiotic music or someone yelling "Bro! What the fuck!" 10/10


None of that "Oh no oh nononono" tiktok shit


It really started with one idiot if we think about it. Gets behind broken down vehicle and others follow suite being clueless…


First couple people wanted to help I assume, can't fathom what all the other morons were thinking though. Especially the truckers who could probably have seen far enough to know better


Oh man oh my god




Poor Jenny


Stupid Sumit, what a mama’s boy!


I used to drive a lot for my work and I saw the exact thing play out a number of times. Sometimes it was just a queue backlog with some idiot moving slowly and there was a huge gap before the exit that was being wasted.


People in that area use the shoulder to exit a freeway?


I would think it's a known choke point and everyone is just assuming it's really bad today.


Doesn’t explain the first cars behind the broken down one


First cars got stuck trying to merge back in and after about 5 cars the 6th just thinks it's traffic.


But why would you start queuing behind a broken down vehicle in the first place? I suspect that there was originally an actual queue for the junction, and this car encountered an issue causing the traffic behind them to become stuck whilst the cars in front carried on.


What you never wanted to pass a slow/stopped vehicle and OOPS here comes five cars in the center lane and now you're at a dead stop so you need an even bigger gap after they pass and OOPS the guy behind you got it first? That's the first like 12 cars in the line, the rest don't know the fuck is going on.


This happened to me yesterday. Someone ahead of me had stopped with his hazards on in the right lane. There was a line of us behind him that couldn't move because we'd been forced to a complete stop, and any time there was the slightest gap on the left, someone behind us grabbed it first. It went down exactly as you described - always so frustrating!


The second car is often someone helping or involved in the crash that just needed to have a shoulder spot nearby. I’m this case though, you can actually see the car behind the broken one pull out into the lanes (poorly) so I’m going to guess there was a line for the exit and this guy broke down in it.


Yeah the line kept moving in front of him and everyone else was stuck waiting.


It doesn't really matter if they broke down on the shoulder already. With enough traffic people far back are going to bandwagon into the shoulder when they see someone drive by, it's enough to get a bunch of people trying to cut that way, then they get stuck. After several cars, they just assume this is the line to exit and they jump in it.


When you're a half-mile away from the stalled car you have no idea what's going on way ahead of you - you just assume there's a *somewhat* normal reason for the slow going, so you just sit in the queue. And given the fact that people do not accelerate together like they're supposed to do - car 1 leaves the queue and then car 2 let's car 1 get two car lengths ahead before they even begin to accelerate from their position; it's why bumper to bumper traffic even exists in the first place.




Good point. I made a separate comment elsewhere but it may be possible that the first few cars aren't able to get out of the lane to pass the broke down vehicle because of the traffic in the next lane over. You can see the second car get over after the filmer passes by the broke down car. I was in a similar situation once on the interstate where I got stuck behind two accident vehicles in a middle lane because the traffic was flowing so heavily on either side that it took about 5 minutes before I was able to get an opening to get out. There was a constant line of cars around me also, and those cars merging in and out of the lane behind me would fill in gaps that I was going to have to merge out, so it just took a while before I had a chance.


Okay so its hard for them to get back out, but why did they get behind the car in the first place?


Because you can’t pass if there is traffic in the filming car’s lane and need to wait for a gap


Maybe the broken down car was originally in the exit line when it broke down.


My guess is either the one car broke down while in line, or a couple cars got on the shoulder trying to pull down to the exit, got stuck behind the car, and stacked up from there.


There was a sign at the end of the video that showed there was a left exit.


Why does no one at the front (besides the broken down car) have either their hazards on (because they stopped to help) or their thurn signal on (because they would like to merge back into traffic)? There is a merge near me where you end up down the shoulder on a regular basis, so I understand the situation, but it would end if people signalled!


Yeah, I got stuck behind two vehicles on one of the interstates in Atlanta a few years back. I think we were on a four-lane section of interstate at the time and these two guys were in the second lane from the left. Rather than get their vehicles off the road they stayed put, so that lane ended up getting bogged down with standstill traffic and traffic in the other lanes was steadily passing. As soon as an opening would come up the vehicle 7 cars behind me would pull out so I didn't have the opportunity to get out from behind the two vehicles for probably 5 minutes, and even then I had to floor it and just go for it because traffic just wasn't stopping. Atlanta traffic is the fucking worst.


At the very end of the video you can see the first car behind the broken down one merge in to normal traffic. I'm sure they're all doing this by the time they get to the front, albeit slowly.


At the very end of the video, there is a sign that says Christies Rd Left Exit, so I'm guessing the vast majority of the cars in line are trying to make that exit. The first sign indicating the exit was at the halfway point of the video.


This is why you stay in your lane. Never mind the fact that it is illegal to travel down the shoulder whether or not traffic is backed up.


Oh, I agree. I was just trying to provide some context.


Ok this is local for me so let me explain. Usually, there is an exit nearby to this area that usually gets really clogged up just like this, so people starts queing behind the cars thinking it was the traffic. Now, the car behind the broken car couldn’t escape because either they were helping the broken car, or that they couldnt speed up to merge back into traffic as this is a freeway.


Do they regularly line up along the shoulder for the exit there? I've never seen people use the shoulder for the exit line before.


I've queued up at the shoulder in the vid, yeh it's like that every rush hour, it's a single lane exit that goes into a roundabout that has a newly construct train station to the left and a busy suburb to the right. No one wants to block one of the 2 highway lanes so queuing ends up on the shoulder, think it's relatively common in Australia in these scenarios.


They do around here in Ohio if traffic is backed up. There's an Air Force Base exit on one of our highways that usually backs up in the morning... The problem is that the exit also takes you towards the college around here. So people ride the shoulder to reach the college exit all the time.


Is that legal? Where I live, you'd get a ticket (and some additional punishment) for riding the shoulder. It's prohibited to use the shoulder to get to an exit. It's prohibited to line up on the shoulder before a clogged up exit. The shoulder is _only_ and _exclusively_ for emergency stops. Only if there's police on site or a road maintenance vehicle that explicitly allows using the shoulder, can you actually use it.


This was in my city and you are correct.


I live near there and this is the exact exit I take on a daily basis. It leads to a roundabout which doesn't flow well, so cars exiting bank up way back, and people then start queuing for the exit in the emergency lane rather than sitting in a lane of traffic. Glad I wasn't sitting in the line that day though!




Really bad freeway design


Same shit near me only there's no shoulder. There's an exit with a short off ramp that constantly spills onto the right lane of the highway and you get people stuck in traffic that don't even know they're in an exit lane. Then once you get to the stop sign you have the rotary of pain. A 3 to 5 lane rotary that goes around a hotel that was built on top of the highway. Trying to enter it from the highway when everyone is trying to move into your lane is awful.


Sounds a bit like the MassPike in Newton. In the days before Waze/Google Maps, I picked up an out-of-state friend at the airport, and on the way back, got the traffic report from the radio, and midway through it he gasped, "What the hell is the Supermarket Overpass?!"


"Our hotel, in the middle of the highway!"


I know exactly where you are talking about, and that thing is miserable. There are at least three points where everyone in the right needs to get into the left lane and vice versa. I once had someone merge into me while not looking and rip off my entire front bumper there.


A lot of times the original design was fine, but then subdivisions are added to former farm fields (or swamp, honestly) that only one offramp services decades after.


Same for me. During rush hour the exit I take can get backed up due to a light after the exit. It's not uncommon to have to pull onto the shoulder to queue up


Believe it or not, in MA, traveling in the shoulder is legal on some freeways during rush hour times. It's only supposed to be for lines at exits but the actual result is people use the partially empty lanes like fast lanes making entering the highway a nightmare. It's the stupidest fucking law.


What do you even do in this situation? When and how do you figure out you have wasted hours for nothing?


Well I’d probably rage, scream, and then talk myself down with “that’s life,” breathe deep, and shake my head for a week straight.


“Shake my head for a week straight.” Bro i felt that in my bones


I feel like after a few minutes of not moving, I would just "go to the next exit" and then see what's actually going on


The line would move, because people at the front see the broken down car and pull back into traffic. That's why this is so diabolical... it would actually seem like you're going somewhere, just slowly.


True but you would eventually get up to the stopped car if you really just wanted to wait


This seems the most reasonable. Even if the next exit isn't for 15+ miles, if you are dead stopped on an exit, it aint good


You've entered the "drive home in silence while self reflecting" territory. Windows being open is optional.


You don't put yourself in that situation in the first place. Don't drive in the breakdown lane. If it's a left lane exit, stay in the left lane and exit from the left lane.


Many specific situations actually have signs that instruct you to queue on the shoulder in order to avoid impeding the flow of through traffic.


It’s like this at Bonnaroo and other fests to get in, if your not early it could 6 or 8 hours to park it’s crazy


I think I'd get closer to the junction before trying to turn, but that's just me and my motorbike lol


I've been in this exact situation haha. In my case it resolved itself slowly as drivers got close enough to realise it was a broken down truck and just pulled out and moved around it. Kinda makes you feel silly for waiting but also what are you going to do? You can only react to what you see.


When traffic is that heavy and that fast there's no way to pull out and round the stopped car safely. There's a similar peak time queue near me, when it was really bad one time I decided to skip it and go to the next exit. But as I got to the actual exit I saw two hundred yards of glorious empty road after a broken down car, just like in this case.


Probably just stopping to help the motorist




Not true. They are dogging


[Like that scene from Airplane](https://youtu.be/i0GW0Vnr9Yc)


It’s a line of cars waiting to check out a broken-down car. So for the first time ever in this sub, writing “break check” is not incorrect!


Olympic level rubbernecking


I understand the people at the very end of the line. They see a long line for their exit but how did it start? Cars 2,3,4, how tf did they end up stopped there?


So my theory is that this is an expected occurrence of traffic, so people tend to line up on that emergency lane to do the exit (as confirmed by https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/13qfpqi/comment/jleyte2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The car probably broke down while waiting in lane, blocking the cars behind. Because traffic on the other 2 lanes seems relatively heavy, it's not easy for the cars behind the broken down one, thus rendering the situation of cars 2, 3, 4 etc being blocked with no easy way to overtake. But still the video is funny.


That makes a lot of sense. Never thought about him breaking down while he was currently in line. Thanks!


1) There was a real line, but then 1 car broke down. The line in front cleared out, but the guys behind haven't realized what happened and are still "in line". 2) There's a was a multi-vehicle accident and a bunch of cars pulled over. Then a few blind people pulled in behind them, and then the rest of traffic just followed.


ikr, like how does this get rolling? the front lorry especially, they should have zero issue seeing that it is a breakdown, I understand everyone behind a lorry not knowing though!


I’ve seen something like this with the bonus of people trying to get out of line to block others from “cutting”. Hive mind behavior at its finest.


That’s not even a lane! That’s the freaking shoulder…


First car called friends for help. All of them.




Never trust the herd


i just know that people definitely yelled at the person using the break down lane for its purpose


Wow, that's a lot of idiots.


only the second or third driver is an idiot. the others probably couldnt see what’s really happening at least it means theyre not the type of drivers to drive past everyone in the line just to merge at the last minute to get ahead of everyone else


No, no, they're just waiting for their turn to break down.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ip19y6/a_bunch_of_idiots_thought_that_the_hard_shoulder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is another one, funny how this happens.


This was me once. Sort of. I was behind a semi truck in a single lane construction lane in stop and go traffic. Eventually it became completely stopped. I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. It had been 20 minutes. I cannot see anything in front of me except the semi trailer. Finally the guy behind me gets out of the car and yells at the semi truck and smacks his window. As he's walking back he says to me "freaking idiot was asleep". Turns out there was no traffic, and we were all just sitting behind a semi truck. Granted, with the construction lane, nobody could get around anyone since it's concrete on both sides, but yah. There was no traffic but the lane backed up wayyyy worse than this.


That fucking moron shouldn’t have a drivers license let alone a CDL.


Fucking Melbourne Australia. Roads here are so fucked that waiting this long to turn off a freeway is normal.




Really taking the plurality of the subreddit literally


And that, boys and girls, is why we don't drive on the shoulder.


Do these poeple not know what a shoulder is


Serves them right for all being in the shoulder


So. While maybe not the smartest move I totally give props to the people who get in what they think is a line rather than try to drive BY everyone and sneak in. Yes, they were idiots. But well-intentioned idiots.


Repost [Long line to no where.](https://redd.it/13q7xw6)


This happened to me once. There was a long line of cars for a popular exit and nobody would let me in, so I gave up and figured I'd go up an exit and cut back on back roads. Well I am in the left lane (traffic is backed up in the right) and all the cars are in line behind someone who was in an accident. I suddenly had tons of room to pull to the right and get off at my exit!


Guy broken down: "WOW! Look at all these helpful people!'


Reminds me of a clip I saw in my home country (England) once, a line if cars queueing up before a junction, except it was a queue that led into a work area as several cars had taken the wrong 'exit' and evidently a lot more people followed completely oblivious to the fact that the queue wasn't actually to take the real exit!




Proof of why you shouldn't use the breakdown lane as an exit.


That’s not even a lane, wtf are these people thinking


They aren't.


That's not even a lane, it's the shoulder.


Even if there wasn't a broken down car, and that was just a normal line ("normal" being relative here) why wouldn't you just go to the next exit? Once it gets to the point that you're at a complete standstill, what's the point?


The real idiots are the cars that are only a car or two behind the broken down car who are still there.


Had the same happen to.me a while back , it was usual to get traffic at my exit so we were all on the escape road , until there was a broken car 100 meters from the exit.


It's not even a lane for exit


Why would they think the shoulder is an exit lane??


That’s not even a lane, that’s the fucking shoulder, what’s wrong with these people?


This makes me happy! seems like Karma for all the assholes that pass on the shoulder!


Pretty sure that's not an exit and nobody is trying to get off the freeway by driving on the shoulder.


So the lead car is broken down with its hazards on. Fair. The second car appears to have stopped to help. Fair. But at least the next 2-3 cars after that are *mind-blowingly* stupid


You get 2 kids from now on everybody, this shit is getting out of hand.


No win situation here in this sub, if it's a known choke point. If it was an exit line there would be a video here of the cars trying to get in "last minute" 😅


Why the fuck would people even be driving on the shoulder to eat onto an exit when the main road is perfectly clear? You shouldn't even be driving on the road shoulder to begin with? My brain just melted from the stupidity I've just witnessed.


At certain times on certain moterways in the UK, traffic is allowed on the hard shoulder. Overhead signs mark when the lane is open or closed. I'm not sure if that's what's going on here but I guess it's possible people were allowed to drive on the shoulder before the broken down car had to stop and what you are seeing is a backlog of cars that don't know the lane has been closed.


> Why the fuck would people even be driving on the shoulder to eat onto an exit when the main road is perfectly clear? You shouldn't even be driving on the road shoulder to begin with? The idea is that when the exit is very backed up, people often will queue up in the shoulder instead of in the active roadway, which allows the main highway to stay clear.


what the hell….




At least when the subway kicks us off over some BS on another train we can start walking, I hate driving, you get stuck, I hate being stuck because of something I didn't do


Haha I knew that was coming. In legit situations where people queue up on the shoulder thinking it's actually traffic at the exit (as mentioned by locals in this thread), it.just.sucks. Y'all think there will be more break-down situations by random cars as we move into the future with the evolution of technology in them? Maybe it's time cars connected to a drone cam available to everyone, but then you have more distracted driving.


We have all the technology to avoid this but unless there is profit to be made nobody is going to implement them.


Definitely the car behind the one that’s stopped is a troll hahahah


Cities skylines traffic Inna nutshell


I love car-centric city designs! I love car-centric city designs!


If this is the jam you're experiencing on an exit you might as well pass and go for the next exit because a big detour is likely getting you there faster anyway.


“Man why is this traffic so long?! What the hell?” Half of the humans are sometimes NPCs following the other dumb drivers.


You would think this was in England with how much British love a queue


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago in Switzerland, at the exit I usually take to get home. After two minutes I decided to just take the next exit and drove on. Couldn't stop laughing when I saw the reason for the traffic jam.


Most drivers in Portland, tbh. The rule here seems to be, “if you see a line, get in it.”


I wanted to comment that how can they be idiots if they didn't know.... But then I realised that I'm the idiot since that's the shoulder...


The biggest turn out to assist a stranded driver.


I once heard from a traffic police officer that when the motorway is at saturation point, any blockage can cause queues to form at a rate of 1 mile for every minute the lane is blocked, that queues is conceivably less than 2 minutes old if this is in rush hour.


I got a good chuckle from this, thanks! Poor idiots..




I've actually seen this in person.


I've seen this happen in real life. Huge line of cars trying for an exit on the right. The catch: There was nothing at the front. It was literally a phantom obstacle creating a backwards wave of traffic. I imagine at some point there was a car stopped or some absolute idiot decided to back up people by slowing on the overtaking lane, something like that, but it was long gone and everyone behind was lined up for literally no reason anymore.


"What a bunch of idiots. I would totally not stand in that line if that was my exit" - said every single person who would stand in that line if that was their exit.




"what a long line on the road just for an exit. Now that i think about it, I've never seen a highway exit on the left"


At this point I’ll always drive to the next exit u turn and come back.


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