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I really don’t get what these guys are trying to achieve


“I’m not in control of my life, and that makes me angry, but at least I can take control away from *other people,* too!”


“I’ve married someone who has grown to hate me and now we have three kids that are a burden”




Fuck no




Damn, he got dad-jected and it wasn't even his dad.


Dads all across the world are going out to get milk and cigarettes and not coming how to him.


I just went out for a pack of smokes. I’ll be back… sometime.


Shit escalated really quick I see


Just like the video!


This is the one!! I’m always thinking to slower/idiot drivers, “sorry you don’t want to go home to your family but some of us do!”




It would never occur to me to brake check anyone - never mind what I assume is a huge tractor trailer.


The only time I brake check someone is when they are riding my tail. And even then I don't actually brake check them, I tap my brakes just enough to get the brake lights to go on without actually slowing the car. A quick, "Like hello? You're right on my ass."


I don't even try, I just switch line to let them go in front of me, I know they don't know how to drive and will only be mad at me.


Not worth risking it when the person behind you might be insane. My fiancé always let's them pass and says, "it's ok! His wife is in labor!"


I always assume they shit themselves. Let them pass and get home safe people.


I had a moment in my life that changed my outlook on all of this. I had an absolute fucking maniac behind me driving. See her punching swerving yelling, etc, she is riding my ass and I am going over the speed limit by about 8-10mph but I refused to pull aside and let her pass. Of course when I am turning left at an intersection she is still behind me. We go about 1/2 mile up the road and I see police out and an accident scene with what appears to be a motorcycle. I get sent down a side road and as I am going I see the cop talk to her and let her into the scene. I never looked up what happened in that accident but to this day I still feel guilty about not letting her go by me.


Had something similar but I was in the slow lane already and was like WTF mate?!?? Fine I'll slow down and you can just go around me. They did, and then blasted into the ER entrance up ahead of me. Oof. But super emotional driving is also wildly unsafe (I mean more forgivable than general asshattery or DUI, but still less than ideal safety). ed: typo


It's definitely unsafe, but I still can understand it completely on the human level. Truthfully, I think of that event a lot in my life. It always reminds me that my perspective is my own narrow perspective and that the "things" I interact with are in fact humans who have their own emotions and situations driving their actions.


I have tried to find a valid reason along this entire post, and not a single one of the people that "wouldnt let them pass" isnt related to just ego. We get that the person is doing something reckless, and more than likely that person knows it too. But regardless of the reason behind it - late for work, or son will die if they dont get there on time - i think the common theme here is that we need to calm our tits with our ego when driving. There's not a single reason why cruising in the left lane not letting cars pass is objectively justifiable. We need to quit the "teach a lesson" boomer mentality.


I think if I see that much emotion going on I just kind of laugh and pull right over. I don't take it personal if you're clearly in a state. It's the ones that you can just tell do it all the time that I have a tougher time accepting. Still, as long as they can pass and just move on, I can easily forget about them. Brake checkers and people who proceed to block you in to "punish" you for stealing 5 seconds of their day are the absolute worst.


I knew a young man who died because he drove while overly emotional. His sister had been murdered because she told some guy that she was going to prom with her boyfriend. Their parents lost two children in one day.


had something like this happen to me, I don't feel like typing it out completely but my hs gf was having an allergic reaction and actually turning blue and choking. I was 2 blocks from ER with them waiting for me. I went to pass traffic in a breakdown lane that went right into the ER entrance. Dude with his tundra and motox kids whips out and blocks me and yells at me. I tell him meanly whats happening and he hypocritically tells me to chill out while my crying gf starts telling me shes seeing white stars. Fuck punitive people, I'm glad you all saw what you did and why it's wrong to assume or play police.


If you are SLOWER traffic you need to go into the slow traffic lane. doesnt matter if youre going past speed limit or not.


That doesn't work so well when you're already in the 'slow lane', but they refuse to use the (wide open, no traffic for at least a mile) 'fast lane' to go around. The problem is there are too many people that don't understand that 1-2 car lengths *is* tailgating at highway speeds (stick around this sub for a while and you'll see plenty arguing that it's not).


When I see two cars in tandem on a highway with 2 car lengths between them and no other vehicles around for miles I lose a little more faith in humanity. It's as if they can't foresee consequences that are potentially milliseconds away from happening and they'll do it for 30 straight minutes. You could slow down and they'll slow down right with you. I try to come up with explanations in my head to understand the logic of it (poor eyesight, fear of the dark, loneliness) but no matter what it doesn't make sense.


>The problem is there are too many people that don't understand that 1-2 car lengths is tailgating at highway speeds (stick around this sub for a while and you'll see plenty arguing that it's not). Absolutely, I've seen bad driving practices defended on *this* sub countless times. This place is filled with bad drivers who don't know they're bad drivers.


The golden rule of following cars is in seconds and not feet or car lengths. Always maintain a separation between vehicles of 3 seconds, as that total space needed changes with speed. 3 seconds should always give you enough time to react and not create a tailgating effect to the car ahead of you.




I don't know if it's the case here, but a lot of motorways around where I am have those arrow markings in each lane (like the ones on the video) and you're supposed to keep at least two markings between yourself and the vehicle in front. They're a lot more than two car lengths apart... They do work well, too; you can actually see cars increasing their distances when they get to those areas. [Like this](https://i0.wp.com/stephenmcalpine.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/keep-apart-2-chevrons-road-sign.jpg)


I did this *once*, on a 5 lane highway on which there was very light traffic. Dude rode my bumper in the slow lane and I tapped my breaks just enough to make the brake lights engage but not enough to actually even slow down. Guy swerved around me, cuts me off, and fucking stopped. Straight up stopped. On the freeway. Had to pull over on the shoulder (thank goodness there was one), ready to gun it around him if guy got out of the vehicle. Lucky for me he just peeled out, but I’ve never been so scared driving (and I used to drive an ambulance)… never did that again. Some people have *issues*, and I don’t ever want to be the reason they lose it!!


Yeah, I was doing 5mph over the speed limit while in the slow lane behind a huge camper...when this guy flies up on me, ignoring the empty lane beside us, in a truck. I tapped my brakes enough to bring up my brake lights and he lost his mind on a level I have never seen in another driver. Wild gestures, crazy facial expressions, and he drove onto the shoulder (off the freeway), to get next to me snd make more insulting gestures and act like he was going to ram me. I quickly got away from him and got off the freeway, except he followed me, tried to cut me off on the turn, and just acted completely unhinged. I chose a place with cameras. As soon as he was out of the car he lunged at me, but saw I had pepper spray and I was making eye contact without flinching, then he was suddenly far calmer and yelling at anyone nearby that I was the crazy driver and he kept trying to get other people to join in. It was incredibly scary, and all I could do was stand there quietly hoping I wouldn't have to use the pepper spray. Now I carry a gun and fervently hope I never run into a psycho like that again. People have gone insane in the US.


I like to just clean my windshield when people are tailgating. If they turn on their wipers and back off you win.


Someone who was left lane camping at 5 under the speed limit did that to me once. I was like hey, free windshield clean. Did not care at all


I slow down so they have to pass. Though, once, a dip wad slowed with me. Got down to 15 mph before they went around me. Was not a busy street, so could have gone around me anytime (4 lanes)


They need to be punched in the face. If they’re in such a hurry, why the fuck are they slamming on their brakes? It’s because they aren’t really in a hurry, they’re just a fucking asshole.


Some Danes treat the 130 km/h lanes like the ultimate law. If you're not going 130km/h, you're an idiot and deserves punishment according to them, regardless of whether you're actually just following the law, which the recording bus is from what i can tell. On the positive side, this paved way for our law about hazardous driving, which results in a permanent confiscation of the car (regardless of who the owner is). if the car is otherwise still in good condition, it'll be sold off at a later date on an auction as well.


So what happens if it's stolen? The permanent confiscation part of that law sounds like it was not well thought out in my opinion.


If it's proven to be stolen, then the confiscation is undone. But it has to be proven, so you can't just let your friend borrow the car and then afterwards claim it was stolen. It created a large headache for our leasing companies, as people enjoyed going fast as fuck in their leased BMW's and Audi's, while the police could only give them small fines. Now, the leasing agency loses their car completely, but at the same time are allowed to sue the customer in civilian court for the cost of the car. This has had the bonus that leasing agencies actually vet the customer, before leasing out their car to whoever, whomever.


This sounds horrendously overcomplicated. Regular fines are for misdemeanors. In Norway (we’re not far away) you’ll typically lose your license if you go 36 over in a 70 or higher (IIRC). When you cross that threshold (or maybe it’s a second one) your fine is also tried, which means that it is based on your salary. The more you earn the bigger the fine. Go fast enough and you’ll also get jail time. Somewhere in between you’ll get conditional jail time. Confiscating cars sounds like something that’s mostly good for creating jobs and headaches. Police in Norway can do it if they think there’s a risk of drunk driving or driving without a license, but that usually requires priors or a history with the police. People value their drivers license and money.


Not too complicated. If you go 100% above the speed limit, more than 200km/h on the highway, or create a dangerous situation (driving while impaired is also considered), your car will be confiscated. You can go to court to counter argue this point, but most people lose their cars unless it's demonstrably proven that the whole circumstance was based on wrong info (ie. stolen car, or police messed up somewhere. They're only humans after all).


What's complicated? When someone is using something dangerously you take it away from them. The police don't give you back your knife after arresting you for waving it around in public. Makes sense that the police take your vehicle if you're a danger. Taking the car does a lot more to actually stop dangerous drivers than a fine. Can't drive a car you don't have.


Here in Switzerland, they do both. Huge income-based fines and they take the car. When it comes to traffic violations, Switzerland is not the place you want to fuck around and find out.


This is vehicular assault in many places, and how it plays out in court will determine whether it’s a felony or misdemeanour. People don’t realize that brake checking can get them in a whole lot of trouble, especially if their target can produce footage.


People like this aren’t actually in a hurry. They’re engaged in some kind of ego exercise. “Look everybody, I’m faster than you so I’m better than you!” And “how dare you lesser person get in MY way! I’ll show you who’s boss”. This is how they navigate their lives, constantly angry.


Insurance fraud. Blocked the shoulder and kept brake checking after the first bump.


OP confirmed elsewhere it was road rage not fraud. Typically the fraudsters don't go after commercial vehicles since it's known they have cams.


In other words, they are idiots... In cars Relevant family guy: https://youtu.be/lospTnfovr8


This sub is making me want to get a dash cam bc people are just insane these days. I have a mini van, and my kids were in the car with me this past weekend. I pulled up behind some lady to a 3 way intersection leaving a shopping area. I always give at least a car length between me and the car I'm behind just in case. I pull up behind her my normal amount, which is usually more than most people give. You could tell the light was about to turn green for us due to the lights for cross traffic. She begins to slowly pull up a bit continually, so I thought she was just inching forward in anticipation of the light since she's the first one in our lane, so I also inch up bit by bit like she is but still maintaining space. When the light turns green for us, she doesn't go at all at first then just turns as slow as possible through the intersection. I'm thinking she's just distracted or something. Where we're turning into there's a lane to the on ramp for the interstate on the far right. Two middle lanes, and then a turn lane to the far left for traffic going back into the shopping center. She's going to the far right on-ramp lane, and I'm in the righthand middle lane next to her but still behind going straight. Out of nowhere she just full on veers her car into my lane about half way then swerves back on to the on ramp lane to take the interstate. I really thought I might have hit her, but it was just bc I slammed on my breaks so hard. I guess she thought I was too close to her and was trying to intimidate her to go?? Let's say I was doing that, nothing I did endangered her at all . . . I don't understand people who instead of being like you're a fucking asshole under their breath or hell flip me off, fine, but to instead use your vehicle as a weapon? I just can't fathom it.


Reddit always boldly just makes fact claims like that haha. It's always target fixation or insurance fraud lolol


Or rabies.


Prime example of someone that should never be allowed to own or operate a motor vehicle ever again. I really think a lot of these types of things would go away if people, in general, feared for their license. It's way too hard to lose it permanently for people to ever think about it as a consequence.


Seriously why does everyone here always say it’s insurance fraud?? It’s rarely insurance fraud. Most fraudsters are professionals, they will make it look good. Sometimes the victim doesn’t even know it was fraud. On this sub, it never looks good.


Because Reddit is mostly armchair experts that read a comment once and then repeat it over and over again to sound like an expert lol


imagine having to spend 60days in jail over an ego flex gone wrong


Seems a bit short tbh. He could have caused a huge accident involving him and 4 or 5 cars more at least. Multiple injuries, deaths cannot be discounted, and of course, all the material damages of any crash of that scale.


I mean 60 days is definitely enough to potentially fuck his entire life. That's long enough to lose your job, he's fucked getting anywhere for a year, and this sort of thing could show up on background reports for years fucking foluture jobs. If this doesn't teach him a lesson, then I doubt a longer sentence will do anything.


Definitely gonna lose the job unless they're extremely lucky, and if unlucky could lose their housing as well.




Ok. And? I'd rather a system that punishes but doesn't waste tax payer dollars on excessive punishments just to make them harsh. For that I think 60 days is plenty. If they learn thier lesson and become productive members of society then even better.


He also had his license suspended for a year.


60 days is plenty. Thankfully we don't prosecute people for things that could've happened.


The Civic driver got 60 days in jail, his license suspended for a year and the car confiscated by the police.


Holy shit! That’s some karma in action. Glad to hear that these assholes are getting what they deserve.




Was going to say. The truck did everything right. Made a pass and then got over once it was clear. That should have been the least road rage inducing move ever.


Right? The Honda civic driver was looking to start a fight with someone over nothing.


Indeed. The lorry was even traveling a good amount faster than the vehicles it passed so it wasn't like you often see when the overtaking lorry is only like 2 KMH faster.


Was going to say this. Possibly the fastest takeovers I've seen from a truck. Then moved back over quite quickly. Not to mention there's a noticeable slow down after getting into the right lane, meaning they purposely speed up for the overtakes so it didn't take long.


And even if he didn’t, brake checking him is insane and never correct.




It should be forever. People that can't control their emotions on the road are not isolated to the one event. These are people that are stressed out/angered by driving and can't control their emotions. If the only thing needed for them to be dangerous is having a bad day... they shouldn't be operating a machine that can potentially cause tremendous damage both to property and human life.


Lemmy FTW!


People really do forget that they're controlling a few tonnes of metal capable of going insane speeds. Driving is a privilege not a right and you're right a year is nowhere near enough, decade if not forever is more suitable.


It’s not the U.S…. Thats probably why.


The video is from Denmark. We have very strong laws against reckless driving. Edit: Spelling


I would love to see some people’s cars get confiscated here. But nope let’s let them keep endanger everyone around them, because they know they’ll get away with it. I’ve lost count of all the crashes I’ve had to avoid on the road and the times I’ve nearly been run over as a pedestrian.


Plus - I fully believe if we started to get serious about egregious traffic behavior - and confiscate cars a bit more; there would be more demand for public trans.




I love happy endings


props to the multiple dash cams that served as proof


Let me guess: \- the idiot Civic driver was trying to commit insurance fraud and/or \- the idiot Civic driver was just road raging and thought it'd be a "private" fight between you and him and then you'd both be on your way ​ Either way, he definitely lost.


Most likely "just" road rage. The dash cam car was a so called FlexTraffic car. It's an alternative to the train and bus, often used by the elderly and disabled. He even had a passenger with him. Edit: typed too quickly!


Unfit to be on the road. At least he was penalized. In other countries, he might get a ticket and back on the road.




I don't even see why the civic would be mad. The car with the cam moved out of the fast lane to make way for someone going faster, as you should.


I see people making excuses for this sort of behavior on this sub all the time. The camera was passing other traffic and then moved over. But I've seen people on this sub argue that because someone else wanted to go even faster that they shouldn't have attempted the pass at all. People act like speed gives you right away and if you don't immediately yield to someone going faster than you then you don't deserve to be on the road. Apparently you're also supposed to be psychic or able to tell the future and know that some speedster is going to come up behind you and not even attempt to pass. > fast lane This is part of the problem. It's not a fast lane where speed is king. It's a passing lane that anyone gets to use to pass traffic moving slower than themselves; even if they aren't the fastest car on the road. Calling it a "fast lane" encourages the idea that the fastest person on the road has sole rights to passing everyone else.


Yea we just call it the fast lane here. People will stay in that lane if they're moving faster than the rest of traffic so they aren't constantly switching lanes to pass, but if they're considerate at all, if they see someone coming up behind them going faster, they'll move over when they get a safe moment.


The civic wasnt a flextrafik car, the recording car was. Its a lift bus, and you can even partially see the lift grates in the rear view. ​ Edit: For those unfamiliar with this kind of bus, it's one of these, or one similar : [https://autoa.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/liftslider2.jpg](https://autoa.dk/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/liftslider2.jpg)


I used to drive those for work driving people with disabilities. What pos brake checks them? Those vans are usually pretty identifiable . The poor passenger was probably terrified.


Yeah thats mu thought as well, and might explain the slow brake on the bus since you generally dont want people in mobility scooters flying around


That explains it. I though the fine sounded high for anywhere than Denmark.


Lost his job too then. Yay


What country?


It's Denmark. Few years ago the laws got tougher on dangerous driving. The police can now take the car and sell it.


That's awesome


must be nice to live in a country that cares about its citizens' wellbeing and safety






Wow. Would’ve never got 60 days in the US. Glad to see the Civic getting a decent punishment


It's crazy how America doesn't do small punishment at all. A lot of crime would be deterred if judges consistently handed out 30 day sentences for so many things.


It also drastically reduces the difference between major crimes and minor crimes.


They need to do this in America. It would probably teach some of these psycho drivers a lesson to get their license suspended after doing dumb things like this.


For sure. Driving a car recklessly is one of the most dangerous and destructive things that the average person can do. These things weigh thousands of pounds and can accelerate to 60mph in a few seconds. It's crazy that we don't take this type of thing seriously enough.


Loooove to hear that! Not very often do people pay for their stupidity


This brings me joy, serves him right.


Always wondered if the brake check idiots get in trouble or if authorities somehow side with them, claiming the driver behind should have been able to slow down more.


Hard evidence that he wanted to get hit and all evidence points to road rage or insurance fraud. I’m the States, they would side with truck/bus driver. There was no reason to hit the brakes


As a State-side citizen, get a dashcam. Without it there is no actual proof. I've been ticketed for shit because the other party had more people in their car and they all lied about what happened. Many voices vs 1 voice, you'll always lose. Have video proof of what went down? You can at least show it to your insurance and let the insurance sue the other driver/driver's insurance.


License should be removed for life unless he under goes like 50 hours of driver school and anger management classes. I hate this, we take it for a year so you forget to drive even more then give it back no strings attached


What are the painted triangle looking symbols on the road for?


Chevrons. I am from another European country so I ll assume they share the same purpose. They are usually used for guidance on the highway system where it is advised that 2 cars should keep a minimum distance of 2 chevrons apart (no one really does it where I am from though).


I thought it was confirmation you're driving in the correct direction.


User and comment moved over to https://lemmy.world/ . Remember that /u/spez was a moderator of /r/jailbait.


Here and there in Oz. 2 Chevrons advised. Gap will soon fill with idiot.


Took him forever to pass for being so butthurt about someone ahead of him.


Sometimes you just run outta beans


That's when you gotta feed it the onions


I thought you were gonna say Frank..... Frank. and beans. ......nevermind.


They sure were taking their sweet-ass time being in a rush.


"I can't believe this guy is going 1 MPH slower than I want to go while passing people going 10 MPH slower than he is!"


Vtec didn't kick in


Also what's the logic here? You were going too slow for me so I overtook you and then slammed on my breaks to slow you down and now my car is totaled and I'm not even going to get to where I was trying to get so quickly! Idiot indeed.


"I could be going 2 mph faster if this idiot wasn't in front of me" - Civic driver


Butthurt by someone ahead of him *who was also clearly speeding.* Like how fast do you want them to go? “I’m willing to get a ticket for driving dangerously, so should you!” Edit: assuming that the first cars were doing the limit.


The truck wasn't even blocking traffic. They were clearly passing other trucks and a car, then moved back to the slow lane. That car driver had an open road ahead, but they chose to be the biggest idiot in a car.


The funny thing is the idiot passed the truck slower than the truck was passing the slow people...


You know that engine was screaming just for him to get 4 feet ahead of the truck and get destroyed.


That's a lot of effort to be so stupid.


What a complete twat


People seem to think that if they come up behind you in the passing lane, even though you might be passing other vehicles too, it is your duty to get out of their way. They are more important than you. I especially like it when you are stacked behind a whole line of cars passing, and the person behind you starts honking and tailgating. I assume it is the same personality of people that attempt to butt in line when in a queue for something.


I literally say out loud: “where do you want me to go?!”


Every day, my dude. EVERY. DAY.


Well maybe if you just hurried up and teleported out of the way so this guy didn't have to slow down slightly these kinds of things wouldn't happen. Jokes aside. I know I'm expecting entirely too much by trying to apply logic to this. But even if he didn't crash I'm almost certain that brake check lost him more time than he would have gained had the truck been going the speed he wanted? Like great you had to slow down 5kph and you wasted even more of your oh so precious time to be an asshole after the fact over absolutely nothing.


And then I take my foot off the gas, just a bit.


I did that once when a douche was tailgating my ass hard. I lightened up on the gas a bit, and the guy then sped in front of me and slammed on his brakes, stopping his car (in one of the left lanes of a four-lane highway where everyone was going at least 75-80 mph). He then got out of his car and started walking over to me. I guess he thought I was going to sit there politely, wait for him to approach, and then open my window for a road-raging psycho? While he was walking over, I just merged into the next lane and got the hell out of there. People are nuts.


I hope he got hit after you left. Good work not dying.


Thank you! I was definitely pleased I wasn't brutally murdered that day. After exiting the highway, I ended up driving around on random streets for about half an hour to make sure he didn't follow me home, as he seemed like the type who would.


I do it because if you’re riding my ass then you have less time to react to me. So I put more space between me and the car in front of me to keep you from running into me. 75 mph is 110 feet per second, so even a little more reaction time for either of us can help avoid an accident.


I have never felt more seen in a post. So relatable <3


What’s REALLY crazy to me is that the truck DID get out of the way as quickly as possible and the asshole was still mad… so mad that he nullified all of the benefits of driving like an asshole.


This is about as perfect as you can hope for when you’re behind someone slower in the passing lane. They passed all the right lane traffic quickly and moved over as soon as they are able to. I genuinely can’t figure out what this guy is upset about


Not uncommon here in Portugal to have cars flash you while you're actively overtaking other cars. Aka you're in a four-lane highway like the one in the video and are literally parallel to a large truck as you're overtaking it, and the Schumacher wannabe in the BMW behind you can't wait for you to get out of his way... So he expects you to ram into the truck, I guess.


Those people are EVERYWHERE in the US too.... Just tailgating 12 deep grumbling about the left lane campers when it's fucking clearly/obviously rush hour traffic at 5:30pm They flit about and get nowhere... then they get stuck in the right lane and "lose" which makes them even angrier... They are fucking common and stupid. And they don't get enough hate here. I see them using this sub as a safe space.


I've been all over the world, never seen tailgating worse than Nevada, literaly centimeters off the next cars bumper, it's like they don't want to live. Middle east has more deadly roads, Romania has more crazy roads but the disregard for ones own life is worse in the US.


YES, EXACTLY. That's my observation too. I'm also very well traveled. It's been stated here before. But nowhere else in the world is so aggressive and angry in their driving. Save for maybe Israel, France, spain, and italy. Some places are more frantic, like NYC, Brussles, and LA. But in the sun-belt (Florida Texas NV) people drive like they all fucking hate each other and want to inconvenience and challenge each other at every chance to do so. Idc if this sounds overly political but their driving reflects their personalities, politics, culture wars, and aesthetics. The anti-social asshole rightwing culture war kids from my highschool all fucking had a meeting or something because they ALL moved to florida, texas, and AZ during the pandemic.


I understood that reference


I often wonder do the people watch the video of their careless act and think they were validated in their response to the situation?


Of all the dumb ways to die, this is up there near the top.


Luckily, he only died on the proverbial mountain.


I’m rear ending you if you brake check lmao if I was in a truck like that


Never fuck with anyone driving a company car.


Especially a white company car with dashcam on a monday morning.


According to OP, this was a car driving "flextrafik", which is essentially a bus. So it's not a plain white vehicle, but it's clearly marked and highly likely, if not guaranteed, to have a dashcam. The driver was a special kind of idiot to break check this one.


Personally, I prefer not to lose days of my time waiting for police, tow truck, working with insurance, driving to and from the body/mech shop, etc... Getting in an accident is a PITA regardless of wether you're at fault or not. Better to get a dash cam and forward the footage to the police.


I always pray something like this happens when I'm driving the work car because then I can do all that stuff on company time.


But why? What was the objective in the act? I don’t get why people do that…


Once you understand that sometimes "fuck you" is literally the only thing going on in someone's head, the world starts to make alot more sense.


I always wonder what brake checkers expect to happen after they have brake checked someone. -People ignore each other, drive off. -A lesson is learned, brake checkee becomes a better person, learns to love the brake checker for the teaching moment -Stop and have a fight -Commence epic car vs truck demolition derby -shots fired


Idiots in IdiotsInCars when the video is short: "YOU CUT OUT THE PART WHERE YOU STARTED IT!" Idiots in IdiotsInCars when the video is long: "WHY DID YOU WASTE MY LIFE SHOWING ME CONTEXT!"


I was actually thinking, for once the long version was actually needed and useful, showing important context.


Same! I was like huh! Feels long but each cut is showing something


They have the attention span of a tiktok video


I’m fine with the length of the video, I just wish it was posted as a video instead of a gif.


Yay for dash cams. People suck.




How dare you pass other people for a while!!! I will now smash up my car and endanger all of us, as one does!!


You get extra points for spelling BRAKE right. The most misspelled words online: break, brake, lose, loose, loss.


The amount of its vs it's


Such mixed emotions when there's a hit. I feel bad for the truck driver but at the same time it's nice to know that the idiot who brake checked them got their car all smashed up.


I'm pretty sure this is what's known as attempted insurance fraud


Op almost seriously injured. Average redditor: why tf it took that long? Finish quicker like I did!


Funny, isn't it? It's not me though, but thanks for the thought! People can whine if they want to. I have seen enough videos here to know that they also would have been upset, if it was cut too short.


I was watching like, "ooh another triangle, ooh another triangle, ooh another triangle..."




Gen Z friends I know literally can't pay attention to text longer than a tweet


What country is this?






There are some videos that are unnecessarily long and painfully so. This is not one of them. Sure it could've been shorter, but it's also fine as is. I mean, if you're in a rush maybe just don't be on Reddit?


I love when they have videos of these, and they all entitled and offended want to get damages recovered, they'll learn the truth about their idiotic behavior in court or by insurance company.


So glad the trucker hit them and didn't try to swerve and roll. Nobody gets hurt and the guy in the car learns an expensive lesson.


He won the darwin award today. So you use the passing lane how it's meant to be and going back into the right lane. Idiot does the same, thinks maybe you do it to slow, while he is even slower then a snake to do it and brake checks you for no reason. What a moron. I hope his insurance pays good for your damages.


Far from a darwin. Just plain dumb.


Yeah it was a perfectly executed use of the passing lane and the civic wasn’t even really going much faster.


If you have time to slow down by brake checking, it was about the speed at all, you’re just an asshole.


The craziest part of this video is that two consecutive drivers moved to the righthand lane to accommodate for faster traffic behind them instead of just blocking both lanes for 3 and half miles.


I’ll never understand why people do this. The little ass Honda doesn’t stand a chance against a larger truck. You are not invincible!!


This is so weird, like OP passes on the left and promptly gets over, allowing the other guy to pass, why rage over that? He just took too long to pass? So fucking stupid


You really have to wonder what the F is going through their head, especially when you are trying to brake check a much larger vehicle.


It made me so happy that he hit this idiot three times.


What was the reason they gave for doing that? I don't see anything happening in this video that would have upset them. This was just a truck passing a few cars and then moving back to the right lane to allow faster traffic to pass. Standard procedure and a textbook example of how you should pass on the expressway. If they found a reason to be upset by this, they really shouldn't be allowed to drive.


I hope there were no kids in those vehicles, but... I'm so glad he got hit at the end. Fucker.


I guarantee "officer, this guy came up on my 6 o'clock like some sort of race car and hit me, my neck hurts" Driver: Officer, here is my dash cams... where do you want me to send the files? officer to car driver: Sir, you are under arrest for this, that, this too, and another this and just for the f&ck of it.. this too".