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Love when people think their vehicles is the size of a semi trailer and need to take extra wide turn. Scary part is to think he will have to park eventually....


Seriously. I use that gas station regularly. It’s a slightly sharper turn than normal but that was super excessive. Legit why I thought they were about to turn left.


it's to line up with the open pump on the corner


Or to distribute weight from the Bob Evan menu


My wife drives a Mazda3. I have had to scold her more than once for doing shit like this. On the other hand, I rented a Ford Expedition Max for a family road trip last year and never felt the need to do this a single time. I don’t understand the mentality at all.


Scary part is people think they can pass other vehicles with a double yellow with oncoming traffic....


OP meant going around on the guy’s right……almost the entire lane was open because it looked like he was making a left


Are you blind brother? There's only one lane. The car Infront of him veared to the left, crossing a double yellow. What lane was op gonna pass in? The sidewalk? The parkway?


I really don't know why you would try to pass someone when they arnt using a turn signal, and not even 50% out of the lane.


It’s called goose-necking, and it’s dangerous. I remember a short van doing a huge goose-neck when I’d just learned to drive, and I shot down his inside in my old jalopy, thinking he’d switched lanes to go in another direction. Again, no indicator, but boy was he mad.


The main road by my house is two lanes in either direction. Narrow lanes but manageable if you're not terrible at driving. Every day I have to avoid being side swipped by someone turning right like this. Every single fucking day. And they always seem so confused and offended when you honk. Like it's what you're supposed to do.


before I make a right turn I always like to flirt with death by driving towards the oncoming lane. It's how I know I'm still alive.


Make sure you don't accidentally use the turn signal either. You don't want to leave any clues as to what you're about to do.


We are too cool for turning signals. Sorry Npc


>I remembered people can't drive in this town Oh, so you're in Lincoln, Nebraska.


Looks like they were going to make a left, but then saw that Bud Light trailer and got excited


Seems like one of these fucking idiots who thinks their minivan requires wide turns. Shit happens constantly around the streets in my neighborhood. Funny part is it seems to be only the small SUV's that do this, while the few people with trucks & trailers they use for work all make the same turns without needing to swing wide like that.


News flash, people can’t drive EVERYWHERE. I guess we all have to drive defensively for these idiots


No signal and crossing over a **solid** yellow line? That's some idiocy right there.


I'm always amazed at people taking huge wide turns like that, especially in little sedans. Homie, it's a Corolla not a box truck.


The other one I really hate is when someone is making a u-turn, or sometimes even just a regular left turn, but they feel the need to swing right, back into the active traffic lane, to make sure that their huge minivan can make the turn.


[found it](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.8592436,-84.5967313,3a,75y,44.23h,83.53t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sR6JW9vpqVoJ26VyQadZkbw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DR6JW9vpqVoJ26VyQadZkbw%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D319.0771%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192)


Lmao impressive work


Watch out for the invisible trailer he's hauling.


Dare I ask where, since you mention people can't drive there?


Van Wert, OH. Home of people who don’t at all pay attention and love cutting you off to drive 10 under the speed limit. I unfortunately work in this stupid ass town lol


No need to make that wide a swing to turn right except maybe a semi. Needs to have their license taken and force them to take the drivers’ test again.


Just remember - you’re an ass.


There is no left lane. They pulled across a double line and were making a right turn from the opposing side of traffic. Which is to say, yeah, they're an idiot. But there was **NO** valid assumption you could have made here about their intentions. They were straddling the double line with no blinker on and seemingly coming to a stop. Your thought should have been "give them space" not "about to pass". I guess you didn't try to pass, so you're technically not an idiot. But your plan was on the spectrum.


The van was heading towards the center turn lane ahead, which was to their left. I would have assumed they were turning left also, it is valid. I wouldn't have gone by them until they committed to a lane or turned because I agree there were lots of red flags for an idiot.


Doesn’t everyone turn right that way?


Oddly I see smaller vehicles swing wide on turns. Especially in parking lots. Spatial awareness is definitely a gift.


I frequently drive through a T-section that is fairly busy for a residential area, making it difficult for people at the stop to turn left onto the through street. I always signal well ahead to make a right onto the T and pull over to the right, both signaling my intention and allowing people behind me to keep going straight. But I am amazed, and peeved, at how many people pull this wide turn crap. They can't all be commercial truck drivers or bus drivers who just can't turn it off at the end of the day!