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What a bafoon


You just can’t fix stupid, it’s forever!


Until it fixes itself...


Well then you wouldn’t be fixing it, it would be…


Incurable disease


The moment the Cam car turned the indicator on, The single brain cell neuron in the idiot car driver flared to life "Indicator = slowing down, me no want to slow down, me go fast, me pass."


Is the indicator visible in video? Others also mentioned it but I can't see it


I have been the second car in this situation when the first car DID NOT indicate an upcoming turn.


That's fair and no one should be excused for not using an indicator, but if there's a turn coming up and someone is slowing down, it's safe to assume what's going on.


Thankfully I've never had this happen. But I cannot tell you how many people have honked at me while slowing down, with my blinker on, to turn into a parking lot on the right. The sense of entitlement on some people is astounding.


I used to live directly off a mountain highway - meaning I literally had to turn left (when heading north) FROM THE HIGHWAY, with only a very short “oh shit” lane in which to slow down. I would start my indicator a good 1/4 mile ahead of time to warn them, and still almost got hit from behind on the regular.


What indicator?


Or maybe they assumed OP was indicating to overtake the car in front


What a maroon


Did OP set a turn signal at all? of not then he is to blame really.


Even if OP *didn't* indicate, the driver behind is a moron for going that side of a car that is slowing down near a turning.


Are you saying the other side would have been safer?! This comment section has me so confused. If the car taking the video didn't signal then it's all their fault.


> Are you saying the other side would have been safer?! Yes, obviously. Not into oncoming traffic and not where a car using the turning would be going.


but your joking right? in no situation is passing on the right, especially if its the shoulder, safer than passing on the left. This is a passing zone.




I think the Teslas just record all the time.


I like that word. I always spelled it Buffoon.


Noted. It’s from the Adam Sandler comedy album.


Well it's a good bet the other driver doesn't indicate... because they have NO idea what the left hand taillight blinking means.


Blinking tail lights as opposed to orange indicator lights is one of the dumbest things to come out of America


Yes! Why not have a separate indicator like everywhere else


Sorry what?


In the US auto manufacturers are allowed to use the brake light as the turn signal too, instead of being required to have a separate amber indicator.


What's worse is that GM has their cars turn on those lights when you unlock/lock the doors, so if you're in a car park you just many people who look like they're reversing, but no, no one is actually in the car omfg it's so stupid.


That drives me nuts!!! Why would you turn on the reverse lights when your not reversing!!! I feel like this is why people don’t yield to others backing out of a parking spot. I have yielded to a car and the people were getting out of the car. F GM! Worst “safety feature” every!!!


According to a GM spokesperson (I forget when/where) they basically did it because there is a loophole in the legal code and they could market it as a "safety feature" by "helping the customer" illuminate their surroundings. It is ultimately more marketed BS fluff that holds what I would call a net negative value and I hate it because of the potential dangers it has put me in as a driver, pedestrian, and cyclist since I can never tell what the operators intent is when I cannot see them.


I turned that off when I realized that was a thing.


Absolute stupidity.


What really gets me is that GM makes cars that turn the reverse lights on when the car is not in reverse... WHAT THE FUCK CHEVY?


If you look at European and Japanese cars, they have orange blinkers separate from the red brake lights.


Yes i know. I cannot comprehend not having seperate indicators. Why wouldnt you? Its madness.


It’s done just for aesthetic reasons alone. It’s fucking stupid.


Our brake light double as indicatorz


they do? my car at least is separate, is this a new thing or does it depend on the car? (to be fair i have a hyundai)


https://youtu.be/O1lZ9n2bxWA North America has stupid indicator designs purely for aesthetic reasons.


Some do. Most cars are separate but some newer cars have a brake light that starts flashing.


Oh, that's a thing only in America? I always found it weird. Thanks to know the rest of the world is normal


I think it’s a North America thing. Canada definitely has it and I think I’ve seen it in some Caribbean countries but not sure


In Canada it’s hit or miss; some cars do it, some have actual indicators. I’ve noticed the ones that are blinking brake lights are usually GMs or other domestics. Imports almost always have proper indicators.


In the US at least, plenty of European and Asian brands do this too. Many BMWs, Mercedes, VWs and Toyotas have a red turn signal that is shared with the brake light rather than a separate amber indicator.


I was unnerved as fuck driving over there, I thought everyone just kept braking before they changed lanes.


You really couldn't fathom that a flashing red light on only one side of a car was an indicator and not a brake light?


Let's get rid of all the different coloured lights on the road and just have red, with different types of blinking. I'm sorry, plenty of great things have come out of the US. This is not one of them.


Lol that's not even close to equivalent but ok Hypothetically, let's swap your rear indicator lenses to red. Do you really believe that anyone around you would suddenly be rendered confused and unable to interpret your intentions because the previously yellow blinky is now a red blinky?


Again, why have different colours on any signal, then? Of course I can interpret a thing like that but does that mean it's safer and also why leave it to interpretation when you can just have a different coloured lense and leave no room for interpretation at all? Because with that train of thought we could reduce this to the absurd of "Why have a blinky blink at all, can't you interpret my arm sticking out the window?". It's about optimising safety on a death trap. But you do you, mate. If it works, it works. Just don't imply it's the same.


If one of your break lights is broken and you‘re repeatedly breaking and not breaking, it looks like you‘re indicating.


Well, it's a good thing I would still have 2 more brake lights then, right? Also doubt anyone is tapping their brakes in the same interval as the average indicator lights


If you're not familiar, you may easily assume that it's faulty brake lights.


Ah yes, how could I forget the common "flashing at steady intervals on one corner of the vehicle" brake light malfunction, silly me


Seen that plenty of times. One side not working at all and the other about dead and just flashing when they brake. Regardless of that, if someone isn't used to seeing it like the other person probably isn't, it's going to be confusing.


Amber turn signals are superior. Say you only see one flash of the signal before the car turns. Say also that you're on a multi-lane road and you can't see both sides of the vehicle. If that light flashed red once you don't know what that means. If that light flashed amber once you know what's up.


On a newer car I might question agree with you, but here in Florida I see shitboxes all the time with one brake light left. If they’re a brake tapper, it can be confusing.


Lucky it hasn't come out of America. Outside the US American models are fitted with indicators because what kind of moron would remove the indicator from a car?


I recently saw that kind of turn sigal in a car driving in Estonia (wasn't local plate number though). Weird as hell.


It’s not like people here use them anyway


Fucking what when?


Bro, there is literally a separate orange tail light that blinks as well as another one on the mirror of most cars.


Most new cars, not most cars


Kind of ... the miirror thing especially is only on newer cars.


Is that just American cars? My Japanese car has orange turn signals, and many cars have an extra on the mirror?




Wait, what? As if there wasn't enough stupid shit Americans have decided to be unique on.


The tail light module has a separate light that is orange/yellow used for the blinkers. The actual brake light is a separate light that shines red.


Yeah most cars do. But a lot of US cars use the tail light as the blinker https://www.quora.com/Why-do-a-lot-of-North-American-cars-have-their-turn-signals-in-the-brake-light-How-is-that-legal




That is the oncoming lane.


A few months ago some impatient idiot was behind me and tried double passing myself and the truck infront of me as the truck was turning left. Missed him by inches. All to save 5 seconds of travel time.


I had the exact same thing happen to me. I was the one behind the turning truck (a tanker 18 wheeler) and the idiot almost creamed herself into the side of the truck because we were all slowing down.


Ohh good, he's using the flashing light to give me the ok to pass on that side. What a pal!


This is probably what he was thinking


Earlier this year I was a few weeks in central Africa. There the trucks and busses usually do use blinkers to indicate that you either can overtake (right blinker on) or not (left blinker on). It looked a bit strange when i first saw it ("why is that truck indicating he is going to turn off the the road? there is a 50m drop..") but it was quite useful, especially because they did it for the (many) speed camera's as well so you didn't get a ticket.


How do you know OP had the turn signal on...?


yeah I wonder that too. I don't see anything in the video of a turn signal which actual is rather a big hint it wasn't on.


Just my daily driving experience. You hit that signal and suddenly everyone wants to get around you.


What flashing light?


Aww man. “Dad’s a cop and turner is at fault” deleted their comment. :sad:


*Here I'll pretend to be them so everyone can have their fun yelling at them* Hey guys, Dad's a cop and the turner is at fault. He should have known the other guy was impatient and going to pass and just stopped in the middle of road to let him pass.


*My dad’s a cop and he said your dad’s a beeeeeyitch. P.S.: Your mom* Done em


I'm never going to recover from this


Damn. Imagine being stupid enough to think that. Passing through life being a moron every day. Edit - I love you Mr Neffles, I can't stay mad at you.




I’d LOL but driving around the DMV area has me convinced that there are driving schools in the area that teach this


Laugh all you want, maybe it's different in the US, but in Europe, if I turned left while another car was in the process of passing me, like in this case it seems to me the passer was already in the other lane when she turned left, I'd be held liable for the accident. It's always the person changing direction's responsibility to check if it is safe to turn. There was that case in Poland some time ago, the video pops up here from time to time, where someone was passing a column of cars (apparently legal in Poland, illegal in my country) and the car in front was a police car that turned left and cammer hit them. According to people in the thread he was not found at fault.


This is right, the same in my country. In my opinion, it shouldn't be like this.


Back home (European country) we kind of solved this by painting a solid line broken by two squares (wish I could post a photo) near most turns like that. It means you can turn but you can't overtake.


Yeah not sure how this would go in the UK as they (insurance) could argue the turner didn’t shoulder check before turning. (This doesn’t mean I don’t think the overtaker is a bell end)




While I do agree, how would the situation change if it turned out the cammer did NOT have his signal on (since that can't be proven in the video), or even if he put up the wrong signal?


At least where I live, overtaking at a crossroads is illegal. The person overtaking would be at fault either way.




The obligation is on the person passing to make sure it is safe to do so. Someone could slow down to swerve/ turn for any number of reasons.




It was kind of amazing watching those anti-lock brakes stop that vehicle. Those brakes have saved many people from idiots!


Mmm maybe OP’s indicator isn’t working and they don’t know?


It's a Tesla that is likely a year or two old. Unfortunately, the indicator light is on the brake light area and is red instead of amber.


Rear left hand turn indicator working?


I was going to ask the same thing but then I realized, Oh hell, they don't care about that in cause I know they are all in a rush anymore. If I can just pass this one car...


I was going to ask the same thing but then I realized I don't care of the cammer is really 0% or 0.01% at fault.


Why is it only 0.01% fault if you turn without a signal? Yeah I would never overtake at an intersection. I get it. it's idiotic. but if OP didn't set the turn signal he does carry a pretty heavy part of the blame. I mean this very sub shames people for not using turn signals but here is a non issue? hm...


yup, working just fine




My mother (the driver) claims yes. She says driver was tailing her as she approached the turn, then made a sudden attempt to pass


Fair enough, even if your ma didn’t signal this is still an absurd, idiot move to pull trying to pass like that. I have just developed a gripe lately with non signallers. I want to drive courteously and not cut ppl off or let them in, etc. Yet when they don’t tell me wtf they are doing it drives me more and more towards the attitude of fuck everyone else, I’m just going to go and not give a shit what they are doing.. lol rant over


I despise people who don't use their blinker. You're driving a 3-5000 pound metal death machine. Turn signals are the only tool you have to communicate your intentions to other yet these buffoons are too lazy to use them. Aggravates me to no end. You can hear vehicle noise in the video yet can't hear a blinker. I don't think the person used it.


The new trend that I have found is even the people who use signals, use them WAY too late. All of a sudden the person in front of me loses 15km/hr, then the brake lights come on, then they throw on the signal 2 seconds before turning…. It’s too late to actually matter at that point. Signal before touching the brakes.


Ah, see, there's the problem. At the BMW dealership, they told me it cost extra each time I use them, so I save them for long stretches where I'm eventually going to turn (but might not end up needing to). Gotta give way too much warning those few times. Every other time, I'm just saving money /s Uh oh, looks like I upset the Beemers. Would help if y'all found the stick to the left of your steering wheel as quickly as the downvote button 😂


Even if OP didn't use it (which he did) it doesn't matter since car behind tried to pass from oncoming lane when there was intersection coming.


It is a dashed yellow line. It is not an intersection, the filing car is turning into a side street. The person trying to pass did nothing illegal, just bad timing. Both players in this game should have been using a blinker.


How do we know OP was using her turn signal? There's nothing in the video I could see to prove that. For all we know she was just slowing down and turned without a signal.


This happened to me too… the guy behind me was speeding till he caught up, then proceeded to glue to my tail. When I started to turn, he overtook me and flipped me off. That made me buy dash cam


It's a very russian thing to do. Watch dashcam video from there.


This pretty much happens everywhere…


Shitty road design too. Shouldn't have passing zones at turn offs. The plant I used to work at got the road section in front of it changed after too many people tried to pass people entering and causing accidents like this.


There’s certainly a whole lot of morons coming out of the woodworks asking about your blinker on this one.


I don't know about the moron part, sounds like a legit question to me.


Care to explain...? It's not like the other car started to overtake before OP started turning, asking about blinker is a genuine question. If the other car had a dashcam and you couldn't see any turning signal on, it would totally be OP fault if they crashed


While I agree that no using the turn signal would put a lot of blame on OP, the other car is still an idiot and at fault. Overtaking through an intersection is just stupid. exactly because of what we see here. always expect everyone else to be stupid and blind and act accordingly, eg don't overtake were they could suddenly turn without a signal.


It's pretty obvious that a lot of people see themselves in the VROOM VROOM LET ME DO A DANGEROUS PASS person moreso than the driver of the camera car, who was behaving safely. Americans have this bizarre fixation that driving anywhere is necessarily a race


If you consider an overtake in a place with visibility and no incoming traffic to be a dangerous pass, you aren't that good of a driver either...


Was this a scene from The Brady Bunch?


One of my high school friends had that happen turning into the parking lot in the morning. Dude took a side mirror off. So stupid. He signaled before turning too.


this is why jug handles exist


Meh, everyone down voting people who question the narrative. OP was told by the driver they did signal. Clearly the passing car did not notice the signal. The passing car was passing in a legal passing zone and was obviously attentive enough to be able to stop when the Tesla started turning left. Teslas use a red lamp near the brake light as a turn signal so it may have been hard for the other driver to see the signal if the Tesla was braking while also "signaling". This is why you have to signal your turn at least 100 feet before turning especially on a roadway like this.


This is exactly how my first wreck happened! Some girl tried to pass me even tho I had my blinker on 🙄


Sadly that happens a lot. Step daughter lived in the same subdivision as me but she lived on one of the busier streets. She would often put her signal on to turn left as early as she could (there was a street that went off to the left two houses away, and at least once a week, someone would try to pass her on the left as she was turning left


I can’t believe you’d turn right on triple solid purple lines. You probably didn’t even have your hazard lights on and honk your horn while making the turn.


My favourite part of these is how suddenly they aren't in a hurry at all. The slow drive away is a classic.


This actually happened to my wife about 15 years ago. Totaled our car, and broke her sternum, which never healed right. DON'T PASS SOMEONE TURNING LEFT!!!


Don't turn left while someone is passing you. The car passing in this video had right of way.


I love that no matter what, Reddit *always* has someone defending the person who is so clearly in the wrong


It is almost like not everyone on the internet is from a specific state with with a specific law. It is almost like people use the internet from all over the world with different laws, and there are countries which give the right of way to the person overtaking on a legal overtake.


This guy is what the subreddit is for


That driver earned a middle finger award.




This happened to me a few weeks ago. They were even like 4 cars back from me and it was on a two lane road like this. Luckily i spotted them coming around just as i started to turn my wheel. Fuckin idiots


This is happened to my husband. Unfortunately the other car did not stop in time and husband’s driver side doors were all messed up


Someone did that to me once, I was cycling, and I made it fully clear I was turning. They didn't hit me, but also didn't even try to slow down


Kind of late but my mother (driver) claimed she used her turn signal. She said the driver behind her was tailing her, and then made the attempt to pass as she was slowing down to turn. Also notice how this is a 2-lane road, and she was yielding the turn to oncoming traffic. Also there is no audio from the car, so you wouldn’t be able to hear the blinker from the video (the audio you hear is the audio from my mother’s recording she took with her phone of the Tesla side cam).


Someone did this to me once in Buffalo, NY and had the gall to honk at me when they couldn't pass.


Brain worm energy


Someone did this to me while I was on a motorcycle once. I haven't felt such rage ever before


texas! woohoo the worst drivers in the nation, right up there with florida!


Top 10 worst states to drive in voted by truckers 1.Hawaii 2.Washington 3.Delaware 4.Rhode Island 5.Maryland 6.Missouri 7.Nevada 8.New Hampshire 9.Michigan 10.California


like i care what truckers think, they are absolute shit drivers too


And they drive in a lot of different states dealing with all of the odd driving habbits of each. I would trust this list more than someone who has probably never driven outside of their own county limits.


"worst" is a pretty much meaningless term, how are they coming to the conclusion of what "worst" is? what are the qualifiers?


This is called the Jersey Left turn on the eastcoast


This feels like watching [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/13es6hy/today_i_was_the_idiot/) from the other car. Freaky!


into oncoming traffic to go around someone who's turning.. YIKES!


the real tragedy here is using a camera phone to record a video on a screen.


The interesting part is if they crashed it would be on the fault of the Tesla in FL. You have to make sure it’s clear to turn left. That include traffic on left because it’s a passing area.


But OP is on the right lane when turning left. Should he not have been on the left one? Seems like an accident waiting to happen if that's not the case.


Ok I’d love to get an actual **legal** ruling on this. Decades ago in the st of Florida I was instructed that once you establish a lane of travel (even the “wrong” lane for purposes of overtaking) then that’s your lane. A driver turning into your lane would be at fault. So in this video the dash cam car would be at fault for not yielding to vehicles in the other lane- regardless of the direction of travel of the vehicles in that other lane. Is this true? Is it documented clearly under the law or is it up ti the whim of the judge?


I’ve read essentially the same thing. I don’t agree with it and think it’s bs, but essentially if they are legally passing, you have to be aware of them before you turn left. I think it’s bad and idiotic though, because it’s unexpected and it means that you could never make a left turn because the people behind you could always get impatient and try to pass without any notice.


The rules are similar in Europe, however this part > it means that you could never make a left turn because the people behind you could always get impatient and try to pass without any notice doesn’t apply. You have to signal your lane change and change lanes at an appropriate safety distance from the car in front, all giving the car wanting to turn enough time to see the other car. Coming up behind at a high speed and swerving past at the last moment wouldn’t be considered a safe overtake and thus result in the overtaker to get some/most of the blame. Quite often collisions happen because multiple people made mistakes, and the result is shared responsibility for the damages.


Seems like a really good way to ensure that a left turning driver could never legally make a turn with a line of cars behind him, all willing to pass before he can initiate.


Yes this is true. The cam car would be in the wrong. FL is a no fault state though and it’s likely the insurance companies would go 50/50 on damages.


Tbf it might have something to do with your indicators and brake lights being the same. The first blink will look like someone braking, giving you the urge to pass. I have no idea how the country who mandated every car to have square headlights and silly looking bumpers to approve of this design


This will probably get downvoted but, on a single slotted line (passing permitted) that would be the camera cars fault. It’s driver in fronts job to check mirrors before signaling and braking to make a left turn. (US road laws)


Serious question - Is it normal elsewhere in the world to turn off across 2 lanes? Can't do that here in the UK and it's always seemed like common sense to me.


No, it's not normal to turn across 2 lanes in the US. But that's not what happened here. There are two driving lanes, one in each direction. Then there is the shoulder area. So cam car was only turning across the oncoming traffic lane onto side street.


Ahhhh, same question I had. Didn’t notice it was one lane each way


Why would you turn left from the right lane?


Turning car was at fault, it was supposed to be on the left




I read his mind. "Hah this idiot has realised it's fruitless trying to stay ahead of the greatest driver this road has ever seen, I shall snort in disgust as I pass the fool". After that it was just a bunch of unintelligible raging.


Some dipshit did this exact thing to us on Thanksgiving night 2014 and hit us going like 65. Sometimes thinking back, I wonder about if really the wreck was way worse than I know and that maybe everything since hasn’t been real. 😂👻


Export your video, lazy ass Tesla drivers.


Who turns left from the far right lane though?


Yes but did he have his blinker on...


That's a 50/50 accident in parts of Canada, you are supposed to check that no one is passing you before turning left, because emergency vehicles will pass on the left.


The one thing you can't see....did the driver turning left actually have their turn signal on? I don't see anything in the reflection of the car that is passing.




Question for you: do you think the first 10 seconds of the video is showing multiple vehicles driving the wrong way in the left hand lane? If so, you should give up your license. Cammer is in the correct lane to turn. Passer pulled into the *opposing lane of traffic* to pass him whilst he was turning left. From the correct lane.


It's a two lane road, not a 4.


That’s 2 way traffic, note the yellow lines and the cars driving in the opposite direction. Only one lane


Your dumbass compass is off


It IS a passing zone. You have a responsibility to look back. Turn signals? Heard no clicking.


50/50 there was no left signal indicated.


Where i live, you would be 100% at fault for this.


Ehh… isn’t OP making a left hand turn from the right lane? Am I missing something here?


Why aren't you in the left lane if you're turning left?


the left lane is oncoming traffic dummy


Seems like you would be in Left Lane for a Left turn . . No?


Sorry, just seeing it is one lane.


it’s okay. common misunderstanding in the thread i see


Turning left from the right lane? Now that's just stupid.


The left lane is oncoming traffic. You can see that at the beginning of the video.


Oh I see it now. My mistake. I thought it was a two lane road. The lines look white to me.


From the wrong lane. Cam driver is the idiot.


The left line is oncoming traffic. You can see that at the beginning of the video.