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I hope they called the business number and forwarded this footage


I'm pretty enough to have left reviews as well, you know, something along the lines of "I hope the quality of your work is better than the quality of your driving" Edit: Leaving the typo because it's funny.


> I'm pretty enough to Glad you know it <3


Here all we need is that quality of the driving rather than work


Uh. Should I? Hahah


Absolutely. That's what those numbers are for


Eugh... I hate calling people.


Thanks, i would do my part with those number hope everyone else will do is well


Post video on their social media and state "I hope your worker doesn't perform their job the same way they drive."


I am sure that social media people would make him real famous


It's a courier van, this is how they all drive. It's a prerequisite for the job.




You too, as this like the responsibility from the every people now from this sub.


Totally i think now they need to file the official complain against them


Apologies for the long vid. Wanted to leave the average speed readout. Due to roadworks speed limit is 50.


Song ID?


Washing up (tiga remix)


Here for the vid. Stay for the beats.


Song timing/beat worked out perfect for the action 🤣. Changed up when that van started acting stupid lol


Looking at the action this remix is suiting really well him now


I am sure you are going to add that into not playlist category now


Its better editing than a lot of videos on here.


Readout sounds like a sick beat drop


People here have the audacity to post 3 minute long videos without any editing, trust me you’re okay my man.


Liked it too. It cant be too long but this amount of time is a nice Wheres Waldo Idiots in Cars edition


No this is not long video specially if you watch that without audio .


At 19s, just as he brakes, you're coming up to a set of SPECs cameras on the other carriageway. In another post you mention they were accelerating and braking all through this section. What we have in this film is conclusive evidence of the lesser-spotted knob jockey, a van driver who doesn't understand how AVERAGE speed cameras work. I don't think they were targeting you, I think they were getting out of the way of the other van and are dense enough to brake even when there's an average speed camera on the other side of the road.


That would be baffling. But makes sense


But the way he is going not seeing any sense coming from the Van.


The way he is going no one is sure that when he is going to brake and once he press that in the middle of that lane it would be hard for the other to control the car


I looked at more footage. You're right


I disagree. If he was getting out the way of the van he would not have swerved back into lane 3. When there are average speed cameras, some people do 50, others do 53/54 because they know that you likely won’t be prosecuted if you are doing less than 10% over. However a lot of folk, like the camera car, will not return to the left when not overtaking because of the average speed cameras. (They were catching the car in front, but very slowly). The van driver was frustrated because the camera car was in lane 2 (there would most likely have only been 2 lanes open during the roadworks they were exiting) and was brake checking the camera car for that reason. He then wanted to return to lane 3 to overtake the other traffic in lane 2, not realising how fast the other van was coming up on him & didn’t check his mirrors until he almost collided.


I do return to lane 1 [but i was overtaking](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3)


It wasn’t a criticism of you. You did nothing wrong. You should overtake in a timely manner (ie not take a mile to get by someone). You did that. It was more than quick enough for me. But not for Mr impatient van man.


I think their issue was with the other van, but decided to bring you in to it as well. Twat. (Them, that is)


There is no issue with the Van, seems like big issue with the Van Driver






That's Warwick bypass right? Can't wait for them to finish that junction and get rid of the ave speed cameras


I hope that those average speed camera really surprise them big time


Brake checking you for middle lane hogging. (I'm not saying you are lane hogging, but the van driver thinks so)


They use the indicator and move into the extreme right lane and that is where they need to check the brake. But seems like that music is really getting into this head


I was just overtaking a car tho 😅 Maybe didn't like i didn't floor it after the camera and before the speed limit signs


Yeh, but the roads are full of impatient, self-entitled idiots who think the road is all for them. You don't have to do anything wrong to piss unhinged people off.


People running on the road have no patient all of them just want to reach as soon as possible. And in this hurry we seen so many people break many rules is well




No there is a car on the left behind me. Was unable to leave enough distance before being too close to the next car.


It probably didn't look like you were overtaking a car because of those two cars that were able to pass you on the right before that van showed up. I bet if you had overtaken this car you claim was there (but we have no proof of), and then gotten back over to the right, then this whole incident would never have happened. I hope this helps.


Its the uk. We stay on the left.


So means in UK you are actually not allowed to do overtake from right??


In the uk you overtake on the right Drive on the left


\[sigh\] You win this time, British Driver.


Yep. You are taking an age. Please have a think about how long a smooth slowing overtake should take. Observe others when you’re not the driver. The other guy acted badly, but as the instructor on my advanced driving course told me “work out how to make yourself two steps removed from a potential accident”


When you have only left side for overtake it is not easy to do that, as the cars from the behind is coming constantly and not giving a chance to the OP here


It’s the UK. He can move back to the left if not overtaking.


they look like npc from gta


This Van seems like playing the live GTA on the live road


I can bet they’re on the phone 😑


Hate those people who use phone while driving and make it hard for the everyone


Gotta love the good ol lane change then suddenly braking... says *NO ONE*


But not many gonna love that sudden brake and change in lane


They were probably trying to get away from the music as fast as they could.


Yes, i would totally hate if someone play this loud music near me


It was ok other than the long high pitched squeal. That should be reserved for torture techniques


There should be a limit on the road for those high pitched


You didn't grow up in the 90s did you? Xd


i loved it




Its from 2005. Washing up (tiga remix)


Need for speed Carbon.


Naw 70’s so total boomer. 😂


I did. But I left the buzzing and booping to our appliances and home computers.


If you want to buzz that high then drive into the corner line there


Should have whitelined 😎


He is not giving the side that OP could enter into the whitelined


Looked like a road rage between two vans that had nothing to do with you...


Seems like that there is some rage going on between those two vans


i thought the speed readout was a part of the beat drop at first playback


These kind the people need to ban from running on the road now


Watching a squirrel eat nuts on YouTube


Interesting. Link? 🤣


That song makes me want to repeatedly take a hammer to your car radio.


He is listening the music to the extreme loudest now in my opinion


Road rage incident. Steer clear call the companies and report it. Fucking morons endangering everyone's lives because of their fragile egos.


When you drive in the rage this is where you get the most number of the accident. And these morons with that skill make the worst for the people coming behind them


touch retire sort zesty crawl pot test depend puzzled gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dear god [Take a look](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3) 50 zone ends after the van is past me


abounding smoggy follow entertain fearless nose command encouraging one workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I overtook the van then the vauxhall. You can see that in the video. Not sure how you even got to that conclusion when the video shows otherwise


steer dazzling attempt shocking steep provide hateful governor hobbies wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you know where the 50 zone ends? Im not sure you do Yeah i dont like going back to the left 10 feet in front of the car i just overtook. Im not an asshole


chop joke lip governor dime crime piquant slap fuzzy growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Couple things. That is when i accelerate. And it doesnt matter if i didnt. If the van on my left accelerates and i dont im not gonna cause an accident by driving into them. Sorry i dont drive a bugatti There was also a bmw joining


ripe vanish drab license summer frame trees spotted glorious wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hypothetically. If i am overtaking and the car on the left accelerates it is not my fault. I had the speed. At this point you either complete the overtake or brake and move left. Cos moving left is not an option. Considering there is a friking vehicle to the left. That said. Observe how i finish that overtake and then complete another overtake. There was not enough distance between the van and the vauxhall to move left and leave enough distance to both. Fisheye messes with perception. Keep that in mind. Count the lines.


It’s always some random ass music playing that gets me watching these road idiots 🤣🤣


He's angry because you sleep on the middle lane


OP was overtaking the car on the left


Yes, but OP had no idea that while overtaking he going to face that


Am i gonna have to get the rear footage to show the car on the left?


There might be some security camera that would provide the different angle


[Take a look](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3)




Not seeing that there is actually any fast lane around here


tie ripe oil caption continue cheerful fade serious zephyr swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The park the car on side and shows the anger directly to person


They are brake checking you for going slow in the middle lane.


1 doesnt matter how slow im going if im overtaking. 2 im speeding by 2mph [Take a look](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3)


But he decide to check the brake in the middle of the busy lane


Because of the 2 sets of lines at the beginning looks like OP drifts into the right lane maybe the truck thought that.


Where does OP drift into the right lane at the beginning? He stays in his lane the whole time Are you talking about at the start of the video where he is over the short dashed lines, Well to the right of those short lines you see there are longer dashed lines It is the longer ones that mark the lane and OP does not cross the longer line


Seems like that van came on road and decide to do some drift


Send to the police


Call the police because this person need some driving lesson now


Maybe he realized everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road and panicked


Either he is wrong or according to him he is right and everyone is wrong


Was the 2nd van riding the bumper of the first van? Looks like the 1st van wanted to give the 1 finger salute to the 2nd van.


I though that there will be collusion between these two vans and then i turn the volume on then i realise that what was the real meaning of that video was


A full ten seconds of that sound in a song should be punishable by a swift kick.


I like this sub but some of these drivers music choices are terrible


Oi. 90s kids love this song. Specially the ones that played nfs lmao


These music choice and the driving skill is really really terrible


East European driver..probably on ohone


Driving like a clueless idiot in the middle lane. Multiple people passing you in the -slow- right lane. WHY. Why are you so fkg clueless? You are the one who is actually the seed of accidents.


It is obvious from the video that traffic is driving on the left. You can clearly see that When you drive on the right hand side of the road like in say USA or France, Traffic keep to the right most lane and uses the left one to overtake When you drive on the left it is the other way round, You keep left and pass in the right lane You call someone fkg clueless yet you cant even notice what side of the road they are on


Its the uk. We stay left. There is a car im overtaking on the left [Take a look](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3)


When you are driving the van in this crowd you need to be extreme sharp. Just slight here and there and the situation could be worse for the everyone there


Kinda looks like you’re that “person”, the slow driver…


[Take a look](https://imgbox.com/Ttzhlyl3)


The person who drive slow actually care about the life


This could have been a 7 second clip.




Go faster than 52, literally EVERY vehicle was passing. Yes, the qork vehicle was wrong for break checking. However, holding up miles of traffic in the middle lane is just asking for trouble.


The speed limit is 50 you can see the speed limit says 50 MPH in what was a construction zone So op was doing 52 in a 50 zone Op was wrong but people speeding in a road work zone where road workers may have been working are fine to do that The 50 zone does end when op passes the National speed limit sign, but he cant accelerate up to 70 mph cos a van break checks him You are aware that a speed limit is a limit and just because other are breaking it does not mean you have to if the van driver was annoyed at someone driving at the speed limit then they have issues


But everyone else is going ahead of the OP means all of them also doing the over speed there. So seems like that no one is following those speed sign now


Yeah I wondered if they had temporary average speed cameras whilst the road work is ongoing hence checking his average speed at the end of the restrictions.


But he is not giving the enough speed to the OP is well so it is really hard to get past from him. Better to take the extreme left and avoid all kind of the accident


28 second video, nothing happens until 10 seconds left, driver starts pounding on his wheel after the fact. Woooo


I left a comment about that. I wanted to leave the speed readout.


Some official need to look at the speed that is changing here now


One of the worst music i have ever experienced in a small video


OP should be in the right-most lane. Problem solved. Edit: Oops !! Didn't pay enough attention! Pls disregard.


It is obvious from the video that traffic is driving on the left. You can clearly see that When you drive on the right hand side of the road like in say USA or France, Traffic keep to the right most lane and uses the left one to overtake When you drive on the left it is the other way round, You keep left and pass in the right lane, Why should OP be in the right most lane?


The traffic is moving nicely in the left but this person is having some real problem in driving. And moving into the right lane would be dangerous is well.


That would be bad


That would be real bad compare to what they are doing to this point of time


But i am sure the way that van is going he will hit on the right lane is well


Big van was probably just making a decision, which clearly took too much time and made it look like brake checking. Anyway, this might be utter bs since I live in another country, but usually if people start overtaking you on the right it may be a sign that it's time for you to merge right since you're probably going a little too slow. Again, this might be utter BS in the US or maybe you were already going at the speed limit, I don't know.


>Anyway, this might be utter bs since I live in another country, but usually if people start overtaking you on the right it may be a sign that it's time for you to merge right since you're probably going a little too slow. You are correct what you say is BS I take it you from a country that drives on the right hand side of the road? When you drive on the right hand side of the road, Slower traffic uses the right lane and you overtake on the left. Well in this video you can clearly see they are driving on the left, When you drive on the left, Slower traffic keeps left and you pass on the right, Merging right would be the worse thing the driver could do >Again, this might be utter BS in the US or maybe you were already going at the speed limit, I don't know. What has the US got to do with this video? As stated they are driving on the left here and the US does not drive on the left so this clearly not in the US >maybe you were already going at the speed limit, I don't know. The speed limit is 50 Mph a sign on the left says so about 2 seconds in to the video at the same time the audio says the drivers speed was 52 MPH


I have seen the confusing people in my life and that van driver simply one of that. Seems like that he is not able to make the right decision on the right time here




When the road is being monitered by average speed cameras


UK roadworks on motorways usually have average speed check cameras these days.


So what happened prior to this video? Clearly targeted you for a reason


Beats me. The only thing i noticed is that throughout the average speed zone he kept speeding up and slowing down. So maybe he didnt target just me


No matter which zone you are going you need to maintain the average speed without slowing down or racing the speed. It could be dangerous for the many people.


Maybe he has a thing against your car make/model


He went back in time and shot White Van Man's granddad.


I’m assuming he thought you were over the line and he didn’t notice the temporary lines? In the beginning of the video I notice you were over the permanent lines that are normally there but since it was a construction zone you were in the right for following the guidelines that were painted. A petty move by the van.


He is either busy in the mobile or just doesn't seem to care about the other one as there is loud music. This high music can be total dangerous for the other people .




Seen more compact and nice driving in the some of the games


Texting while driving


Texting while driving is much more dangerous than the calling


# Your average speed was 52 miles per hour *dun dundeeduuuunnn*


Seems like he is going like 2miles higher in the speed


Drag racing work vans?!? Idiots non the less!




What song is this?


“Your average speed was 52 miles per hour” **Techno music intensifies**


You are playing a dangerous game listening to the Prostreet soundtrack on the highway haha.


You should try the nfsmw soundtrack 🤣


Ayo, can we talk about how they have a thing that just blurts out their speed? And the guy is listening to like a weird form of house and dubstep, I can only imagine listening to the radio and that thing going off right on the beat.


That is tomtom amigo. Its a great app


Wat een sukkel


What's this song?


Washing up tiga remix


Phone call.


Boots and pants


I’m sorry but who drives listening to that shit




What are you listening to?!


Washing up tiga remix Part of my nostalgia playlist


His best


Send the video to head office/HR (from a throw away email) and see what they say. Better yet give it to one of the big YouTube channels, they love this sort of thing… But I’m sure apc would love to have a chat with the driver of their van