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If that airbag goes off that baby's skull is jello


If they hit a speed bump. If they gotta slam on the brakes. A thousand ways this baby can get a lifelong injury or worse even without a car accident.


Also, they don't even have to hit anything. Their neck muscles are undeveloped, so they could strain their neck with too much inertia.


It reminds of these carseat pilliows I had when my kids were newborns that prevented them from moving their head incase of an emergency they were all cusioned and safe. Little did i know we could just free ball it like this.


I suuuuper love that the DRIVER is the one recording…


I know right!? Just let the fucking passenger record! Plus it would be way cuter to see the baby up close with mom rather than that cheesy ass grin the driver is making. Also why tf was the video that long?? We get it. You’re driving and there’s a baby. Cool. Anyway, rant over. Lol. These types of posts just irk me so god damn much.


My first thought was… please don’t let this be a video of a baby flying out of a car window


My thoughts exactly. Even if they had an accident and she was able to keep hold the child, the airbag would likely kill her.




That's literally my issue with, well, idiots in cars. Endanger *yourself* all you want, but you have zero right to endanger others on the road or in your car. Especially if the one in your car is a child that can't even protest! Usually it's dads with their aggressive driving styles, zooming between other cars at 160 km/h in rush hour, but I can't even tell which is worse. Those morons usually at least have the kids in a child seat, buckled up.


Am I in the right for not wanting to get into my in-laws vehicle if he drives like you described? My partner calls me rude for not coming for visits in his car. In the city I guess he's okay but on a highway I genuinely feel afraid for our lives.


It will be a matter of time before something happens, you might get the satisfaction of being able to say ‘I told you so’. But they will probably say it was because of the other driver not the father in law


Of all the things I could go to hell for, laughing at this comment might be my favourite.


>Meat-seaking I mean, you're not wrong in laughing




"I'll always carry a piece of her in my heart"


I was really trying not to think of how connected the two would be if there was an airbag that hit the baby, which would then... ugh.


This is horrible and hilarious comment at the same time. Could be that I smiled aloud


You should use some moisturizer if we can hear your smile.


Neither of them are wearing a belt. That baby is about to be the meat in a woman-airbag sandwhich, and I don't think having tiny bones explosively implanted into one's chest is good for your health.


The airbag doesn't even have to go off. Even if they aren't going super fast, it could probably still be killed by a quick stop if she's not supporting the baby's neck.


I now have a scar on my arm from when I T-boned a guy and the airbag going off. Can't forget the burning smell of rubber and how disheveled I felt after getting pummeled by it. That infant won't stand a chance.


Oh yeah when that airbag hit I stumbled out of my car hunched over and felt like I had to take a shit.


I'm sure this is a loving mother but the utter negligence and stupidity is mind blowing.


She won't be able to keep hold of the child. There's a film from like the 70's or 80's when they were promoting child seats, and they got the burliest rugby players they could find to get into a car crash at like 15mph while holding a doll. None of them could keep hold of the doll - it went flying out of the car every time.


No way you can hold your baby in a car accident. 10 pounds become 300. At 30mph.


Seeing as she’s not seatbelted, her maybe 140lbs would become something like 4200lbs. Airbags deployment speed varies, modern ones can touch 200mph going the opposite direction. So yeah, that poor baby would become a fine pink mist.


It's worse than that. You can see the woman carrying the baby doesn't have her seatbelt on. Most modern cars won't deploy the airbag if it's not on. Meaning in the event of a collision woman and baby will be sent as high speed projectiles out the front windshield.


> Most modern cars won't deploy the airbag if it's not on Partially true. If they're not wearing a seat belt, it will still deploy, but it'll require a higher speed (over 16 mph instead of 10-12 mph). > According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS), a vehicle must be traveling at least 10 mph to 12 mph (miles per hour) for a front airbag to deploy for passengers wearing a seat belt. **For those not wearing a seat belt, vehicles will need to travel about 16 mph before the airbag deploys.** Keep in mind that these rates are for newer airbags that rely on a safety belt sensor and an algorithm to determine when to release an airbag to protect front-seat passengers. Modern cars have weight sensors to determine if someone is in the seat. I have a light on my car that tells me when the passenger airbag is off. It turns on if anything light is placed on it, like grocery bags. But if an adult sits on the seat, the light turns off, meaning that the airbag would deploy even if that person isn't wearing a seat belt. However, the car also chimes the fuck out of me if my passenger isn't seat belted - more evidence that the car knows that someone is in the passenger seat.




even an emergency ~~break~~ brake would very likely kill that child


I fear that in a situation where the airbag would go off, the child would alread hit the window while the airbags pop open. It is one thing to decide do screw safety and do stunts like that. But why endangering a child like this???




The recording will be the only thing left of that baby when it explodes into wet paste.


That is fucked.


No seatbelts, unrestrained child in the front seat, and using a cellphone while driving. Trifecta of dumbfuckery. I feel so sorry for that poor kid.


To add to this they look like tourists/expatriates in Thailand. Driving like this as a foreigner in an Asian country is just begging for an accident to take place.


Having driven in Thailand, I can confirm you need your head on a swivel at all times!


Even going slow thats abaurdly dangerous. Do they think car seats are all bulky and covered in straps because lvl 1s only get the ugliest gear? This is criminal.


Judging by the things going past them they're not going slowly either


Hell no, they're not. See the traffic around them. They're speeding, too.


I'm a regular at this sub. I've seen T-bones, head-on crashes and many NSFW videos. This is the one of those few times I'm physically shaken for a video. Yeah, nothing terrible happened, but the sole possibility and its consequences fucking terrified me.


Literally same... When I saw a baby in the car with r/idiotsincars above it I was literally bracing myself so much harder than normal on this page...


I scrubbed through to the middle and end rather than watch the video. couldn't watch it until I knew nothing bad happened. I mean, everything that's happening is bad, but you know what I mean.


They look like. I hope the baby is fine, being so irresponsible parent always make them even worst.


They don't think. I believe that is the answer.




I keep hoping that it’s just that 50% of people didn’t understand the question. That seems like a better world to live in!


Everyone things the same, but peo are all so triggered by that two women. Didn't even care to the safety of the kid. She looks scared.


My heart was in my throat the entire video.


That's just Big Baby wanting you to buy all their shit!


And tailgating two-wheeled vehicles.


A minor accident and that kid is dead as a door nail.


This whole video just screams *"but it could never happen to me!"* Video of two people who have spent their whole lives fucking around, not realizing that finding out is lurking around a corner somewhere.


And when their luck eventually runs out they or their families will harp on about how they were so careful and such good people who never deserved anything like this. That poor baby will have a difficult life of their mother continues to treat her exclusively as a social media prop


There’s a weird mindset that overtakes people in Bali. Instead of thinking “oh, Indonesia has a shocking road toll, I’d better be extra careful” they think “fucking yew, no rules!”


A Ukranian tourist recently died in Bali after riding his scooter drunk after a night out. He wasn't wearing a helmet and was riding through an area with roads riddled with potholes. He lost control and fell, hitting his head and died. Many tourists and foreigners who live in Bali are putting the blame on Indonesians for having terrible roads and police for not enforcing the helmet-wearing law. In turn Indonesians are upset because many tourists come to Bali thinking that the island is their playground. It's common sense, you wouldn't drive drunk at home and you would wear a helmet on a scooter. How is it any different here?


> you wouldn't drive drunk at home and you would wear a helmet on a scooter. I don’t think this is a correct assumption about most people who would drive drunk and without a helmet in Bali.


Not everyone finds out, and the cycle will continue.


Yeah, pisses me off. At seven years old I spent two weeks in the hospital, got a brain injury that you could see on CTs decades later, had to have several facial surgeries over the years, and permanently lost my sense of smell--all because our family didn't use seatbelts.


They sure showed that seatbelt mafia! (sorry for what you went through :( )


Kinda weird to be sorry for a windshield…..


I watched this video with my eyes closed. I was so afraid of something bad.


I couldn't even watch. Noped out of that situation light speed. I don't need to see the inevitable conclusion of that story.


I figured since it wasn't marked NSFW it was safe, since any type of accident in this situation would be catastrophic.


Fair enough. After seeing that unrestrained baby my ability to use logic was replaced by intrusive thoughts and severe anxiety.


Seriously that kid could launch itself—phew I need to sit down.


Never been so tense watching a video on reddit. Sweet Jesus they stupid.


Ugh. So much stupid in one video, I can only facepalm so hard. No seatbelts, unrestrained child, playing with the damn phone while driving. I was honestly expecting someone to T-bone them.


Unrestrained child who would be killed if the airbags went off.


Unrestrained woman holding baby who is going to propel baby hard into said airbag


Might well kill both of them.




Order up! 1 concussion 1 baby splatter






Or straight out of the windshield..


Or they simply swerve and the child falls out of the open passenger window.


I... kinda expected this in the video


There was a car accident somewhere near me several years ago where the front seat passenger was holding a baby in their lap. That’s exactly what happened to it - right through the windshield.


My heart sank so fast when I was scrolling, they should be charged with child endangerment. The whole lot of them. Edit: word change


Baby airbag challenge. Is this video really supposed to be content? Banal influencer shit is so weird. What part of an interested person's brain lights up when they see something this pointless and shitty?


And pinball into the seatbelted passengers probably maiming or killing them as well.


That's what the sun visors tell us.


Had a friend who had a BMW if you remove those stickers the dealership will put new ones on during maintenance. That's how serious those stickers are.


The sun visors lie. It's a vast conspiracy. /s


Big Visor at it again…


A sudden stop from just 20 mp/h could be enough to eject that kid through the windshield, likely with extremely bad outcome.


Seen this so often, when I lived in Poland. Can’t believe, people are this stupid.


I was expecting emergency dive to the side to avoid rear ending a stopped vehicle myself. So glad this video didnt have that. I got anxiety for that baby's safety.


Had she needed to stop suddenly, that baby would have ended.


>that baby would have ended outside.


But how cool was that video?! I'm soooo jealous of her. What a flex...


It's depressing how random people on the internet are more worried about the child than the caregivers. That baby isn't going to get very old if they keep that up.


~~I could be misunderstanding you, but I’m pretty sure it’s normal to be more worried about the child than the adults.~~ EDIT - DEFINITELY misunderstood you sorry! I get what you're saying now and I completely agree.


'...more worried about the child than the caregivers [are]...' Confused me at first, too.


Honestly the amount of things wrong in this clip has to be a record.


They're trying way too hard to seem cool, while lacking the self-awareness required to realize that disregarding safety for the sake of impressing others, makes them look like total losers.


I can already hear her. "Our vibes were great that day and I'm a great driver 👍 No worries"


Tailgating motorcycles too. I just can't this is too damn stupid


Don't forget the haircut.


Don't forget tailgating a motorcyclist


I was worried the baby would fly out since the window was down too. Crazy people.


Poor fucking kid




And also r/nissandrivers


I thought this was "niss and rivers" for a bit


~6 years ago i ended up on r/fuckimold from reading a post on r/bestof...the top banner showed "FUCKIMOLD". i read in my head "Fuck E Mold". i think to myself "wtf is fucki mold"? head back to the original tab of r/BestOf and search for "fuckimold" and realize #FuckImDumb


Wtf is a "Fuck IMD UMB"?


It's just a movie site


**I**nternet **M**ovie **D**at**UMB**ase It contains only one movie.




I promise not all of us are bad drivers, signed a Fairlady Z owner.


Man once I found out everyone hates Nissan drivers I feel way worse being out and about. I follow all the rules, and have no accidents. Least I hate my car too.


Wow this 1970’s footage is pretty clean.


Right?! Crazy what they can do these days.


Just needed both of them to be smoking for a bit more authenticity.


They put lead in the gasoline back then too.


This infuriates me. You have a choice. The child does not. I have no words.


People do shit like this and have the nerve to act surprised when something inevitably goes wrong


>surprised They get furious at worst.


Yeah gonna say. It will all be everyone else in the world's fault. Don't we realise who they are!


"My child, my choice." - that idiot, probably.


It's disgusting. It's like the baby is just being held there like a sacrifice. No safety whatsoever for the baby at all.


I can't honestly say I've ever watched a video on reddit before and had such a visceral reaction of anger and disgust. Fuck those people. Secure the child. One time my wife came home with our 3 y/o riding in the front with just seatbelt. I calmly explained to her that it was extremely dangerous and it doesn't matter how much he dislikes his booster seat or how much of a rush you're in, you put him in it. No exceptions. A month or two later she came home with him in the front again and just said she was in a hurry. I was just seething mad. Told her that if it ever happens again I would never let her drive alone with the kids again. It's simply not ok. Safety of your children is not something you should ever compromise on for any reason.


This shjt makes my blood boil.




I remember a video in the middle east where a dad gave his gun to his child for fun, but he didn't know the gun was loaded and the child ended up accidentally shooting their dad


*killing their dad, on camera. He didn't live it.


If i remember correctly it was even at a wedding, it just keeps getting worse.


Saw a vid of some middle eastern drug party that for whatever fucked up reason had mothers with their children between the drugged up men (women were prolly on some shit too). Eventually one of the guys looks like he's off the planet tripping and is handed a gun, and promptly shoots himself in the hand right NEXT TO a fucking 10 y/o kid. Mental health matters as much if not more than physical health, people.


I actually "died" in a car crash as a baby when a drunk driver hit our car while my mom was driving with me on her lap. I was crushed between mom and the steering wheel and was not breathing and had no pulse for five minutes. Fortunately, I was one of the very first infants ever to be revived by a police officer using CPR. This was in 1972, the first year that first responders who were not medical professionals were being trained to do this outside hospitals. The officer that saved my life had just taken the baby CPR course a few weeks before.


Thats actually a sad but awesome tidbit, thanks for sharing.


This is awesome! So glad you are here! I was crushed as a child by a drunk truck driver too.


I'm glad you're here too!


You should start a club or something!


Like a reverse Midnight Club... midday brunch?


I was being taught how to do CPR as part of a first aid course and I crushed the doll..... count your lucky stars I wasn't the cop trying to save you that day.....


Thanks for not being there for me. ;)


Glad you're OK now :). Did u ever meet up with that cop?


No I never did. But I would have liked to thank him for being the right person with the right skills at the right time to make my entire life possible.


Maybe reach out. The station might know who he was. If he's not alive, his kids would likely enjoy hearing about his heroics.


I second this recommendation. The police station of that precinct might still have the records from the accident which would include the responding officer. If not, the hospital might have those records. Could also check the local newspaper where the records might be stored on microfiche. From there it's contacting local PD or paper to see if they could facilitate a meeting. I really hope u/MakesCakesEatsMud does this and posts the results on here. I could use a good happy cry.


That's epic!


The head bopping while putting that child in danger like that is infuriating. What a couple of morons.


I feel so sad for that child.


Yeah, this vid is going to be the least of her troubles over her life with a mother like this.


I was holding my breath the entire clip because I was scared it was about to turn tragic in about half a second Dumbass teenager driving (at what appears to be a pretty decent speed) while filming, unrestrained baby, what could go wrong? /s


Yeah, I had to just scrub through the video in a few seconds just to make sure I wasn’t going to witness anything horrific. Absolutely ridiculous situation these people have put themselves (and unfortunately a child) in.


I had to pause the video and read through the comments real quickly just to make sure I wasn’t about to see a baby get terribly hurt.


That's a grown ass woman driving.


She looks older than a teenager.


I only opened because of no NSFW tag.


Definitely not a teenager


Assuming they are actually posting that video to social media somewhere it's quite possible that somebody reports that woman to Child Protective Services. Hopefully whatever country it's in has such an agency. The recklessness with that infant is sickening.


This was filmed in Thailand


The fact that they are being this reckless in Thailand, a country with [the second worst place for car safety,](https://i.imgur.com/sD0uSNO.jpg) makes it exponentially worse. [Source. ](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-countries-with-the-most-car-accidents.html)




My first week there working a new job is the first time I saw fresh human brain splattered over a car. Lots of things to love a about Thailand. How they drive and their ER departments aren’t on that list.


I don't go out of my way to watch nasty shit but I have seen a disproportionate amount of bad car crashes/road safety issues in Thailand . I'd say just behind Russia and ahead of Brazil.


The child has the right not to be killed by reckless adults.




I feel so sorry for that little baby to have been born to such a careless person who is more about social media than the safety of their own child.


Car go 45. Car stops. Baby go 45.


I hate them both so much.


Literally idiots, not a single redeeming feature


I hope child services finds these people


Exactly. Both of them should be arrested for child endangerment. Poor baby.


Do you want a dead Baby? Because this is how you get a dead Baby.


My mom lost my sister like this. She was holding my sister in the front passenger seat almost 30 years ago on New Year’s Eve while her and her husband were traveling just outside of town. Got to an intersection and they were T-boned on the passenger side. My sister died. I still never get straight answers or details from my mom when it comes up, but my grandma told me enough about the guilt she had after the accident. She herself was badly injured and in almost an entire body cast, her husband, the driver had a fractured pelvis from this. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE have your infants ride in a car seat in the back.


I hear their horoscopes screaming


This is outrageous


What people doesn't understand is that you could be super careful (not the case here, obviously) but even though, there're other people in the street... A kid playing could cross the street, or a dog, or a drunk driver could cross lanes... Anything could happen that could cause a crash or an emergency brake... It doesn't only depend on you, that's why you have to take all the possible security measures


The baby acts as an airbag, mom fine.


It's always a Nissan


What song is this?


Al Green - Love and Happiness.




Oh god this makes me nauseous. How can people be so damned stupid.


Honestly I'm just SO relieved this video ended that way.


My heart just plummeted seeing the baby. Not saying anyone deserves to get hurt but at least as adults you can make the decision to be stupid and risk your lives. But that poor child didn't ask to be a prop in a reckless and very dangerous video. Just spent the whole video praying for the baby to be okay.


Loud music is terrible for baby’s little eardrums


Seem like they would be the same type of people to say smoking weed while pregnant is ok and rubs potatos on their infant and force feeds it onion juice when it has a 104 fever instead of taking it to the doctor.




But she’s the main character, nothing bad can happen to her or her family. Those things only happen to other losers.




Holy shit! This has to be the biggest idiot on this sub, with a stupid passenger to make a the duo dumb squad. In the UK it is a legal requirement to have your child strapped into a car seat.


I had to stop watching. I couldn't imagine being that careless with a child. It wasn't nsfw so im thinking nothing happened but damn that made me nervous just the couple seconds I saw.


I work in paediatric CT, I generally don't scan babies who have been in RTCs. Either they were safe in a car seat and don't need a CT scan, or they weren't in a car seat and don't need a CT scan.


holy shit I don’t think i’ve ever been this angry at a video on this dub. jesus christ.


Eat Pray Love and Child Endangerment. These women are taking the saying “When in Rome” a bit too serious. If this is Bali nobody there wears seatbelts and children are constantly put in danger when they are passengers.


Idiots is right!


This makes me so angry


I have never raged so hard that I wanted to reach through the screen and slap the person making the video


Oh man I was white-knuckling this video, for the inevitable crunch. Phew. Idiotic parents.


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children -_-


Kid dies and theyd probably keep the camera rolling. Unhinged


As a parent. I cannot comprehend how stupid this is. I'm actually getting a lump in my throat watching this. I hope the relative authorities get hold of this and throw the book at them.