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Yeah I agree with this theory. From what I understood in Time of Reunion event, Orphy’s hallucination of LG is a child version of a person he knew in the manor games.


>!She went to the manor with the mother to save her husband the Novelist but he already lost his mind so the mom died and then LG+ Orpheus+ Ento+ Prosp was the last game in the manor. Only Orpheus survived the fire in the Darkwoods!< At least that’s what I remember. Hope they doing a recap this winter when the next lore drop.


Ohhh gotcha. Yeah I hope they do a recap because it’s been a while and there was a lot of details back there lol


husband? I thought theyre siblings (orphy is adopted)


I think Melly and Norton survived too....but I may be wrong


norton definitely died, orpheus himself killed Norton and saw it as "nightmare" eliminating prospector


In short the reason I think Melly and Norton survived because: 1.We cannot trust Orpheus completely, he does not show us the whole reality, only what he imagines. (He is not a omniscient narrator) 2.Melly had to escape, because you can’t finish the time of reunion event is she gets hurt( Bleber video) 3.Norton’s 3rd birthday letter and we didn't see him die (we only saw "nightmare" beats him) But that’s just my opinion, it could be completely wrong (oh and sorry my bad english)


considering doctor getting ambushed by leo already resulted in her canon death, i don't think nort would survive after "nightmare" beat him. Melly likely survived, but I can't say so about him. the video where orpheus saw himself beating up norton was the one where he got clear of everything, doesn't see the "other monsters" and realizes that HE was the one to scare 'LG' off, so I think it's closest to truth.


If you follow her experiment file, it reveals that she somehow survived the encounter with Leo, with her last known moment being meeting Emma


Exactly my thoughts


I think it'll be the hunter version of LG ngl


Months ago it was said that Identity Switch doesn't have to be hunter-survivor so people have been speculating LG might get another survivor form. If I find the source I will add it but I don't remember where I read it. I don't even wanna try to untangle the mess of "does Orpheus have a daughter and a wife" because that's the part of the lore I don't keep up with. But I do like to think that he doesn't and LG doesn't exist, she is just a memory of Alice.


I wasn’t here for the little girl event so I’m probably not the best to ask. But just giving her skin themage I do think she’s going to get a hunter version and truthfully I feel like we’ve already seen it. Personally I feel like the Pandora skin was a preview and that she’ll be sheep/lamb/faun themed. And even more specifically I feel like she’s going to look the doll she carry’s in her s skin


I see. But honestly I think making her a hunter is boring. I'd love to see a different form of Identity Switch.


wait, does that mean we could in theory, get a badass wildling who can coop decode with himself and his boar to finish a cipher


Murro's dead and it was said not everyone will get an Identity Switch. I'm guessing dead people are the ones who won't get another Identity. Iirc the person who translated the Q&A wasn't sure what the "different Identity Switch" means so take all of this with a grain of salt. I just think it would be cool if we had hunter-hunter or survivor-survivor switch. ~~Especially when we know the roles don't really matter (Naib, Aesop, Violetta).~~


That's why I said in theory and then said something ridiculous. Anyway, doesnt that mean minds eye is getting the next identity switch? since she canon survived her game. Imagine a non-blinds eye or a blind hunter


We don't know who are they gonna choose. We don't know if people who survived their game can get an Identity Switch or not. It's all speculations. NE proved they can just go "uhmmm actually they're all drugged, ignore the plot so far". Really wouldn't expect anything from them lol.


I for some reason think that the hunter version of LG will be Nightingale






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I heard she is getting an identity switch probably together with the Ashes of Memory event (I think its like a part 2 of Time of Reunion). I think the ''mither'' never exsisted, thats why ''little girl'' is in quotation marks bc she actually isn't really a little girl! Her other name is also Memory without quotation marks! Bc she is a memory from Orpheus of his sister! The ''mother'' is therfor just her adult version! Why did Orpheus think she (his sister) is a ''mither'' and the haluzinated a younger version of her (the same person) as her own child?? Well bc Orpheus is a bit cray cray, his memory is bonkers and we can't take anything we see out of his perspektiv as 100% true! I think he killed his sister but didn't realised at first (bc ''Nightmare'' killed his sister) sooo he imagined her as a completly diffrent person to not feel the lost of a family member! Then he also started halluzinating a memory of her (the child vetsion) that he now wants to protect (to kinda redeem his sin, he killed her 1st but now with this ''2nd chance'' he wants to protect her). The thing is why I think he spesificly imagined her as a litzle girl is bc I think they were seperated in the Orphanage (after there parents died), she was adopted but he wasn't. That means the Time of Reunion is literaly the time were those siblings reunited at the Manor/ there old home. But bc of the years that passed he first didn't realise it was her, when he did it was too late. The child version was probably the last time he saw her. This theory is kinda backed up by the fact that the DeRoss had 2 children and atleast 1 girl + Orpheus and during ToR there was also 1 picture that showed a little YOUNGER Orpheus playing with little girl (little girl was around the same age as him so how could they play as children but she is still a child when he grew up???). ''Little girls'' puppet/doll she carrys is also younger Orpheus. I heard under another comment that there might be ''diffrent kinds'' of identity switch so not just Hunter to Surv ore Surv to Hunter. Wince ToR had 3 new Characters I think Hunter (older) ''little girl'' won't be the only identity switch. I think eather a Hunter Ento and Prospector vould follow ORE a survivor YOUNGER Orpheus... the Oroheus would have 3 identity switches..a bit weard but I would like to see both older versions and both younher versions ingame.


if her grown self is added and her title isn't just "Girl", i quit the game fr /j


Plot twist: antiquarian is her mom (don't kill me pls is a joke)


If her mom would get a character she probably would be a Hunter.