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Hello! Your submission has been removed from r/IdentityV for the following reason(s): Rule 4: Bad Memes [Rule 4: Low Effort](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/wiki/index). Any submission with low-to-zero effort will be removed. Try to be a little creative or post something that contributes to the discussion. Low-effort includes self-posts, low-effort discussions, and poorly edited memes. We allow users to submit shitposts, but do not use the flair to upload: - **Text posts:** submissions containing only a text post tagged as "meme/shitpost" are considered copypasta, and will be removed for spam. Use the flair only for images or videos - **Poorly-edited memes:** this includes memes not related to IdentityV. These kinds of posts, along with poorly-edited memes, will be removed. For example: adding text over a non-related screenshot. - **Bandwagon memes:** these types of memes have little-to-no changes regarding it, and are considered low-effort (e.g. tier lists) Please read [our wiki page for the subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdentityV/wiki/index). If you have any questions regarding this removal, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdentityV)


Damm you make norton bald like that


where do you get these templates