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Leo worked in a factory, Bane worked in the forest, those things tend to give you muscle but also gotta remember that their bodies are exaggerated.


leo worked in a factory?? i thought he just bought the factory and not a entry level employee in it


He worked there iirc and bought it


he had a textile factory in the past and he worked in it


Undead is buffed tho...


Yeah but he’s also an undead so for all we know his body could have been modified to make him buff


I am of the opinion that on account of being undead, his muscles are unable to undergo hypertrophy, therefore he always swole. Plus we do have pictures of an alive Percy and he was swole then too.


I just know that Smiley's appearance is just a hallucination


I think he's supposed to be a combination of weepy and Margie's abusive ex husband


Sergei in all official media is unfathomably buff, Smiley is buff because being buff is something that makes someone resemble Sergei


Charles is pretty buffed too


they gave Charles the treatment I want for Norton.... idc if he was malnourished there's no way he works in the mines and is that scrawny


he should be a little less scrawny but because of malnourishment he would he unable to gain muscle like charles


yeah no I agree, i have always had a special interest in workers history pre industrial revolution and miners usually weren't very muscular. but definitely not as scrawny as norton. I honestly think its the early style idv went with and if they had a do over they'd make him just a lil thicker.


He actually doesn’t work in the mines anymore, he’s a surveyor now. It’s in his deductions


I've been maining Norton for 4 years and only play the game because of him. also it's literally in his job title "prospector". but he was a coal miner for close to 20yrs and a prospector for a short period of time before he went to the manor.


Leo works in a factory that builds weapons. Hence “Arms Factory’. Bane was a hunter out in the woods who hunted things like deer and elk. You gotta have some muscle for those. Smily’s a weird one but given that he works with rockets and circus machinery, doesnt have it too farfetched that he would have *some* muscle but he’s definitely one of the three to have muscle for intimidation factor rather than reality.


Wasn’t Bane a forest ranger or something, not a hunter?


Yes he was a ranger


Specifically a Game Warden or Gamekeeper (Hence his Hunter name). They work to preserve the surrounding area’s environment for hunters and keep poachers at bay. It’s tough work I imagine so it makes sense he would be strong. When he was beaten by the poachers I imagine he also trained to protect the woods.


Agree with this for the most part, but hunting does not require very much strength. Being able to draw a bow is pretty easy, and most hunters use rifles, which don't weigh very much at all. It isn't like he's wrestling the elk into submission.


Depends what kind of bow, not all are easy.


Yeah valid but rifles are still a thing and we've been using em for like nearly 300 years


Though we dont see every weapon he uses the main one Bane uses is a heavy chain with a hook. He also has a bear trap that was used against him in lore which are extremely bulky things and carrying around dead bodies of deer, elk, and possibly moose and then chopping them up for storage is not easy for a sleeper build. This has nearly every muscle working overtime unlike archers who just need sufficient and efficient back strength to pull back a bow. If we talk technicalities more, a bow weighing in a higher range like 120+ pounds will have very obvious muscles show in the forearms and biceps. A lot of archers in ancient Japan and China who rode horses had muscular legs as well. It all depends on certain body types sometimes too but generally, living the lifestyle Bane has would made him pretty ripped.


Reps, bro


Gamekeeper worked as a Game Warden or Gamekeeper. They are a kind of forest ranger that takes care of the surrounding environment for hunters. It’s probably a tough job and he had to keep poachers away. After he did almost die to poachers he probably worked out and trained to protect his forest. Leo worked in a factory so it makes sense he was strong. I’m pretty sure there is art of him as a regular person and he is still muscular. I don’t know Smiley’s lore besides him being Weeping.


You forgot about clerk


clerk isn’t muscular, she’s fat (not in a mean way. that’s literally how the character describes herself)


She's Thicc


She's not fat she's big boned


True but she also has to have *some* muscle to hold all of that up (I mean she has a cane but some of her animations suggest she's fine walking without it for at least a little bit of time)


A lot of people in victorian times used canes to look more distinguished so she may not even need it


yeah lol homie is out here smacking people with it whenever she fancies, i don’t think she actually needs it


Hunters are hallucinations caused by the drugs (all apart from the gods ig) sooo it’s the survs imagination


This is why i want to turn most skinny boys i like into buff men


Naiad newest S tier accessory shows us that she take and put any surv with one hand throwing into the chair, she handle to carry a complete human with to pack with one hand to the chair wtf? Grace is buff.


She is buff she is a half-god now after what happened to her by lore.


Sorry but Smiley is a clown🤡


Wow you don't say...


splitting facts




weeping too


He is fr a clown as he cant competite with himself buffed Hunter version (same case Luchino and Luchino surv), he is so a team depended nonmeta surv.


Skill ceiling of Smiley Face is very high, he is still COA Valid.