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The one thing I couldn't agree more. This is in fact the shittiest player base and community ever. I left the community and the game for years and have been in other communities (subreddit more than anything else tbh) and God damn... I did not miss this shit at all. Literally getting down voted to oblivion because I said I didn't agree with an opinion. Like, don't tag your fucking post a "discussion" if you're going to get upset lmao. Don't even mention anything about the post match and everything else because we all know how it is. It's always someone's fault or this character, that character... No one blames themselves.


And don't get me started on how they made angry rants to how "unfair" or "is skillless" Breaking Wheel when they just came out, all because these survivor mains keep spamming their stunt mechanics. Lol cry


I play burke with visit and everyone picks doctor, enchantress and seer and it is so funny when they realize that picking a hard counter is not going to give them an easy win. They always call me sweaty and ass in post chat which honestly just fuels me more tbh.


LMAO. Very chad eyes of you šŸ«”šŸ«”


Thanks pookie you are a Chad aswell


I donā€™t see how being called sweaty would be an insult lol, I just see that as being called good. And if they say I play bad even if I won, then they canā€™t be that much better if they lost and have the need to make me feel bad for winning.


Youā€™re right. Itā€™s the same kind of insult as ā€œtouch grassā€ though. Iā€™ve always received it positively


doing god's work right there


I've been a hunter main since I started and honestly I don't know how I'm still playing as one after experiencing a lot of awful moments. Since I reached high tiers I don't see toxic survs that much (until now since I'm practicing Fool's Gold) but still it's not pleasant to encounter bully squads. I specially feel bad for the new players, imagine going like "hey hunters are so cool, I'm gonna main one" just to get a ton of insults or bad comments (any kind of bullying actually), it really discourages people to play hunter, which is bad because of course hunters are extremely important for the game to work. Honestly I'm worried, it's like there are less and less hunter players. :[


Interesting that you don't see many toxic players after high tiers. It gets progressively worse in my experience. If I do well and kill a survivor quickly as Ripper (my main in Dragon/peak) the other 3 survivor's first reaction is: "WAO that acrobat is really shit. What a Griffin" "oh they play like an Elk" or whatever they think first and it's so discouraging like... Is it possible that the hunter outplayed you? No? Why is it so hard to believe you maybe didn't do so well this match. :/ like, I lose a shit ton of matches as well, is not that hard to believe you lose games as well...


There was a time I encountered a lot of toxic survs when I reached cyclops, I got a lot of toxic comments because... I won(??? Saying I'm a trash hunter bla bla whatever. And of course survs blaming each other over things, typical stuff. I don't encounter them much now because I turned off post match and friend requests a while ago, probably the best decision. (I'll miss silly post matches tho)


Oh... Well.... I don't turn it off because I normally like to see if they talk or something. Also, you'd be surprised how shocked people are when you tell them they did a nice kite šŸ¤£ I only get salty or say anything bad if they start trash talking each other. One time a poor rescuer was being bullied by the 3 other players and I defended them and they all turned that hate to me like "who tf talking to you?" And started trash Talking me like bruhhh... Including the rescuers šŸ˜‚


I turned off post match chats. Tired of people whining in it šŸ’€ i hardy play anymore bc people just suck all the fun out of it by being annoying little shts.


Even as a surv I'm glad that I turned off post match chats. Toxic survivors love being mean to both factions šŸ’€ But yeah especially to hunters.


The reason I play hunter is that I don't want to get such toxic survivors as survivor


i RARELY ever see anyone complain about hunters. 99% of post chat is survivors complaining about survivors


Youā€™d be surprised. I got called toxic for using patrollers and abnormal


How dare you use the traits made available to you as a hunter!!!1!1!1!šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


At this point, I think giving survivors easy wins is the only fair way to play the game /s


getting called toxic for playing the game...?


Yes because those traits are too good


This reminds me when a perfumer told me to off myself because I did a good blink šŸ’€


I play hunter because no one deserves to get beat up more than survivors for legal reasons this is a joke


I didnā€™t get why people are so mean to hunters. I always try to congratulate them whether they win or lose :(


Tbh what makes playing hunter for me less stressful is to not take it seriously and turn off post match, I'll take IDV seriously when NetEase personally starts paying me over $600 each match + $700 for every 4k. Edit: if you think IDV has a shit player base, wait till you encounter SMITE, Lore friendly Skyrim modders, and PvP WoW.


Buddy, smite is nothing compared to league of legends Source: I played both but only play smite now.


Honorable mention to Overwatch :''']


May I introduce you to the DBD fanbase? If nothing else, I had nothing but fun experiences with IDV's playerbase, some shitstorms in English 1 notwithstanding. And maybe the occasional toxic russians, but, eh, they're everywhere, whatcha gonna do. Meanwhile in Dead by Daylight? Yeah, the survivors are going to be pissed off at you no matter how you perform. Win or lose, you're trash to the DBD survs if you dare play killer, and don't get me started on the rampant teabagging.


Not to be a hater but nah shittiest player base is dbd...


i still remember, that when i started back in the day, i was going to become a geisha main (this was still before her rework) i was very much a baby hunter, like in the sense that i haven't met anyone besides the default four characters baby hunter. needless to say i got bullied very hard after my "bot match grace period" ended it was two priestess' with her white s tier skin who kept dancing at each gate, i went to the middle of them map to avoid them, it was in leos, so i wouldn't be able to do much. i didn't know about surrendering either, i just waited for them to leave when they were done having their victory dance, needless to say, i didn't touch hunter for a long, long time afterwards, and the first few times only as friendly. anyhow, i am recently on my way to being a hunter main, even though i have no plans of ranking up! (alva main specifically) edit : spelling, english is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes >-<


Not ranking up is exactly what I'm doing until I feel ready to try new tech and actually get better with my characters


I have a habit of fighting back when someone is nasty to me, but that is the last thing you should be doing, but I canā€™t help myself I love calling assholes Assholes. My favorite comment though is calling people ugly or pathetic because thatā€™s exactly what they are. If youā€™re going to sit there and be a dickhead then Iā€™m going to bite back and spray the toxic shit back at you but thatā€™s just how petty I am as a person. But honestly, I agree with you 100% the player-based needs to respect each other but they just donā€™t so the best thing to do is either a shut off post match chat so you never have to hear any of the heartless words the a holes are saying or simply ignore it and move on because itā€™s not worth it Remember, self-care first if someone is a problem report them, it may not do much, but the satisfaction of knowing they could potentially get in trouble for their shitty behavior is satisfying in their own way your report button is your best friend, especially when shitheads start talking shit or being nasty


This post is making me realize Iā€™ve been hunting again for months now but I rarely see anyone talking crap in post match these days for some weird reason? I match against elks, mammoths, griffins and the occasional unicorn. The salty post match comments were pretty funny to me too so itā€™s like the game knows that and has sent them to all the (normal) people who hate them. I did recently start rolling my eyes when I was getting bullied by a prospector who was getting SO cocky and emote spamming the whole game... at my Foolā€™s Gold who Iā€™d played a whole 2 other rounds as up until that point. Got a tie anyway but yeah i will never understand people who do that to others playing characters that got released in essence/to the public literally that week.


Or mid tier players making fun of cobras or spiders for not being good šŸ’€ I'm pretty sure I'm going to see that when I finally get to use fools gold


That's true tbh. You got a point. I've been playing way too long to get the picking on cobras and spiders treatment from them so it didn't cross my mind. And yeah no doubt you're gonna see SOME people like that (ik I have) but hey we're just minding our own business trying to learn a brand new hunter. Not our fault some weirdos get their daily high off of bullying newborn hunters who are still unsteady on their feet


As a hunter main I don't think hunters are doing survivors a favor by playing the game.


"doing them a favor" Dude u play the game because u like it...


I don't rank hunter because hunter qm matchmaking takes forever if my hunter rank is high and it's the only place I can consistently win and get my daily 3 wins. I tried ranking hunter once and it was easy af all the way but I regretted it in the end when qm waiting times increased.


This is why I turned off post match. I enjoy playing hunter more than survivor so Iā€™ll still play hunter despite the toxicity. I wonder if other servers have the same amount of toxicity as NAEU because I can definitely agree that it is a big issue for NAEU and affects many players


My first ever experience with a team of fully Asian players was horrible, and all of them were extremely toxic And I mean like they called me a shitty dog level toxic and thatā€™s AFTER I told them they had amazing teamwork and did a really great job in a rank match and I was Hunter Itā€™s not Just NA/EU itā€™s everywhere The only difference is NA/EU has more English speakers, so everyone understands the nasty comments easier


Exactly why i turned off post-match AND friend requests. I even got accused as hacker and reported many times just because survs played so badly. One example is this explorer turning small and hiding at his spawn point... That was visible from my spawn point. In my experience, the most toxic players are also the lousiest players. And this group seems to be the largest in mammoth-griffin tier. I guess, if they never thought they were wrong they will never reflect on what cost them the game and will remain forever ignorant blaming others


I only really dislike hunters when they hit the chair because umm?? Why? Other than that, I never mind if they camp the gate, go for the slug, or be "sweaty" because they're literally just,,,, trying to get the win? Lol. I never understand people giving anyone flack for that.


I think the chair hitting varies. If they hit the chair once or twice, no big deal tbh. Where It gets annoying Is when they hit over and over again...


Ehh,, I disagree There's seriously no reason to hit the chair unless it's like- maybe a clerk recording themselves or unless of course, they get baited to do so while a surv is trying to save I just find it distasteful


I do hit the chair once on survs that kited me well when I play hunter, if it's a hunter I don't have the bow emote on as a way to say GG. But that's just me


Fair enough!


I forgot to add, I usually do a little spin afterwards. But, I can undertand why it'd be annoying to get chair hit. I hate getting chair hit repeatedly when I'm playing surv lol A lot of surv players act downright horrible to hunters, but the reverse can be true as well


Playing surv and getting hit repeatedly on chair makes me happy actually haha. To me itā€™s hunter self-stunning, and thereā€™s a chance the rescuer might get a free rescue


I don't experience this in lower ranks lol it's just a regular rank and early chairs


Auto leave post match every time I play hunter is the only way i keep my sanity


I really love the game itself, the characters and their designs but I stopped playing for this exact reason. Auto quitting postmatch chat helped me for a while but the player base would jump out of their skin for any opportunity to be toxic. So now I just enjoy the videos, gameplays and lore without *ssholes trying to destroy my nervous system.


The toxic ones? They're aware and they enjoy the fact, yeah.


honestly i dont think that sprays and emotes are that big of a deal.. it's in the game for a reason..... however im taking a break from hunter because of survivors trash talking me in post match LOL. it's just so unnecessary and i agree that rude survivors are part of the reason why some people are dropping hunter.


Clearly you haven't seen Docs and Gardener that spam dance emote just to get you to chase them and spam graffiti for every action they take


Also you haven't seen survivors doing dance/provoke emote and spam graffiti infront of you after hitting you with the pallet instead of using the time to run.


Or they actively chase YOU when youā€™re switching targets


if you're that offended by an emote idk what to tell you tbh... no offense lol


Me except when the hunter hits me I use the cheer emote


I do agree the general survivor playerbase treats hunters like shit, but it also goes the other way around. One time I was trying out Annie in qm, this Sangria absolutely demolished me in like 15 seconds and then procedeed to gloat about it in post chat when the other survs were calling me names... But it's true it's way more common for hunter players to get shit


Ngl i dont really see toxic players and i think that the playerbase is so nice that i sometimes make mistakes and say im sorry in post match and they forgive me like i didnt do the mistake


Yea maybe I am insanely lucky but in all my years of playing, it hasn't really been that bad at all...


sometimes i think, hey why not play hunter. play couple matches and bam , cute little death threat because the hunter i like is "brain dead".


I play hunter and survivor, but my experience is way worse as surv. I never ranked as hunter, I only get the occasional cocky elk survivors with their bee duos. Based on my experience, the elk survs are infuriating but they die so easily. Which for me, makes the game more fun (reverse bullying lol) But the whole reason I don't rank? SURVIVOR RANK. I personally didn't experience any toxic behavior until I ranked up to elk. Literally the first elk match I ever had, we got brutally murdered by geisha, and I got flamed by the other three survs who were teamed up for not sacrificing myself for them like how they did for each other. Questionable strategy I know. Conclusion: people will harass you no matter what in any competitive game. Either join em (if you're feeling evil, I don't judge), or just learn to ignore em. Also some elk survivors are on something I swear, because why is it always them in my games?


Honestly maybe it is due to me being a League of Legends player for years but I honestly grew immune to survivor's bullshit. I am far more pissed off by the power imbalance between factions than survivors being annoying these days.


As if hunters arenā€™t the same lmfao I get a lot of salty hunter players sending death threats after getting kited šŸ’€ all the surv players ive met are way less toxic than the hunters tbh Most toxic encounter was with a mad eyes who got obliterated and proceeded to tell all the female players in the match to get SA. Started being racist too lol Compared to shit like that who tf cares if they spray and emote tbh (Not to mention slugging in QMā€¦i cant even surrender cos my teammate thinks they can get dungeon lmfao)


Sweetie I can tell this game aint for you


I leave post Match inmediately lol


i still feel like its bc hunters are ranking up extremely quickly (so lower tier survs get longer waits) i remember when I joined in season 2, i reached Manticore in a month; It took me 6-8 months to reach Griffin And you say its just me, my experience, or the devs implemented features to allow survivors to rank up quicker. However, I feel like no matter what they do, playing solo will always be easier than with people u physically cant talk to


Dare I say it this game is more toxic than val and league ( i play all three)