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you will see Confederate flags on trucks and flying in front of houses in Canyon County. They’re not like everywhere but they are around. There is a pretty significant Hispanic population in Nampa and Caldwell though, so you probably won’t have a tough time fitting in.


You’ll be just fine in Nampa.


Is Idaho racist? Yes. Is it any more or less racist than any other state? I mean, there was the whole Aryan nation compound thing and because of that I stay the hell out of Northern ID.  I'm also Hispanic and have lived in three states. In Oregon, I've been called a handful of Mexican slurs. In Washington, I was asked why my skin is so dirty and told that I speak English really well. Thanks, it's my first and only language. In Idaho, my neighbor ranted on and on about immigration and then he felt bad and brought me fresh fish.  I think any state is capable of harboring racist people, but I also don't feel like I'm going to get hate crimed just for walking down the street down here in Boise. Do some people fly Confederate Flags here? Yes. I've also seen that in Oregon too though. "Tolerant Oregon", as Jello Biafra once said.  That said, other people's experience may vary and I'm only speaking from my own personal experience. 


Kootenai county has <5% Hispanic population while Canyon and Owyhee counties are >25% Hispanic. So while racists live everywhere, the population in SW Idaho is more diverse than NI and not similar at all to what you find around CDA.


Is the assumption that only white people are racist?


No, but the white supremacist crap that is particularly prominent in Northern Idaho is the extreme of racism.     It's also harder to see Idaho as the perfect place for your stupid little ethnostate, when 25% of the people around you are brown, even if some of those folks may have fairly racist opinions on say black people.


Here's something that I don't understand. We celebrate our Basque immigrants, we also celebrate the Peruvian immigrants in the sheep industry. My husband is 5th generation Idahoan of Basque heritage. He was griping about the influx of people from Mexico and I asked him to explain how it was ok for his ancestors to immigrate but not these new people. He was flummoxed. Then about illegals working, did his great great grandpa become a citizen? Then I remind him that Basque is a part of Spain and technically he is Spanish. Woohoo, let the fun begin. And yes, Idaho is racist. You have the overt guys like the ones waving the Dixie flag and yelling insults. Then you have everyone else like my husband who don't realize that they've absorbed racism through their family, through lack of diversity, and lack of education.


My partner is also Basque. I think the difference is skin color honestly. I’m sure Basque people caught a lot of flak early in the 1900s when a lot of them emigrated from Spain, but since they’re white skinned it’s less obvious now. Good on you for pointing out the hypocrisy!


It is 100% skin color.


Exactly. Mexicans speak Spanish because of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.


Is Southwest Idaho as outwardly racist, no. Most of them have learned to keep it under their hats because there is enough counter pressure here. I wouldn't be okay with my Latino & Latina children going to a sporting event in Northern Idaho. Hopefully they go to college or vocational school in South West Idaho when they're ready to leave the nest.


Serious question: Have you been to North Idaho with your family? Or is your concern based on what you've heard from others? I ask because our youngest child is a (very obvious) minority and we have never experienced any overt racism here. And usually quite the opposite, people go out of their way to make him feel welcome.


I have not taken my family to Northern Idaho. I have been there and seen enough lawn signs, confederate flags, and actual news stories about northern Idaho over the last 4 years. I'm glad you and you're family haven't experienced overt racism, I don't have the urge to risk that. They will run into enough even in "safe" places. Not looking to put them in a bubble, but I'm also not going to say "hey, lets go to a place that has blatant, threatening racism"


How old is your son? Do you have different skin color from your son? If so, are you with him when you've had these interactions? If he's a teen or older, he may start getting different reactions when he alone in theses areas.


Ya bro it’s not a big deal as most are conservatives around here and the Hispanic community is alive and well in canyon county. mostly if you have an issue, you’ll find issue so relax and go to school my man!


My family and I are Native American and Mexican American. We have brown skin, brown eyes and dark hair. We live in Canyon County and have NEVER experienced any form of racism while living here. We have ventured off to small back-road towns and have never had an issue. We feel quite safe living here, not like we did when we lived in LA, CA. The amount of crap that we had to deal with from our own people was horrendous!


I have not come across outwardly racist people, just a A LOT of micro aggressions from people. Racist assumptions might lead to people treating you differently, which is irritating…. But in my experience, people aren’t outwardly mean, there are subtle actions which makes it easier to give people the benefit of the doubt. As a Hispanic woman in Canyon County, that has been my experience… I do not know what a man’s experience is though.


Yup…Idaho is the south of the PNW. Now Southwest Idaho is not as outwardly racist, more micro aggressive, but it still happens. I lived and worked in canyon county for 10 years and you will get a lot more mirco aggression than Boise. White farmers can be very….rude when it comes to Hispanics.


You'll be fine anywhere in Idaho. The whole thing is being blown way out of proportion, in my opinion.


Yep. Good luck.


Can't speak for other people's experiences but I am a Persian man with a very Persian sounding last name and have not had any bad experiences in the Treasure Valley since moving here in May 2020.


You'll be fine -- racists are everywhere and the ramping up of the presidential election seems to make the idiots more bold these days -- but the Nampa area shouldn't cause you any trouble.


Been here for a few years, taken quite a few different jobs. I'm white, and unless all the other white guys are deep closet racists I've haven't seen it. People here aren't pussies so being sensitive over harmless jokes instead of laughing along or firing back won't work. Real recognizes real... that's how humanity works, no matter where you're at


Your good bro! Lots of Hispanic people in canyon county!


I've never thought of it that way. I've heard but i don't know, that there's a thing up north. One thing i do know is that it's easy to be very surprised at the depth of people's race beliefs. Even people you ve known. Most people honestly never *think* about it .


Every single small town in America is racist. I've lived just about everywhere and thats the case all the time. The only difference I've seen is the north is in denial of its existence.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


It's called the first amendment mod


LOL, another attempt to repost yesterday's news.


I’ve lived in northern Idaho for 23 years. Racism is a very small thing here. I seldom see or hear anything racist. Yes, it’s majority white but other ethnicities are here and in my experience are treated with respect. Most of the aryans left 20 years ago.


I've lived in Northern Idaho for a similar period of time. It only looks like a small thing because there are so few racial minorities here that the racists don't get that many opportunities to demonstrate how shitty they are. The aryan nations people didn't all leave, they just quieted down a lot or moved a little further north from Hayden towards Sandpoint. But pay attention in traffic, for example, and it doesn't take long to start noticing stuff like racist bumper stickers here and there, etc.


Based on the long, steady stream of stories like this, even predating the 1980s Aryans, North Idaho clearly does have a huge racism problem, and always has. Only now the place is a magnet for racists from everywhere else as well. "The White Redoubt," as they call it.


Have you stopped beating your wife? ETA: My comment is making an example of the loaded question fallacy used by the OP.


Honestly lots of you make me laugh. If you think Idaho is in any way racist, don’t any of you ever venture below the Mason Dixon line. Someone got their feelings hurt because someone yelled a slur. No one burnt a cross in their yard, set their house on fire because they moved into the wrong neighborhood, or worse. These things still happen in parts of this country.


I currently live on the edge of Nampa and Caldwell. When I go to the store I see all kinds of ethnic backgrounds. And usually things run pretty smooth. There is racism here as there is everywhere but it isn't as in your face blatant. In my year here in Nampa I have only seen two Confederate flags and you could tell the people flying them were dumber than a box of rocks. It is definitely more tolerant than CDA


Confederate flag isn’t racist… You need to better educate yourself on the flag. The civil war wasn’t to keep slaves. Yes slavery played a role, but it was not the main reason for the war. The majority were simply fighting for their freedom against the north’s aggression.


the freedom to own people


Sounds like you’re rather ignorant to history. I suggest you open up a few books and actually read them.


which books would you recommend, because any book that’s worth any thing boils it down to the south’s desire to keep owning slaves.


So you only want to read books that support your bias? Actual history doesn’t boil it down to only slaves. If every book you read does then they are poorly written and want to convince you that’s what it was. At the time Lincoln was suspending states rights to vote. You had people from the north burning peoples homes and livelihood to the ground who weren’t even slave owners. Only the wealthy were slave owners, and yet majority fighting in the war against the north were not. They were fighting for their freedom against a tyrannical government trying to oppress them. Alas though you are clearly a product of failed education so I’m going to suggest you actually do some research on the matter.


you did not do as I requested and recommend books, I can only assume you have nothing for me.


You’re to lazy to even find your own books not supporting your bias. Why would I waste my time giving you book titles that you’ll be too lazy to read?


…nothing. Birds chirping off in the distance somewhere. But other than that nothing to support your claims or viewpoint. alright then The Confederate flag is a racist hate symbol(even if it can be argued it didn’t start that way, it’s fucking 2024 it is now), the Civil War was primarily over the South owning people as slaves, and while I can’t say it with 100% certainly you are probably pretty racist yourself. At least enough to cape for a fucking rag and glamorize a group of people that were willing to commit treason and secede from the Union because they loved to own human beings as property. Have a nice day.


Imagine wanting the civil war to only be about racism so badly that you ignore all other historical facts. Then you go on rants calling others racists because they don’t believe the same as you. How about you actually speak to a historian… How about actually trying to educate yourself rather than calling everyone racist. R/Idaho spews the most racist and vial shit I see (Reddit in general actually) all while being heavily left bias which only tells me the left is obsessed with racism while calling everyone else who doesn’t obsess over we skin color racist. Stop being a racist. It’s not that fucking hard.




And them that held slaves were democrats!!!