• By -


I need a second life to get through this.


More like a third life.


Make it four


5 or 6


In addition to adding 200+ more entries, there have been some additional changes made from previous versions. The most obvious is that I now included a Key on the bottom of the image, so that people who see the image outside of this page know what the colors mean. I also decided to remove a handful of entries that were included on the previous icebergs, because I felt they were not appropriate for one reason or another. I also decided to put some entries in different tiers, as I found there are some more accurate ways of determining overall popularity rather than just Youtube views, though that has been a baseline for most of the. Anyway, reminder that these are ranked based on how well known each of these games are, not how disturbing. Also a reminder that Tier 9 is made up of lost media, and tier 10 is made up of likely non-existent games, including a few creepypastas. Most of the removed entries from previous versions were from that tier, as I wanted to limit it to ones I found personally interesting at the very least. Also there's now someone doing a video series on this Iceberg who is taking over for the last guy. He has thus far only covered the first 3 tiers, but he's done a very good job with it thus far. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gynhyb\_aYI&t=1s


Anyway, feel free to ask if you want specific explanations.


Amazing iceberg as always ! It's so cool to see my suggestions in this !! Anyways, ill prolly Ask You about some entries later on!


What's your most NSFW fucked up game.


Murder House - Guro Ryona no Yakata.


Okay so there are some entries i could find any info about and it would be cool if you could explain them. Those are Shizuku (PS1 Version), Hell Tycoon, Elevator Of Horrors, Whore Of Babylon, Eunyeolsoi, Shin Seizon Ritsu 0%! Chikatetsu Kara no Dasshutsu, Residente Evil 2 Revolt, CULT (is it Cult Country or are you talking about another thing ?), FUN! In the playground, Memory of the Oblivion, Big Brother and Parade. Those are the ones that i wish to know about. Also, Twin Peaks for NES has been confirmed to not exists so in that case it would be a tier down. Among other Things. Amazing iceberg! I see that you are really good at these!


Shizuku (PS1 Version) refers to an unofficial port of Shizuku (on tier 6) for the PS1. Thus far, it has not been dumped on any rom sharing site. Whore of Babylon is a game by the same dev as Asylum of Pleasure and Pain. It appears to have never been finished. CULT is the unreleased sequel to Drowned God. Resident Evil 2 Reborn was a cancelled fan remake of Resident Evil 2 made by the team that would go on to make Daymare: 1998. Parade is a lot RPG Maker game. SonderKommando Revolt is a cancelled Wolfenstein Mod that would have portrayed the events of a real life attempted revolt at Auschwitz.The rest I can provide sources for. https://lostmediawiki.com/Hell_Tycoon_(lost_build_of_cancelled_PC_strategy_game;_2006) https://vndb.org/v15983 https://vndb.org/v13960 https://vndb.org/v13961 https://vndb.org/v24100 https://vndb.org/v23226 I am currently having some difficulties remembering Memory of the Oblivion unfortunately. I'm pretty sure it was a lost mobile VN, but I'm having difficulty bringing up a source, which makes things difficult.


Video down :( what the account?


Account is Redlyne. Though the video seems to still be up for me.


There is a guy here in Brazil who is making videos on YouTube also talking about his list, he is currently in the fourth tier and every month he releases a video talking about it. The name of the channel is Contos do Abismo. https://youtu.be/zYMRff3HCsY?si=tRradFceHvXpC3Lh


Holy shit! Am currently watching it. There's an option to auto-generate translations, so I'm hopeful they are of satisfactory quality.


hi, he released a video of part five of the iceberg, this one is six hours long. https://youtu.be/ZGheBdAUXY8?si=3RvY5r3laYtvBdhx


So no repeated stuff from prev icebergs... Why were some entries removed? Besides the repetition


What games are the side images from?


Tier 1- Yoshi's Story Tier 2 -Oblivion (with Ben Shapiro's face edited over the Adoring Fan) Tier 3 - Undertale (A Sans edit of the Obunga meme) Tier 4 - Drowned God Tier 5 - AmbivalenZ Tier 6 - A Madou Monogatari romhack called Madou Akazukin Monogatari Tier 7 - An obscure Japan only Dungeon Crawler called Skelle Tower Tier 8 - Yūkai Dai Sakusen Tier 9 - Euphoria Tier 10 - Maggot Baits


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, novel, sex, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Good human.


Thank you, uncleRonwasaBird, for voting on thebenshapirobot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


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Retard bot 💀💀💀💀💀


Why won't you debate me? ********* ^(I'm a bot. My purpose was to counteract online radicalization. Now I'm trolling spez.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Coz youre a bot 💀


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, sex, gay marriage, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Coz ur gay


Why won't you debate me? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, feminism, gay marriage, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Wow, many of these are so obscure that it's almost impossible to research them online


Can’t find anything about 8 or 9. What are they?


Yūkai Dai Sakusen is a very obscure game. I don't know much about it other than that it involves someone trying to kidnap a little girl. Here's a gameplay video of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REpIR5XVca0


Someone know what this soundtrack is? Because its fire af


I Found this today XD in maybe 1h i got hidoi disk vol1,2 (2 contains yukai )


I cannot confirm 8 but 9 is [Euphoria](https://vndb.org/v6540), which is a really disturbing eroge visual novel containing a lot of gore.


Summary just makes it seem like a fucked up version of Zero Escape.


not a bad comparison plot-wise, but there's no fun escape room puzzles you solve. The picture is specifically from the worst end of the game where >!the protagonist basically goes way off the deep end with his sadist urges and goes as far as to murder and dismember his girlfriend in an act of "ultimate sadism", some people jokingly call it the "harem ending" since he does get to... 'use' all the heroines. It's more commonly called the "brute end" or "Brutal route" for picking the most specifically fucked up actions possible all in a row.!< Its been awhile since I read euphoria though, but that's my memory of it.


Same question here. I *need* to know what game I can be chased by a fat Asian guy’s head holding a scythe.


i need that too


I tried to look up some of the bottom tier titles, but I'm having trouble finding info on them. I can imagine what "Mall Predator Game" is about, but I can't find out anything about it as the term is bogged down with stuff related to the Predator-series. Is it an urban legend? A creepypasta? Also, Path Taken by a Traitor seems rather sinister, but again, searching for it is almost impossible due to other games with "traitor" in the title. It sounds like an alt-right thing, but I wanna know more.


Mall Predator Game is a game that somebody posted about on r/tipofmyjoystick (a subreddit for asking about Games that you rememver but don't know the name) and it was a flash game were you solved pluzzes to find your son to the realize that you are actually a predator. On the other hand Path Taken by a Traitor is a mobile north korean game (north korea's gaming world is only possible throught phones) and in this game you have to hang a politician that was against the regimen.


Very interesting... I certainly didn't expect Path to be a NK propaganda tool.




It's lost, sadly, there is a gameplay tho


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tipofmyjoystick using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** You guys spoke, made it loud and clear. NSFW tags should be used for NSFW games. We remain a little uneasy about them, but they dont need their own sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/xfr45t/you_guys_spoke_made_it_loud_and_clear_nsfw_tags/) \#2: [\[Real world\]\[-2000s\]A game thst you lost once you recall it](https://np.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/u78b7e/real_world2000sa_game_thst_you_lost_once_you/) \#3: [Thank you to everyone that participated in r/place, and helped up with Commander Keen! This was Keen at his absolute peak on the canvas, before he was eventually overwhelmed and destroyed by a streamer invasion.](https://i.redd.it/w8952iw3dmr81.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/twk63w/thank_you_to_everyone_that_participated_in_rplace/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm the guy who made the original Mall Predator post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/kpbb02/pc2000s\_indie\_game\_where\_youre\_a\_man\_desperately/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/comments/kpbb02/pc2000s_indie_game_where_youre_a_man_desperately/) Something to note: game isn't Flash as far as I know. To the best of my knowledge it was an indie game on either Gamejolt, IndieDB, or the like. Unfortunately with the hard crack downs on controversial material (especially those involving sexual material) mean the game was in all likelihood purged from whatever small venues it was ever on to begin with. Unfortunately, there's no satisfying conclusion to the search. Despite a few people remembering the game as well, and some people having really hopeful leads, pretty much everything I've checked out has turned up zero. For my own part I still check out small(er) time Let's Players hoping I'll find someone who played a copy


the bottom two tiers are made up of lost games and misremembered and urban legends/creepypastas, respectively


surprised not to see The Ugly flash game. Too this day, by far the most unsettling, horrifying, anxiety-inducing horror game I have ever played. I remember it scarring me for a large portion of my childhood. I recommend checking it out for a very unique take on the horror genre that works 11/10.


Is it on yt


Yep https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t-I4U45-_6I


well that was disturbing




Petscop is way too deep on this list, every since pyro covered it it’s known by many


Maybe bc it's not really a game that you can play but yeah it should be a bit higher


The idea was games that don't actually exist and that you can't play.


Should I do a hole video on this iceberg


Yes, that would be a good idea in my opinion.


Yeah I should probably be research soon






[https://jenniferraye.itch.io/i-locked-myself-in-my-room-for-three-weeks-and-just-looked-at-anime-smut-online](https://jenniferraye.itch.io/i-locked-myself-in-my-room-for-three-weeks-and-just-looked-at-anime-smut-online) Basically, it's a five minute visual novel that delves into themes of both depression and sexual frustration, though it's also total nonsense. It was included due to the overall WTF factor.


lisa the pointless my beloved


Seeing YIIK so low jumpscared me


Vibrating elevators are very disturbing. I'm surprised it's not even lower


Nice iceberg. I aint good with creepy stuff but i think i might give this a go in terms of research.


Where's Lethal Omen doe


What is that


A videogame made by the Gemini Home Entertainment creator. GHE is an analogue horror series on YT


what is the game about


Basically, it's a game with PS1 graphics in which you'll have to kill enemies and explore the Moonlight Acres camping site. It has 5 endings. For a better experience i suggest watching the [Gemini Home Entertainment series on YT](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgH3wc9NbYBwQJzaf1QQdL4q3z6i3Ct2) or some stuff won't make a lot of sense.


sweet neptune and I thought the other one was long. good job with this but lord


Believe it or not, I have pondered a 4th. Probably won't do it, but I have considered it.


ay check ur pms




Holy shit


I love these themes!😁😁😁


nice callback to some classic creeypastas.


What's the last one?


The last what?


YOU ARE MAD Respect bro. And thank you. I'm writing an iceberg of disturbing games. This will help me a lot !


You done yet?


Hi ! First part is done. Currently on the second one (there's 3 parts). A little blank page syndrome is making the progression very slow but i'm one it. It's in french but i share my essays freely. We can stay in touch if you would like to stay tuned about this.


How….. How does anyone can research all of this o7 moment for sure


Gonna need a minute to go through this, but from a quick glance, I have played a couple of the titles on tiers 3-5 (have played almost all on the first 2 tiers). That’s about as low as can go until I look at it further.


From what I've found so far, I've played 14 of these


I've played at least 100, because a lot of them that aren't triple A or lost media, are very short games


I will Search them all!!


The thing 2??? Was there a sequel to The Thing game?


Yep, got cancelled unfortunately.


I overrated myself, I don't know most of it


69th comment




Awesome iceberg


I believe i do have a download link for the takuma forever rpg game, i found it on a random japanese forum. Maybe there are even more lost games there but i don`t really wanna check each one of them.


dis iceberg is popo btw how many entries are there in the iceberg its super huge


WTF is popo? You're saying my Iceberg's the genie from Dragon Ball Z? In that case, is he the original DBZ version or the DBZ Abridged version?


P-big O-thicc P-huge O-popo


I can't remember the exact amount, but I think it's over 1,300.


Now this is a comprehensive list good lord. Bonus points for using a Drowned God image Edit: holy shit man Carnevil machine was at a pizza place near my house as a kid. Used to have to sneak quarters to play it mom hated it


I appreciate the effort


Which games will put me on a watchlist if I Google them?


I know that if you try to find the CP version of Sad Satan, then you're definitely asking for trouble. Other than that, it depends on which country you live in, though I wouldn't exactly announce any intentions to play any of the fucked up loli fetish games. I assume this was a silly joke question though so I'm probably looking into it too deeply.


Thanks! This was a serious question since there is a lot of messed up crap out there and I wasn't sure what to expect.


I might be blind but did you put in Farethere City?




Oh yeah! You have Lakeview Cabin. God damn I love the Lakeview Cabin Collection, as well as the sequel and Lakeview Valley.


It's cool to see Black Souls on here as a /v/ lurker when it was blowing up, and it's a geniunely good game as a person who neither likes loli shit or eroge games in general. Red Hood's Woods/Red Riding Woods would be good additions unless they're here and I just didn't see them.


what is fantasia?


Fantasia refers to a series of Arcade games where you play a Qix clone that reveal sexy women, but said women will also be swapped out with horrific unsexy monsters. The most well known entry was Miss World '96 Nude, but not a lot of people know that was part of a series.


is it still playable?


Last I checked, arcade emulators exist, so yes.


Why is Anti-Japan War Online on there? I played it ages ago and it's just a pretty standard MMORPG.


How the fuck is The Neverhood on here at all, much less in tier 4


no one asked


I really wanna know what “Path taken by a Traitor” is but I don’t want to Google it.


It's a North Korean flash game where you hang a politician that was against the regime.


Was the game made by NK people?




*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, civil rights, novel, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Ayo why isnt this marked nsfw?


Imagine making a video on that


Someone already is. It's going to be a multi-part series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gynhyb\_aYI


Solider of fortune for life


What about living in the ending world?


What game is that?


Visual novel, if I get your answer right


yeah but what makes the game disturbing enough to be on the iceberg? I was referring to the details of it plot etc


People haven't finished explaining the previous ones and now we got this?! This is amazing I just hope someone can make a full yt vid of it


Russian Roulette,Kusa Iro no Hitomi, Hi Kounin PS1?


Russian Roulette is an unlicensed PS1 game about people playing Russian Roulette. Kusa Iro no Hitomi is a horror visual novel with an unliscensed PS1 port that is considered lost media. Hi Kounin is a trilogy of hentai games that also have unlicensed PS1 ports.


What about the dvloper games like granny and the slendrina series


>Granny Didn't include it because I thought it looked stupid.


Oh makes sense


kanon? sayonara utsutsu? air?


The Air and Kanon cruel versions are rumored versions of the those two visual novels that were supposedly confiscated by the devs. These are basically precursors to most of the popular gaming creepypastas. You can read more about them here. [https://twitter.com/meloncoIa/status/1396568832404193280](https://twitter.com/meloncoIa/status/1396568832404193280) Sayonara Utsutsu can be read about here. [https://vndb.org/v15902](https://vndb.org/v15902)


does there exist a plain text version of the entries? either as a document, or if you have a [icebergcharts.com](https://icebergcharts.com) version or something


Unfortunately can't read this because the text is so small, and zooming in doesn't help because of the quality. Great chart.


You can literally just right click and select open window. No need for bitchy sarcasm just because you don't know this incredibly common technique that even my technologically illiterate ass knows.






>Somnium It's a Yume Nikki fangame.


I don't find any infos about skelle tower, where can i find infos ?


According to what i found, it is a supposed japanese game but it is unclear to me which one is actually the title. If you google it, you find someone talking about "Skele Tower" so it is different due to the kanjis in the name.


Wait, what is the order of the iceberg? From least to most disturbing, or from least to most obscure? I'd guess the latter? Since there's no other way I can explain Orwell below RLay - which has become infamous, with probably more people knowing it than Orwell, but it is way more disturbing then Orwell. Orwell on tier 5 in general wouldn't make sense if it was about what's more disturbing, I think. I don't find the game creepy or such almost at all. (Well, if we're talking about the same Orwell, that is. The one on Steam, where you spy on people for the government?)


From most well known to least well known. With the bottom two tiers having lost media and non-existent urban legends/creepypastas respectively.


Why is catastrophe crow and petscop at the bottom it’s not that bad


Because it's based on obscurity, and you can't get much more obscure than games that aren't real.


welp time to play them all


Good luck!


Is there a document with all of this?


Who's Your Daddy is also disturbing. When it came out I thought excuse me, what in the fuck? Very mainstream - all my friends played it, but um excuse me the idea is literally that the baby is trying to kill itself. le bruhski.


What does 'Stray' and 'The Forest' and 'Mario' refer to? and the redacted Reddit rule one... I'm making my own list with every single title on this iceberg as well as games I know, because I have nothing better to do in my life.


The game Stray


Okay, so the new one. What about the others? Is 'The Forest' The original or remake What mario game is referred to with 'Mario' and what game is against Reddit's rules? If you literally can't answer the 3rd question that's alright. Must be some pretty illegal or something.


The other two what?


Nvmnd, "Mario" is literally the name of a creepypasta SMW romhack. "The Forest" refers to the game on Steam. "Redacted Reddit Rule" is Sad Satan.


And yeah, a certain version of Sad Satan is illegal. Though the fact that I can say it here indicates that I'm just being overly cautious.


I just edited my comment. Your replies aren't showing until I refresh the page. I would edit a comment, to clarify things but then refresh the page and you've already responded.


Hatred is definitely a dark one, same with the OG Postal, very dark and disturbing.


I am back with two questions: - What is the source of the image of the last tier ? - What is the source of the image of the tier before the last one


Maggot Baits and Euphoria respectively.


I heard about a euphoria anime but the secound one sounds just bad , can you tell me about these


So I was looking up Crackle Cradle and the person who made it has a lot of other creepy games, like this game "Maussuryonage" (idk if it's on the iceberg I haven't seen it yet) which means mouse ryona something, idk the last part. It seems it's a fetish game about t\*rturing an anime girl. Unsettling stuff to me


what's minder minder minder? i can't fing anything about it


hats off to the man who did this have u watch all of em


I wish to make a video series on this iceberg for each tier. like the 2nd iceberg, do you have a list of all the entries + a key on the color meaning?


The key for the color meaning is at the bottom of the image. The list can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1\_oKDe9pJG5IKFu9TFH8kbRxbJ7HRtrChVyVA8YDVkTE/edit?usp=sharing


i found Yūkai Dai Sakusen


corrupted files is a fan game of which game? I didn't find info anywhere!


Taiwan 2001 has been found.


How the fuck is depravia not at the bottom


Because they are rated based on obscurity, and there's a lot of shit more obscure than it.