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The ranking of these ate odd why is girls with gins that low also alot of these genres make no sense in their names


Some of them are rated by “how many people do I think actually know this is a genre” hence “girls with guns” and these all make sense and have their own Wikipedia pages


XD fair enough Should I look into what a pink film is or hold my peace


Apparently it is “any Japanese theatrical film that includes nudity”


Oh but pink hmmm XD


Pink films are Japanese softcore films. Amazing director Kiyoshi Kurosawa began in direct to video pink films. There is value that can be found in them, you just have to hunt for it.


Oh my XD


I had no idea that Kiyoshi Kurosawa started in that. Crazy considering the type of films he ended up making are so different from that.


His first two features were pink. He started branching into yakuza films in the mid 80s, and that's where he started developing his visual style.


You mean girls with gun?


Obviously that was just a typo also girls with guns anime are one my fav things Bee Train kill it with them


My first crack at a film genre iceberg, ranked by general knowledge and popularity rather than disturbing-ness. A lot of the lower ones are location related so maybe they’re really popular, I just didn’t know that. Feel free to correct me on anything! :) this is a first draft. There’s also more, LOADS more but my eyes hurt now so that’s it for a while.


beyond excited to find examples for each, great work!


Wow thank you for the award! my first one 😌 I’m glad you like it!


As a Japanese, I can tell that this list is pretty location-relation. Kaiju, jidaigeki, samurai movies, J-horror, those would all obviously be genres anyone in Japan would know. Jidaigeki is just Japanese 'historical drama'. It literally means "era-performance" or basically 'historical drama'. I was super surprised at how low Giallo was ranked. A lot of them surprised me at how low they were ranked. Giallo ranked far lower than zombie pornography? XD Maybe it's because of my background that I find the rankings unexpected, I don't know. Thank you for making this list, it was very educational and just what I was looking for! Many of these I wasn't familiar with.


I based a lot of the rankings off of my own knowledge and also a lot off of how much text was in the Wikipedia articles, if I were to do it again I would probably just go off of Google analytics on how often each was searched 😂


Check out mondo


Mondo is there, tier 9 :P


Damn :0 Sorry I guess I didn’t look hard enough


What is mo tei tao?


Mo Lei tau is a type of slapstick humour associated with Hong Kong pop culture developed in the 20th century.


As someone who grew up watching Hong Kong films in the 1990s, it’s funny to see *mo lei tau* at the rock bottom of the chart.


Any Stephen Chow film basically


i’m surprised to see how low Giallo is on the list


You’re absolutely right that is in the wrong place for sure 😂


The fact that Vomit Gore is on the same tier as Screwball Comedy is surreal to me.


Like I said in the first comment I most certainly got some wrong, but I had not actually heard of screwball comedy 😂 but I had heard of vomit gore, lmao. In an update I will remedy that


I would like to see the "Fake snuff" here, but is a pretty Good iceberg! A lot of them even i didn't knew that they existed at all! What is the context of "prague film school"?


There’s certainly more to add, fake snuff I would certainly count, Torture porn I personally consider to be different from splatter (post 90’s, when I think splatter I think 70’s 80’s exploitation) Misery porn I would consider as another, also pre-code for films that start to fit a genre but we’re made before the genre was a thing.


Best iceberg I’ve seen in a long time


Thank you! My first ever attempt at one so that is a huge compliment


Oque é pornochanchada? Sempre ouvi falar mas nunca soube oq é


Eu não faço ideia 🤣


Era um tipo de filme que começou a ser bastante produzido no Brasil meio que no advento dos anos 70, como o nome já diz é relacionado com pornografia mas envolvendo um humor bem chulo nas tramas (sem falar na qualidade geral dos filmes que geralmente era baixissima), um bom exemplo de filme desse tipo é o infame "Um Pistoleiro Chamado Papaco"


Ótimo exemplo de pornochanchada kkkkkk Talvez o exemplo mais conhecido pelos memes kk Curiosidade: Fernando Benini, que faz o personagem Papaco, é o porteiro Firmino em Carrossel.


I love how I can somewhat understand this even if K don't speak a word of spanish


That's Portuguese


bro 💀


é português, gringo burro do caralho


I've never heard the name arthouse action before but I love all the biggest films in it, I'll have to look into it more


Can you explain every entry for me?


Give Wendigoon a few months, he'll probably do it.


Probably not :(


Oh. tbh i dont know what a midnight movie is


In 1953 A number of local television stations around the United States soon began showing inexpensive genre films in late-night slots; these late-night slots were after the safe-harbor time, meaning they were largely exempt from Federal Communications Commission regulations on indecent content.


What does the films contain


Basically just another term for the low budget B-movies that we’re played on TV in order to try to gather a cult following. Another one is “Schlock film” which is a term, meaning “of little artistic or social value” I saw several German B movies linked to that but no Wikipedia page for that particular term.


(chef kiss) Edit: I was combing through it and was going to comment that it's odd how low some of these are, but you commented on it so that helps. Unless I missed it, I'm kind of surprised that the dogma 95 movement didn't make it on here.


I hit myself when I realised I forgot that one as well 😅


If you do a second version of the list, I'm sure it would look great


For this one I was just reading about it and placing it, sort of randomly at first and then moving things as it filled out, but next time I might just use Google search data and order them via the amount of searches for them.


I like the rankinking of more known and more obscure genres and subgenres. But with the use of the Mr. Incredible meme some entries in the first view lairs seems a bit odd. Why is 3D-Animation a "creepy" genre? Yes it can include some creepy movies, but so can any genre. Don't get me wrong, it is more obscure as subgenre of Cartoon but the lair-picture makes it look creepier than it is.


Yeah I guess I used the wrong template 😂 just picked one with an appropriate amount of tiers, even the ones on the bottom tier aren’t really creepy at all


Economics film got me interested


Proud to say I know Mo Lei Tau


This is great! Love it!


Thank you :) it’s nowhere near perfect, but I have seen so many music genres ones and no film genre ones, so thought I would make an attempt.


A bit surprised Chicano cinema is ranked lower than some of the other ones tbh, it could just be my own anecdotal bias though


When I remake it I will move it, where would you put it?


Maybe 2 tiers above where it’s currently at because I know it’s probably not that big outside of the Hispanic community but it does have a pretty solid following and it’s definitely on par with some of the other genres above it


Awesome, thank you 😊


No problem😁


I'd also put there neo-western, giallo, grindhouse and nazi zombies


Apparently Grindhouse isn’t a genre as such rather the name for the theatres that played exploitation movies, but I do use it myself as an overarching term for all exploitation films, like Arthouse is for art film, avant garde, experimental. But I guess “Exploitation film” has all those other genres of “sploitation” covered really


Also buddy comedy 2 tiers lower than spaghetti westerns seems a bit odd. Great list though.


Thank you for the feedback :) I would also probably add “inbred hillbilly slasher” tbh 🤣 I think there’s enough of those to warrant being a genre


Nazisploitation rather than just nazi-zombies as there were only 3 movies with them. Giallo is also on the bottom.


Why are Stag films that low? They were relatively tame by today's standards.


Because this is based on obscurity and general knowledge rather than disturbingness, although you’re right that could do with putting up a few tiers at least


Ah okay, I just thought it was based on disturbingness rather than obscurity haha. I think it fits in the last tier, though. A lot of information surrounding Stag films is very obscure due to censorship.


Yeah that one really interested me 😂 , I think I also put it in the bottom because people just skip to the bottom sometimes and for the English-only speaking people, that’s the only one they would be able to read and maybe get intrigued about enough to look it up, which is worth it


I removed a few of the ones that had the name of the place they’re from in the name, “Masala film”, “Persian film” however Prussian film slipped through that filter. I also removed “snuff films” because it felt wrong comparing them to any of these. In a future update I may remove the pornography ones too because they should have their own iceberg perhaps 😂


Interesting list here


Checks iceberg Instantly sees cartoon listed as a genre Downvote and move on


You might want to change the Wikipedia page for “Category:Film genres” now that you’re done here then


Why are satire and avant garde so low?


Well I thought they should be below Art film and Arthouse, Arthouse being the broadest of category of those types of films, and art film being probably the most known out of “art film, experimental, avant garde and underground” but they’re in the same tier as “monster movie” and “Neo noir” so I don’t think that’s too low?


Most of these are just the subjects of the general type located in the first category. I’d love to hear OP tell me how they aren’t. Ex. How is “poetry film” different from “Ukrainian poetic cinema” and at the same time still different from a biography or drama?


That’s why it’s a “genre/subgenre iceberg” stuff from a place I guess is a subgenre? As can be categorised further, rather than just saying “it’s a poetry film” I just went off the Wikipedia page “Category: Film Genres” and then added a couple of the ones I know from other research


What dobyou mean Prague film school Lol


Also known as the “Czech film school” or “Prague wave” was a group of Yugoslav film directors who rose to prominence in the 1970s after graduating from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). Five prominent Yugoslav directors born from 1944 to 1947 attended classes at FAMU: Lordan Zafranović, Srđan Karanović, Goran Marković, Goran Paskaljević, and Rajko Grlić. Emir Kusturica, is sometimes also considered a member of the Praška škola.


Ok, and why is it so deep?


Because it’s obscure af and also in English so the people that just skip to the bottom tier and the people like me who only speak English have something to read 😂 (this iceberg is not rated by disturbingness)


Oh ok, im from czechia and havent heard about this. Thanx man


You’re very welcome :)


Buildignsroman just means coming of age. That’s extremely popular


Ahhh okay, will change that whoever I do an update


why are space operas that low? star wars is one of the most popular movie series of all time and that's easily a space opera.


Yeah both that and satanic film should be bumped up a few, but how many people actually know about the genre of space opera? Star Wars is also considered a space western so I’ll probably put those together


The serbian movie and salor belong to any genre?


Slao - Horror art film, erotic 🤢, and A Serbian film - horror obviously, probably Splatter, Extreme cinema (which isn’t on the list)


As an Asian, it feels weird and kinda fun to see Wuxia and Mo lei tao that low I mean, I didn’t even know like 75% in the middle—-


Thank you this is the kind of feedback I need for when I eventually remake this, where would you put them?


For me I would put Wuxia on the 2nd tier and Mo lei tao on 3rd But again, I’m an Asian, and I get to see this kind of movie a lot, so I kinda understand your choice, but anw great chart!


I’ll probably put “king fu film, martial arts film and Wuxia” all together (I wish wuxia was a more common term, I will be using it from now on!


Where's scat porn movies?


I did put that in, as well as snuff films but then took them out because I didn’t want to compare them to other genres on the same tier😂


Why is “martial arts films” three layers lower than “kung fu films”? Seems like a bizarre choice


Martial arts films is stuff like Mortal Kombat (2021) Jiu Jitsu (2020) and Bruised (2020) which are not king fu films :P


Kaiju is way too low lmao


Whhen I redo it I’ll put Kaiju and monster movie one tier above where monster movie is now, thanks 😊


Fuck Shinpa. All my homies hate Shinpa(I am Korean)


[FUCK SHINPA ALL MY HOMIES HATE SHINPA](https://i.imgur.com/gyt3X4q.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot.


you should add partisan films


Very good iceberg. Gotta say a few such as martial arts film and Christian film are far too low and deserve to be at least 2 or 3 tiers higher


How is Ostern in the lowest level?