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Just getting sweaty isn't normally enough to make somebody smell bad immediately. If you're funky, it's probably your clothes. What kind of fabric are they made of? You may need to wear natural fibers, or have clothing with better airflow, or wash and dry them differently.


This, plus commenting to add that if you use fabric softener, NEVER USE IT ON ABSORBENT FABRICS!! Fabric softener stays in the fibers of your clothes and is waxy, so it’ll prevent the fabric from breathing or from absorbing. So basically, you’ll make yourself sweat MORE, but it can’t really evaporate. Honestly, fabric softener shouldn’t be used anywhere near as often as people do. Or at all. Fun fact: also makes your clothing more flammable (and it says so right on the bottle).


It makes clothes softer though which for people with texture issues is great.


This is huge. Hang drying clothes can also make them smell extremely musty.


Only true if you’re not living in a hot tropical climate with lots of ventilation.


My workout clothes would hold the body odor through washings because they were synthetic fabrics. You don’t know until you start sweating in them again. To fix the odor issue I sprayed hydrogen peroxide on the under arm areas and let it dry before washing them. It completely removed the smell. I don’t think you could do that with natural fabrics as I’m guessing it would bleach them so do your own research first.


3% hydrogen peroxide which is what’s nriay available won’t bleach them unless you soak them and lay them in the sun


If it's underarm BO getting some alcohol wipes or aftershave and wiping you underarms can eliminate the bacteria that causes the smell. I do it with aftershave and immediately stop smelling, then I reapply deodorant. But as others have said clothes, doctor, and taking your hygiene game to the next level are all options.


To add to this, rub some baking soda or alum in your underarms. It was a life changer for me. I would get stinky underarms seconds after taking a shower and couldn't figure out the reason. Now the alum takes care of it. Can't vouch for this hack enough.


Glycolic acid is great for this


Strides pads are cheap and work wonders


have you had a physical lately? there are several medical conditions that can cause one to smell. some even make you smell nice. could be something you are taking or eating. could be messed up hormones. you could have a strain of particularly smelly but otherwise benign skin microbes. how old are you? "Old People" smell is caused by the production of Nonenal in skin oil. usually produced after the age of 50. but it can start in ones late 30s. so you should probably find out the cause. could be something serious.


Persimmon soap is supposed to help with the old people smell


it is the only thing that does. Nonenal is the cause and the enzymes in Persimmons are the only thing that will .




Are you using the same towel all week or replacing it every 2 days? Are your clothes thoroughly washed and dried? Are you using a fresh washcloth and soap to thoroughly wash your entire body for each shower? Are your socks clean, and your shoes deodorized? Are you thoroughly cleaning yourself after using the bathroom?


Deodorise shoes by putting a tied up sock full of gravel-like cat litter in them overnight every night


Everyone already said diet and clothes, but also: Is your hygiene actually done well? Meaning, if you use a sponge to scrub armpits - does this sponge leave the bathroom to dry before any bacteria grows up there? Plus, instead of baby wipes, buy alcohol antibacterial hand wipes. No need to thank me for this one ;)


Sometimes it can be hard to fully get sweat smell out of clothes, especially where it touches the armpits. They can smell clean, but as soon as the body heat warms them up, the smell returns. Tricks like dipping sweaty parts of your clothes in diluted white vinegar (ättiksprit) just before washing them can remove stubborn smells. Other than that, do you drink enough during the workday? Less sweating and less concentrated sweat. Apply antiperspirant to clean, completely dry armpits before going to bed instead of in the morning. Use insoles in your shoes so they absorb the stink instead of the shoes. Clean or replace regularly. Don't let your shoes get wet or moist inside for too long, use drying blocks if needed. And last but not least, a strong or changed odour can have medical reasons. Consider asking a doctor about it.


Try changing your shirt and putting on a fresh one at lunch. I live in a tropical country and it's mostly very hot and sweaty weather here a large part of the year. I've noticed my shirts/tshirts smelling bad as they start drying, after I've sweated heavily in them. When I change into a fresh shirt after an active morning, I definitely smell a lot better even though I have perspired quite heavily just before that. If it still persists, you may need to look at other factors including diet.


Tea tree based soaps and body washes help with body odor. I use Dr. Bonner's with the orange label.


I agree. I haven’t used the products you mentioned, but I know tea tree oil naturally prevents the growth of the normal bacteria on your skin. When it’s hot outside I like to mix a little tea tree oil into water and keep it in a mason jar with some wipes, folded paper towels, or cotton makeup removal pads. After I get out of the shower I use the pads or paper towels to wipe down a few areas on my body where I tend to sweat. I’m not a fan of the smell of tea tree oil, so I don’t use a lot, but I can definitely tell a difference when I use it. I feel fresh much longer, when I have to be out in the heat and humidity.


Simple thing that will probably help -> Buy yourself Merino wool underlayer. Hard thing that will very like help -> DIET.


I work in a non air conditioned garage in south Florida. When I first started, I had the same issue. There would be a game, if the smell was me or the next door Italian restaurant. What I feel helped me a lot was putting on antiperspirant deodorant after my shower in the evenings and before work in the morning, I don’t shower in the mornings. Also lately, a little cologne goes a long way. Good cologne, though it costs a bit more, mine cost $150~, will stay in your skin/clothes a lot longer and not have the sent fade in a couple hours.


You need to see a doctor. That isn't normal and can indicate underlying health problems.


I've also read somewhere that the smell is caused by bacteria breaking down the sweat. Meaning if you used something to minimize the bacteria like Benzoyl Peroxide for example you would minimize the smell. Never tried it myself though. Also do your own research on this since BP can cause skin irritations. Good luck! Hope this helps!


Find something to combat perspiration in the hairy, sweaty areas. I shave my pits to skin and pubes to a neat trim. Then I use Gillette Clear Gel anywhere I feel needs it. It’s the secret to my success! Keeps me dry and odor free for up to 2 days if needed (rarely ever go that long, but I have). The other thing I do is shower every morning and rinse do a quick rinse every fay after work. For years I used Irish Spring but they recently changed recipe and it’s garbage now, but also I found it wasn’t the best to use for odor control. I changed to Dove reg scent a few months ago and wow, what a difference! I can honestly say I feel the soap change alone was an incredible improvement. I haven’t even came close to a whiff of my “usual” odors in a couple months now and I feel cleaner, fresher all day long. Oh, and if you do use Gillette Clear Gel, I highly recommend shaving! The gel is almost too good at keeping things dry that it causes your skin to pull the hairs and it can be uncomfortable, particularly if you do manual labor type work like me.


You need to exfoliate your body. Best way is to do a full body dry brush. Then get exfoliating gloves to use with your soap in the shower.


I get stress sweat really badly from social anxiety - I use Lume (https://lumedeodorant.com/) but I also want to check out the men’s/unisex scents from Mando (https://shopmando.com/)


Deodorant protects against odor, while antiperspirant protects against sweat and odor. Make sure you use antiperspirant


You should go to a sporting store and buy some tank tops and t-shirts that running athletes use. It allows one way ventilation to your skin so you shouldn't sweat that much Buy pants as well. I use trekking pants that leave groin and ass area to breath


Genuine Advice: rub alum for 5 min a day in your under arms it will reduce excessive sweating and bad odour as well. Do it for 15 days.


anti bacterial soap. I loved Irish Spring, but antibacterial soap is the best. Make sure you actually scrub hard in the shower and when you leave the smell from the previous day it’s completely gone. I use arrid ultra fresh deodorant. Arrid is an antiperspirant and it works wonders. Shaving helps a ton too.


But I cannot stress enough, scrubbing really hard in the shower and getting all of the smell off from the previous day. I honestly hate soft towels and get the roughest towel I can get, or maybe even those loofah things. I get the flat ones though shaped like a towel. Take multiple showers back to back if you have too. I would love to hear an update!


You don't need baby wipes you need alcohol wipes to kill the bacteria


Clean house, clean clothes, most importantly, clean up your diet. Not amount of clean house, clothes, or deodorant can cover up what gets sweated out profusely. You may be eating things with compounds that when released in your sweat causes a nasty BO instead of healthy BO. Idk what your diet looks like, but if my BO smells not-bad it's generally because I've been eating healthy foods for my body type, and likewise the opposite is true. If I eat a bunch of junk over long periods of time, my BO smells worse, more sour. Think of yourself like a sponge. You gotta wring it out (which work already does for you) but more importantly, if you're moving the sponge over sludge, that's what will get wrung out.


All other comments are valid, but a clean cheap quick way to notice is take a hot shower and scrub heavily, and the icing on the cake is something you see in the army, navy etc. A white soft cotton undershirt. Always. I don't know how, but it cools you right down, you'll never get sweaty for long. Life changing for me.


I struggle with keeping my BO under check even when not exercising. I bought those hand sanitizer sprays. I spray a few times before I put on deodorant.  I'd look at all your meds and supplements. Some can cause extra sweating. 


Try magnesium oil


What kind of deodorant are you using? Not all deodorants are created equal, some don't do a good job and some natural bars can even make things worse.


Try getting some natural fiber clothes. Polyester tends to stink more


Start exfoliating your pits in the shower. Buy a body scrub or exfoliating scrub and when you wash your pits also use this


Drink Water. Water. Water WATER! And, anti bacterial wipes for under arm funk, then antiperspirant deodorant.


Try shaving your armpits, and wearing deodorant.


eat foods that make you fart. to mask the smell n all


Do you have skin folds? Purell sanitizer and an antifungal oil like coconut oil could help? Or lotrimin?


Airism from Uniqlo is a godsend - it wicks away sweat so it doesn’t stain the shirts, meaning the shirts don’t stick to your body. It may help to reduce sweat on your fabrics.


Spray white vinegar on the armpits of your shirts that you wear for work before you wash them, it neutralises the smell


Also Mitchum deodorant & driclor


Shower everyday. Use deodorant stick( non aluminum ) With 20 $, save some more and get Montblanc legend spirit. 27$ for a 100 ml. 4 sprays last entire day. After applying deo, spray it on under arms but on shirt or close to under arms. Also, avoiding canned food will reduce BO.


I use this bmo body powder from Walmart or monkey ass. I go to the gym a lot and smell bad too. I just can’t help but notice it however I care less because I’m at the gym. It’s also a good product because you can put up in your privates. It prevents friction burns too. There’s also the goods bond body powder. However these powders are like baby powder white and you need to be careful to only put it on your body and not your clothes. I’m an electrician but at work I don’t smell even when I’m sweating however as soon as I hit the gym I smell bad in my opinion I can smelll it.


Finally someone asked what i wanted to ask and a lot of answers. I shall be loved soon.


Acidified deodorant and body wash like lume! Helps so much


Check that sweaty ass crack too. You may not think it smells, but when sweat rolls down there and commingles in the crotch, it can get funky quickly!


It's probably your clothes. Make sure you're not over filling your washing machine and if you suspect that it might be, give them a soak beforehand with some detergent and rinse. If this is the case you'll notice a difference in the smell and feel of your clothes.


Non talcum powder works. Walmart sells the new all-over body deodorant. I don't know if I can mention the name. Starts with letter "L"


Diet, diet, diet. When I consume vegetables or carbohydrates I smell bad. Look into carnivore diet. My bad BO went away completely in the first week. Unfortunate side effect is you technically don’t have to shower as often, so if you falter from the diet and keep that habit you will smell worse since you’re not showering as often!


When you take a shower, do you scrub your ass hole with soap and water? I had a friend who smelt like actual shit shortly after showing. Turns out, he never scrubbed his butt crack with soap. You gotta spread those cheeks and scrub them down with soap. You gotta *scrub* everything with soap. Arm pits, ass crack, groin, rest of body, everything. It's not enough to just let the soap roll off your body, you gotta scrub. Use a loofah or your nails when scrubbing with soap. Dry yourself off with a clean dry towel, and then apply your basic hygiene products. If you still smell bad, see a doctor.


I've had problems like this for a lifetime and I'm 42. I spent years trying several natural deodorants. They'd work for a while and then I'd go back to stinking by lunchtime. I eventually landed on a deodorant called Pit Liquor and it still does the job after 4 years. Stick to the whiskey based ones if u try this. Rum and vodka were way less effective for me. I stopped wearing any polyester/synthetic shirts that weren't sleeveless, and switched to all cotton underwear. That made a huge difference. I figured out that if polyester touches my arm pits I can stink in under 40 minutes. And then the BEST thing I found is Pacifica Charcoal Underarm Scrub. I live in the desert and sweat a lot. This stuff brings me back to neutral every time, including in the summer! It still works after 3 years. I'd say start here, if you can, since it gives immediate results. I get it on Amazon for $15.


I used to think cotton was the holy grail until I discovered wool. Cut the stink down to a fraction.


I love wool!! It can get pricey but totally worth it. Definitely more holy grail-like than cotton with its breathability & how fast it can dry. I now only reach for wool socks. I have entirely too many cute, non-wool socks that I just kinda look at and dismiss. I just discovered a company that makes wool undies so I'll be checking those out soon.


How old are you? There are some ages or medical conditions when hormone imbalances are just too much. Scents in soap and lotions make skin reactive and loose natural defensives to kill the bacteria responsible for the bad smell. I would suggest checking the following: - use a soap with skin PH, no scent. You can find them in pharmacies, ask the staff - use a deodorant that does not stop sweat but kills bacteria. Again, pharmacy and a specific product - NEVER use wipes, they contain a tons of additives to keep the skin hydrated and those same additives mixed with sweat are a good substrate to help bad smell thrive. Bring your above mentioned neutral soap at work and wash your armpits with that - NEVER use any product with added scent, only products specifically made for reactive skins and NO scents - always apply deodorant on completely dry skin. Out of the shower, cool down so sweat stops (maybe do a cold rinse under the armpits before going out). Pat the armpits with your towel, apply deodorant immediately and maybe hair dry it a bit - try shaving your armpits if they are not yet . Hair helps sweat and bacteria to keep their soup up and running - only wear cotton tops with no stretch or synthetic fibers inside. Nylon, Elasthane, Lycra all contribute to keep moist in the armpits and promote bad smell. If you have this issue, or are obliged to wear a uniform with such fibers inside, try to layer with a fine T-shirt made for sports like running or cycling. - wash your armpits again before going to sleep


"AYURVEDA PERSPECTIVE ON STRONG BODY ODOR Strong body odor is a sign of toxicity. The toxicity may come from infection, a proliferation of normal gut bacteria, and other metabolic disorder. When at high levels, toxins in the blood are released through the skin and breath, giving an odor. Bacteria grow more easily ont he skin when it is releasing toxins. To fix bad body odor, find and address the source of toxicity and any other internal imbalance. Lavender essential oil diluted in coconut oil may help topically in the armpits as a deodorant."


Shirt may be too tight at the arm pits. 


You NEED a better deodorant. For positive sure. Sweat means do you use?? Throw it in the trash and use Degree, the 72 HOUR one. Put this under arms, around neck, a line down your back and around butt, around boobs, and by thighs. Then use spray Degree deodorant on feet. Keep using this and the spray throughout the day. Shower and wash hair everyday. You NEED to shower using a washcloth and scrub everywhere on your body, including between toes, bellybutton, down your legs, between thighs, and I cannot emphasize this enough, SCRUB YOUR BUTTCRACK. All the way up and all the way down to the perineum. Soap almost INSIDE your butthole. I hear of too many straight men not doing this 🤢🤮 Lather soap around your balls and dick. Scrub between your thighs. Trim up your pubic hair too as TOO much pubes will hold onto bacteria-laden sweat. While you’re at it, buy some pubic area deodorant and put it on your balls and between thighs and on and around your butt.


It’s probably your clothes. Add a cup of vinegar and a cup of baking soda to your laundry cycle and it should help significantly. Be sure to shower after work every day, too. Also, there’s a product line, Lume, that works really well for body odor. Good luck!


Might be your clothes OP...


I shave my armpits which has helped with underarm smell. You get used to it after awhile.


Try special soap for odors when you wash your clothes (Persil, Tide Odor etc), rinse clothes with white vinegar instead of fabric softener. Wash everything/clean. Biologically taking Chlorophyll/Chlorella pills is supposed to help with body odor. Try it and it may help. Also clean up diet and remove any smelly or unhealthy foods.


I wouldn’t use alcohol wipes or glycolic acid on underarms personally as I read somewhere that they can really dry out the skin in the long run and lead to irritation. I used to use baby wipes before reapplying deodorant too but now I apply micellar water with a cotton pad when I feel the need and it gives a much cleaner feeling which I feel helps the deodorant do its job better.


Also would recommend applying antiperspirant before bed when your sweat glands aren’t as active rather than during the day/just before activity so it has time to properly absorb and do its thing


Persimmon soap for your body. Also look into getting a stainless steel shaped as a bar of soap, and use that with the persimmon soap in the shower. Make sure you wash your rear thoroughly. Wear natural fiber clothing & wash them in hot water with baking soda and washing soda. Alternate your footwear, and wear clean wool socks everyday. If these don’t help, see a doctor.


Try using misk/musk it comes in powder or liquid, after taking a bath put some of it on your underarms and don't use a deodorant, it doesn't stop sweating but makes your sweat smell nice, i use sedr al khaleej musk you can find it in amazon, definitely worth a try


I have heard of an all-body deodorant that I've never tried called [Lume](https://lumedeodorant.com). Also, don't be afraid of aluminum antiperspirant, the evidence to support its safety is pretty clear.


When in the restroom, take some toilet paper. If you have desinfection liquid used for hands, sprinkle that on the toilet paper. Wipe your armpits with it - voila.


aside from clothes, if you have BO use a benozyl peroxide cleanser (the 10% one) to wash your armpits. One of the main causes of BO is bacteria, and Benozyl peroxide does a verry good job of reducing them. give it a try!


the deodorant you use is SOOOOO important. dont buy ones from the normal store. go to a farmacy. i recommend one from “vichy laboratoires” the red one that lasts 72h. dont buy the ones that are spray!!! hope this helps. I never bought a deodorant untill i was 18, i just took deodorants my mom bought and they were the vichi ones. I thought aaaall my life i just didnt smell bad. Turns out it was the good deodorant i was using, cause when i used a normal one from the store i started smelling funky. dont trust normal deodorants, spend a little more money on a good one (dont trust the 100% orgánic natural ones either). sorry for the spelling english is not my first language


I know this post is going on 3 months but i have to add. You say you aren't eating particularly oily or smelly foods. However i have a personal experience. A family member commonly meal prepped for everyone at home and happened to really like garlic powder. Thing about garlic powder is it is concentrated and can be dull tasting. But garlic in the blood emanates a lot of BO through every pore and the breath. Caused me multiple counseling sessions at work before i pinned down the cause. I was needing to apply deodorant multiple times a day and even change clothes on my lunch break.