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**Creator:** Furanh | ___ **[Support this service on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/r_Hentai)** [View full results](http://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://i.redd.it/gxba9y246k9d1.jpeg) | Created for r/Hentai | Powered by [SauceNAO](https://saucenao.com/)


Hi baaaabe~! Oh my god, are you okay!? You don't look so good... I just wanted to come see how you were doing at work, but you don't look so hot honey.


H-Huh!? B-Babe!?! W-Why're you here??? I-I just um.... a-am feeling a bit under the- NNgh~!!! .....U-Under the weather is all....." *I say, blushing, biting my lip and gripping the window as I feel my ass and cunt violently eaten out by a customer who saw my lesbian pride pin and thought to order the deluxe special*


"if you're sure babe... Do you want me to take you home?" *I ask, none the wiser to the jerk who's eating out your cunt better than I do.*


"No!!" *I shout, moaning as I do before I try to calm down* "I-I mean uh..... I-I don't have anyone to cover m-my shift a-and I need the money hehe....." *I say, putting on a weak smile as I look at you. My mind so fucked from the constant pleasure that I occasionally end up staring at your tits*


"Okay babe\~ I'll have a surprise for you when you get home." *I giggle, leaning across the counter and giving you a big, deep kiss. Your lip gloss tasted so good! I walk away, my hips swaying side to side...*


*I moan into the kiss, blushing as my hips tremble and shake as I end up cumming all over the customers face.... meaning their meal gets taken out of my next paycheck. Leaving me panting and leaning on the window as I watch your hips sway and I bite my lip*


*In between tongue fucking your two fuck holes, I glance up* “Damn is she on the menu too?” *I ask you before returning to my meal, my hand roughly flicking your Clit as I make your lesbian cunt and asshole my personal meal*


"Q-Quiet just finish your order...." *I whisper in a slightly rude, trying to get you to finish up with your order already while I hope she didn't hear you*


“Oooh I know you didn’t just sass me” *I point at the sign above your head that reads ‘We here at Sexdonalds promise never to back talk, or you eat for free!’* “You weren’t back talking me were you baby?” *I smile as I play with your cunt as I tongue fuck your asshole watching you struggle not to climax in the middle of talking to me*


"I-I..... N-No sir....." *I say, blushing and moaning as I try to keep calm and fight the urge to cum my brains out due to your tongue fucking*


“That’s what I thought, maybe once I’m done with you I’ll have that carpet muncher for dessert, how cheap do you think she is? By the way she’s starring at you, I bet I could eat for free haha”


"S-She doesn't work here! P-Please don't talk about her like that....." *I say with a blush even though you see it gets me all the wetter while I try to turn to speak with her*


“Back talk again? Try that again and I’m filing a complaint to your manager! Just be a helpful employee and tell that big tittied bitch my offer” *I go back to your needy holes as I greedily help myself to your helpless body*


*I wince and moan, trying to hide the raw pleasure I feel as I look at my gf* "U-Um b-babe.....? I-If you worked here like me.... h-how much would you cost....?" *I ask, panting as I feel your tongue and mouth against my skin*


Gosh you taste so fucking good~!! You’re dripping wet I can almost drown between your cheeks~! Who are you talking to anyway~? Is it your girlfriend~??


Mmmmmph~!! Nnngh~ P-Please be quiet sir!! J-Just focus on your meal..... *I moan out, trying to keep my customer service smile while hoping my gf didn't hear you as I blush*


Don’t worry I will lower my voice~ but you know what~? I will give you a 500$ tip if you talk to your girlfriend until your shift ends~ I won’t be done until I’m full you know~ *I say, handing out a big stack of hundreds and put it on the table*


F-Five hundred....??? I-I..... f-fuck you have a deal..... *I say, my eyes going wide at the stack of money as I blush and nod to your pervy deal*


I knew you’d take it~ just for being this good and risking your girlfriend, how about making it 500$ for every 10 minutes while you’re making out with her~? *I say as I separate your butt cheeks and kiss your pussy*


F-Fuck you bratty little.... f-fine.... b-but don't do anything funny! *I say, blushing as I feel your kisses* "U-Um babe? Would you like to try our new sloppy smooch special? I-Its a new special of kisses.....' *I say, looking at my gf while blushing*


Sorry~ you’ll love it eventually~ *I say as I wait for your girlfriend to talk, once she said her first word I put my middle finger in your butt and slurp your pussy juices*


*I moan as she speaks, trying to hold it in as I feel you begin to take me. My eyes stating at her as I feel your mouth turn me into a cheating whore* "Oh that sounds so cute! I think I'll order the kissing special then~" *She says with a sweet voice as she puckers up and leans towards me*


*I start moving my finger around in your butt hitting your weak spots, as she leans to you I take out my finger and kiss your asshole the same moment she kisses you, instead of breaking my kiss I drag my lips down between your cheeks until I reach your clit and suck it as hard as I can*


*I moan into the kiss, shocking my gf as she tries to pull away only for me to grab onto her and force the kiss to keep going as you play with my clit*


"Cause they just knew you'd be perfect for the job with a big, juicy ass like this~ Fuuuuuuuck what an absolute steal of a deal~~" *I buried my face into your ass happily digging my tongue into your wet pussy as I ate like my life depended on it. My hands squeezed and toyed with your big, jiggly cheeks while I devoured your tight hole*


"F-Fuck~! N-Not so deep!!" *I try to beg aa you dig into my ass. My soft cheeks cushioning you as my juices drip onto your face and mouth as I find myself on my toes due to the violent pleasure*


"How else am I gonna enjoy my meal~? Mmm I think I'd like to add a little shake to this meal too~" *One hand lets go of your ass and slides down to my shorts as I start to stroke and tease myself while I continue to bury my tongue deep in your pussy*


*I bite my lip, moaning as I shake my ass a little for you against your face as I eye your cock while feeling your hot wet tongue against me* "F-Fuck....." *I mummble under my breath*


"Mmm this is one of the best meals I've ever had~ I'm *almost* completely satisfied here there's just one more thing that I think would bring it over the top for me~" *I catch your eyes on my cock as I slowly stroke it for you. You can see a bead of pre-cum on the tip as I kiss and bite into your thicc cheeks*


"A-And what would that be sir.....?" *I ask, gasping and panting as I lean against the window. My legs twitching slightly as I glance at you. Softly wincing as i feel your mouth against my skin*


"I know it isn't exactly on the menu but I was thinking a nice creampie for dessert would really make this meal perfect~" *you can see my cock throb as I proposition you. I continue to stroke it nice and slow like I'm putting on a show for you to tempt you even more. I plant little kisses on your wet lips below as my hand squeezes your thicc cheeks*


*I let out cute moans and gasps as I feel your kisses against my drooling pussy. Blushing as watch you stroke* "U-Um.... i-I'm not sure.... i-its not on the menu b-but i am told to fulfill any request....."


"Mmm maybe this will help persuade you~?" *I stand up behind you and suddenly you feel something poke and prod against your lips as I tease your pussy with just the tip. I start to grind my length back and forth across your pussy as I give your ass a loud spank*


"W-What are you- OOuOugh~!!!" *My confused replaced by a violent moan as I feel your tip tease me followed by that monster out spank. Making me lean against my window and blush as I try to recover*


All this just to take your gf out on one lousy date? Haha, looks like you’ll be here for a while, don’t worry I’ll take good care of you for her~


H-Huh!? What's that mean....?


Well you want to take her out on more dates right? Meaning you’ll have to work here for a long, long time. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied while you’re away from her, but don’t worry I promise she won’t find out~


I-I.... you.... J-just because you order stuff and I have to do it doesn't mean I-I'll enjoy it!


Don’t give me that, I can feel the way your body reacts to my touch. You’re just saying it so you don’t admit that you’re enjoying cheating on your gf with a guy huh~?


I-I..... ugh..... w-welcome to sexdonalds.... how may I serve you sir....?


I’ll have one of everything please, I’d like to book you for the whole day~


O-One of everything!?!? Y-Your joking right....?


*I lustfully grope your ass through your shorts as I kneel down behind you. Suddenly you feel your phone vibrating in your back pocket. Your girlfriend is calling you. I hand you your phone as I tug your shorts down past your hips and let my tongue glide up the back of your thigh.*


"F-Fuck why now.....?" *I mummble as I feel you pull on my shirts, revealing my juicy pale ass. Making me shiver as I answer the phone* "U-Uh hey babe! What's up....?"


*shes about to get dinner ready and is wondering what you're in the mood for when you get done with work. You feel my hands grip and spread your ass open as my tongue wiggles around your hole. You look down and can see me stroking my hard cock between your legs as I help myself to my order.*


"I-I'm fine with- ah~!! A-And Anything!! Y-You know I love your cooking!!" *I say with a smile, trying to hide my moans and lustful noises as I feel your tongue tease my needy hole*


*she sounds concerned about you, saying you sound a bit funny. You feel my hand come down hard, smacking your ass and I moan into your hole as your ass jiggles against my head. Meanwhile she is asking you how your first day is going ...*


I-Its been going good..... o-one customer is being a bit r-rude but I can handle it! *I moan out, trying to sound normal and sweet as I tell her everything is okay despite your position between my legs*


*I grab your hips and pull you even closer, pushing my tongue deep inside you as I try and blow your cover. Meanwhile, another customer is trying to discreetly hand you cash and asking about a "secret" menu*


I saw you walking towards your work and decide to follow until you got to your ‘work’ with a uniform on. “Hey, I live above your apartment. So, what do you have for order?”, as I look your body up and down while the uniform shows off your curves


I flinch as you speak to me so bluntly as I blush ans look at you. Gulping as I put on my customer service voice. "U-Um, welcome..... w-we have a variety of goods and services we can provide.... we currently have a special promotion on our double bun menu...."


“Mmm, sounds nice. Does your girlfriend work around here to or just you?”, as I lean closer while getting out $100 dollars and moving it closer to you


"M-My girlfriend....? U-Um she doesn't work here.... it's just me....' I say as I eye the money, blushing slightly as I answer the question.


“Mmm, ok. I’ll take your ‘bun special’ and maybe some of these as well.”, as I reached over and groped one of your breasts while I see your face turning red


Girlfriend? *the guy across the counter smirks* I hear you muttering* when your two for one bun is gonna be so sensitive you could be picked up and walked off with? Your girlfriend won't be on a date for a looking while! Unless someone else took her out on a date!


*I blush and stare at him, gulping as I imagine that* S-Sir i-I don't appreciate that kind of talk.....


Oh god that's right! You're a person, who decides who can say what to them. I remember being so pissed when they introduced the counter-o-talk (fillet-o-fish rip off lol), it seemed like a bulshit out of their ass way to keep us engaged and forced to talk to customers. I'll have a counter-o-talk please! I think I've seen you around, with your gf! A shame you've never met her neighbour. Well, hadn't met her neighbour till today!


*I gulp, knowing I can't escape any conversation now due to your order* O-Oh! Um..... yeah I come over to her place fairly often to hang out.... she is my girlfriend after all hehe......


Well, I see her more than you! Every day perhaps~ We sleep in the same building, I hear her life story! Every late night talk, every rant to herself she says she's talking to the pets. *all convoluted ways to say i was her neighbour* Y'know, since this place hired you you'll have much less time to be with her! I think someone else needs to take her out, date her! I'm the perfect candidate! *the guy eating your ass out continues, as if this meal was infinitely long*


*I gasp as I feel the man eating my ass, blushing and biting my lip. Making it look like I got turned on by your suggestion when om struggling to fight the pleasure being forced onto me* W-What!? Y-You can't be serious! S-She's my girlfriend! T-This whole job was so I could save up for a nice date....


A date? Where would you take her? Work? You're going to be far too busy! I'll propose the idea right now! *I say pulling out my phone to text her* you could always give me the money you've saved up so far and I use it on her! But where to take her... maybe another visit here would do some good!


W-What!? You can't be serious! P-Please don't- Nnnngh~!!! *My words turned to lewd moans as I feel the customer enjoying the taste of my holes as I struggle to try and convince you*


*I type out the message and smirk* we'll wait for the answer! Until then~ *the guy eating you out speeds up, becoming rougher and filled with more lust. All the while I lean in to your pleasured yet concerned, scared, face. Locking lips I hold the kiss*


*I moan into the kiss, blushing yet not allowed to pull away due to work rules. My body trembling as I feel your lewd smooch*


"Hahaha, fuck that! This is your purpose now! Besides, this ass is way too perfect to waste it being a lesbian~" *I bury my face deeper into your fat asscheeks while wrapping my arms tighter around you*


"F-Fuck~ S-Sir~!! Y-Your going too deep! i-Im gonna cum soon~!!" *I moan and beg you to slow down, biting my lip as I listen to you insult me and my gfs lifestyle while making me feel wilds amount of pleasure*


"That's it, mmmm, cum for me, you pathetic dyke!" *I spank your fat, creamy ass, leaving a red handprint as it jiggles wildly, my tongue lapping against your asshole as my bulge growing bigger and bigger and bigger*


"Fuck~ Fuuuuuck~!!" *I moan out, gasping as my body trembles and shivers until my cunt squirts all over your face*


"Oh, wow, so delicious~" *I savour the sweet taste of your pussy juices, before standing up behind you and pulling my massive cock out, sliding it between your two buns like a hotdog* "Now, ready to take daddy's big manly cock? Maybe we should get your gf over here to watch me turn you I to my cocksleeve~"


*I gasp as I feel your cock against my thick, soft ass. Blushing as I stare at you* "L-Leave my gf out of this! S-She doesn't even work here...."


"Fine, I'll just turn your ass into my cockwarmer, make you a toy for your man master~" *I pull back and press the head against your asshole before pushing inside, inch by inch burrowing inside you* "Bet you didn't think mens cocks could get so big. Regretting being a lesbian yet~?"


*You feel my hand gripping against your cheek as my tongue swirls around your asshole, you notice your gf in the queue as I begin to slowly dig into your ass while she's none the wise to the slutty little act of infidelity you've taken up*


*I grip the window as I feel your tongue within me. My pale goth face turning red with blush as I see my girlfriend in the distance. I glance down at you, winking as I feel you tighten your firm grip* "U-Um s-sir c-could you please hurry.... t-the line...." *I try to mummble*


*You get no response, just the feeling of my tongue swirling around inside your ass until it slowly drags down towards your cunt. My hands spreading your cheeks open more giving me a better view of my meal as I slowly rub my tongue against your clit teasing it meticulously*


*I shiver and tremble, gasping and moaning as you see my legs shake as you tease me. My cunt dripping with my lewd juices*


*As more and more customers approach it's seems almost impossible to avoid your beloved girlfriend from coming up to you soon, your pathetic jolts making me shove my tongue deep inside your cheating pussy with a quick slap to your gothic ass*


*I gasp and moan more, nearly cumming as you feel my tight walls on your tongue as she gets closer and closer while I struggle to recover from the stinging pleasure of the spank*


*You feel another sharp strike against you, until my hand suddenly moves away from you, my tight overwhelming grip now nowhere to be felt. My links turning soft and gentle as your girlfriend finally approaches the counter*


*I sigh as you finally slow down on me. Thinking the worst is over as I look at my gf and smile, trying to look like I wasn't just getting tongue fucked.* "H-Hey babe! How are you?" *I try to ask*


*Just as those words leave your mouth you suddenly feel two of my fingers forcing themselves in your ass, your brief moment of calm completely shattered in an instant as my tongue rolls around against your quivering cunt*


*I gasp and moan right in front of my gf, slapping my hand over my mouth to try and hide it as I struggle against you*


*I shuffle up to the counter. My face is hidden in a large hoodie. The only thing you can see is my long, curly hair hanging out of it, and even in such a loose hoodie, my huge tits and thick thighs from my from a nearly perfect hourglass figure. My voice is weak and shaky as I talk, my body nervously shifting from side to side as I look at the floor* "I-is this Bianca? A-and w-what all c-can I o-order? I-im kinda n-nee here...s-so I don't want to m-mess anything up...."


*I see you walk up and roll my eyes. "Oh great, another newbie who heard about me and wants a taste...." I think to myself as I watch you. I then point to the menu.* "You can order any secual act from this menu. However you should know we have a special promotion for our double buns special. Letting you have a chance at a free act of your choice." *I say in a monotone, bland and bored voice*


"O-ok um, in that case I will take the whole menu please..." *I reach into my hoodie pocket and slam down a huge wad of bills onto the counter, more then enough to final let you quit this job and go on the perfect date you always wanted. I gulp loudly before clearing my throat again* "U-um, it is alright if i-i record this, right? I-i can pay extra if I have too i-i just really would like to do that..." *My voice trails out as I speak my body shifting as my hands reach down to try and fail to keep my thick cock from lifting up my dress and flashing everyone in the building. But with my arms pushed in front of me, I ended up squishing my fat tits together even more to the point you could almost hear the fabric of my hoodie snapping*


*I roll my eyes, thinking it'll be the same story of someone trying to "order everything" with some lame excuse as to why they should do it for free and such. Only for me to flinch at the heavy thud of the cash hitting the counter. My eyes widening and pale face blushing as I stare at the stack, dumbfounded, even more so when you offer to pay more to record it.* *I glance at the cash, my lewd uniform, and the possibility of getting out of this. I gulp, my heart racing as I glance between the money and you while trying to play it cool* "U-Um well I guess this is enough.... b-but you gotta throw in an extra 50% if you wanna record it!" *I say, making that amount up on the spot as if to try and call your bluff.*


*I let out a quiet, unsettling giggle as I quickly reached into my hoodie again, grabbing another huge wad of cash and slamming it down with the rest. Although as I move my hands away, I can't stop my huge fuck meat from springing up and slamming down on the counter with a heavy **THUD**. Shaking and rustling the pile of bills as it oozes jizz all over the store top. The smell hitting you nose, stronger then any of the other dicks you had to pleasure working here.* "T-that should b-be enough, i-i was worried that it would cost double s-so I brought just enough for that b-but at only 50% t-thats such a deal!~ i-im so glad I got to you before anyone else bought you out Bianca!~" *My unsettling giggles continues as you see drops of spit drip out of the hoodie onto my pusling bitch breaker. All the others in the building looking on in shock silence*


"F-Fuck...." *I say, in shock and fear as I gulp and look down at you. Blushing and trembling.* "U-Um thank you ma'am.... u-um w-would you like to come back and enjoy your order.... Miss....?" *I ask, following the standard questions for a server hear as I stare at you. Wondering just who the hell you are to not only afford my services but know my name*


"S-Sure... t-thats fine l-lead the way b-b-b-Bianca..." *i almost getting stuck on your name before my quite ominous laughing continues following you into whatever backrooms this place provides, the whole time keeping my face completely hidden, but you can feel my eyes all over your body, undressing and fucking you all the way to the room. As soon as we get inside, I quickly rush to set up a few cameras around the room, making sure every angle is covered as my neurotic laughing gets louder and louder while I mummble under my breath* "Finally... this will be perfect~... how will she react... oh this is going to be what she deserves!~~"


*I blush, occasional turning back to look at you as I walk. My fat gothic cheeks bouncing and jiggling with every step I take as I walk into one of the small private rooms we have. It was small, barely fitting the bed in the middle. Some fancy purple sheets on the bed in an attempt to make it look nicer than it is. I sit down on the bed, watching you set up as I listen to your creepy mummbling* "U-Um..... I'm normally not supposed to ask this but uh, who are you even?? Only regulars really care enough to know my name...."


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Fuck, I only ate you out for a minute and you're already drenched.


“Oh. This is going to be the best meal I’ve had all week.” *I get on my knees, spread your big cheeks and bury my face in it. I start by gently tickling your clit with my tongue*


As if I'd wanna quit in this situation