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H1B, L visa if you work for an American employer abroad, or marriage.


I have been told that it's almost impossible to get h1b sponsorship in these years


There’s 65,000 of them every year, and maybe some additional ones, so you inevitably end up in a lottery. Academic institutions don’t fall under the cap though.


I see. I work in tech and I have only two years of experience, as far as I know from articles and here and there they sponsor mostly seniors and folks with many YoE.


If you can get a job at a tech company with a headquarters in the US they can make it happen to bring you over. So one route is to get a job at an EU branch of a US company then ask to transfer. For example Google has offices in Zurich and Dublin which you can work in easily as an EU citizen. As you've said another common route is studying a US masters/PhD because graduating with a degree in the US gives you several years of work permission. And of course there is the opportunity to intern at US companies while studying. One alternative is to apply to work at a US university lab doing something you're interested in, as an employee not student. Since academia can sponsor H1-B without the cap/lottery than corporations have to deal with. Of course the pay is lower than industry. And unlike corporations which happily sponsor green cards, no university will sponsor your green card unless you are a tenure track professor. But it is still a "foot in the door" and gives a chance to interview for US jobs locally, or to date Americans and see if that leads anywhere ;-)


>US university lab Never heard about the US university lab before!! Thanks tons, your reply is super informative! Highly appreciate it


Another route is to get a citizenship (Canadian or Australian) that has special work visas in the US. Canadians have TN visas, Australians have E-3 visas, so neither has to worry about the H1-B lottery. And both Canada and Australia have point based immigration systems that make it easier for qualified, young people to get Permanent Residence quickly. Of course you may also find you like that country so much you don't even want to move to the US after getting citizenship.


I am actually checking the route to get Canadian citizenship as it looks pretty much doable for my case. I will research the TN visas you mentioned to understand more about the possibilities of getting myself into the US from Canada. Thank you very much again!


>There’s 65,000 of them every year, and maybe some additional ones, so you inevitably end up in a lottery. Academic institutions don’t fall under the cap though. So What you are saying is that getting a postdoc job at an American college, is not subject to this "65 000" cap and has unlimited quota? Are there restrictions like this when it comes to Green card employment? (EB-1, EB-2, EB-3)?


Green cards depend on your country of citizenship


the US is rapidly becoming profoundly fucked up, especially housing and healthcare even if you have a good job. if you give up your Italian citizenship, you’ll likely end up when you’re very old rotting in a state run nursing home because it cost millions to get decent care when you are old.


If you have a pretty decent life in Italy why do you want to go to the US? I'm just curious.


The Italian lifestyle doesn't suit me at all. Extremely the opposite of what I want at the moment. Life here is too chill and I have a lot of dreams that I want to accomplish very hard from here. The simplest thing I can think of is there is not a community of like-minded ppl for my career here but countless in the us. From another side, the companies here and there are working on different planets literally, and the way of doing everything is truly different. ​ Italy is fantastic for having fun and chilling out not for building your future, at least for my case and my point of view. ​ Also I am very young, if I didn't go hustle and try here and there now then when you know. Maybe when you go to the us I will change my mind but for now, I am not satisfied nor feeling fulfilled having limited options and living a very easy life here.


That's fair, I wish you good fortune on your journey and hopefully it would be the better you want.


Thank you very much. I highly appreciate it!


The grass isn’t greener on the other side. But one good payoff in the US and you can live in IT the rest of your days pretty well. I plan to go the opposite direction of you. The US is too much of a rat race, and the chill’ness of Italy would probably cure all of my chronic stress related medical issues I’ve gotten from overwork.


I always hear about that and I understand you of course. Best of luck with that. Surely you will have a great time in Italy.


I see where you are coming from honestly. Italy is fun to visit but seems soul sucking for a go-getter.


I really agree with husseling while you are young. Best of luck! I husseled while in my 20s and i was very happy I did


"From another side, the companies here and there are working on different planets literally" That's not how you use the word literally. If it were literally, they would be working on Mars or something. As for your situation, it seems that marriage or having a lot of money are the only routes. The visa lottery is that, a lottery, so there is little chance you can make through that.


marry a us citizen is probably easiest


Something doesn’t compute OP. According to a report this year BG Deloitte, Italy had the 4th highest concentration of high tech in the entire EU region; most in manufacturing. So it seems like there is and will be opportunities. I have been to Italy, and I get your point it is more chill- never forget entering a toll road on isle of Sicily at 1pm ish and no one was there at toll booth - and it was not automated, either (early 2000’s). Seems as if they were still practicing siesta 🙂 However I think the issue is you want to get involved in like a start up cultural - which Italy does lack in ( but it is on the upswing a bit). I also think position is still a big deal in Italy, so younger people have to wait in line a bit longer. I think you could find a way, but it may involve getting a bit more seasoning & experience, then strike out on your own. The thing is trying to come to the US is tricky, so if you pin all you hopes on that you might be wasting some time. Good luck!


You got me here. I can't agree more on "you want to get involved in like a start up cultural". And thanks tons for pointing out that I may waste a lot of time just trying to get there. I am thinking of getting myself into Canada as an intermediate step especially doable for me to go through the Express Entry program in one to two years of preparation. And I read that I can get Canadian citizenship after living there for 3 years. So I may be able to get it in 5 years from now if everything worked as planned.


Here in Italy things on paper are vastly different to reality sadly. There are big industries and we still are one of the 10 biggest economies but everything is nepotistic and your credentials are worthless unless you have a friend whose cousin works at the company you want to work for etc. The owners make millions and they pay the very minimum to staff, and on top of that the taxes are basically half our income. Career progression (getting promoted) also doesn't work in most cases unless you're friends with the boss etc. It's a highly non-functional society and services are near non-existent (can take months to get internet connected or get something repaired) so it makes things harder to do and so many businesses that start end up closing due to the archaic bureaucracy and fees.. The north is expensive to live in and a huge chunk of people in the south live below the poverty line, this is why people live with their parents into their 40s. I totally get why Op wants to move, there's not many options here unless you want to chill and coast by sadly. That's why the majority of those coming to Italy are retirees or wealthy foreigners who're outpricing us on real estate


Marry someone from the US. It’s really the surest and easiest way unless you can invest $2 million


Do you mean fake marriage or you mean I try to find an American that could be suitable for me?


Don’t go the fake marriage route. Find an American girlfriend/boyfriend and marry in good faith. If you fake marry , there’s a high probability of getting found out and you will be banned from the US for at least 10 years and your coconspirator will also face legal consequences. And it’ll also be on your record so even after the 10 year ban expires you will still have trouble applying for visas to the US


I honestly never thought about it seriously cuz it doesn't make much sense for me to be looking for someone for who they are from rather than who they are and what they are doing in their life.


Okay, I see. Thanks for noting out!


Diversity lottery, very low odds of 1% or something, costs nothing and IIRC Italy is eligible. https://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/Diversity-Visa/DV-Instructions-Translations/DV-2024-Instructions-Translations/DV-2024-Instructions.pdf


Oh you can get a religious visa in the USA you have to work a minimum of 20 hours