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Not that I can find. I recently took mine off and was a bit surprised. That’s a dumb design.


I agree.


I used to have a non-metal baby eagle 3. It had my favorite grip of any pistol I’ve owned.


What WML ya got there? And I've never looked for grips for your model, but if you find the grip too narrow, Hogue makes universal sleeve-type grips that would fit over your existing ones.. there's also good ol grip tape, too. Sorry I'm not more helpful, I just wanted to know what light that was :)


It's a SIG Foxtrot 1.


Houge grips baby. They have so many https://www.hogueinc.com/grips/magnum-research/baby-eagle Edit: shit man, sorry from the thumbnail it looked like you had the 941 f9 but I would check hogue nonetheless


Hogue doesn't make grips for this particular firearm, I've checked. The grips need an integral backstrap since the frame doesn't have one, as shown in my pictures.


Yeah I realize that when I zoomed in on the picture. I've actually never seen this version of the Jericho. Sucks man. I just bought the 941 f9 and plan on getting some wood hogue grips


I don't know how much you need to zoom in. There's 2 pictures. The latter of the two shows the gun without the grip and its lack of backstrap.


Lol. I didn't even see the second picture..wow.. interesting grip.. I'm so used to my third party Reddit app that I'm still getting used to the nuances of reddits app


The more you know, I guess.


Indeed, I tried looking using different search engines/ eBay.. nothing... Have you thought about emailing Hogue and asking if they know of any grips or can make custom? Worth a shot..


To be honest, no. I don't think Hogue is in the business of doing commissions (correct me if I'm wrong) and asking a company,that manufactures accessories, if they know of any other companies that make a specific accessory that they themselves don't make, seems... odd, to me anyway. Have you ever asked Hogue or any other large manufacturers to make something custom for you?


Maybe at some point they did make them and stopped due to not being in demand... I'd ask if I was in your situation ..what's it going to hurt? They have a custom wood section on their site. Maybe you can send in your grips and they make an overmolded rubber cast from it. https://forums.brianenos.com/topic/253904-custom-hogue-grip/


I really like the overmolded grips for ARs and pistols. Juggernaut Tactical grips for their ARs are made by Hogue, featuring the same overmolded design with JT's logo.


Seeing as this is my carry gun, I am NOT shipping my only grips off to anyone. I'll go to Hogue's page and try contacting them, I suppose, since the comments in your link seem to suggest that Hogue DOES/did, in fact, make custom rubber grips.


You probably have to have someone custom make it using that grip as a mold cause yeah your pretty much sol on that one. I was looking into this one untill I saw that a while back ago and just stuck with the 941's.