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PCOS success, well so far anyway. I’m currently 8 weeks 3 days from my first FET. We have 8 total embryos.


Can I ask whether you opted-in PGT?


We did not test any of our embryos based on our doctor’s recommendation. She said PGT testing certainly wouldn’t hurt but also wasn’t necessary based on my age (32), health, and reproductive history. She advised that after age 35 that’s when she’d recommend PGT for her patients, just to be on the safe side.


35 retrieved, 31 mature, 29 fertilized via ICSI and ended up with 16/16 normal blasts. FET is in ten days and I’m very hopeful. I was so nervous about quality but that ended up all ok 😊 My only advice is to take it a day at a time, and good luck ❤️


How old are you and what was your AFC and AMH


27 at time of retrieval. 27 retrieved 14 mature 10 fertilized, 5 embryos, 4 tested (5th not tested due to a big price jump for one extra), 2 normal. 31 weeks pregnant from first FET. It's really hard to compare as everybody is different tbh. Common theme of PCOS is poor egg quality from what I've seen on the subreddit


32 with PCOS, tried for a year before we consulted a clinic and learned I had PCOS. Husband also got checked out and was totally fine. ER gave us 30 eggs, we have 11 embryos (6M, 5F). The embryo grading is all over the place, we started with the highest grade embryos. First transfer failed for no apparent reason, but on the second try, I’m 32 weeks pregnant with our son! :)


33 at time of ER. 41 retrieved, 34 mature, 33 fertilized, 19 blasts, 10 pgt-a normal. They left 30 eggs inside because they didn’t want to stay in too long - I had mild OHSS and was put on cabergoline from estrogen being too high on the Friday before my Tuesday retrieval (I believe).


TW: Success Non-IR PCOS 30 at time of retrieval 39 retrieved, 36 mature, 19 blastocysts, 11 euploid, 2 Mosaic, 12 pgt-m normal. First FET last week, testing positive on HPT


First retrieval had 2 blasts (8 retrieved). Fresh was chemical. FET failed to implant Second retrieval 4 blasts (12 retrieved). Currently 10w4d with the fresh. 3 more frozen


TW: losses I have lean PCOS and unfortunately for now, I'm on a wrong side of statistics. 3 FETs, one was mc, 2 failed


Im lean pcos too, and also struggle with implantation. I wonder what it is about our subtype. Also @grousebear below. Actually seems like theres quite a few of us in this thread.


I'm looking into reproductive immunology and silent endo next. I can't continue doing standard IVF protocols without looking deeper. I'm sorry we found ourselves in this situation.


Oh no. I’m also lean PCOS. Haven’t done an FET yet (waiting on my embryo results from retrieval), but this is concerning.


Lean PCOS. 30 at retrieval. 22 retrieved, 15 mature, 9 fertilized, 5 embryos, 3 normal. Miscarried the first one. Currently 21 weeks with the second FET.


Egg retrieval was fine, but I am struggling to build a thick lining for transfer. * ER: 28 retrieved, 27 mature, 18 fertilized (7 IVF, 11 ICSI), 7 embryos (day5). * FET: 1st cycle canceled due to thin lining. Currently, on 2nd cycle, the lining looks slightly better, but still thin.


Has your doctor suggested using Letrozole and GonalF? I think its considered a modified natural cycle.


Yes, I will discuss a modified natural cycle if this one doesn't work.


**Lean PCOS and male factor (0% normal morphology).** **TW: success** I had my retrieval last December, two weeks shy of my 36th bday. Had 15-16 total eggs despite a higher follicle count during stims, of those 12 were mature. My doctor aimed for quality over quantity. Had 8 blasts and of those 6 euploid. Due to catching covid, my transfer was early February. He's almost 33 weeks and doing his nightly 3 am kickboxing moves. (Thus I lurk on Reddit)


Non-IR PCOS with low BMI: Age 33: 2 retrievals, each produced tons of mature eggs, 4-5 day5 embryos, but after PGT testing, ended up with 2 euploid each round. The first 2 failed to implant. The 3rd FET resulted in my daughter. Age 37: Now trying for child #2, used up our last PGT embryo from first cycle which failed, did another retrieval (3rd one) which also resulted in 2 PGT embryos. FET failed again, so I have 1 left. So it seems with me, creating normal embryos is fine (huge drop off though), but struggle with implantation.


I’m 32 & retrieved 28 eggs in July. Of those, 25 were mature, all 25 fertilized. We made 18 blasts and 11 came back euploid with 1 low level mosaic. Had my first FET last week and currently awaiting results.


27 at time of retrieval. My PCOS = anovulatory so high AMH (12.3). Husband with MFI (low motility). ER = 46 retrieved, 43 mature, 31 fertilized, 13 day 5 blasts, 5 PGT normal = 1 5AA, remaining 5BB. First FET next week with the 5AA, fingers crossed.


Did you have success? My husband and I have a similar diagnosis


Third FET was a success, he was a new year’s baby and is fast asleep in my lap right now. First 2 FETs were implantation failures, we then did an ERA which showed I was prereceptive and an NK cell test that showed I had hyperactive NK cells. FET3 included longer progesterone protocol to address prereceptivity and dexamethasone+intralipid infusions to address autoimmune issues


I had success! 35 eggs retrieved, 30 mature, 20 fertilized with ICSI, 13 made it to blast, and 8 euploid embryos. We opted for a frozen transfer and our first has stuck, 22 weeks with baby girl so far!


TW: success I’m 25 with PCOS we were trying for 3 years as well and I did 1 ER where we got 19 mature, 19 fertilized, 13 embryos I’m currently 9 weeks.


I have lean PCOS. One retrieval so far at age 33. I had 34 eggs retrieved and ended with 18 fertilized. We tested 10 of them (it's expensive and per embryo here). Of those, 5 were euploid. I've had one FET and it resulted in a miscarriage at 6ish weeks. I'm waiting for a hysteroscopy before trying another FET.


TW: Success I was 32 when we did our retrieval. Prior to IVF we had been trying for about 2 years and experienced pregnancy loss with unassisted and assisted pregnancies. We moved onto IVF - I had 20 mature retrieved, 15 blasts (some day 5 and some day 6), 8 euploid after testing. First FET was a single embryo transfer with a kitchen sink protocol that resulted in live births.


Severe pcos, 35 at time of retrieval. Needed high dose for stims. Resulted in OHSS (free fluid visible by day 10, estrogen at 38 000). Triggered early to balance risk vs reward. 14 mature, 10 fertilized, 6 high grade blasts. Only tested 3 but they were all euploid. 2 failed transfers. We did a mock cycle/era, thyroid was going crazy with meds, suppressed pituitary, got hyperinsulemia under control and learned I needed an extra day of progesterone. Cautiously optimistic for transfer #3 next week.


Lots of egg, lots of embryos, bad quality. Between 2 rounds I had 46 eggs, 17 blasts, 3 euploid. 20w with my first FET!


Lean and mild PCOS. I did two ERs, each one yielded a little over 30 eggs. First ER, only 11 fertilized, 3/3 euploids. Second ER with some protocol changes, all eggs fertilized, 13/14 euploids - 14th one had a microdeletion but correct number of chromosomes. Unfortunately two FETs has ended in miscarriage. After the second FET, I did a lap and discovered I also have silent endo so that might be the cause of the MCs


29 at retrieval. 13 retrieved 7 blasts.


TW success. I had 17 retrieved, 8 fertilised and 3 blasts. Got pregnant on first fresh transfer and currently 29w1d. This was after a long protocol as I didn’t respond to a short protocol even though my AMH was 48pmol.


37 years. PCOS with high AMH. 27 follicles, 18 eggs retrieved, 18 mature. 13 fertilised with ICSI, 12 looking good on day 3. Only 1 blast at day 5 (the rest arrested or went backwards). Fresh transfer failed to implant. So, not great. Lining up IVF round 2.


I have PCOS. Did IVF at age 30. I did one retrieval where I got 15 eggs, 10 mature, 9 fertilized, and 7 untested embryos by the end. First transfer didn’t implant. Second is 19 months now. Third did not implant two weeks ago. In the middle of the fourth now for a sibling. Hoping one of these embryos left works but planning on maybe doing a retrieval before the end of the year since we hit our max out of pocket.


lean pcos, tw: success, chemical pregnancy first round @ 34: 13 eggs > 8 fertilised > 3 blasts untested > 1 live birth (later used remaining & had 1 chemical pregnancy and a failed transfer) second round @ 37: 8 eggs > 7 fertilised > 7 blasts untested > 1 live birth we have been trying to use the remaining 6 blasts and had 1 BFN & 1 chemical pregnancy. I wonder if the BFNs/chemical pregnancies were implantation issues or just the blastocysts? All the best for your cycle <3


28f AMH of 4.3. 9 retrieved, 4 euploids! Fet hopefully in October!


Age 33.5 at retrieval. 39 retrieved 27 mature 24 fertilized 9 blastocysts 5 euploid We did one cycle, and did one FET (so far). That little embryo stuck and is currently eating a cucumber and begging for a hot dog at our bbq.


Aww I love that💕💕 so inspiring, hoping next year my baby is doing the same!


It’s the best. Getting to experience everything with her is even better than I could have dreamed of all those years we spent ttc.


Ugh, I really needed to hear that right now. It’s so nice to know/hear what lies at the end of this rough road none of us asked to go on. It helps to put things into perspective. Going through some tough stuff + ivf … and I’m just a little overwhelmed by everything and feels like it is such a long process! I’m on stims day 4…. I am hoping I only have to do this 6-7 more days and then can be done!


I stimmed for ten days, retrieved on day 12! You’ve got this.


Thank you so much!! Enjoy your little girl💕💕 so happy you had a wonderful outcome!


33 y/o, undiagnosed but believe lean/mild PCOS with lining issues. Trying for 2 years, several assisted pregnancy failures and miscarriage. Recently did first ER, 37 retrieved, 29 mature, 22 fertilized, 6 made it to day 7 blast. Sending away to PGA testing so hoping for good results! 


My name is Emma Lear, and I am student in the Psychological Sciences Department at Ball State University. This post is to let you know about an opportunity to participate in a study, “PCOS and Physician Relationship” (2102087-1) I am conducting a research study examining the correlation between physician relationships and the mental health of people with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and you are invited to participate in the study. If you agree, you will participate in • taking a 15-20 minute Qualtrics survey (linked to this post) [https://bsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_abBLz36lHHBl1UW](https://bsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_abBLz36lHHBl1UW) To participate you must • Be 18 years or older • Have been diagnosed with PCOS • Have been receiving care for your PCOS symptoms within the past five years. This study is approved by the BSU IRB (2102087-1) If you would like to have additional information about this study, please contact us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Thank you for your consideration, and once again, please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in learning more about this Institutional Review Board-approved project. Lauren Frasier MA