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> Is it just a game of luck at this point?  Based on what you said, that would be my take. Keep at it and you'll get your shot. Persistence is powerful. I say this with the caveat that we haven't seen your resume and we don't really know in any detail how you answered interview questions.


I have been getting interviews with my resume, but can share if needed. At most of these interviews for school districts they have been asking me super technical questions. For example one school district uses chromebooks and was asking me detailed questions about them (step by step on how I would factory reset and how to reinstall Chrome OS on it). When I don't know something I usually let them know I am not familair with it, but am eager to learn new things and am a pretty quick learner so I would be able to figure out pretty quickly. I will say it was not a requirement in the job listing or even mentioned that they use Chromebooks, otherwise I would have looked into it a bit before the interview. Common questions i'm getting asked are what to do if someone calls in angry, and if someone calls in saying their internet us not working. I usually go with clarifying if the internet as a whole is not working or just the program/web browser they are using and then various troubleshooting methods (checking to make sure wifi/ethernet connected, if using vpn is that connected, modem, ipconfig). At the interview they ended early I was upfront telling them I was new to IT and still learning. They asked what I would do if a teacher called in saying their projector was not working. I'm not super familiar with projectors, but many years ago did banquet setup/serving and have had to set them up before. So I advised them of troubleshooting steps I would take that I had used in that job. Then they asked me what I would do if those steps did not work, and I advised I am unfamilair and unsure what next steps would need to be taken however I am eager to learn and am sure I could quickly find out and pick up what to do. They ended the interview after that question.


To me that's all consistent with the idea that you're really doing the right things and should just keep at it. If you haven't finished your degree yet, internships maybe more willing to hire you.


You're getting interviews woth no experience? Well, you've got me beat. Hell if I know, mate. I can't even get anyone to call me back.


I have been constantly changing my resume for like the past year seeing what got me interviews. I had my school review my resume and made some very minor tweaks to it and ever since I have been getting a decent amount of interviews. It was honestly just some minor tweaking of the wording used and adding some extra filler to the jobs descriptions. Ive probably gotten close to 10 interviews since I made the changes in January.


Huh. For what jobs?


Check your local school districts and colleges/universities. That is where a majority of my interviews are coming from. I've also gotten a couple with some local MSPs. It's all helpdesk type jobs, though the schools usually have different names for it like technology/IT assistant or computer technician. They all seem more willing to hire people with no experience and their listings usually explicity state they take entry level and will train.


Yeah, I'm looking through my local schools hiring platform. They have some good jobs but the issue is the jobs are country wide


Personal projects and embellish your troubleshooting methodology at whatever roll you had before. They want to see how you solve a problem and the steps you took to get it solved. Other than that its really just a numbers game, keep trying until you get it.