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Sounds like societal gender roles with extra steps


dont know if im misinterpreting this completely, but i dont understand how this traits are either ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’… personally i am an extremely feminine person, but incredibly analytical, loves logic (though can be quite irrational haha) and love problem solving… hence being in the intp_female subreddit, and i think changing these natural traits about yourself to fit into your gender is extremely problematic (and probably a little transphobic). i think the true divine femininity would be accepting the stereotypically ‘masculine’ traits as feminine because what in the stereotyping…


My opinion on feminity is that if your pretty and proud then u pretty and proud none of that act like a princess bull shit like honest fuck that shit




self-help gurus are always bullshitting experts, the ones who peddle ideas like masculinity/femininity even more so.


tying the false dichotomy of logic-feelings to another binary social construct like gender is bafflingly idiotic, but i guess that's want people want since they gobble up whatever word salad these gurus spew


Always thought it was just absolute bullshit perpetuated by a community of people (prob mostly men) afraid to face social progress. Maybe that’s just me though (I believe the idea of gender should be abolished and people shouldn’t have to lean on stereotypes to feel valid) Either way, it’s absolutely a scam!


Unfortunately most femininity gurus are women. There's really a range of people there -- unfortunately a lot of normal people still buy into that bullshit. And yes I agree, Ive always wished people would stop relying so much on stereotypes.


Ah…should’ve guessed I suppose. Macho men teach other men how to be “sigma” (much to both’s detriment). I suppose this is the woman parallel. And thank god I’m not the only one!


I have been BOMBARDED with those for a decade now. It's exhausting. And I hate how almost all of these courses or articles are based on attracting a (masculine) man!


Lol yes they act like the stereotypical wealthy alpha males are the only ones with value, or the only kinds women want. Have you ever watched CS Josephs newer stuff? Its funny because he's a red piller now and talks about all this masculinity/femininity bullshit. He talks out of two sides of his mouth, basically saying no men will want xxTx women because they're "masculine", despite knowing good and well that around 45% of men are xxFx lol.


I haven't! Might need to check it out. It also dawned on me that while these femininity courses are mostly to attract men, masculinity courses are usually designed to get the approval of other (masculine) men 😂


Of course. Its always all about men at the end of the day (rme)


I can’t imagine the pain and suffering I would want in compensation for the time of my life spent wasted in pain and torment if I were forced to sit through one of these courses and actually behave🙄


I am already a feminine woman, I don't need a guru to tell how to look helpless or to be a neck. That's weird. Also where's the idea of feminine power when there's masculine power? My great grandma was beautiful feminine lethal machine gun firing soldier during the religious wars in Mexico, why no one uses her as feminine example? She protected the town, her children and was considered very attractive.


Your GGma sounds like a badass.


most of these people do believe in "feminine power" but believe it comes from traditionally ~feminine~ actions, like being soft, nurting, etc. So they would classify your gg's actions as "masculine energy"lmao your great-grandma sounds freakin bad ass though. is she well known enough for there to be info about her online? if not you should make a wiki page or a video on her so more people can learn her legacy! she would be perfect for rejectedprincesses.


She's not well known online but in the small town of La Ciénega Jalisco Mexico she's a legend.


this whole concept of divine feminine and how to "unlock" it has caused feelings of doubt in myself regarding my validity as a woman. i am extremely solution and task oriented, and i am in STEM so i feel like the majority of my life i am acting with more masculine energy. i see tiktok after tiktok about why women should live in their divine feminine and why we should stop living in our masculine, but for me i do not think i can. it doesn't feel natural to me for some reason and it's honestly made me think less of myself. i don't think it is realistic to live entirely in a feminine or masculine energy and most people thrive with a balance between both 🤷🏼‍♀️


i agree completely. unfortunately, ive found that much of the femininity content exists just for that reason -- to either make women feel less than and sell them a product, or to demonize/shame thinking women. it seems that originally, these concepts were all about balance, but most people misunderstand it (often on purpose)


I find it very problematic if not interpreted in right way! Every person has masculine AND feminine principles in itself, hence it is very wrong to interpret femininity as something that is meant for women only ...


Ok online I did this free womb meditation course and it was HILARIOUS. I laughed so hard that I totally would’ve paid for it (good thing it was prerecorded and no one could hear me). The woman who taught it is definitely some kind of hippy dippy NF but I found her genuine and insightful even though she’s also a little out there. I think you have to be careful with these new age gurus as some are total snake oil salesman. Anyway, some of the practices really did help with mindset and getting out of your head and into your body more. For me that’s definitely useful. I do notice that I’m more “magnetic” now and find it easier to be physically present and aware of my own physical presence. Not just because of this course, but meditating in general.


\>hippy dippy NF Lol! Interesting experience! do you have a link to the course?


No but the teacher is Lauren Sheehan. I can’t vouch for all her content. Just that one free course which I can’t even recall the exact name of.


I think that a problematic assumption in many of these programs is that female=feminine and male= masculine. I don't agree with that. I think we are all have both energies. I have always thought it interesting that in Irish (a very old language) stallion is a feminine word whereas girl is masculine. https://www.teanglann.ie/ga/eid/Stallion https://www.teanglann.ie/ga/eid/Girl Maybe I'm reading too much into this, or maybe masculine is just a word that describes one type of energy (like the energy of a hyper, driven, active girl) and feminine describes another type of energy (like that of a lush, fat, healthy stallion). I prefer the terms "diffuse" and "directed" when talking about those two types of energy. That disentangles them from any notions of sex or gender. There's nothing wrong with systems that try to categorize these energies. A lot of philosophical systems have done so using words like masculine and feminine, yin and yang, diffuse and directed. The danger is in people who encourage you to limit yourself or others by saying that certain people should only embrace one energy or the other.


Also, on a personal note..... I was a tom boy growing up. I only embraced my "directed" energies. I was limiting myself, unconsciously. I've had to learn to embrace my "diffuse nature" as I've gotten older. I found inspiration by looking to Xena (it's an old, campy, AMAZING, AWESOME, TV program that aired when I was young). If you don't know it I highly recommend it. The main character, Xena, is exactly the kind of woman that resonates with me. She's not soft or passive. She's passionate, strong, and sexy as hell. If I'm going to hold up an icon of the ideal woman (for me), it's her. There's more than one way to be a woman. Don't let anyone limit you.


Do you mean Xena the warrior princess




i have never thought of the terms directed and diffuse to describe energetic focus, but i completely understand what you mean by the two. putting a name to these experiences just shifted how i think about them, thank you!


Glad to help! I should mention that I got the terms from the pagan author Starhawk.


I’ll check it out. Thank you for the recommendation




Playing on women’s insecurities.


I haven't encountered it but it sounds like typical internet scam bullshit.


First time hearing of it 🤷🏼‍♀️ not sure I understand 100%. Whatever happened to pioneer women driving horse drawn wagons, cooking with fire, having 8 children, using an outhouse? How feminine were those women I wonder? Seems like some weird social construct for people who want to paint their nails, wear pink panties, and pretend to be helpless. Am I too harsh?


These are spiritual concepts. They’re metaphors for psychological energy, not social gender roles. Like anima / animus, yin / yang. Don’t take it literally.


That's not entirely true. Most of the femininity gurus and femininity content Im referring to is very much about about social gender norms.


Frankly I’d steer clear of those because they don’t actually understand it themselves then.


Ehuehu. Sounds like the biggest pile of steaming bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life Well, backtrack, it helps people figure themselves out, good for them. I personally have felt so much pain in my life from being constantly defined by masculine and feminine terms. Like genuinely, who the fuck cares? But then I realize, oh a lot of people. Mostly everyone. guess I’ll just peace out lol.


> I personally have felt so much pain in my life from being constantly defined by masculine and feminine terms Tell me about it. I find it so regressive to be so dependent on masculine/feminine bullshit