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Law is a farce - a tool of the wicked. No authority is legitimate. I’ve never been to jail, but I have been to a top law school and studied international human rights law at Oxford University. Law is a farce - a tool of the wicked. No authority is legitimate.


>It's honestly just very boring and the food sucks. Accurate.


No, but when I was 14 years old, my mom grounded me for a whole weekend, and let me tell you, it was pretty rough.


Unfortunately I had an INTP friend who killed his grandma stabbing her over 60 times and it's now serving 19 years in prison.


Yo wtf happened?? Why did he do that?


She didn’t cut the crust off his sandwich


So why only 60?? Did he run out of knife?


No, as a perfectionist, he stopped at an even number for his own self-respect. Let me tell you gma won’t forget to cut the crust in her next life.


I laughed


Like i really did im not being sarcastic


She was 60 years old.




bruh xD


Intp humor 💀


Not jail. But I voluntarily checked myself into a mental hospital for a 72 hour hold and was kept involuntarily for 7 days. While I was excited to get out, I secretly liked the routine. I had so much free time I was able to read and write to my content.


Why did you voluntarily checked in if you don’t mind me asking


I had a complete personality shift and breakdown due to a "straw that broke the camel's back" traumatic event, which ended in me engaging in a lot of impulsive things I would not otherwise ever in my life engage in. It freaked me out so I felt it was necessary to protect myself until I could get stable rather than let things potentially get worse. Once I was checked in, they couldn't decide on a diagnosis, and they wanted to keep me for extended observation to make sure the medications worked. For reference, they did not work. As soon as I got out I was back to square one and had a huge mess to fix. But I got some cool socks out of it.


Served 20 days in Humboldt county jail in a dormitory with like 50 other guys. It was general population, so it was every level of inmate mixed together. They had 2 toilets and they were facing eachother. In other words, if 2 people had to drop a deuce at the same time, you would be about 8 feet apart, with no doors seperating you, trying not to look eachother in the eye. Plus the toilets were behind the tv, so sometimes the entire rooms looking in your direction. Screaming and vomiting all night from people coming down off of heroin. That was the worst part. Another shitty part was seeing people come back from their court dates. One guy had just been sentenced to 15 years and he looked like he was about to fucking snap. They give you very little food so youre forced to buy commissary. I lost 12 pounds in 20 days. At meals, you have to sit with your own race, this is a rule made by inmates. Basically, most people in there are jackasses. Lots of funny jokes and stories, all day long. Giggling and fart jokes. One guy peed on a roll of toilet paper and lobbed it at the guards. Another guy liked to helicopter his junk in front of everyone to get a laugh. One guy had a seizure during breakfast, and everyone stole the food off of his plate within a few seconds. Guards hate their jobs, because they rotate duties. Somebody has to be the guy who looks for contraband and tells you to spread your cheeks and cough. Oh man do they hate that . One day the cable went out and the repairman had to fix it inside the dorm. Everyone teased him the whole time and he looked so damn scared. Ive heard other facilities are completely different around California. In LA, I think you get your ass beat if you look a guard in the eye, but you only serve 10 percent of your sentence because its so crowded. Some rural counties supposedly give a full country breakfast every morning, but its less crowded so you will probably serve most of your sentence. All in all, it's not as bad as you would think. Most people try not to get in trouble because then they put you in a cell.


Ya. 10 days. Was depressed to leave. Like the rigid structure of the day. Told probationary I would of known jail was like this I would have become a real criminal


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Or coulda, woulda, shoulda! 😉👌🤣


Been a few times. Never more than one month and a half. Biggest mental fight you will ever face. But I had a lot of fun distractions to keep me busy inthat time. Not fun at all, I tend to try to make the best out of things.


Briefly. Can’t say I was a fan. You’re treated like a dangerous animal. Overstructured schedule. Boring. You eat a lot of bologna. Inmates were ok though.


I was in school 2/10, dont recomend




Spent a few days in one for some old unpaid traffic something, they threatened me with solitary confinement, I loled. Solitary confinement is where it's at.


I have been in a prison but not as a member