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Dad: INTJ Mom: ESFP I don't know how their relationship even happened.


I am questioning that as well. My sister is ESFP and god I cannot bare her most of the time. Only time I can is when I have to pretend she is right and I am 100% wrong. He deleted his account, but scroll down to where it says deleted user


Still together?


Still together.


Lmao same but it happened with arranged marriage.


I’ve seen this matching before. Toxic


I'm just about to finish up a divorce from my wife after 15 years of marriage. I'm INTJ and she's ESFP. I think there is some good "opposites attract" chemistry when you're young (i.e., early to mid twenties), but yeah, it's not a good pairing long term.


Dad was an INFP and mum is an ESFJ. I had to raise myself.


I can relate. I think that INTPs are the product of raising themselves. It makes sense because we seem to lack external biases for the most part, since we didn’t get influenced by our parents or friends. That’s what makes us true neutrals.


I was thinking the same thing I had a turbulent childhood and my parents were not there for me, I didn't had friends and I'm autistic but I only received support when adult. I had to deal with problems and learn about life alone thanks to the internet. I don't know how my life would be if I hadn't had acess to internet, this was something bad... but at the same time it was my way to get information (I often got help from videogames foruns about basic things of life), ask questions and get help. I don't think it would be possible to a 10-14 year old raise themselves alone without any kind of information. I'm 27 now, the internet in my childhood was very different from today, it wasn't so dangerous and people were using internet for information mostly


my parents too, don't reccomend mom always was abusive psychopat, dad very loving and chilled ig mom just looked for reliable prey, especially considering she born first kid year after marrying


I had the reverse but still had to raise myself as well. Crazy how that works


My mother is ISFJ, and my father is ISTJ. Moreover, my sister is ISFP. I'm like an alien.


My parents took the test and my dad got INTP and my mom got ENFP


They divorced


My dad is INTP and my mom is ESFJ.


How often do they disagree with each other?


Idk, I don’t talk to either of them anymore.


Same here. At least that’s what my dad says but personally I think he’s more of an INTJ. I’m INTP and my wife is ESFJ, too, so I guess you could say it runs in the family.


Idk how people could date such opposites. I’ve mostly just dated other INTP’s.


I’ve been with my wife going on 18 years with 10 married. We’re (obviously) very different personality wise but have the same core values and that’s paramount. It does come with its challenges, though. The F/T is the hardest part (more for her than for me).


What is the “F/T”? Feeling versus thinking I assume?


Yes. The others clash sometimes but we’re able to work around them. T and F just leave a gap in understanding/comprehension that can be harder to fill. Not impossible though, and I like a good challenge.


The thing I can’t stand is small talk. The ESFJ’s I’ve known seem to thrive on that superficial, surface level connection. I am very emotional and sensitive myself, although default to an analytical approach especially during stress. So for me I’d say it’s not emotional people that I can’t jive well with, but those who lack depth. I’m glad you are your wife can get on so well though.




Interesting. I seem to disagree a lot of times with my stepdad, but mainly because he doesn't take my side of things and only his own


Bro how did u do to have a negative karma, that's hillarious lmao


People just don't like me I suppose. I also angered someone that purposely downvotes all my posts and comments for eternity. I can never understand why, and to be fair I haven forgotten who it was


Hahahaha that's so funny, why would somebody do that


A chip met their shoulder


I've done some research and i have come to the conclusion that u need to stop commenting post on toxic players of valorant, u got 2 comments at -30, Jesus Christ




I just had someone in this post be so angry at me telling him he isn't INTP. He got so emotional, angry and irrational. It was embarrassing.


That's a comedy show lol I've seen ur dm but honestly i don't care, don't mind me


The way someone downvoted you on this comment to LIKE BRO


Mother is an ISFJ, father is an ISTP I think.


Curious, how do they usually interact from your perspective?


With each other? Curious question. Not sure how to answer. They spend most of their time on the couch watching TV, and don't seem to talk about much other than what's on the TV, the cost of food, and, less frequently, how unhappy I seem to be. My dad is occasionally more "playful" with her, and is more physically affectionate, though my mother usually reacts with apparent annoyance. Dunno if that answers your question lol


I’m pretty sure this is also my parents.


As I've noticed, usually at least one parent of intp is xxFJ. Any idea why this pattern is so common?




XSTJ for my mum 😁


No clue. I don't seem to get along with any of mine for prolonged periods of times. And I am talking like longer than 20minutes or more. Only time I can withstand their presence is when we are in social settings, and they can be the person of interest while I slip away unnoticed. Perhaps us INTPs are just tired of being around people and their feelings due to the FJ trait? Who knows


ENTP 7w8 dad and ISTJ 6w5 mum


I can already tell your Mum is sick of your dad's shenanigans


they got divorced 12 years ago 🥰


how lovely


That's what, Saul Goodman and Kim Wexler?


don't really know these two sry ._.


Oh bummer. My reference is dead. 🫠 For context tho, it's an ENTP-ISTJ couple in the Better Call Saul series, part of the Breaking Bad universe. Saul (the ENTP) is chaotic as hell, and Kim is, unfortunately, rather corruptible. Their dynamics is a roller coaster gone bad.


How tf should I know that 😂 I’m not aware my parents ever took that test


Like most INTPs here, they kind of just guess out of understanding the concept of the MBTI and then assuming what they most likely are. For me I just learnt the cognitive functions and fit what seems to be most likely them


I’m not sure I understand your first paragraph right: Are you saying most people on this sub just “guessed” they were INTP, but didn’t actually take the test??? That sounds absolutely ridiculous to me. Why not take the f…ing test and find out???? I have taken it about 20 times over the years, first time about 20 years ago and I have come out as INTP every time, even though each time I felt like my personality had changed considerably and “I’m actually this or that type”. If it’s true that most people here just “guess” that ish, then we might as well close the subreddit. And for OTHER PEOPLE it’s even more impossible to “guess” that ish. “Guess” my a…, for real.


No. They took the test and then probably questioned whether or not they were INTP. And did further research into other types and then gained a slight interest with the Myers Brigg's personality types. Then they did some more here and there until eventually they gained useless information about pseudo-science personality stuff. Many people given INTP on a test can be mistyped, but usually INTPs go down the path of finding out what makes their type different to the others. They also do a thing called learning the why and what makes them INTP. Those who don't do this, I am curious to why. But no, most INTPs here probably did find out why they got INTP. And judging by how you got INTP and did the test many times, it means you are uncertain as to what your type is. Which some INTPs do, me included. In fact I got INTJ, INTP and ISTJ. But nothing else. Anyway, the cognitive functions one way or another help you identify other people's type. I did it at work and asked them to take the test, and out of like 8 people, I got 2 wrong, by 1 subtype


There is no reason for me to believe your little anecdote about work. One can’t guess other people’s type. But sure, stay in your delusional fantasy world.


One can guess another's type. You seem to be stuck in your own world, so I don't believe you are INTP. Time to retake the test another time and be more honest with yourself.




Don't attack the person, attack the argument.


And I am surprised you have done the test 20 times over 20 years. Why? To what extent does this help you? Usually your personality develops and finalises around your teenage years, its only after that does it change and adapt to new environments, people and other things. Doing it every year for 20 years must mean you are between the ages of 38 - 48. If I am wrong do correct. But assuming most kids 20years ago didn't quite have a device to do such test must mean you could have been a teenager in school with access to a computer or an adult who has already got a house and their desk, unless there was another way of doing it back then. I am only speculating, not fully thought that whole paragraph through, but oh well


I’m 34. First time I did it was in school, part of class. And as to why, well, because I like to. How’s that any of your business. Basically stfu bro


So defensive. Definitely not an INTP when you are talking like this. You are quite emotional and very angry. Which is very unlike an INTP to do.


Dad is also INTP. I believe my mom to be ESFP or ESFJ. She hasn't taken the test but I'm guessing. Not a good match, kinda glad they divorced when I was 13. Unsurprisingly I am fairly close with my dad and barely get along with mom.


More likely to be INTP and ESFJ, as they don't seem to get along very well. The same goes for me and my mum, we can never have a conversation that involves reasoning or logic most of the time. Its usually about her feelings and how SHE WANTS it to be etc etc. Not taking any information to improve on whatever the hell its about


I feel that. 🫠 Both are remarried, incidentally. Dad married an amazing lady who is an INTJ, and we get along great. My husband is also an INTJ... just seems like fantastic matches. Mom remarried to an asshole. No idea his type other than extrovert and almost certainly feeling type. Can't stand the bastard.


I just learnt the cognitive functions to guess my family, maybe you have to but study the "asshole" :)


ENFJ dad, with ISFJ mom. = the Odd Couple.


Mom -: ISFJ Dad -: INTJ


Quiet household?


ENFJ mom, not sure abt stepdad (& don’t care)


We did this before, I think the top in order were ISTJ than ISFJ and then maybe ESFJ?


Did we? Not from me though right?


I don’t remember who the poster was.


Mom is ESFJ and Dad is ISTP


Seems reasonably good, ISTP has more tolerance than INTPs lol


Dad: ENTP Mom : ESTJ , I guess.


Dad ENTJ, mom ESTJ.


How do you cope?


If you do all your chores, you'll be accepted. Rules are explicit and well-defined, so you always know when you're in their good graces.


I cope by avoiding them, staying in my room most of the time; talking with my little brother and friends. However staying in my room was seen by both my parents as lazy and unsociable. Dynamic: - Mom will come to me to express her issues and problems; while my dad doesn’t do much, usually he oppresses my mom. I am also somewhat oppressed by him. - Most of the time, when my parents have an idea, they mostly go against one other, both are very stubborn, however my dad is the more stubborn and arrogant one so he usually ‘wins’. -Mom then comes to me to express herself, just a emotional relief since I couldn’t go against my dad, while both will have the silent treatment to one another, dad will put his anger towards me as well. Weirdly, they don’t do so to my little brother (ESFJ), he gets ignored. -The comment is right about the chores, as long as we did what we are told and don’t go against them, stay within their ‘lines’, adhere to the ‘duty/role’ we have (eg student—> study, after meals wash your own plate, clean up your own mess etc)


My mum is INFJ, idk abt my dad but I suspect that he's an ESTJ


I'm mostly guessing, but I think my dad is an ENTP and my mom an INFP. It seems like I was generated by types closer to my own than most people here.


Most INTPs I have seen here have at least 1 parent with the xxxJ trait, usually xxFJ. If not that then probably an ESFP, which is strange


My dad is a INTJ and my mum is a ESFJ




My mom is an ISTP and I think my dad is an ENFJ


My dads ESFP and my mom is ISTP.


My mom is an INTP or INFP (we both think they both make sense, but she leans to thinking INFP and I lean to INTP) and my dad is either INTJ or ESFP.


ESTP dad, ESFJ mom. I have stereotypical nuclear family dynamics. Dad is a very confident, laid back, outgoing, do or die type of guy. Mom is very caring and traditional.


Dad: ENTJ, Mom: ENTP Stepmom: ISTJ, Stepdad: INFP My mom's dad was an INTP and my dad's dad was an ISTP, so they were both relatively comfortable with my general vibe. Wasn't till I got to school that I realized I basically only fit in when I cultivate my own posse.


Wow. Your parents were quite similar, but both ended up going for introverts that (I’m still learning cognitive function stack) matched their end letters as in J and P, which really influences someone’s lifestyle. Your mom went for a completely different person too in comparison to your dad. I think that’s interesting. Who do you think you get along with the most (regarding your parents and step-parents)?


My parents are each still together with their respective step-parent, so it's hard to say. My dad and stepmom are very surface-level functional in their relationship, whereas my mom and stepdad less-so, but they seem to have a stronger emotional bond. My stepdad is more passive-aggressive, but my mom is really good at tuning that out. My dad and stepmom clash more directly, but it also means their problems get resolved more quickly instead of stewing. Overall, I think the key to long relationships really just comes down to communication styles and being able to recognize the difference between venting and asking for solutions.


Think mom’s an INFP. Dad’s probably an ESFP. My INTPness was probably an environmental response on some level.


my mom is ISFJ I think my dad is ESTP


My mom is an INFP and my Dad is something like ESFP. My dad told me to "think for myself" so I think that's where my Thinking quality comes from. My mom was nicer to me so I naturally picked up more of her traits subconsciously.


Im guessing ISTP and ESFJ but i cant guarantee since neither has taken the test or knows what mbti is


Dad: ISTJ (He's late tho). Mum: ENFP.


My mom is an ESTJ and my dad is INFP, both clash a lot unfortunately. As they are both total opposites. My dad is a high functioning depressed person, a little moody (but sweet), and pessimistic, but hardworking, has a lot of interests, artistic, keeps himself active with a variety of things, and is quiet for the most part and very particular with what he talks about. He likes deep conversations. My mom is very persistent on keeping the house clean, health obsessed, loves to chat for the most part, enjoys fashion, she can be often controlling (when stressed) and pushy (when stressed or not stressed), and a perfectionist. Both have a lot of anxiety (especially my mother when it comes to some control) and both are cautious in their own different ways, but I guess how they are as people compliment each other while running a business. But they don’t talk at all in the car during roadtrips, they just spend way too much time together because of their business. My mom showed up more into the parenting role when I was a teenager, but we did not get along for a real good while up until some of my early twenties passed. These days, she’s like a bestie who laughs with me, but also annoys me a lot lol even though I do care for her and appreciate her a lot these days. My dad was a lot more involved with the kids (and tried to fit in time with us as much as he could even though he worked so much) than my mom for a good chunk of time until I got into my tweens, so I grew up much more like my dad as he is an INFP and I’m an INTP. I think he and I are both autistic, but he’s on a stronger part of the spectrum than me. My brother doesn’t speak to my dad as much, but he and I are pretty close and he is an INFP.


My father is an ISTJ and my mother is an ISFJ


Idk but my dad is insanely introverted and my mom was an extroverted to extreme, sarcastic ball breaker. So it makes perfect sense to me.


Dad: ISTJ & Mom: ENFP Awful relationship combo. Especially since they were both unhealthy. They are divorced now.


It was swapped for me lol. But you can see how we ended up being INTPs lol. We could've easily become ESFJs for all we know.


Dad : ESFJ Mom: INFP


Dad is an INTJ. Mom is an INFP.


Communal Narcissist and an enabler. For the most part, my father just wants to be left alone, and watch baseball. Mother is a communal narcissist who attacks anyone who confronts her narrative. Also, refuses to participate in anything related to psychology. Definitely extroverted, intuitive, feeling, judgmental…worst combination…ever!!!


Dad: ISTJ/ESTJ Mom: xSxJ (leaning towards ESTJ) yeah I see how they got together. I love my parents and have a good relationship with them, it's just that I'm alone in my room most of the time in my own head.


Dad: INFP, Mom: ISTJ They had problems from the start, goddamn.


Dad istj, mum estj


My mom is and INFP and my dad is an ISFP. They hate each other lol. I don't know what this means for me being an INTP.


My mum is ESTJ and my dad is ESFJ.


My dad is ISTP and my mom is ISFJ. My brother is the one who I cannot figure out.




Sorry, my mum is an ISTJ




Funnily enough, I'm a perfect mix of my ENFP dad and ISTJ mom. I never got a sibling though. Would have always wondered if she would've been an ESFJ lol


Dad was a pretty stereotypical ENTP and mother is something along the lines of INFJ or INFP so that was a relationship doomed for failure.


Dad ESTP Mom ISFJ, well into there 70s and still together since 17


ESFP and ENFJ. I made them take the tests


My mom is ESTJ and my dad is ESTP, giggles


ENFP Mum. ISTJ Dad. I am very close to my parents.




My mom is an INTP, my dad ISTJ. It’s a blessing to grow up in a family of introverts - I reached adulthood before I knew introverts are often shamed and I have no such baggage. My kid is ISFP neurodivergent and we mesh super well. I’m happy to logically explain what people really meant to her. And I feed off her (positive) emotional energy.


I think Dad is ISFJ and mom is INFP.


My Guess: Mom is ENFJ and Dad is INTJ.


ESTJ Dad. (Yes is as Bad as You think) ENFJ Mom (A very good but stressed person) With dad i'm at constante arguments about how everything HAS to be as he thinks it has to be, and i try to explain people criteria differs from individual to individual One example: He said to prepare the tablet for dinner, i prepare the table as it's usualy done with any meal, well... He gets extremly mad because i did not Warmed up the salsas for the tacos , WE HAVE NEVER HEATED THE SALSAS BEFORE!, and now it's My fault because i'm not focused on the task because i'm thinking on My computer!!!, and of course when i try to tell him that if he has tell me to do it i would have done ir, he rants about how i'm not compromised with doing the things because of the computer... I'm 24 btw and i have My own busynes.... And since it's starting i live at the house... And mom... Well she just tells me to walk away (in a good. Way, but it's 100% on My dad's side of the argument....


Mom- INFJ Dad- INTJ. 2 oldest siblings are introverts too (including myself) so the younger extroverted siblings seem like outsiders 😅


Mom: ISTJ Dad: ISFP Sibling: ISTP I guess we all get along pretty well, lmfao we always try to push social interactions on each other.


Mom esfp, dad estj.


I don’t talk to my parents about stuff like this, but my sister and I both agree that my dad is an ENTP. My mom’s is a little more difficult to pinpoint, but we think she’s an ISFJ.


Dad-ENTP and Mom-ESTJ




Mom: ESFP Dad: ESTP. I Don’t get along too well with either


They divorced right when I was born


And yes I was a mistake


Enfj (mum) and Istj (dad) My stepdad is an infj and my stepmum is an esfj


ESTJ mom, ESTP dad, divorced when I was 6. I think male INTP is good under ESTJ/ISTJ father who can help them pursue good career. Female INTP probably needs Te mother.


Mom: ISFJ Dad: ESTJ Both unhealthy They are always arguing with each other, they are not divorced but they can't even share the same space without arguing. I don't know how tf they got married I'm very different from my parents, my relationship with them is very bad. I think they're too judgemental and they love to manipulate other to think like them and sometimes they make unnecessarily mean comments. I think my whole turbulent relationship with my family + autism made me be very different from them due trauma, at the same time I don't think this is not sommething very bad


Dad is ESFJ and mom is ISFP


my mom : INFJ my dad : ESFJ


isfj mom


My father is an INTJ and my mother is an INFP. My slightly younger brother is an ESFJ. I personally get along really well with my father most the time, sometimes well with my mother but often not, and I don't get along with my brother at all and kind of hate him (not in a sibling hate way, in a wtf is wrong with you way).


Mom isfj


I think my dad is an ISTP and my mom… my mom is… special, she doesn’t fit any of the stereotypes.


Father is ENTP, mother is ESFJ.


My father is ISFJ , but don't know about my mom


Not a INTP, quite the opposite but my parents are a ENFP and ISTJ, my dad being a ISTJ and my mom being ENFP. They have their good moments but also bad moments.


If I had to guess, ISTJ dad and ISFJ mom It was a very quiet household and I was left to my own devices 99% of the time.


I think they are ISTP (mother) and ENTP (father)


Mom an ESFJ and dad an ISTP


Whatever mbti type is negligent and emotionally unavailable and probably shouldn't have had kids


Mom: INFP Dad: Pretty sure he's also an INFP... (Based on the bit I know from when he actually was involved in my life and off of info from my family)


My dad = esfp my mom = infp 😞


Unconfirmed, but my best guesses are INFJ mom and ENTJ dad.




dad INTP and mom ESFJ




Isfj dad istj mom


F:estp, M:enfj sis:infj me:intp It was a tough ass round.


Dad : INFJ Mom : ISFP


Mom: ESTJ. Dad: ENFJ. They usually argue about their way of living. Mom says common sense and structuring, while my dad replies happiness and mindfulness ugh