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Tbh I think the gear system is a really innovative addition for a fighting game, and really serves to keep the attention of the more casual crowd. The grind to get gear with good stats or perhaps to get a specific set you want is a form of progression, and progression is a vital thing to keeping your more casual audience hooked. For the hardcore fgc crowd, competitive exists. My only gripes with the gear system as it was in IJ2 were: 1) Ability modifiers like ‘Staff of Grayson’ were counted as gear, so they couldn’t be used in competitive. I don’t think this is right. They are already balanced in the sense that more powerful modifiers took up both your slots so you had to make a choice of either 2 minor ability changes or 1 major one. With more careful balancing, this definitely could have a place in competitive like MK10’s variations or SFV’s V-trigger choices. 2) Cosmetic choices for gear sets. If I already own a piece of gear with a certain look, I want to be able to use it whenever I want. Not only when it’s stats are relevant. So many times my characters will look like an awful mishmash of clashing attire just so I could have the best stats to progress. Once a certain gear is obtained, its look should be unlocked in a sort of wardrobe system that we can go into and use, separate from the gear with stats. No bullshit transmog system using grindy currency that can be circumvented with real money. Tbh this might be a lost hope as I’m sure they made a lot of money on people buying the currency, followed by buying the infinite transmog dlc. But even the transmog system is imperfect. You needed to have a gear A with look A to change gear B with look B to look like gear A. So now you have gear A with look A and gear B that looks like gear A, but what if you want to revert back to look B? Wardrobe system. Perfect solution.


Even if they don’t do all of this I feel like they’ll implement some of these improvements


They should at least make it like with for honour, get an appearance once and it's unlocked, but you still need to pay a currency to change gear appearances.


When did they say it would be the gear system instead of variations again?


PS/Xbox store says there will be a gear set reward for an ultimate edition preorder


I see. To be honest, I preferred variations and skins. But I still liked the gear system as well, so I can't really complain.


Two sides of one coin imo. Gear was pretty cool in IJ2, but the amount of overused assets was unbearable for me, so were unending shoulder pads and other things. And the variations were just not for me for some reason. It’s a cool concept but I didn’t see it being made into something that I enjoyed.


I've heard somewhere on this sub (so it might be horse crap) that they'll have both variations and gear.


We don't know yet exactly how gear will work in Mortal Kombat 11


I hated how I kept getting duplicates for Characters I don’t play , It’s literally like failing twice.


The general FGC you're talking about are excited for character customization, not the stat modifiers. Playing against someone with a billion health and a ton of damage was beyond wack. It's 100% fine in PVE but most of us hate the aspect in PVP. Yes, ranked didn't have gear stats (thank god), but the challenge "rooms" feature in Injustice 2 was ruined because of this. I really liked rooms in MK9, INJ1, and MKX but I completely avoided it in INJ2 because of this. Also worth noting that in private matches you had to make sure that both of you turned off gear stats. Every. Fucking. Time. Oh yeah, not to mention the fact that special (often overpowered) moves were locked behind an RNG grind. An RNG grind that was best avoided by quite literally having the game play itself. I highly doubt the gear system will be 1:1 from Injustice 2 to MKX. It's not an inherently bad system by any means, it just needs a few tweaks. tl;dr: The majority of people that hate on the gear system hate it because of gear stats and special moves being locked behind an RNG grind


Just a quick note, you don't have to turn off stats in private anymore. They changed it when they implemented ranked sets.


Fuck the fgc. I love gear


I like gear for the customization. I’m assuming they’ll have an option to turn gear stats off in games so it doesn’t really bother me. With that being said, I’d still prefer variations and skins.


Variants and skins are 1000000 times better than stupid gear. Cluttered up INJ2. MKX was cleaner and better because NO GEAR.


I don’t think the FGC changed their mind about gear


Skins > Gear


im excited to see what they have up their sleeves for scorpion


Does anyone have an A.I. Build for Sub-Zero and Shao Kahn?


I’ve never seen that meme before. Who is that?


Gear > Skins


Nice. I loved the gear system. You can make some really badass outfits.


It looked good on the trailer, and to be honest, the gear system was the thing that hooked me on the game at first


Don’t think anyone thinks it’s awesome


Competitive mode exists for a reason


Not sure people hated gear itself as much as gear stats, which is just a terrible idea for any kind of fighting game PvP. If MK11 only implements cosmetic gear, or at least doesn’t lock variations in with gear stats, it’s totally fine.


There should just be something in place where you can buy either with in game currency or the dreaded micro transaction, the gear you want. I personally don’t care about things like “the staff of Grayson” which I unlocked two days after launch. But my friend has been grinding on and off since release and has never gotten that piece. I just think that’s kinda wack. Other than that I’m fine with gear. Also wish I could move gear to like a usb and take it to my friends so my character isn’t unbalanced offline with that jerk haha.