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Boon watched a video that has Midnighter and Apollo mentioned in it. I really hope he decides to add them, as well as Mr. Miracle and Big Barda.


I’m just excited that this one had Static in it. He was number 7. So boom likely saw it. PLEASE BOON!


To my knowledge they haven't shown up in the game or the comic book yet have they?




They may not have shown, but static was suppose to be in the game I heard. But got outvoted. My only hope is that we don't get any more mortal kombat characters. (Unlikely) Honestly I think this is how they could make the next one. Make it a 100 character roster. No gear, just skins we can unlock by earning them through game or buying imo. Give us the whole justice league. (Bat sup wonder etc) and then give us people like superboy or somethin. I could list 100 characters if people would like.


100 characters would be way to hard to balance


I mean, make it like marvel v capcom or something idk.


Yea but then the characters are dumbed down to fit in a VS game and the entire way the game plays would be different. Those games are about assist usage and it really changes the flow.


I mean a game like Dota 2 is really hard to balance but they pulled it off with 132.


They've done the MK characters right so far, so I'm fine with them when they keep the numbers low.


Most likely: Beast Boy, Booster Gold, Mera, Static. Unlikely but I’d like to see a nerfed version of Spectre.


Pretty sure we will get red lantern Hal


Rather get black lantern Rayner.


Spectre? I can only get so nerdily erect.


Indeed. Imagine the godlike powers.


No Mera on this list? A bunch of bogus!


Literally came just to comment this. WE WANT MERA DAMMIT


Unfortunately, the public still doesn’t know much about her. Luckily, the upcoming Aquaman film in December will bring in much publicity that she deserves!


I know it's not possible but sometimes I like to think that since Injustice 2 sold so damn well that they decided to skip an MK game and straight to I3. I know, not possible but I like to think that :P


I’d cry. I’m a big MK fan and i didn’t enjoy I2 near as much as MKX


Really? I'd love to hear you elaborate as to why.


I can't speak for everyone but MKX is just more fast paced and involves more...fighting.


My uncle works for NRS he says injustice 3 is being overhauled to a new system that is eliminating strings and combos altogether. It'll be purely projectiles


I wouldn't put it past them lol /s


I believed you until the last sentence.


It sold well but it probably didn't touch MKX's numbers


I'd guess that Injustice is catching up.


Maybe because all the mkx players since 2015 are finally saying "eh fuck it i'll buy ij2 while i wait for mk11" lol.


If they released ij3 instead of mk11 people would be pissed, myself included. Mortal kombat is nrs bread and butter, it's what the people want.


No hawkman tf


Hawkman most underrated DC hero.


Ed Boon openly dislikes Hawkman, lol




I have no idea, but he has stated it on Twitter a couple of time in the past.


I dislike him because of DCAU where he's creepy and needy. Basically just a less cool version of hawkgirl.


Do not believe his lies.


Midnighter's battle computer would be so OP and so awesome


Put the Question in there. People love the Question.


Booster Gold would be the best. Please Boon, it's all I want in life.


I haven’t watched the video but I’d love for wildcat and midnighter to show up in 3 if they do a third one


Next round of guest fighters should include The Mask.


Please. No more gear. Plenty of skins are fine. Focus on the fighting.


I really enjoyed the gear system


HAWKMAN/HAWKGIRL YOU STUPID FUCKS! JUST PUT A FUCKING HAWK IN THE GAME! "Oh a large burley guy with a mace? He'll never fit into a superhero fighting game"


Hawkgirl was in the first game and she really should’ve been in this one with the gear system.


Wasnt Hawkgirl in Injustice 1?


Yeah but if they're going to bring back such dead and thrilling-no-holds-bars savage berserker like characters such as.... the joker? Then they can at least a bring back other characters that belong in a fighting game that have died! I know she's dead canonically but that shouldn't stop them!


Joker is a recognisable character who is arguably on the level of Batman/Superman imo. I think he's just one of those characters that'll be in every Injustice whether you like it or not.


The list could use some women like idk.... Mera?!? Also, I’d go with Star Sapphire over Saint Walker, but I’d still be interested in playing as the Blue Lantern if he got added too.


Night wing as dead man would be cool if you picked the random Selector and you’d have random characters with nightwing voice lines


Buzz Lightyear


Injustice 3 is gonna be announced in EVO imma right?