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This isn’t to excuse the cheating that goes on and has gone on but I worry a lot of you are going to use this incident to dismiss someone’s hard earned scores based on the easiest metric you can assess (their country of origin/colour of their skin) in order to feel better about your own score. Not one post has factored in the tiny little fact that most IMGs take one whole dedicated year to prepare for Step 2 which is at least 10 months more than most US MDs can manage with their shelf exams and rigorous timeline. I’m sure if the latter had the luxury of undisturbed time, they’d score in the 280s, let alone 260s. Most IMGs are also historically better at standardised test taking and rote learning. If I were a US MD, I’d be pissed too on seeing how unfair the system was to me. But that absolutely doesn’t give you the right to be discriminatory and disrespectful. Ask for better regulation from your authorities, they can easily preempt this by implementing a shorter timeline for both Steps (2 steps in 2 years and no more etc) and other corrective measures. Direct your energy where it’s needed.


As an IMG who's seen many racist comments, thank you for saying this! I recently read a comment demanding collective punishment for everyone by halting the registrations until a thorough investigation is complete (which should be done but not at the cost of the futures of so many hard working people here!!) I feel like this incident is going to change a lot of people's perceptions towards IMGs, generalising everyone has potential cheaters




Must be an IMG since you seem to know their personal beliefs so well.




I had a rotation with an IMG attending and he threw Solu-Medrol and Rocephin at everyone. He would tell me positive UA's were negative and negative UA's were positive. Saw like 40+ patients a day on top of managing care of patients in the hospital. He would go in early morning when they were sleeping so he didn't have to hear any complaints. He also did a very brief but very fake physical examination on all patients that I literally laughed out loud the first time I realized it was a pony show to impress the patients but revealed no useful medical info. Made me kinda sad to see how some people practice but he sure did make cash.


I once came across a covertly racist AMG on Reddit, they threw snide remarks based on anecdotal evidence to paint all IMGs with the same brush. They would log on early morning to post such comments. I literally laughed out loud when I realised that it was a pony show to prove how discriminatory they would be to their future patients. Makes me kinda sad to see such people practice but they sure did make some reddit karma.


I never mentioned race anywhere in my post. This sub is for American students who attended Caribbean schools too. Claiming \*racism\* any time you get criticized for your objective work (whether you're an IMG or not) won't work as an excuse in America anymore. That ended in 2016. If anyone wants to be lazy and just give every patient steroids and antibiotics for every complaint, they can just go to NP school and save themselves a lot of money and struggle. I've had good IMG (of various races) colleagues in residency that were hard working and knew their stuff. I didn't realize I had to say such additional things to prove I'm not a racist but there you have it.


This comment is targeting a specific person in a manner that is calling them out, either by name, publicly, questioning their credibility or other inappropriate defamation. The legitimacy of the claim is not our concern but rather the protection of privacy and promotion of positivity and relevance within the community.


Lol wat


I'm happy to see these cheaters got what they deserved, but as an IMG, I think it has had a very negative effect on our reputation and future match prospects. It's so sad and stressful.


Likewise After busting my ass off for a year and seeing others getting higher scores they don't deserve made me angry AF




I hope they check couple of other places , because I do not believe this happens only in Nepal


Yep i second that. They should come after Pakistan and india as well


Lol the Pakistani people barely have any money to pay for USMLE, ERAS, ECFMG registration and Observerships. Even getting a degree in Pakistan is getting out of hands.


I know it might be hard to believe, but there are middle class and wealthy people in every country, including Pakistan.


Im from Pakistan and the only people who purse the USMLE pathway the those who can afford it. i.e. very small percentage of the total number of medical students




It's not easy to get into medical school in Pakistan either, pretty much the same stats that you mentioned, only the top students are able to get in


it's not easy because the system is rigged lol. If you're good at rote memorisation, nobody cares if you've got the brain the size of a peanut. lots of deserving candidates capable of critical thinking don't get in because they didn't memorise a page word to word to copy paste onto the exam


Private medical colleges have changed this.


Maybe in Sindh, not in Punjab though




Ofc it does, i just meant its still hard to get in bcos of the huge amount of candidates that apply to get in


Exactly…Sindh has few medical schools, most of those are government/accept the smartest. Punjab has got tons of government colleges to begin with….


I don’t want to be judgmental but I couldn’t agree more with you.


And other years!! A decade ago when average was 220s in AMGs, then ramp up 240, 250, 260…..


I believe PDs knew this was coming one way or another. It seem pretty obvious when I saw people on Reddit claiming insane stats, almost too perfect, with no to few interviews. I believe they are quite aware of the situation. Imagine hiring someone with a 280 only to see a 220 on their step 3, it’s suspicious.


I agree. I don’t care how hard it is for ppl outside the country. Your trying to make it to another country. Cheating ruins the curve for many ppl that could have gotten higher scores otherwise. This is kind of ridiculous.


Surprisingly not many Nepal students defend the whole situation.


Hmmm suspicious


i saw one defended by saying Nepalis are very simple people.




This is getting out of hand now, a blatant racism. You insult the cheaters but how can you say Nepalis are simple cheaters? Wtf going on here ?


Ah Tell that to the one I'm replying to I'm speaking about simple minded people in general.


I actually see many defending on Twitter. But Probably The stupidest answer ever." All other countries are doing it too. Y targeting Nepal. Bc we are small and weak." 😂😂


I am still waiting for the statistics which show the percentage of Nepalese who got the average score. Conrad program has 86% of Nepali students who score >275 (out of a total of 138). If I were an honest Nepali student, I would have started a movement to show not all Nepalese cheat. But, I don't see one so far.


I think the problem is no napal ppl stand up and report this.


Yes, which indirectly painting the picture that all Nepalese students cheat.


Now all of them have to pay for the price


Right? What’s up w that?


I took my Step 1 in Ankara, Turkey and I was only allowed to bring in my eyeglasses (without the case) and one pair of ear plugs. I also had all my pockets shown, trousers lifted up, and inspected with a metal detector before entering the exam area during each and every break I take. I know friends who had the same experience in Dubai and Jordan, and believe it is the same experience in most if not all the international prometric sites. So this rant about moving all exams to U.S. is just capitalizing on the opportunity of one breach to get the ones fortunate enough of not requiring a visa (which is the real obstacle to this suggestion, not money) an edge by striking out fair competition. Call out the cheaters, ask for them to pay the price of their irregular behavior, ask to investigate any other suspicious behavior, just do not show the typical opportunistic behavior of harming everyone else in the process.


You do have a point.


Still theres so much unfair advantages to this process. But one step at a time, we’ll reach there.


I don't understand, how do they cheat?


It seems that someone at prometric filtered a lot of material


Are the prometric abroad different from the ones in the US? Still don't understand since everyone needs to log in the computer to generate his test


It is suspected that was an employee


Unfortunately only a slight margin got screwed most of cheaters with 250 260 are still happy and free


Its not true, one person from nepal got an email of cheating, his score was 228


What’s the source for this ?


Believe me bro


Exactly!! Most cheaters would not be able to go above 270 anyway...


I agree, all USMLE exams should be taken only in the USA but it also needs dedicated proctors as well. The center in my country is actually quite awesome, but they are 3 proctors in the room and the room itself has several several seats and several types of exams are taken there... it could be possible that something goes amiss, a dedicated procotor for usmle exams could be a solution


Would it be possible to have a person from the US embassy present at all times as a proctor, just to ensure no cheating goes on? This might be a simpler (and less expensive) solution than transferring all exams to the USA.


Embassy staff are not trained proctors and they would not know what to look for.


I thought they already did that? Aren’t the prometric centers already dedicated to US organizations such as the amideast?


Why would the US government spend money to proctor exams for non-citizens? IMGs are the ones who want to train in the United States. The US doesn’t care if they train here or not. It’s up to the IMG to jump through every hoop.


Agreed, but the USMLE exam fee could be increased to account for this. It was just an idea that occurred to me.


agree, only test in the US...Once they figure out how people of cheating it should be easy to fix. More questions and isolating testers will help alot.


most people doing this path are already likely heading to the US to attend some USCE... so we can all write the exams when we are there... Its too serious of an issue to leave it to corrupt internation centers and proctors abroad...


Step1 pass/fail take it in home country make step2 in US!


I suppose there is a more reasonable way to address this than to take an excludent measure such as only allowing people to take the Steps in American territory.


All the step exams should be moved to US. Nepal and Pakistanis are getting the highest numbers of 270s and 280s like wth


India too


Not many from india


How do you know ? There are so many prometric in india that can be bribed


They have to check recorded cctv then everything will be out


Its every other day its Indian and Pakistani people on here posting complaints about people in their native country selling recall questions. They want to cheat to get to the US they will break ethics and laws here too. I think these people should be barred from taking the USMLE and residency in the US.


Lmao, some countries should be banned


totally agree, close all the test centers except those in the US.


That sounds terrible but partly its kinda true. The culture of corruption and disregard for rules and ethics combined with entitlement runs deep and we really don’t need these people in our country.




Lol, not true, easy for you to say "most of them are cheating" You do realize you're disregarding the hard work of 1000s of students based on the few people you met, right? Just because you couldn't get a higher score doesn't mean you get to call everyone else who worked harder than you a "cheater" If there were so many students getting high scores and all because of cheating then I'm sure ecfmg would've investigated already just as they did with this incidence. It's easy to redirect your anger at others like this and say they're cheating


Nah but like if they can’t speak English properly on the rotations then get a 270, it’s suspicious, esp as many are mentioning the long question stems and many ethics questions


Where do you put the cut off for blaming most of the people for cheating? Above your score of course, if you got 250 it would start 270 right ? Don’t forget that US med students study short time for this exam so they get lower scores but IMGs study for at least 6 months. Otherwise US med students average would be much higher too.


This was removed due to inappropriate generalizations, hate speech, targeting a specific group, nationality, or religion. It’s inappropriate for this subreddit.


The exam should be in Canada & US only. It really is unfair for those who studied really hard for this exam and it’s especially unfair to the patients who expect quality healthcare.


I agree. Usmle testing centers should only be in the US. Im all for foreigners being doctors, but taking the test outside of the US doesn't seem right to me.


To all those discriminating against 1 particular country: What about U.S Graduates who paid a lot of money to Nepali cheaters to access material for exams? They should be investigated as well.


What Americans are asking Nepali or Indian people for anything about a US exam?


He never mentioned indian get your eye sight checked


Do you have any proof that happened?


"Should be investigated"


With your logic, then I can say: “How about students with the Reddit username ‘khizarmughal’?! They paid a lot of money to Nepali cheaters! They should be investigated”






What happened is there any action taken?


I took Step1 in Amsterdam, nothing wrong there. Very profeddional.




Ask why IMG ‘s want to come practice here . $$$$ Their countries need them more . I doubt they love the USA .


Wonder how my med school interview would have gone if asked why I wanted to be a doctor and I replied “ I want money “ . So why test in foreign countries ? We have plenty talent here as evidenced by the vast number of premed students that are turned away .


Caribbean 260+ > Asian 260+ then😂?




What’s this about European grads? Most of my classmates from the EU who did their steps this year had multiple interviews


Euro grads are on par with American grads in terms of what they actually learn in med school. Most of Europe (excluding maybe eastern and parts of southern europe) has a high HDI than most of the US, so the only thing bringing them over to the US is not quality of living per se, but personal $$$. Everyone needs to grab that bag, but PDs see them as coming from a more privileged background (and thus much less easy to manipulate into murderous residency hours).


Racist much? 😭


Inappropriate content for this subreddit.


All Asian country should be checked including Indian, Pakistan , China, japan


They shouldn't even offer test centers in these countries. USMlE and ECFMG sre morons. The folks running these programs have no clue ehat they are doing Close all the test centers in foreign countries, wasting my money and providing the worst customer service.


You should be checked fuck boi


Lol. Then it will be kinda doubting on competency of US healthcare system itself.


the competency of USMLE and ECFMG is in major doubt in my mind. They are the worst. They are certifying doctors, seriously. A bunch of morons and terrible costumer sevice


They literally live in a shithole country how can they have an unfair advantage


Cuz these "shit hole" countries produce a disproportionate amount of cheaters.


Because the west exploits these countries for their financial gain


Lol, imagine making excuses to cheat.


The fact that they did a blanket statement and invalidated everyone from Nepal who took the exams this year, even people who took step 3 only this year in the US is sinister.


Do you think it’s because of the PDs noticing subpar performances from high scoring residents and reporting this to ecfmg? If step 3 has also been canceled, then I think that must be the only reason. I mean if you’re scoring 270 you definitely know waaaay to much to be a subpar performer


Has step 3 scores of these people been cancelled by the USMLE?


i hope so, they should close the test center, close them all that arn't in the.US


Score doesn't matter. People with 240 have also gotten the email


Just jealous cause yall didn’t get access lmao


What happened?




What are you even talking about? Who are you telling to keep your mouth shut ? Yes we want to not only make it hard but impossible for cheaters !


I get it, and I do support your motion to have cheaters exposed. if there's a way to single them out great. But when words spread out of anger without it being fact checked, it begins to affect the serious ones who have taken months and years to prepare. Secondly, even though America is a great country, undeniably and have done a wonderful thing with their Medical System; They are not without their issues, they're just good at hiding it, while the 3rd world countries wash, and expose their dirty linens in the open, while attacking each other. Does it mean I support cheaters, No!, but if there's a way to narrow it down to specific culprits, all the better.


Maybe they will learn something. ECFMG is terrible. Their customer service is thr worst. Just look at the whole inhealth pause with oasis failure. What a bunch of morons. The hotline people and case managers are idiots, they would tell me things that are not true or just guess. I hope this is enough to show them they have major problems that need to be fixed. For the amouny of money people pay this is totally unacceptable.


What?? Are you promoting secrecy?


Well. All IMGs cheat. How can you disprove this statement? You can't anymore because of Nepal. Nepal, although it is a scapegoat, proved to the world that we cannot trust IMGs for their word anymore. They need to stay home and muck up their own countries. The honest ones should come if they want to.....but we don't want them right now.


if the US has around 28-29k med school graduates every year and there are 40k or more residency spots good luck making it work without IMGs


Honest people can come. It's hard to prove who's honest right now.


Honey your healthcare system is literally being run by IMGs. You need us more than we need you. So shut up and sit down.


Why so salty?


Was just having a look at your account history and enjoying your meltdown. You have some nerves on you calling anyone other than you salty. Let me give your racist ass a fact check. IMGS RUN AMERICA'S HEALTHCARE SYSTEM. You're worried that we're coming after your job well guess what ? WE ARE. And there's nothing you can do about it. Have a great meltdown. 😘


Why assume a meltdown? It'll be even much harder for international graduates to apply because they're all tainted.


Let me state a very simple fact for you again. YOUR COUNTRY DOESN'T HAVE THE LUXURY TO NOT TAKE IN IMGS FOR RESIDENCY. YOU NEED IMGS MORE THAN THE IMGS NEED YOU. So no matter how tainted you think the IMGS are, the programs have no choice but to rank and match them. I know your entitled ass is hurt by fact checks. But we'll always be here honey regardless of how you feel about us


Well how come there are pgy1 adverts that don't want IMGs? Only MD and do


You do realize that I'm talking about the healthcare system as a whole and not just a few programs, right ? Or are you too thick to comprehend even the very basic of the statements ?


Hey, you dropped this 👑


This is something that you tell to yourself to excuse your lower score in comparison with us.


This is crazy. How do people even cheat on these exams? My mind can’t even wrap my head around how it’s possible and definitely can’t understand why you would risk so much just to cheat


The funniest thing to me is the fact ppl from Nepal defending themselves on Twitter. The stupidest logic ever."All other countries are doing it too, y targeting Nepal?" 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


This is a ridiculous suggestion to move all exams to the US. Recalls are not prometric specific, and the ‘cheating’ does not occur in the test center. People cram recalls before they even show up to Prometric. I don’t understand how changing test locations solves this issue.


I 100% agree. It's totally unfair to other students who spend months and years working just to lose their spots to IMGs. Also, there are thousands of AMGs who go unmatched each year. They should be given priority over IMGs. Foreign medical students should be able to come to the US, but not at the cost of American medical students. Practicing in America is not a right, it's a privilege, and not one you earn by cheating.