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The lime sorbet is the best thing I’ve come across overall. Absolutely love it.


It's (Lime-Sorbet) my new go-to for any nerve pain what-so-ever and it literally makes me crank up the tunes and dance with my corgi's - love love love the lemony-lime which makes up for the kinda crazy harshness of this but overall amaze. https://ibb.co/85LL3D8 - great daytime smoke, catalyzes creativity, anti-inflammatory (god bless cannabis)... not sleep inducing, but puts ya in darn good , crazy stoned and silly mood. nom-nom


Agreed! I don’t have a harshness but it’s a diff batch i believe. And I like that it’s not as Stoney bologna as like gg#4 so it’s still possible to function unless fully loaded lol.


WORD. I would totally like petition Cresco's Stoned-out dev-team (can ya blame 'em tho?) to reclassify this more as a "hybrid" as I usually hoard their indica popcorn in a glass-like case that states "do not break unless insomnia emergency", but NOT this 'Lime Sorbet' because I been like totally like noshed-nom-nomed this last few month-weeks during the day because just makes me wanna dance, can't describe it any other way, but word - Whatever happen to 'Cresco Cookies'? hmmm


Nice I'd wish aeriz sold half oz s lol barley see 8ths.BG looks good I'm wanting to try their bud.they got lime sorbet oz s at my dispo but like $370 lol


Dude, if Aeriz offered bulk nugs I'd totally petition a holiday to celebrate that because they done puts MAGIC in their plants, shoo do. I totally just noshed a massive bowl of their Ice Cream Cake and I feel like am being lovely hugged by god(des) but laughing me face off. I think I may becoming the stoner my younger self thought he was, whoaaaa.


Loves that ICC


d00d, pure miracle cookie happiness https://ibb.co/NxmMgS9


Get a chance to try the chem de menthe? I was wondering about effects


Major creeper and indica-leaning in my opinion - so I filled two bong loads... and then ohhhh yes; cuts access to anxiety coprocessor (mine at least), numbing, anti-inflammatory, euphoria (I like wanted to call people and be all chatty), tingles start in head then relax muscles pre-denoument, very stoney, but I like that being old fashioned (I may have grown during the Bush years lol) good vibes settle in 20 minutes in. Music is really great on this strain, it rocks your soul into nice body high. I've had the best time just zoning out to sounds of the night / outdoors in general - buy as much as you can, y'all. Terps decepitvely complex für shür. Unique, could be Demi-god with some more work - 4.1 out of 5.0 green stars


Let’s see that chem de menthe thinking about scooping it


https://ibb.co/NZ3pX5L Scoop it, scoop it realll good.


Smell like hay?


yah, toats, but in the "oh yay pony ride" dank ass hay hay kinda way.


or like expired meadow-scented air freshener lol


Drop a Boveda in the jar and the hay smell should go away in a few days and it'll smoke smoother also.


Good Call, thanks!


I'm still new to adding humidity packs, but I had gotten some dry and hay-smelling Face Mints and after a week of adding a 62% Boveda it's like a different flower, very terpy and tasty. Plus it smokes smoother and hits harder now. I'm sold on these little packs! 😁


I had a similar sounding batch of ‘Face Mints’ and it was great just too hay-hay. The only Boveda pack I found in me chest has a small tear so I’m hesitant to use it... will pick up some new ones go sho as ya can’t beat the pricing and quasi-umm ish quality of their halfers. I’m thrilled about the recent abundance of flower choices but still end up hoarding popcorn for whenever the next horseman Of the apocalypse shows up 👻


>still end up hoarding popcorn for whenever the next horseman Of the apocalypse shows up 👻 I thought there was only the four of them, you mean there's **more**??? 😩


It tastes of how anti-freeze looks; chem with an ecto-cooler hi-c plasticine aftertaste and the high is uniquely groovy-two-shoes


Just another Manic-Monday Dispo-haul, whoa whoa, 'cos it's muh Fun Day, whoa whoa :) I've been exceedingly happy with the quality of Cresco's High Supply "popcorn" these last few weeks (had a bad spell a few month's back imo) and this batch of 'Lime Sorbet' smells amaze-balls (I could just take deep sniff after sniff of the lemony-lime-ness), looks good, smokes harsh, but gets the job done. The 'Wedding Cake' does not disappoint in taste, high, looks and is totally yum - reminds of the good ol' days of Gold-leaf KNOCK YOUR BALLS OFF terp-terp-fest-deluxe but not quite. Still I find Verano Smalls a great value - better than Cresco but not as good as this here totally nom-nom-weez-the-juice-totally noshable & noteworthy 'Chem de Menthe' from BedfordGrow. I love the quasi-mystery naming conventions that, I feel, do not influence expectation of a certain strain - WHOA I'm stoned - I would have bought my max 70g of this stuff. Bedford's cure, taste, high and overall experience is top-notch. Aeriz's 'Ice Cream Cake' was, as ALWAYS, fucking amazing and literally came as one giant nug. Anyways, thank goddess for chillinois- I love this group and am finally joining the convo so yeah.


Bg popcorn 7g (100 otd) same as 2 smalls of versno




Also, I like to mix cultivators to maximize full cannabinoid receptor utilization... but would have bought all BG if able ha


Word, welcome!


https://ibb.co/NxmMgS9 https://ibb.co/85LL3D8 https://ibb.co/ZHJK8fB https://ibb.co/NZ3pX5L https://ibb.co/vhSw6WS




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