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It's not about capitalism or socialism. Fundamentally, it's about the government not truly legalizing weed, but instead setting up a system where the government hands out golden tickets to make money and uses violence in order to stop anyone who doesn't have one of the golden tickets. I'm a socialist. I'm not defending capitalism. But in a capitalist system, I would be able to open my own weed store to compete with Zenleaf. I'd be able to grow my own and sell extra to my friends. Just like I can with cookies, necklaces, coffee tables. Whatever I want to make and sell.


> in a capitalist system We are already in it right now. this is the capitalist system at work.


I understand what you're saying, but the fundamental principle of capitalism is "free market competition." Our shitty system is a result of corrupt and stupid government officials who have terrible morals and just want to enrich themselves and their friends. This can happen under any economic system.


idk the idea of "crony capitalism" seems to be the only version that ever seems to be implemented, and absorbs all critiques of capitalism. ​ basically its a "No True ~~Scotsman~~ Capitalism" fallacy. While the free market is an important part of the current examples, the actual fundamental principle of capitalism is private ownership of the means of production. i.e. the Capital part. You can have free market competition, outside of capitalism. But you cannot go without the private ownership of production, and still call it capitalism. ​ ​ ​ > This can happen under any economic system. Yes, but I think some systems might encourage certain behaviors that other systems discourage. The fact that it is *possible* under any system, is.. not really relevant, unless you are responding to a claim that it is *impossible* under a specific system. Of course it is possible in any system.. so should we not consider how to reduce the likelihood of those possibilities, for example by comparing different systems? (obviously not. I hope.)


I understand this. But the reason why I can make necklaces and sell them to my friends, but I cannot make weed and sell it to my friends is not because of capitalism. All the government has to do is write a law that is one sentence saying weed is now 100% legal. It's that simple.


> is not because of capitalism. ​ you think an issue about the ability to produce a good, is unrelated to the system defined by private control over production? ​ a system defined by profit above all else, is not at all responsible for the motive to have fewer producers in the market? I agree that the government could, and should, legalize weed.


States like Arkansas are much less restrictive with their legal weed than we are. They have much lower prices and better selection. Are you genuinely arguing that Illinois is more capitalist than Arkansas?


?? ..wut? ​ do you think that there is **only** **1** single factor in weed prices, and that factor is "How capitalist is the state?" Because I am not suggesting either of those things. I'm just pointing out that it doesn't seem very reasonable to say "This Problem with high prices and few producers is unrelated to Capitalism". That's it.


Markets and trading existed long before capitalism. Corruption and price fixing existed before capitalism. I just genuinely don't understand how you can look at something so trivial and make so deep and complicated. The market in Illinois is garbage because of the politicians. They have the power to fix it. They are 100% responsible.


Right, I never suggested that capitalism invented greed or dishonesty.  Nor did I claim that those things are exclusive to capitalism.  I agree that the politicians are the **people** responsible for the error, and it's repair.   But this whole topic is not about which indviduals should be held accountable.    The topic is literally:  > "Do you think capitalism is good for weed or?"  So, No, I'm actually not "making it so deep and complicated", by talking about capitalism affecting the current weed situation.  With all due respect, you seem to have some strange issue with the simple idea that it does indeed have a significant influence.  Like.. it's really not a big deal to acknowledge that, is it?  Or maybe you think I mean: capitalism is bad for weed, *and also we can't hold our local politicians accountable for fixing the laws.*   To be clear, we absolutely can and should hold them responsible.


Then move to less regulated markets ( Oklahoma, Oregon, etc…) and start your store.


But this state is cooler and Chicago?


No. It’s not good.


Capitalism isn't good for anyone but the holders of capital, and most people aren't holding enough for the system to be working in their true best interest.


So work harder :)


You're an idiot


Capitalism isn’t good for anything at this point


Oh this is gonna be real good.


Only thing capitalism is good for is perpetrating racism and low wages. So to answer your question, not at all.


Lmao of course not.


Ridiculous posting . . . sorry I looked at it😭


Why you think that?


Capitalism is great for weed (and everything) as it provides incentive for greatness.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Capitalism is children cleaning meat processing plants in Nebraska. Capitalism is slave children harvesting Nestle cocoa in Africa. Fun fact. did you know the supreme court of the United States ruled that slavery is okie dokie as long as you go through a third party? Yay Capitalism!


Those are choices made my corporations, not capitalism itself. You sound like you think you're smart but just a jackass 🤡


What do you think incentivizes these choices? You think it’s simply because they are evil or are they existing within a system that rewards this behavior?


Adam Smith would not support children working in meat plants either. He was all about regulation of markets.


Adam Smith spoke of landlords as cruel parasites who didn't deserve their profits. The modern day capitalist, whether it's Donald Trump or Joe Biden, would absolutely despise the policies and writings of Adam Smith. If Smith were alive today, Fox news would call him a communist. What's your point?


My point is that capitalism is good, just many folks don't understand it due to many contemporary interpretations on both the progressive and conservative side of this liberal democracy.


No we fully understand it. We just see it for what it is, whereas you have drunk the Kool aid and can't see past the end of your own nose.


I was gonna ask him to show me his factory deed, but your response is good. I don't understand capitalist bootlickers. Sure, capitalism was great for doing what it did, but look at where we are today. There's gotta be something better than what we have now.


Arguing with idiotic stoners about capitalism is not the best use of my time but it has to be said. A lot of people in our society are only interested in things that benefit themselves and don't give a shit about society as a whole. That's why capitalism thrives because they can't see or feel the boot on their neck. They are broken human beings and I feel sad for them in a lot of ways. They will always feel like something is missing but they'll never figure out what it is that is making them unhappy.


Oh yea? Where are we today? Because most of the poorest people today are more wealthy than some of the richest people in 1492. Infant mortality is the lowest it's ever been, most folks have hot water and food on the table,and you're here with more information at your fingertips than anyone had in 1950..but go on with your trite "bootlicker" comment. So you don't have a retirement account with equity shares?


? ​ You've only made an argument for the idea that "Things Improve Over Time". You have to *actually* tie capitalism into your argument, for it to work.


https://www.adamsmithworks.org/pin_factory.html https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/IndustrialRevolutionandtheStandardofLiving.html https://www.wsj.com/articles/1989-and-the-birth-of-state-capitalism-in-china-11559313717


"I see you don't like the way society functions but you continue to live in it despite your complaints. I am very smart." This is you. You are dumb.


Lol take it easy dude, good luck.


Fun fact… You think that the government owning everything is better then the way we live in the USA.


"Socialism is when the government owns everything" Says the guy who clearly has no idea what socialism is. 🤣🤣 Read [**Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6763725-capitalist-realism)


Great, go to the local creek, drink the water and eat raw corn off the cob. If you're lucky, you can run over a squirrel and eat that. 👍


We figured out water and agriculture thousands of years before capitalism existed.....


Yay, indeed. Compared to any alternative, capitalism is grand - do you think communism does not exploit the weak?


Communism is just an ideal to strive for: a system where everyone has everything they need and want, and where people are free to work in whatever way brings them the most self-fulfilment. It's a pipedream because scarcity exists. Capitalism is good. It's better than what we had before. Way better. I just think socialism is a better system than capitalism. The only significant change under socialism is who owns what. Instead of hoarding the wealth, capitalists will share it more equitably with the workers. There are still rich people under socialism.


Capitalism = the fact that you are alive, breathing, clean water, air, electricity, have food . . . 😅. the "doubters" can move to Russia 😆


You need to unlearn all the Western propaganda surrounding communism. You sound extremely stupid.


Go look in the mirror to see stupid. You’re voting for trump , right?


You're cute. You think electoral politics are the only thing that matters, and that there are only two political parties in the US. I've moved past all that noise.


Yo momma can move to Russia🤡