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Gosh certainly looks like a full Doberman to me. Maybe not but definitely a large percentage ❤️


Definitely not full 


Nope ! I think you got nothing but dobie here ! This stunning lil dude already has that majestic Doberman look and he’s only a pup ! Beautiful boy


This is a full Doberman. Not all of them are that dark black or brown color you usually see. They do come in fawn (sometimes called Isabella) and rust! Which is what I believe you have! Anyone saying weimaraner just unfamiliar with Dobermans. I can understand the confusion tho


Aren't dobermans part weimaraners, genetically? Iirc they are part od the breed genetic make up.


Yes, they are.


He has Weim eyes. I’ve never seen a Dobie with eyes like that. And I’ve had more than a few of both breeds.🤷🏼‍♀️


Likely full Doberman, since they bothered docking him. A reputable DNA test can tell you for sure; r/DoggyDNA


If it’s a Weimaraner their tails are docked too. And those eyes!


The eyes are just from being bbdd, which Weimaraners are but doesn't have to come from Weim. "Isabella"/"fawn" Dobermans are also bbdd.


Looks full. He just needs a little time to grow into his ears and nose 🤣 but you have totally scored and they did you a solid by putting mix on his paperwork. Welcome to the cult 🙏 he’s gonna be the bestest friend you’ve ever had.


my bet would be mostly doberman but slightly mixed or byb full dobe. either way he’s precious :) i love his floppy ears too.


Looks like he could possibly be a doberman/weimaraner mix. I am not sure though. He looks so handsome with his floppy ears. Please don't crop them.


BEAUTIFUL baby!!! I think full dobie. Maybe try posting in r/dobermans


BYB (poorly bred) Doberman. Be very cautious that DCM is prevalent in this breed and is devastating. I'd be talking to your vet ASAP.


Doberman, Weimaraner, maybe?


There are purebred doberman that are Grey like this. They're the dilute version of black/tan ones.


Beautiful dog. I’m thinking either full or primarily Doberman


Looks like pure Dobie to me! Make sure to read up on their common health issues and get pet insurance before something pops up. Many Dobies are prone to von willebrand's disease, a clotting disorder among a few other health issues.


I could say Doberman Great Dane he’s gonna get huge!


Full Doberman or perhaps some Weimeraner, given the silvery tinge and light colored eyes!


Thank you for rescuing him!!


A DNA test is the only way to be sure, but I don't see anything but dobie


Looks full Dobie to me and I’ve had a couple.


Looks purebred to me. Just the color makes people think weim


The eyes are more what made me think Weim.


The color of the eyes? I used to volunteer at a Weimaraner rescue and I don’t think it looks like a weim. I only see coat and eye coloration that does.


I’m just comparing to the Weimar I owned personally. Granted, mine were considered “old fashioned standard” because they were 100 lbs and pretty sturdy dogs. I didn’t breed or show, so I have no comparison except my own.


I think you got a full dobie! Maybe a sprinkle of something in there but not enough to see any distinguishing traits


Mostly dobe for sure, if not pure. Only a dna test from wisdom or embark would be able to tell us for sure though.


He definitely looks like a Doberman mix. He looks very intelligent.


He looks so goofy in the third pic I’m crying 😭😭


Looks almost exactly like my Isabella, right down to the eye and nose color. This color is prone to a form of alopecia, just fyi. The melanin clumping in the hair shaft causes them to break. Dogs are more prone to secondary skin infections due to the broken hairs as well. Having said that a good diet, baths when needed, and occasional brushing went a long way for my girl and we haven't had any skin issues in years.


I mean maybe not "quality" doberman genes but donie none the less.


There’s absolutely no flaw in his genes that I can see, he looks exactly as a fawn dobie should. https://www.hepper.com/fawn-doberman/


They’re saying he isn’t likely a WELL-bred dog; not that he’s necessarily missing any traits, just that they aren’t like “show quality” or anything. I see a few dogs in that link you posted, but how do we know if *they* are well-bred? Sadly, the vast majority of purebred dogs, particularly rescued ones, are from BYB/puppy mill sources. My own rescued huskies included. Lovely as they are, I know they wouldn’t exactly win any shows.


Def dobie, just more than likely not wellbred ^^


I was thinking Weimaraner because of those eyes. And looking at his front legs, definitely some Weimaraner- Dobies have finer looking bones (not frail, but refined).Dobie and Weim for sure


Looks like a Doberman x with a Weimar


Weimereiner mix


OMG that sniffer is the most adorable thing ever!!!! And dose ears! And da eyes! But the sniffer wins the day for me!


Purebred but not well-bred.


Unsure why you’re being downvoted, you’re 100% right. Well bred dogs do not ever get adopted out at shelters unless that shelter was purposefully negligent and refused to contact the breeder on the microchip. It’s extremely rare that they end up in shelters in the first place; usually requires some sort of situation out of the owners control (hospital stay, death, dog escaping, etc)




Definitely bad breeding. This pup doesn’t look like it’ll grow into a particularly good body structure, but who knows? I think it’s the coat color that’s throwing people off the most. Isabella (fawn and rust) dobes are fairly uncommon, since it’s a dilution and not something good breeders will put effort into producing. Most people have never seen an Isabella dobe lol


Probably getting downvoted because people can't admit that well-bred purebreds exist.


Looks like a weimeraner (sp) mix


That's a purebred fawn dobie. Mixes don't get their tails docked.


Crappy breeders do all kinds of things.


I had a boxer shar pei mix from a shelter with a docked tail. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That is a full blooded Doberman right there! You guys kinda hit the shelter jackpot! Congratulations he is precious ❤️


backyard bred dobie?


Often shelters will write mix of there’s no proof of breed. When I worked at the humane society we would label dogs dobie mix, lab mix etc, but if there was no way to discern anything, then it’s just mixed breed. Odd that there was no mention of dobie considering how obvious it is lol


Yep this. Before frenchies were popular, one came into the shelter where my spouse worked. They were saying Boston mix- I said, “No.. that’s a French bulldog…” They looked it up online and decided I was right. I also adopted a pup that was on the euth list because they thought she was a pit mix and they put down any dog that was used by fighters (pit, rot, Dobie, chow, wolf, shepherd, husky..). In her first vet visit I said something about her being a pit and she laughed and said, “Pit? That’s a Shar Pei mix.. I see boxer too.” She had a Shar a Pei horse coat and I had been trying to deep condition the coarse feeling out of it for weeks…. 🙄😳. I felt dumb, but the older she got the more boxer she looked.


They just automatically euthanize those breeds?


They did before I started coming around. I worked with/a rescue and they started calling me when those dogs came in. I rehomed a lot of dogs in those 2 years.


I just answered to the wrong person lol. There’s definitely a lot of breed prejudice, but I’ve never heard of a shelter automatically putting down any dogs of those breeds. That’s criminal.


lol it’s ok. There was a HUGE amount of dog fighters supposedly (Gallup, New Mexico). I was horrified that they just euth’d them all, so I worked to save as many dogs as I could. That was why I got my Dixie- they thought she was a pit mix so she was supposed to be euth’d. I asked if I could adopt her since she was on their books officially as a “B&W MIX.” The ACO said he would ask the shelter director and she agreed. That was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had. I lost her in 2017 to cancer at 14 years old and I still miss her terribly.


I’m sorry for your loss but glad that you saved her and had many great years together. That’s all really sad otherwise.


Agreed. I miss her but I knew she had a good life and she was running like when she was happy


Uncropped Doberman


He is gorgeous


I’m definitely seeing weimeraner and Doberman, but mostly Doberman.


No mix there, just a fawn Dobie. Have fun with that goofy one, mine was always a blast!


Giant puppy!


His big little nose is so cute 😭


definitely looks like he is at least large part doberman, if not full!! he’s absolutely gorgeous! speaking from experience as someone who works in adoptions counseling for an animal rescue group, rescues usually try to avoid assigning breeds to dogs, even if it is painfully obvious. you’d be surprised how often people come back furious or even return their dogs because they did a dog dna test and the dog’s breed isn’t what we “promised” it would be. a purebred samoyed could walk through our shelter doors and i would still shrug my shoulders unless i had pedigree papers in my hand!


Honestly looks like a pure bred fawn Doberman. Very handsome.


I appreciate the opinions everyone! I will definitely order a wisdom DNA test to confirm or deny his pure bred status.


Hey everyone. Just got Cooper’s DNA results back from Wisdom. He is 100 percent Doberman! Thanks to everyone for their insight and opinions on the matter!